990 resultados para Suppressor T-cells
The present study was designed to explore the correlation between the frequency of micronuclei in Trad-MN, measured across 28 biomonitoring stations during the period comprised between 11 of May and 2 of October, 2006, and adjusted mortality rates due to cardiovascular, respiratory diseases and cancer in Sao Jose dos Campos, Brazil, an area with different sources of air pollution. For controlling purposes, mortality rate due to gastrointestinal diseases (an event less prone to be affected by air pollution) was also considered in the analysis. Spatial distribution of micronuclei frequency was determined using average interpolation. The association between health estimators and micronuclei frequency was determined by measures of Pearson`s correlation. Higher frequencies of micronuclei were detected in areas with high traffic and close to a petrochemical pole. Significant associations were detected between micronuclei frequency and adjusted mortality rate due to cardiovascular diseases (r = 0.841, p = 0.036) and cancer (r = 0.890, p = 0.018). The association between mortality due to chronic obstructive pulmonary diseases was positive but did not reach statistical significance (r = 0.640, p = 0.172), probably because of the small number of events. Gastrointestinal mortality did not exhibit significant association with micronuclei frequency. Because the small number of observations and the nature of an ecological study, the present findings must be considered with caution and considered as preliminary. Further studies, performed in different conditions of contamination and climate should be done before considering Trad-MN in the evaluation of human health risk imposed by air pollutants. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Defense against malaria depends upon amplification of the spleen structure and function for the clearance of parasitized red blood cells (pRBC). We studied the distribution and amount of CD(34+) cells in the spleens of mice infected with rodent malaria. We sought to identify these cells in the spleen and determine their relationship to infection. C57BL/6J mice were infected with self-resolving, Plasmodium chabaudi CR, or one of the lethal rodent malaria strains, P. chabaudi AJ and P. berghei ANKA. We then recorded parasitemia, mortality, and the presence of CD(34+) cells in spleen, as determined by immunohistochemistry and flow cytometry. In the non-lethal strain, the spleen structure was maintained during amplification, but disrupted in lethal models. The abundance of CD(34+) cells increased in the red pulp on the 4th and 6th days p.i. in all models, and subsided on the 8th day p.i. Faint CD(34+) staining on the 8th day p.i., was probably due to differentiation of committed cell lineages. In this work, increase of spleen CD(34+) cells did not correlate with infection control. (c) 2009 Published by Elsevier Inc.
In South America, visceral leishmaniasis is a zoonosis caused by the protozoan species Leishmania infantum (syn. L. chagasi) and is primarily transmitted through the bite of the female Lutzomyia longipalpis. Its main reservoir in urban areas is the dog. The application of control measures recommended by health agencies have not achieved significant results in reducing the incidence of human cases, and the lack of effective drugs to treat dogs resulted in the prohibition of this course of action in Brazil. Therefore, it is necessary to search new alternatives for the treatment of canine and human visceral leishmaniasis. The objectives of this study were to evaluate the in vitro effect of fractions from Aloe vera (aloe), Coriandrum sativum (coriander), and Ricinus communis (castor) on promastigotes and amastigotes of L. infantum and to analyze the toxicity against the murine monocytic cells RAW 264.7. To determine the viability of these substances on 50% parasites (IC50), we used a tetrazolium dye (MU) colorimetric assay (bromide 3-4.5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl-2,5-dephenyltetrazolium), and on amastigotes we performed an in situ ELISA. All fractions were effective against L. infantum promastigotes and did not differ from the positive control pentamidine (p > 0.05). However, the R. communis ethyl acetate and chloroform fractions, as well as the C. sativum methanol fraction, were the most effective against amastigotes and did not differ from the positive control amphotericin B (p > 0.05). The R. communis ethyl acetate fraction was the least toxic, presenting 83.5% viability of RAW 264.7 cells, which was similar to the results obtained with amphotericin B (p > 0.05). Based on these results, we intend to undertake in vivo studies with R. communis ethyl acetate fractions due the high effectiveness against amastigotes and promastigotes of L. infantum and the low cytotoxicity towards murine monocytic cells. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Mast cells (MCs) are associated with chronic inflammatory diseases. However, there is no study evaluating the importance of MCs in the mucosal leishmaniasis (ML). The aim of this study was to quantify the most important cytokines associated with mucosal leishmaniasis, before and after disease treatment, correlating with the healing. A cohort of 12 patients with ML was evaluated, and biopsies were taken before and after the treatment. A quantitative estimation of MCs and some cytokines was analysed by density of the labelled cells through immunohistochemistry. The MCs count in the tissue from patients with ML before treatment showed a mean of 29.3 +/- 37.9 cells/mm(2). The MCs count in patients with ML after healing decreased to 14.8 +/- 23.9 cells/mm(2). There was an inverse relation of MCs with IFN-gamma and IL-4 expression (r(2) = 29.4 and r(2) = 22.3 with P < 0.05). The expression of IL-10 and TNF-alpha was not related with MCs count. MCs decrease after treatment associated with decrease of IL-4 and IFN-gamma. The explanations of cytokine correlation are discussed in the article.
