739 resultados para Social group work.
This paper describes exploratory research into the development of innovative visual pedagogies for investigating how pre-service student teachers articulate their views about the effects of poverty on educational attainment. Social class emerges as the strongest factor in poverty and educational disadvantage in the UK. The resulting issues are often awkward for students to discuss and conventional pedagogies may not have effective ‘reach’ here. Findings from this study showed that the visual methods deployed gave students pedagogically well structured spaces for the expression and exchange of a diversity of views about poverty and social class, engaging them in both heated discussions and prolonged ‘silences’. However, the pedagogies did not challenge the stereotypical deficit models of ‘the poor’ which some students expressed. Nevertheless, we argue that reconfigured versions of these visual pedagogies have considerable potential for innovative social justice work in teacher education.
In captive common marmoset groups, the reproductive inhibition observed in subordinate female seems to be a result of olfactory, visual and behavioral cues from the dominant female. However, few studies have examined the relationship among adult males living in the same social group. These studies have shown that reproductive failure among peer males seems to be based on hormonal and behavioral mechanisms. New insights on sexual strategies in primates have been shown using fecal steroids, but so far no information is available for common marmoset males. In the present study, we evaluated the influence of light-dark cycle, age and reproductive condition on the profile of fecal androgens in males living in the same family group. Feces were collected from six fathers and six sons for androgen determination during the light phase of the 24-h cycle for eight days randomly distributed over a 4-week period. Androgen levels were determined by enzyme immunoassay technique. Adult sons showed higher androgen levels (166.97 ± 22.95 ng/g) than fathers (80.69 ± 44.38 ng/g) and juveniles (49.06 ± 23.15 ng/g; P < 0.05). No diurnal variation (P > 0.05) in fecal androgen profile was observed in adults or juveniles. No indication of androgen-mediated social competition between fathers and adult sons was demonstrable. These results provide basic information on fecal androgen profile useful to investigate the socioendocrinology of free-ranging common marmoset males and verify that, in contrast to daughters, the reproductive suppression of sons is not based on physiological inhibition of their gonads
ARAÚJO, Arrilton ; SOUSA, Maria Bernardete Cordeiro . Testicular volume and reproductive status of Wild Callithrix jacchus. International Journal of Primatology, v.29, p.1355–1364, 2008. DOI 10.1007/s10764-008-9291-4
Relatório de Estágio apresentado à Escola Superior de Educação de Lisboa para obtenção do grau de mestre em Ensino do 1.º e 2.º Ciclos do Ensino Básico
La violenza domestica è un crimine difficile da denunciare: la vittima è sentimentalmente legata al suo aggressore e, non di rado, proviene da contesti sociali che giustificano questo genere di violenze. D’altra parte, non sempre gli interventi posti in essere dalle istituzioni e dai servizi preposti al trattamento dei casi di violenza domestica risultano efficaci. Per ovviare a tali problematiche, alcuni sistemi giuridici occidentali hanno attivato procedimenti specializzati in violenza domestica che promuovono la cooperazione multidisciplinare tra sistema giudiziario e professionisti dell'intervento socio-sanitario. Il presente articolo si propone di indagare le modalità attraverso le quali il Tribunale di Montréal e la Sezione Fasce Deboli della Procura della Repubblica di Torino praticano la cooperazione specializzata in materia di violenza domestica, nell’ambito di un’analisi comparata di due realtà giudiziarie che, seppur piuttosto diverse, presentano interessanti punti comuni. Taking action to stop domestic violence may be a ‘hard job’ for an abused woman, as she is sentimentally involved in the relationship with the batterer and, not so rarely, she often belongs to a social group in which such abuses are justified or tolerated. On the other hand, the domestic violence service programs provided by state institutions and agencies may lack in efficacy. To face such situations some western jurisdictional systems have established specialized courts in domestic violence, that promote a coordinated response and involve both judiciary experts and professionals from the social and health care area. By means of a comparative analysis of the Court of Montreal and the Procura della Repubblica di Torino, Weaker Members Department, this article aims at investigating how the two courts handle the specialized cooperation as to domestic violence: two courts that, though quite different, show interesting similarities.
