786 resultados para Sports -- Social aspects


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The objective of this research is to identify the factors that influence the migration of free software to proprietary software, or vice-versa. The theoretical framework was developed in light of the Diffusion of Innovations Theory (DIT) proposed by Rogers (1976, 1995), and the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT) proposed by Venkatesh, Morris, Davis and Davis (2003). The research was structured in two phases: the first phase was exploratory, characterized by adjustments of the revised theory to fit Brazilian reality and the identification of companies that could be the subject of investigation; and the second phase was qualitative, in which case studies were conducted at ArcelorMittal Tubarão (AMT), a private company that migrated from proprietary software (Unix) to free software (Linux), and the city government of Serra, in Espírito Santo state, a public organization that migrated from free software (OpenOffice) to proprietary (MS Office). The results show that software migration decision takes into account factors that go beyond issues involving technical or cost aspects, such as cultural barriers, user rejection and resistance to change. These results underscore the importance of social aspects, which can play a decisive role in the decision regarding software migration and its successful implementation.


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Dissertação apresentada para a obtenção do grau de Mestre em Psicologia do Desporto e Exercício.


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Mänskliga faktorer som till exempel kommunikation och tillit påverkar hur människor interagerar med varandra. I agil systemutveckling ingår relationer, samspel och samarbete mellan människor och dessa påverkar om systemutvecklingsprojektet anses framgångsrikt eller ej. Men ofta i systemutvecklingsprojekt så läggs det mer tid på själva tekniken än de sociala aspekterna, där de mänskliga faktorerna i många fall är en avgörande faktor för projektets slutresultat. Syftet med det nuvarande arbetet är att beskriva vilka mänskliga faktorer som är viktiga för att effektivisera samarbete i agila systemutvecklingsprojekt, samt att beskriva hur agil systemutveckling på Trafikverket utförs. Trafikverket ville ha studien genomförd för att resultatet av studien skulle hjälpa till att minska antalet mindre framgångsrika systemutvecklingsprojekt på Trafikverket. Huvudfrågan i arbetet är: Vilka mänskliga faktorer är viktiga för att effektivisera samarbetet mellan verksamhetskunniga och utvecklare i agila systemutvecklingsprojekt? En fallstudie utfördes vid Trafikverket genom sju semistrukturerade intervjuer som följdes upp av enkäter och dokumentstudier. Det sammanlagda resultatet tyder på att för att effektivisera samarbetet mellan verksamhetskunniga och utvecklare i agila systemutvecklingsprojekt på Trafikverket krävs fokus på följande fem mänskliga faktorer: kommunikation, tillit, ledarskap, kunskap och motivation.


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Socratic questioning stresses the importance of questioning for learning. Flipped Classroom pedagogy generates a need for effective questions and tasks in order to promote active learning. This paper describes a project aimed at finding out how different kinds of questions and tasks support students’ learning in a flipped classroom context. In this study, during the flipped courses, both the questions and tasks were distributed together with video recordings. Answers and solutions were presented and discussed in seminars, with approximately 10 participating students in each seminar. Information Systems students from three flipped classroom courses at three different levels were interviewed in focus groups about their perceptions of how different kinds of questions and tasks supported their learning process. The selected courses were organized differently, with various kinds of questions and tasks. Course one included open questions that were answered and presented at the seminar. Students also solved a task and presented the solution to the group. Course two included open questions and a task. Answers and solutions were discussed at the seminars where students also reviewed each other’s answers and solutions. Course three included online single- and multiple choice questions with real-time feedback. Answers were discussed at the seminar, with the focus on any misconceptions. In this paper we categorized the questions in accordance with Wilson (2016) as factual, convergent, divergent, evaluative, or a combination of these. In all, we found that any comprehensible question that initiates a dialogue, preferably with a set of Socratic questions, is perceived as promoting learning. This is why seminars that allow such questions and discussion are effective. We found no differences between the different kinds of Socratic questions. They were seen to promote learning so long as they made students reflect and problematize the questions. To conclude, we found that questions and tasks promote learning when they are answered and solved in a process that is characterized by comprehensibility, variation, repetition and activity.