The aim of the current study was to investigate the apoptosis of neurons, astrocytes and immune cells from human patients that were infected with rabies virus by vampire bats bite. Apoptotic neurons were identified by their morphology and immune cells were identified using double immunostaining. There were very few apoptotic neurons present in infected tissue samples, but there was an increase of apoptotic infiltrating CD4+ and TCD8+ adaptive immune cells in the rabies infected tissue. No apoptosis was present in NK, macrophage and astrocytes. The dissemination of the human rabies virus within an infected host may be mediated by viral escape of the virus from an infected cell and may involve an anti-apoptotic mechanism, which does not kill the neuron or pro-apoptosis of TCD4+ and TCD8+ lymphocytes and which allows for increased proliferation of the virus within the CNS by attenuation of the adaptive immune response. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
We hypothesized that bone marrow-derived mononuclear cells (BMDMC) would attenuate the remodeling process in a chronic allergic inflammation model. C57BL/6 mice were assigned to two groups. In OVA, mice were sensitized and repeatedly challenged with ovalbumin. Control mice (C) received saline under the same protocol. C and OVA were further randomized to receive BMDMC (2 x 10(6)) or saline intravenously 24 h before the first challenge. BMDMC therapy reduced eosinophil infiltration, smooth muscle-specific actin expression, subepithelial fibrosis, and myocyte hypertrophy and hyperplasia, thus causing a decrease in airway hyperresponsiveness and lung mechanical parameters. BMDMC from green fluorescent protein (GFP)-transgenic mice transplanted into GFP-negative mice yielded lower engraftment in OVA. BMDMC increased insulin-like growth factor expression, but reduced interleukin-5, transforming growth factor-beta, platelet-derived growth factor, and vascular endothelial growth factor mRNA expression. In conclusion, in the present chronic allergic inflammation model, BMDMC therapy was an effective pre-treatment protocol that potentiated airway epithelial cell repair and prevented inflammatory and remodeling processes. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Hepatic progenitor cells (HPCs) are bipotential stem cells residing in human and animal livers that are able to differentiate towards the hepatocytic or cholangiocytic lineages. HPCs are present in both hepatocellular (HCC) and cholangiocellular carcinoma (CC) in humans; and a small percentage of HCC can originate from cancer stem cells. However, its distribution in canine liver tumour has not been studied. Herein, we searched for stem/progenitor cells in 13 HCC and 7 CC archived samples by immunohistochemical analysis. We found that both liver tumours presented a higher amount of K19-positive HPCs. Besides, 61.6% of HCC cases presented immature CD44-positive hepatocytes. Nevertheless, only two cases presented CD133-positive cells. As observed in humans, hepatic canine tumours presented activated HPCs, with important differentiation onto hepatocytes-like cells and minimal role of cancer stem cells on HCC. These findings reiterate the applicability of canine model in the search for new therapies before application in humans.
