749 resultados para Sounds
OBJETIVO: Analisar a efetividade da estimulabilidade como prova complementar ao diagnóstico do transtorno fonológico (TF) e descrever o desempenho de crianças com ausência de sons no inventário fonético quanto a sons ausentes estimuláveis, gravidade, gênero, idade e ocorrência de diferentes processos fonológicos. MÉTODOS: Participaram 130 crianças de ambos os gêneros, entre 5 anos e 10 anos e 10 meses de idade, distribuídas em dois grupos: Grupo Pesquisa (GP), composto por 55 crianças com TF; e Grupo Controle (GC), composto por 75 crianças sem alterações fonoaudiológicas. A partir da aplicação da prova de Fonologia, foi calculada a gravidade do TF por meio do Percentual de Consoantes Corretas-Revisada (PCC-R) e verificado o inventário fonético. Para cada som ausente do inventário foi aplicada a estimulabilidade em imitação de palavras. O GP foi dividido em GP1 (27 crianças que apresentaram sons ausentes) e GP2 (28 crianças com inventário completo). RESULTADOS: Nenhuma criança do GC apresentou som ausente no inventário e no GP1 49% apresentaram sons ausentes. Houve ausência da maioria dos sons da língua. As médias do PCC-R foram menores no GP1, indicando maior gravidade. No GP1, 22 crianças foram estimuláveis e cinco não o foram a qualquer som. Houve associação entre os processos fonológicos mais ocorrentes no TF e a necessidade de avaliação da estimulabilidade, o que indica que a dificuldade em produzir os sons ausentes reflete dificuldade de representação fonológica. A estimulabilidade sofre influência da idade, mas não do gênero. CONCLUSÃO: A prova de estimulabilidade é efetiva para identificar dentre crianças com sons ausentes do inventário, aquelas que são estimuláveis. Tais crianças com TF, que apresentam sons ausentes do inventário, são mais graves uma vez que os valores do PCC-R são mais baixos. As crianças com sons ausentes são estimuláveis em sua maioria, e podem não ser estimuláveis para sons com estrutura silábica ou gesto articulatório complexos. A dificuldade em produzir os sons ausentes reflete dificuldade de representação fonológica. A produção motora da fala demonstrou receber influência da maturação de forma semelhante entre meninos e meninas.
Las crías Caretta caretta durante la eclosión y antes de salir del nido, emiten sonidos asociados a crujido y raspado del corion, así como chillidos, silbidos y tos, en un rango de frecuencia entre los 300 y 2600 Hz. No obstante, los silbidos y chillidos, que pueden ser asociables a un sistema de vocalización, se emiten a una frecuencia (1500-2600 Hz) mucho mayor al rango de sensibilidad descrito para esta especie (250-1000 Hz) y por tanto imperceptibles para ellas. Sin embargo, los sonidos producidos como consecuencia de ejercicios de respiración y expulsión de arena de las vías respiratorias, acompañados de tos (300-1200 Hz), por parte de las crías recién eclosionadas, son los únicos sonidos que podrían servir de señal y estimulación a la eclosión del resto de crías en el nido. ABSTRACT The hatchlings Caretta caretta, during the eclosion and before the abandon of their nest, produce sounds associated to creakling and scrape of the eggshell, and howl, whistle and cough, in a frequency range between 300 and 2600 Hz. Nevertheless, the howls and whistles, that could be associated to a vocalization apparatus, were emitted at a higher frequency (1500-2600 Hz) than the auditory range describe for this species (250-1000 Hz), and therefore probably inaudible for them. However, sounds generated as a consequence of breathing exercises and sand expulsion from the airways through coughs (300- 1200 Hz), by the recently hatched turtles, could be used as signal or stimulus for the hatch of the reminder eggs in the nest.