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Con el fin de la Segunda Guerra Mundial y el escenario que planteaba la Guerra Fría, la manera de entender y explicar la seguridad en la comunidad internacional se amplió, y pasó de ser concebida únicamente en términos políticos y militares, a incluir aspectos como el medio ambiente, la economía y la sociedad. Por esta razón el concepto de seguridad se complejizó dando paso a la construcción de distintas definiciones y debates alrededor de la ampliación de la agenda de seguridad y los temas que en ella se debían tratar. Así pues el fin principal del presente trabajo es el análisis de un fenómeno socialmente relevante en el marco de las relaciones internacionales como lo es la configuración de seguridad, a partir de intervenciones de terceros actores que involucran poblaciones afectadas como en el caso somalí, la cual enfrentó una situación de crisis como producto de la emergencia de seguridad que se produce en el año 1991 con la expulsión de Siad Barre del poder. Su importancia radica en la reivindicación de la trascendencia tanto de los derechos humanos, como de la relevancia del papel de las organizaciones internacionales y de los Estados más poderosos del Sistema Internacional, en la protección de esos derechos y de las comunidades vulnerables que conforman dicho sistema.


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Objetivo: analizar cómo influye la inequidad y la posición socio económica como factores determinantes de la conceptualización de la actividad física, desde la concepción de los determinantes sociales, de forma tal que su revisión conceptual, ayude a constituir la re configuración del concepto de actividad física. Métodos: Exploración de la literatura científica desde la revisión conceptual de artículos seleccionados, utilizando las categorías inequidad y posición socioeconómica para establecer la influencia del concepto de la actividad física en entornos educativos. Y a partir de ella interpretar la re configuración del concepto de la actividad física, desde diferentes concepciones asociadas a los determinantes sociales. Resultados: Se hallaron concepciones de los diferentes autores respecto al concepto de la actividad física. (Peso, raza, índice de masa corporal, edad). Se interpretaron distintos niveles de influencia desde la inequidad y la posición socio económica asociados a la ocupación, el género, sitio de vivienda, nivel de estudio, y la estructura física del entorno. Posteriormente se reportaron resultados desde un análisis explicativo en el cual se interpretan las concepciones de los autores en cuanto al concepto de la actividad física, y como desde ella se establecen relaciones entre la inequidad, la posición socioeconómica y los entornos educativos que incluyen diferentes aspectos sociales para finalmente poder establecer un concepto claro de la re configuración social del concepto de la actividad física, concluyendo que este nuevo concepto social de la actividad física no posee una definición exacta, el análisis de los aspectos sociales de ésta, involucra innumerables concepciones que la influencian y la determinan, en consecuencia el concepto de la actividad física debe ser un concepto en constante evolución y reconfiguración debido a la naturaleza cambiante del ser humano, de las dinámicas sociales y las asociaciones de la salud con los aspectos sociales que se presentan en el diario vivir. Así mismo se evidencia que el concepto de la actividad física se fundamenta en estudios que dejan de lado los aspectos sociales que influencia el concepto y en consecuencia la práctica de la actividad física, esta investigación establece un punto de partida frente a la re configuración social del concepto de la actividad física. Conclusiones: Diferentes organizaciones en el mundo reconocen a la actividad física como una herramienta que favorece la socialización de las personas. Es así como la actividad física, desde el deporte en el campo competitivo y la educación física desde el campo educativo exploran la interacción social de los individuos, esto permite la construcción de valores y fortalece la sana convivencia dentro de las comunidades. Esta trasformación desde el concepto de la actividad física biomédica hasta la actividad física social se evidencia en los documentos revisados, en los cuales la actividad física es estudiada desde las categorías de inequidad y posición socio económica, De ahí que en su conceptualización se involucren diferentes conceptos asociados a los determinantes sociales de la salud, que en definitiva establecen un nuevo concepto de la re configuración social de la actividad física trascendiendo desde la actividad física biomédica o fisiológica hasta un concepto complejo que incluye intereses y particularidades de las personas como lo son la ocupación, la educación, el entorno, el medio ambiente y la estructura física.