This thesis sets out to explore the place and agency of non-comital women in twelfth-century Anglo-Norman England. Until now, broad generalisations have been applied to all aristocratic women based on a long established scholarship on royal and comital women. Non-comital women have been overlooked, mainly because of an assumed lack of suitable sources from this time period. The first aim of this thesis is to demonstrate that there is a sufficient corpus of charters for a study of this social group of women. It is based on a database created from 5545 charters, of which 3046 were issued by non-comital women and men, taken from three case study counties, Oxfordshire, Suffolk and Yorkshire, and is also supported by other government records. This thesis demonstrates that non-comital women had significant social and economic agency in their own person. By means of a detailed analysis of charters and their clauses this thesis argues that scholarship on non-comital women must rethink the framework applied to the study of non-comital women to address the lifecycle as one of continuities and as active agents in a wider public society. Non-comital women’s agency and identity was not only based on land or in widowhood, which has been the one period in their life cycles where scholars have recognised some level of autonomy, and women had agency in all stages of their life cycle. Women’s agency and identity were drawn from and part of a wider framework that included their families, their kin, and broader local political, religious, and social networks. Natal families continued to be important sources of agency and identity to women long after they had married. Part A of the thesis applies modern charter diplomatic analysis methods to the corpus of charters to bring out and explore women’s presence therein. Part B contextualises these findings and explores women’s agency in their families, landholding, the gift-economy, and the wider religious and social networks of which they were a part.
The purpose of the current thesis is to develop a better understanding of the interaction between Spanish and Quichua in the Salcedo region and provide more information for the processes that might have given rise to Media Lengua, a ‘mixed’ language comprised of a Quichua grammar and Spanish lexicon. Muysken attributes the formation of Media Lengua to relexification, ruling out any influence from other bilingual phenomena. I argue that the only characteristic that distinguishes Media Lengua from other language contact varieties in central Ecuador is the quantity of the overall Spanish borrowings and not the type of processes that might have been employed by Quichua speakers during the genesis of Media Lengua. The results from the Salcedo data that I have collected show how processes such as adlexification, code-mixing, and structural convergence produce Media Lengua-type sentences, evidence that supports an alternative analysis to Muysken’s relexification hypothesis. Overall, this dissertation is developed around four main objectives: (1) to describe the variation of Spanish loanwords within a bilingual community in Salcedo; (2) to analyze some of the prominent and recent structural changes in Quichua and Spanish; (3) to determine whether Spanish loanword use can be explained by the relationship consultants have with particular social categories; and (4) to analyze the consultants’ language ideologies toward syncretic uses of Spanish and Quichua. Overall, 58% of the content words, 39% of the basic vocabulary, and 50% of the subject pronouns in the Salcedo corpus were derived from Spanish. When compared to Muysken’s description of highlander Quichua in the 1970’s, Spanish loanwords have more than doubled in each category. The overall level of Spanish loanwords in Salcedo Quichua has grown to a level between highlander Quichua in the 1970’s and Media Lengua. Similar to Spanish’s lexical influence in Media Lengua, the increase of Spanish borrowings in today’s rural Quichua can be seen in non-basic and basic vocabularies as well as the subject pronoun system. Significantly, most of the growth has occurred through forms of adlexification i.e., doublets, well-established borrowings, and cultural borrowings, suggesting that ‘ordinary’ lexical borrowing is also capable of producing Media Lengua-type sentences. I approach the second objective by investigating two separate phenomena related to structural convergence. The first examines the complex verbal constructions that have developed in Quichua through Spanish loan translations while the second describes the type of Quichua particles that are attached to Spanish lexemes while speaking Spanish. The calquing of the complex verbal constructions from Spanish were employed when speaking standard Quichua. Since this standard form is typically used by language purists, I argue that their use of calques is a strategy of exploiting the full range of expression from Spanish without incorporating any of the Spanish lexemes which would give the appearance of ‘contamination’. The use of Quichua particles in local varieties of Spanish is a defining characteristic of Quichuacized Spanish, spoken most frequently by women and young children in the community. Although the use of Quichua particles was probably not the main catalyst engendering Media Lengua, I argue that its contribution as a source language to other ‘mixed’ varieties, such as Media Lengua, needs to be accounted for in descriptions of BML genesis. Contrary to Muysken’s representation of relatively ‘unmixed’ Spanish and Quichua as the two source languages of Media Lengua, I propose that local varieties of Spanish might have already been ‘mixed’ to a large degree before Media Lengua was created. The third objective attempts to draw a relationship between particular social variables