Nella tesi si analizzano le principali fonti del rumore aeronautico, lo stato dell'arte dal punto di vista normativo, tecnologico e procedurale. Si analizza lo stato dell'arte anche riguardo alla classificazione degli aeromobili, proponendo un nuovo indice prestazionale in alternativa a quello indicato dalla metodologia di certificazione (AC36-ICAO) Allo scopo di diminuire l'impatto acustico degli aeromobili in fase di atterraggio, si analizzano col programma INM i benefici di procedure CDA a 3° rispetto alle procedure tradizionali e, di seguito di procedure CDA ad angoli maggiori in termini di riduzione di lunghezza e di area delle isofoniche SEL85, SEL80 e SEL75.
Human brain is provided with a flexible audio-visual system, which interprets and guides responses to external events according to spatial alignment, temporal synchronization and effectiveness of unimodal signals. The aim of the present thesis was to explore the possibility that such a system might represent the neural correlate of sensory compensation after a damage to one sensory pathway. To this purpose, three experimental studies have been conducted, which addressed the immediate, short-term and long-term effects of audio-visual integration on patients with Visual Field Defect (VFD). Experiment 1 investigated whether the integration of stimuli from different modalities (cross-modal) and from the same modality (within-modal) have a different, immediate effect on localization behaviour. Patients had to localize modality-specific stimuli (visual or auditory), cross-modal stimulus pairs (visual-auditory) and within-modal stimulus pairs (visual-visual). Results showed that cross-modal stimuli evoked a greater improvement than within modal stimuli, consistent with a Bayesian explanation. Moreover, even when visual processing was impaired, cross-modal stimuli improved performance in an optimal fashion. These findings support the hypothesis that the improvement derived from multisensory integration is not attributable to simple target redundancy, and prove that optimal integration of cross-modal signals occurs in processing stage which are not consciously accessible. Experiment 2 examined the possibility to induce a short term improvement of localization performance without an explicit knowledge of visual stimulus. Patients with VFD and patients with neglect had to localize weak sounds before and after a brief exposure to a passive cross-modal stimulation, which comprised spatially disparate or spatially coincident audio-visual stimuli. After exposure to spatially disparate stimuli in the affected field, only patients with neglect exhibited a shifts of auditory localization toward the visual attractor (the so called Ventriloquism After-Effect). In contrast, after adaptation to spatially coincident stimuli, both neglect and hemianopic patients exhibited a significant improvement of auditory localization, proving the occurrence of After Effect for multisensory enhancement. These results suggest the presence of two distinct recalibration mechanisms, each mediated by a different neural route: a geniculo-striate circuit and a colliculus-extrastriate circuit respectively. Finally, Experiment 3 verified whether a systematic audio-visual stimulation could exert a long-lasting effect on patients’ oculomotor behaviour. Eye movements responses during a visual search task and a reading task were studied before and after visual (control) or audio-visual (experimental) training, in a group of twelve patients with VFD and twelve controls subjects. Results showed that prior to treatment, patients’ performance was significantly different from that of controls in relation to fixations and saccade parameters; after audiovisual training, all patients reported an improvement in ocular exploration characterized by fewer fixations and refixations, quicker and larger saccades, and reduced scanpath length. Similarly, reading parameters were significantly affected by the training, with respect to specific impairments observed in left and right hemisphere–damaged patients. The present findings provide evidence that a systematic audio-visual stimulation may encourage a more organized pattern of visual exploration with long lasting effects. In conclusion, results from these studies clearly demonstrate that the beneficial effects of audio-visual integration can be retained in absence of explicit processing of visual stimulus. Surprisingly, an improvement of spatial orienting can be obtained not only when a on-line response is required, but also after either a brief or a long adaptation to audio-visual stimulus pairs, so suggesting the maintenance of mechanisms subserving cross-modal perceptual learning after a damage to geniculo-striate pathway. The colliculus-extrastriate pathway, which is spared in patients with VFD, seems to play a pivotal role in this sensory compensation.