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Recibido 15 de marzo de 2012 • Corregido 01 de noviembre de 2012 • Aceptado 07 de noviembre de 2012Ante los constantes cambios demográficos y el acelerado crecimiento de la población gerontológica de nuestro país, se convierte en una necesidad crear y potenciar espacios del accionar desde la Orientación como disciplina. Se debe buscar, en todo momento, la satisfacción, realización y calidad de vida de las personas adultas mayores, por medio de su participación activa, autoconocimiento y desarrollo de aspectos sociales que favorecen su crecimiento como persona íntegra y activa socialmente. Abrirse como orientadores y orientadoras a nuevos panoramas de intervención que respondan a necesidades sociales y personales emergentes resulta imperativo, para poder brindar atención y responder a los cambios culturales y a las demandas persistentes, por consiguiente, reales de nuestra población adulta mayor.


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The social aspects of development strategies in Latin American countries came to occupy an important rore in gouverment preocupation and development theories.


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This controlled experiment examined how academic achievement and cognitive, emotional and social aspects of perceived learning are affected by the level of medium naturalness (face-to-face, one-way and two-way videoconferencing) and by learners’ personality traits (extroversion–introversion and emotional stability–neuroticism). The Media Naturalness Theory explains the degree of medium naturalness by comparing its characteristics to face-to-face communication, considered to be the most natural form of communication. A total of 76 participants were randomly assigned to three experimental conditions: face-to-face, one-way and two-way videoconferencing. E-learning conditions were conducted through Zoom videoconferencing, which enables natural and spontaneous communication. Findings shed light on the trade-off involved in media naturalness: one-way videoconferencing, the less natural learning condition, enhanced the cognitive aspect of perceived learning but compromised the emotional and social aspects. Regarding the impact of personality, neurotic students tended to enjoy and succeed more in face-to-face learning, whereas emotionally stable students enjoyed and succeeded in all of the learning conditions. Extroverts tended to enjoy more natural learning environments but had lower achievements in these conditions. In accordance with the ‘poor get richer’ principle, introverts enjoyed environments with a low level of medium naturalness. However, they remained focused and had higher achievements in the face-to-face learning.


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La ricerca affronta la questione della punizione nella prospettiva del diritto costituzionale nazionale integrata con quella del diritto europeo dei diritti dell’uomo. Nella Parte I è sostenuta la tesi secondo cui la trasformazione della Costituzione penale avviata sotto l’influsso della giurisprudenza CEDU rappresenta complessivamente un avanzamento nel processo di costituzionalizzazione del potere punitivo. Questa conclusione è supportata attraverso un confronto della filosofia costituzionale classica sulla punizione con i diversi approcci interpretativi alla Costituzione penale sviluppati durante il XX secolo (approcci tradizionale, costituzionalistico ed EDU). Nella Parte II è invece sostenuta la tesi secondo cui, nonostante gli effetti positivi dell’armonizzazione sovranazionale, lo statuto costituzionale della punizione dovrebbe comunque rimanere formalmente autonomo dal diritto EDU. Non solo, infatti, nessun paradigma dei rapporti interordinamentali finora sviluppato può giustificarne un’integrazione totale, ma essa rischierebbe anche di diminuire la normatività dell’aspetto sociale della Costituzione penale, già ipocostituzionalizzato rispetto a quello liberale. Nella Conclusione sono quindi sviluppati gli elementi fondamentali di un approccio interpretativo alternativo alla Costituzione penale che risponda meglio di quelli esistenti alle esigenze sia di garantire la massima costituzionalizzazione della punizione sia di facilitare l’integrazione sovranazionale. In base a un simile approccio costituzionalmente fondato, sostanzialista, rights-based e inclusivo di tutte le ideologie costituenti, la Costituzione potrebbe essere letta nel senso di prevedere un modello di disciplina unitario per tutte le forme di esercizio del potere punitivo (salvo quello disciplinare, distinguibile sotto l’aspetto istituzionale) caratterizzato da: una riserva di legge a intensità variabile; uno scrutinio stretto della Corte sulla giustificabilità costituzionale della pena; l’estensione dell’ambito di applicazione dei principi di colpevolezza e rieducazione; un pieno sviluppo degli aspetti di garanzia collettiva dei classici principi costituzionalpenalistici (obblighi di tutela penale e garanzia dell’effettiva collocazione della pena in capo al soggetto colpevole), nonché derivabili dall’art. 3 Cost. (proporzionalità della pena alle condizioni materiali del soggetto punito).