Jorge Lobo`s disease is a chronic infection caused by the fungus Lacazia loboi endemic in South America. The infection is characterized by the appearance of parakeloidal, ulcerated or verrucous nodular or plaque-like cutaneous lesions. The histopathological aspect is characterized by poorly organized granulomas with histiocytes and multinucleated giant cells. Little is known about local immune response in lobomycosis skin lesions. Thirty-three skin biopsies from patients with Jorge Lobo`s disease were selected from Ambulatory of Dermatology, UFPA. The control group was constituted by ten biopsies from normal skin. Langerhans cells were identified by immunohistochemistry using anti-CD1a antibody (Serotec). The number of positive cells was statistically analyzed. Langerhans cells were visualized along the epidermis in biopsies from Jorge Lobo`s disease and the morphology and the number of Langerhans cells did not differ from normal skin (p > 0.05). In Jorge Lobo`s disease, this cell population probably presents some escape mechanism of the local immune system to evade the antigen presentation by those cells. (C) 2010 Published by Elsevier B.V.
Several differences have been described between neonatal and adult immune responses. The predisposition in early life to Th2-type response or tolerance makes it a susceptible period for infections and allergic sensitization. The aim of this work was to evaluate the effects of CpG-containing oligodeoxynucleotides on neonatal and adult immunization with ovalbumin and Blomia tropicalis extract and compare the CpG effects on B and T cells of neonatal and adult mice. Mice that received CpG showed reduced immunoglobulin E (IgE) antibody production in both neonatal and adult periods, in parallel to increased IgG2a antibody levels. We observed that spleen cells of mice that received CpG in early life produced increased amounts of interferon-gamma upon anti-CD3 stimulation. Negative regulation of IgE response was more pronounced in adult than neonate mice; further, CpG decreased anaphylactic antiovalbumin IgG1 only in adults. Also, an upregulation of toll-like receptor 9 expression was detected in adult B cells, but not in neonatal, upon CpG stimuli. Neonatal B cells showed enhanced interleukin (IL)-10 expression and decreased IL-6 levels than adult B cells in response to CpG. When we analyzed in vitro activation of CD4+ T cells, an increased expression of B7 molecules on T cells in neonates was suppressed by CpG. Altogether, we verified qualitative and quantitative evidences regarding CpG effect on neonatal and adult allergens immunizations, which points to the importance of understanding neonatal immune system to establish immunomodulatory strategies for prevention of allergic diseases.
Leprosy is a curable chronic granulomatous infectious disease caused by the bacillus Mycobacterium leprae. This organism has a high affinity for skin and peripheral nerve cells. In the evolution of infections, the immune status of patients determines the disease expression. Dendritic cells are antigen-presenting cells that phagocytose particles and microorganisms. In skin, dendritic cells are represented by epidermal Langerhans cells and dermal dendrocytes, which can be identified by expression of CD1a and factor XIIIa (FXIIIa). In the present study, 29 skin samples from patients with tuberculoid (13 biopsies) and lepromatous (16 biopsies) leprosy were analyzed by immunohistochemistry using antibodies to CD1a and FXIIIa. Quantitative analysis of labeling pattern showed a clear predominance of dendritic cells in tuberculoid leprosy. Difference between the number of positive cells of immunohistochemistry for the CD1a and FXIIIa staining observed in this study indicates a role for dendritic cells in the cutaneous response to leprosy. Dendritic cells may be a determinant of the course and clinical expression of the disease.
Introduction. The hippocampal formation is a specific structure in the brain where neurogenesis occurs throughout adulthood and in which the neuronal cell loss causes various demential states. The main goal of this study was to verify whether fetal neural progenitor cells (NPCs) from transgenic rats expressing green fluorescent protein (GFP) retain the ability to differentiate into neuronal cells and to integrate into the hippocampal circuitry after transplantation. Methods. NPCs were isolated from E14 (gestational age: 14 days postconception) transgenic-Lewis and wild-type Sprague-Dawley rat embryos. Wild-type and transgenic cells were expanded and induced to differentiate into a neuronal lineage in vitro. Immunocytochemical and electrophysiological analysis were performed in both groups. GFP-expressing cells were implanted into the hippocampus and recorded electrophysiologically 3 months thereafter. Immunohistochemical analysis confirmed neuronal differentiation, and the yield of neuronal cells was determined stereologically. Results. NPCs derived from wild-type and transgenic animals are similar regarding their ability to generate neuronal cells in vitro. Neuronal maturity was confirmed by immunocytochemistry and electrophysiology, with demonstration of voltage-gated ionic currents, firing activity, and spontaneous synaptic currents. GFP-NPCs were also able to differentiate into mature neurons after implantation into the hippocampus, where they formed functional synaptic contacts. Conclusions. GFP-transgenic cells represent an important tool in transplantation studies. Herein, we demonstrate their ability to generate functional neurons both in vitro and in vivo conditions. Neurons derived from fetal NPCs were able to integrate into the normal hippocampal circuitry. The high yield of mature neurons generated render these cells important candidates for restorative approaches based on cell therapy.