Biomasses and their possible use as energy resource are of great interest today, and the general problem of energy resources as well. In the present study the key questions of the convenience, from both energy and economy standpoints, have been addressed without any bias: the problem has been handled starting from “philosophical” bases disregarding any pre-settled ideology or political trend, but simply using mathematical approaches as logical tools for defining balances in a right way. In this context quantitative indexes such as LCA and EROEI have been widely used, together with multicriteria methods (such as ELECTRE) as decision supporting tools. This approach permits to remove mythologies, such as the unrealistic concept of clean energy, or the strange idea of biomasses as a magic to solve every thing in the field of the energy. As a consequence the present study aims to find any relevant aspect potentially useful for the society, looking at any possible source of energy without prejudices but without unrealistic expectations too. For what concerns biomasses, we studied in great details four very different cases of study, in order to have a scenario as various as much we can. A relevant result is the need to use biomasses together with other more efficient sources, especially recovering by-products from silviculture activities: but attention should be paid to the transportation and environmental costs. Another relevant result is the very difficult possibility of reliable evaluation of dedicated cultures as sources for “biomasses for energy”: the problem has to be carefully evaluated case-by-case, because what seems useful in a context, becomes totally disruptive in another one. In any case the concept itself of convenience is not well defined at a level of macrosystem: it seems more appropriate to limit this very concept at a level of microsystem, considering that what sounds fine in a limited well defined microsystem may cause great damage in another slightly different, or even very similar, microsystem. This approach seems the right way to solve the controversy about the concept of convenience.
This research is focussed on the study of Orcinus orca's communication system. The analysis of vocalizations emitted by marine mammals has started in the '80s and most studies have been carried out in the wild. In this regard the most studied animal has been common dolphin (Tursiops truncatus) as the numerous presence of captive individuals worldwide made researches easier to be carried out. Studies about Orcinus orca's vocalizations have mainly been carried out in the wild (most in British Columbia) because its maintenance in a controlled environment results to be very difficult, only 17 among parks and oceanaria worldwide have some Orcinus orca (45 overall among which 64% born in captivity). These researches showed that Orcinus orca emit three main different types of sounds, classified as: whistles, clicks and calls. Besides, it was discovered that different groups (pods) produce sounds belonging only to the relevant pod (dialects). It is rare to find two pods sharing some calls. The two pods usually live in adjacent areas and can form a clan. This study was carried out in a controlled environment in the Orca ocean structure (Loro Parque, Tenerife, Spain) where, at the moment (March 2012) 6 individuals are hosted. Here it was developed an automatic sound recording system. Thanks to the use of suitable mathematical algorithms that allow to isolate only "interesting" sound events that differ from the "background noise", it was possible to create a database. The visualization of the sound events collected in the database is carried out with the use of a software. By looking at this output and at the observation register we could match the animal to the sound produced. Three situations were detected and studied: 1) Chosen alone: the animal chooses to go to the recording pool but it is free to move to another pool with other individuals. 2) Put alone: the animal is put alone in the recording pool. 3) With other orcas: more animals are together in the recording pool. The statistic analysis show that animals emit more vocalizations when they are in the situation "Chosen alone". The research will continue in order to observe eventual differences in the individual repertoire of each Orcinus orca.
Monitoring foetal health is a very important task in clinical practice to appropriately plan pregnancy management and delivery. In the third trimester of pregnancy, ultrasound cardiotocography is the most employed diagnostic technique: foetal heart rate and uterine contractions signals are simultaneously recorded and analysed in order to ascertain foetal health. Because ultrasound cardiotocography interpretation still lacks of complete reliability, new parameters and methods of interpretation, or alternative methodologies, are necessary to further support physicians’ decisions. To this aim, in this thesis, foetal phonocardiography and electrocardiography are considered as different techniques. Further, variability of foetal heart rate is thoroughly studied. Frequency components and their modifications can be analysed by applying a time-frequency approach, for a distinct understanding of the spectral components and their change over time related