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This thesis reports on the two main areas of our research: introductory programming as the traditional way of accessing informatics and cultural teaching informatics through unconventional pathways. The research on introductory programming aims to overcome challenges in traditional programming education, thus increasing participation in informatics. Improving access to informatics enables individuals to pursue more and better professional opportunities and contribute to informatics advancements. We aimed to balance active, student-centered activities and provide optimal support to novices at their level. Inspired by Productive Failure and exploring the concept of notional machine, our work focused on developing Necessity Learning Design, a design to help novices tackle new programming concepts. Using this design, we implemented a learning sequence to introduce arrays and evaluated it in a real high-school context. The subsequent chapters discuss our experiences teaching CS1 in a remote-only scenario during the COVID-19 pandemic and our collaborative effort with primary school teachers to develop a learning module for teaching iteration using a visual programming environment. The research on teaching informatics principles through unconventional pathways, such as cryptography, aims to introduce informatics to a broader audience, particularly younger individuals that are less technical and professional-oriented. It emphasizes the importance of understanding informatics's cultural and scientific aspects to focus on the informatics societal value and its principles for active citizenship. After reflecting on computational thinking and inspired by the big ideas of science and informatics, we describe our hands-on approach to teaching cryptography in high school, which leverages its key scientific elements to emphasize its social aspects. Additionally, we present an activity for teaching public-key cryptography using graphs to explore fundamental concepts and methods in informatics and mathematics and their interdisciplinarity. In broadening the understanding of informatics, these research initiatives also aim to foster motivation and prime for more professional learning of informatics.


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Neste trabalho pretende consolidar-se a contribuição portuguesa para o estudo comunitário “Na Assessment of the Social and Economic Cohesion Aspects of the Development of the Information Society in Europe” elaborado por um consórcio europeu liderado pela Nexus Europe e em que intervém o ISEGI- Instituto Superior de Estatística e Gestão de Informação, da Universidade Nova de Lisboa, como parceiro nacional português.


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Cross-cultural studies have much to teach clinicians and researchers alike about psychopathology in general and about social anxiety disorder (SAD) in particular. Unfortunately, little is known about the degree and the mechanisms through which cultural environment may influence clinical manifestations of SAD. OBJECTIVE: Our objective was to identify culture-related clinical patterns in SAD and related disorders. METHODS: We described socio-demographic and clinical characteristics of a sample of 62 adult outpatients with SAD seen at a university clinic for anxiety and depressive disorders in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, and compared them with those reported in clinical samples from North America, Europe, Asia and Oceania identified through a systematic review in Medline, PsychINFO, and LILACS. RESULTS: Our comparison of trans-cultural features of SAD lends partial support to Heimberg's (1997) contention that the majority of socio-demographic features and symptoms of this disorder are relatively independent of geographic and cultural differences. CONCLUSION: Patients with SAD were almost universally characterized by: 1) a predominance of males in clinical samples; 2) early onset of the disorder; 3) high educational attainment; and 4) great frequency of comorbidities.


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Sports-practicing youths are at an elevated risk for alcohol use and misuse. Although much attention has recently been given to depicting subgroups facing the greatest threats, little evidence exists on the contexts in which their drinking takes place. Using data from a cross-sectional study on youth sports participation and substance use in the French-speaking part of Switzerland, this study focused on the social contexts associated with hazardous drinking of 894 sports-practicing adolescents aged 16 to 20. Divided between those who had been drunk in the last month (hazardous drinkers, n = 315) and those who had not (n = 579), sports-practicing adolescents were compared on reported gatherings (sports-related, sports-unrelated, mixed) likely linked to their drinking behaviour. Mixed social contexts, followed by sports-unrelated ones, were reported as the most common context by both male and female youths who practiced sports. After controlling for several possible confounders, male hazardous drinkers were more than 3 times more likely to report sports-unrelated social contexts as the most common, compared to sport-related ones, while females were more than 7 times more likely to do so. Our findings seem to indicate that, rather than focusing only on sports-related factors, prevention of alcohol misuse among sports-practicing youths should also pay attention to the social contextualisation of their hazardous drinking.