An increasing number of studies have shown altered expression of secreted protein acidic and rich in cysteine (SPARC) and N-myc down-regulated gene (NDRG1) in several malignancies, including breast carcinoma; however, the role of these potential biomarkers in tumor development and progression is controversial. In this study, NDRG1 and SPARC protein expression was evaluated by immunohistochemistry on tissue microarrays containing breast tumor specimens from patients with 10 years of follow-up. NDRG1 and SPARC protein expression was determined in 596 patients along with other prognostic markers, such as ER, PR, and HER2. The status of NDRG1 and SPARC protein expression was correlated with prognostic variables and patient clinical outcome. Immunostaining revealed that 272 of the 596 cases (45.6%) were positive for NDRG1 and 431 (72.3%) were positive for SPARC. Statistically significant differences were found between the presence of SPARC and NDRG1 protein expression and standard clinicopathological variables. Kaplan-Meier analysis showed that NDRG1 positivity was directly associated with shorter disease-free survival (DFS, P < 0.001) and overall survival (OS, P < 0.001). In contrast, patients expressing low levels of SPARC protein had worse DFS (P = 0.001) and OS (P = 0.001) compared to those expressing high levels. Combined analysis of the two markers indicated that DFS (P < 0.001) and OS rates (P < 0.001) were lowest for patients with NDRG1-positive and SPARC-negative tumors. Furthermore, NDRG1 over-expression and SPARC down-regulation correlated with poor prognosis in patients with luminal A or triple-negative subtype breast cancer. On multivariate analysis using a Cox proportional hazards model, NDRG1 and SPARC protein expression were independent prognostic factors for both DFS and OS of breast cancer patients. These data indicate that NDRG1 over-expression and SPARC down-regulation could play important roles in breast cancer progression and serve as useful biomarkers to better define breast cancer prognosis.
Background and Aims. HTLV-I-transformed T cells secrete biologically active forms of vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) and basic fibroblast growth factor (b-FGF). In addition, HTLV-I-transformed cells have a high capacity of adhesion to endothelial cells. Methods. We measured the circulating endothelial progenitor cells (EPCs) and mature endothelial cells (MECs) by flow cytometry in 27 HTLV-I carriers in comparison to 30 healthy, age- and gender-matched subjects. All subjects had HTLV-I positivity confirmed by Western blot and/or polymerase chain reaction (PCR). The numbers of different subpopulations of EPCs and MECSs were evaluated by four-color flow cytometry using a panel of monoclonal antibodies. All reactions were done in duplicate to confirm reproducibility of the results. Results. The median age of all 27 HTLV-I carriers enrolled in this study was 45 years (range: 27-65 years); 11(41%) were male and 16 (59%) were female. The median age of the 30 healthy subjects in the control group was 45.5 years (range: 20-63 years); 11 (36.6%) were male and 19 (63.4%) were female. The number of EPCs was significantly higher in HTLV-I carriers (median 0.8288 cells/mu L, range: 0.0920-3.3176 cells/mu L) as compared to control group (median 0.4905 cells/mu L, range: 0.0000-1.5660 cells/mu L) (p = 0.035). In contrast, the median of the MECs in the HTLV-I carriers was 0.6380 cells/mu L (range: 0.0473-5.7618 cells/mu L) and 0.4950 cells/mu L (range: 0.0000-4.0896 cells/mu L) in the control group, with no statistical difference (p = 0.697). Conclusions. We demonstrated that EPCs, but not MECs, are increased in the peripheral blood of HTLV-I carriers. (C) 2011 IMSS. Published by Elsevier Inc.