to foetal reactions to internal and external stimuli (such as uterine contractions). Such modifications of the power spectrum can be a sign of autonomic nervous system reactions and therefore represent additional, objective information about foetal reactivity and health. However, some limits of ultrasonic cardiotocography still remain, such as in long-term foetal surveillance, which is often recommendable mainly in risky pregnancies. In these cases, the fully non-invasive acoustic recording, foetal phonocardiography, through maternal abdomen, represents a valuable alternative to the ultrasonic cardiotocography. Unfortunately, the so recorded foetal heart sound signal is heavily loaded by noise, thus the determination of the foetal heart rate raises serious signal processing issues. A new algorithm for foetal heart rate estimation from foetal phonocardiographic recordings is presented in this thesis. Different filtering and enhancement techniques, to enhance the first foetal heart sounds, were applied, so that different signal processing techniques were implemented, evaluated and compared, by identifying the strategy characterized on average by the best results. In particular, phonocardiographic signals were recorded simultaneously to ultrasonic cardiotocographic signals in order to compare the two foetal heart rate series (the one estimated by the developed algorithm and the other provided by cardiotocographic device). The algorithm performances were tested on phonocardiographic signals recorded on pregnant women, showing reliable foetal heart rate signals, very close to the ultrasound cardiotocographic recordings, considered as reference. The algorithm was also tested by using a foetal phonocardiographic recording simulator developed and presented in this research thesis. The target was to provide a software for simulating recordings relative to different foetal conditions and recordings situations and to use it as a test tool for comparing and assessing different foetal heart rate extraction algorithms. Since there are few studies about foetal heart sounds time characteristics and frequency content and the available literature is poor and not rigorous in this area, a data collection pilot study was also conducted with the purpose of specifically characterising both foetal and maternal heart sounds. Finally, in this thesis, the use of foetal phonocardiographic and electrocardiographic methodology and their combination, are presented in order to detect foetal heart rate and other functioning anomalies. The developed methodologies, suitable for longer-term assessment, were able to detect heart beat events correctly, such as first and second heart sounds and QRS waves. The detection of such events provides reliable measures of foetal heart rate, potentially information about measurement of the systolic time intervals and foetus circulatory impedance.
The characteristics of aphasics’ speech in various languages have been the core of numerous studies, but Arabic in general, and Palestinian Arabic in particular, is still a virgin field in this respect. However, it is of vital importance to have a clear picture of the specific aspects of Palestinian Arabic that might be affected in the speech of aphasics in order to establish screening, diagnosis and therapy programs based on a clinical linguistic database. Hence the central questions of this study are what are the main neurolinguistic features of the Palestinian aphasics’ speech at the phonetic-acoustic level and to what extent are the results similar or not to those obtained from other languages. In general, this study is a survey of the most prominent features of Palestinian Broca’s aphasics’ speech. The main acoustic parameters of vowels and consonants are analysed such as vowel duration, formant frequency, Voice Onset Time (VOT), intensity and frication duration. The deviant patterns among the Broca’s aphasics are displayed and compared with those of normal speakers. The nature of deficit, whether phonetic or phonological, is also discussed. Moreover, the coarticulatory characteristics and some prosodic patterns of Broca’s aphasics are addressed. Samples were collected from six Broca’s aphasics from the same local region. The acoustic analysis conducted on a range of consonant and vowel parameters displayed differences between the speech patterns of Broca’s aphasics and normal speakers. For example, impairments in voicing contrast between the voiced and voiceless stops were found in Broca’s aphasics. This feature does not exist for the fricatives produced by the Palestinian Broca’s aphasics and hence deviates from data obtained for aphasics’ speech from other languages. The Palestinian Broca’s aphasics displayed particular problems with the emphatic sounds. They exhibited deviant coarticulation patterns, another feature that is inconsistent with data obtained from studies from other languages. However, several other findings are in accordance with those reported from various other languages such as impairments in the VOT. The results are in accordance with the suggestions that speech production deficits in Broca’s aphasics are not related to phoneme selection but rather to articulatory implementation and some speech output impairments are related to timing and planning deficits.
La dissertazione è suddivisa in due capitoli più tre appendici. Nel I capitolo, Musica e dolore, si indagano i casi di metamusicalità in riferimento al dolore, che si intensificano in Euripide: si nota lo sviluppo di una riflessione sul ruolo della mousike rispetto al dolore, espressa attraverso un lessico medico e musicale. Si dimostra che in Euripide si pone il problema di quale scopo abbia la musica, se sia utile, e in quale forma lo sia. Nella prima produzione si teorizza una mousa del lamento come dolce o terapeutica per chi soffre. Molti personaggi, però, mostrano sfiducia nel potere curativo del lamento. Nell’ultima produzione si intensificano gli interrogativi sulla performance del canto, che si connotano come casi metamusicali e metateatrali. Nell’Elena, nell’Ipsipile e nelle Baccanti, E. sembra proporre una terapia ‘omeopatica’ del dolore attraverso la musica orgiastico-dionisiaca. Nel II capitolo, Natura e musica, si sceglie l’Ifigenia Taurica come esempio di mimetismo orchestico-musicale fondato – oltre che su casi di autoreferenzialità – su un immaginario naturale che, ‘facendo musica’, contribuisce all’espressività della choreia e della musica in scena. Si ipotizza inoltre un accompagnamento musicale mimetico rispetto ai suoni della natura e movimenti di danza lineari accanto a formazioni circolari, che sembrano richiamare la ‘doppia natura’ del ditirambo. L’Appendice I, Gli aggettivi poetici ξουθός e ξουθόπτερος: il loro significato e la loro potenzialità allusiva, affronta un caso particolare e problematico di ‘mimetismo lessicale’, innescato dal termine ξουθός e dal composto euripideo ξουθόπτερος. Si dimostra che l’aggettivo indica originariamente un movimento vibratorio, ma sviluppa anche un senso sonoro, ed è quindi un termine evocativo rispetto alla performance. Nell’Appendice II, Il lessico musicale in Euripide, è raccolto il lessico euripideo coreutico-musicale. Nell’Appendice III, La mousike nei drammi euripidei, sono raccolti i riferimenti alla mousike in ogni dramma.
Amadou Hampaté Bâ legte mit „Das seltsame Schicksal des Wangrin“ einen vielstimmigen Roman vor, dessen Ästhetik entscheidend von der Einarbeitung und Inszenierung von Mündlicher Literatur bestimmt ist. In meinem Aufsatz gehe ich zum einen der Frage nach, inwieweit es Bâ unternimmt, den sinnlichen Reichtum Mündlicher Literatur, also entsprechende Sounds, Gestik, Mimik, Proxemik, musikalische Begleitung, in den einen graphischen Kommunikationskanal, in Schrift zu überführen, und zum anderen, inwiefern er die sprachlichen Anteile Mündlicher Literatur in das Romanganze hineinwebt, inwiefern er Verbindungen zwischen den Oraturen und den im Roman aufgerufenen sozialen Situationen herstellt. Im Zentrum der Untersuchung steht ein bestimmter Vortrag. Der Romanheld Wangrin lässt sich vor dem Haus der Mutter der von ihm umworbenen Rammaye Bira durch seinen Griot preisen, wirbt solcherart um die junge Frau. Herman Meyers Konzept der epischen Integration aufgreifend, lege ich dar, inwiefern diese eine Performanzsituation mit anderen Stellen, an denen im Roman Mündliche Literatur inszeniert wird, korrespondiert, um dadurch zu generelleren Aussagen über die Verfahrensweise Bâ’s hinsichtlich der Aufnahme von Mündlicher Literatur zu gelangen. Am Anfang des Aufsatzes fasse ich Charakteristika Mündlicher Literatur zusammen und problematisiere deren Überführung in den schriftlichen Modus.
Il presente lavoro di tesi è finalizzato allo sviluppo di un dispositivo indossabile, e minimamente invasivo, in grado di registrare in maniera continua segnali legati all’attività elettromeccanica del muscolo cardiaco, al fine di rilevare eventuali anomalie cardiache. In tal senso il sistema non si limita alla sola acquisizione di un segnale ECG, ma è in grado di rilevare anche i toni cardiaci, ovvero le vibrazioni generate dalla chiusura delle valvole cardiache, la cui ampiezza è espressione della forza contrattile (funzione meccanica) del cuore. Il presente lavoro di tesi ha riguardato sia la progettazione che la realizzazione di un prototipo di tale dispositivo ed è stato svolto presso il laboratorio di Bioingegneria del Dipartimento di Medicina Specialistica Diagnostica e Sperimentale dell’Università di Bologna, sito presso l’Azienda Ospedaliero-Universitaria Policlinico Sant’Orsola-Malpighi. Il sistema finale consiste in un dispositivo applicabile al torace che, attraverso una serie di sensori, è in grado di rilevare dati legati alla meccanica del cuore (toni cardiaci), dati elettrici cardiaci (ECG) e dati accelerometrici di attività fisica. Nello specifico, il sensing dei toni cardiaci avviene attraverso un accelerometro in grado di misurare le vibrazioni trasmesse al torace. I tracciati, raccolti con l’ausilio di una piattaforma Arduino, vengono inviati, tramite tecnologia Bluetooth, ad un PC che, attraverso un applicativo software sviluppato in LabVIEW™, ne effettua l’analisi, il salvataggio e l’elaborazione in real-time, permettendo un monitoraggio wireless ed in tempo reale dello stato del paziente.
Fin whale (Balaenoptera physalus) is the only misticeto commonly observed in the Mediterranean. The males emit sounds, classic pulse products in sequences called songs, at 20Hz for sexual purposes: sounds are produced during the spring for migration to the Tirreno-Ligurian-Provençal basin, the summer feeding area, and during the autumn, when there is a migration to the south to meet the winter breeding season. This area in the Mediterranean sea is unknown. The east coast of the Iberian Peninsula is a migration area. The study was conducted by analyzing through Adobe Audition 3.0 and XBAT softwares files audio of 30 minutes recorded in 2006, in 2011 and 2012 at the level of the Columbretes Islands, in the western Mediterranean sea, using two hearing aids: the MARU, used in 2006 and the EAR, used in 2011 and 2012. From the analysis have emerged that, in addition to songs with pulses of 20 Hz, there are new sounds of fin whale never previously recognized: the VFPs (Variable Frequency Pulses), higher-frequency pulses emitted, between 50 and 120Hz and the ramps, a set of 7-8 pulses, pertaining to a particular song, of increasing frequency. Further studies are needed to understand the importance of these new sounds.
The closing sounds of mechanical heart valves can be disturbing for patients and their closest relatives. Although some investigations into mechanical heart valve sounds have been performed, the particularities of the valve sound when it is attached to a vascular prosthesis to replace the aortic root and the ascending aorta has not been studied to date. The study aim was to compare the closing sounds of three various mechanical composite graft prostheses, and to analyze the impact of such sounds on the patients' quality of life.
To investigate the effect of low-frequency attenuation of Bone-Anchored Hearing Aids (Bahas) in users with single-sided sensorineural deafness (SSD). The underlying notion is that low-frequency sounds up to approximately 1500 Hz reach the contralateral ear without significant attenuation and that Bahas tend to show more distortion at lower frequencies. Furthermore, to transmit low frequencies, higher moving masses are needed when compared with high frequencies.
Training can change the functional and structural organization of the brain, and animal models demonstrate that the hippocampus formation is particularly susceptible to training-related neuroplasticity. In humans, however, direct evidence for functional plasticity of the adult hippocampus induced by training is still missing. Here, we used musicians' brains as a model to test for plastic capabilities of the adult human hippocampus. By using functional magnetic resonance imaging optimized for the investigation of auditory processing, we examined brain responses induced by temporal novelty in otherwise isochronous sound patterns in musicians and musical laypersons, since the hippocampus has been suggested previously to be crucially involved in various forms of novelty detection. In the first cross-sectional experiment, we identified enhanced neural responses to temporal novelty in the anterior left hippocampus of professional musicians, pointing to expertise-related differences in hippocampal processing. In the second experiment, we evaluated neural responses to acoustic temporal novelty in a longitudinal approach to disentangle training-related changes from predispositional factors. For this purpose, we examined an independent sample of music academy students before and after two semesters of intensive aural skills training. After this training period, hippocampal responses to temporal novelty in sounds were enhanced in musical students, and statistical interaction analysis of brain activity changes over time suggests training rather than predisposition effects. Thus, our results provide direct evidence for functional changes of the adult hippocampus in humans related to musical training.