and the use of Spanish loanwords. Whisker Boxplots and ANOVAs were used to determine which social group, if any, have been introducing new Spanish borrowings into the bilingual communities in Salcedo. Specifically, I controlled for age, education, native language, urban migration, and gender. The results indicate that none of the groups in each of the five social variables indicate higher or lower loanword use. The implication of these results are twofold: (a) when lexical borrowing occurs, it is immediately adopted as the community-wide norm and spoken by members from different backgrounds and generations, or (b) this level of Spanish borrowing (58%) is not a recent phenomenon. The fourth and final objective draws on my ethnographic research that addresses the attitudes of syncretic language use. I observed that Quichuacized Spanish and Hispanicized Quichua are highly stigmatized varieties spoken by the country’s most marginalized populations and families, yet within the community, syncretic ways of speaking are in fact the norm. It was shown that there exists a range of different linguistic definitions for ‘Chaupi Lengua’ and other syncretic language practices as well as many contrasting connotations, most of which were negative. One theme that emerged from the interviews was that speaking syncretic varieties of Quichua weakened the consultant’s claim to an indigenous identity. The linguistic and social data presented in this dissertation supports an alternative view to Muysken’s relexification hypothesis, one that has the advantage of operating with well-precedented linguistic processes and which is actually observable in the present-day Salcedo area. The results from the study on lexical borrowing are significant because they demonstrate how a dynamic bilingual speech community has gradually diversified their Quichua lexicon under intense pressure to shift toward Spanish. They also show that Hispanicized Quichua (Quichua with heavy lexical borrowing) clearly arose from adlexification and prolonged lexical borrowing, and is one of at least six identifiable speech styles found in Salcedo. These results challenge particular interpretations of language contact outcomes, such as, ones that depict sources languages as discrete and ‘unmixed.’ The bilingual continuum presented in this thesis shows on the one hand, the range of speech styles that are accessible to different speakers, and on the other hand, the overlapping, syncretic features that are shared among the different registers and language varieties. It was observed that syncretic speech styles in Salcedo are employed by different consultants in varied interactional contexts, and in turn, produce different evaluations by other fellow community members. In the current dissertation, I challenge the claim that relexification and Media Lengua-type sentences develop in isolation and without the influence of other bilingual phenomena. Based on Muysken's Media Lengua example sentences and the speech styles from the Salcedo corpus, I argue that Media Lengua may have arisen as an institutionalized variant of the highly mixed "middle ground" within the range of the Salcedo bilingual continuum discussed above. Such syncretic forms of Spanish and Quichua strongly resemble Media Lengua sentences in Muysken’s research, and therefore demonstrate how its development could have occurred through several different language contact processes and not only through relexification.
Homeless women are one of the most vulnerable groups worldwide since they are victims of labor and sexual exploitation, abuse, discrimination and marginalization at a higher rate than the rest of the population. However, currently, Mexico lacks of an accurate definition of such social group, and their characteristics as well as the magnitude and dimensions of the phenomenon are only partially and superficially known. The purpose of this research was to develop and validate a typology of homeless women living in Mexico City. To fulfill this purpose, 300 indepth interviews were conducted and examined thoroughly with a systematic analysis of the content. The main results indicate that homeless women constitute a social group immersed predominantly in circumstances of violence, marginalization, poverty and social exclusion. Also, this collective includes two subgroups: women at risk of homelessness and women emergency sheltered, unsheltered or absolutely homeless and living in places not intended for human habitation. With this typology it is possible to define, characterize and distinguish homeless women. In addition, the phenomenon can be known with more certainty and accuracy enabling, thus, the design of effective treatment strategies.
Este artigo representa uma tentativa ensaística de elencar 21 temas que, porventura, marcarão o interesse e a investigação no seio da disciplina do comportamento organizacional. Sem pretensões de exaustividade e visando descortinar janelas de oportunidade para investigação, os autores fazem um breve retrato de uma grande diversidade de temas (e.g., ética e responsabilidade social, conciliação do trabalho com a vida familiar, teletrabalho e organizações virtuais, contratos psicológicos da «nova geração», organizações baseadas no conhecimento, globalização e transculturalização, organizações autentizóticas, dignidade humana no trabalho), procurando também gizar as pistas dinâmicas que cada um deles poderá tomar. O panorama traçado procura reflectir as mudanças que as envolventes organizacionais têm vindo a concitar, projectando sobre as organizações e os respectivos decisores um vasto catálogo de desafios, questionamentos e oportunidades – factos e possíveis desenvolvimentos a que os investigadores e estudiosos do CO não devem ficar alheios.
Relatório de Estágio para a obtenção do grau de Mestre em Ensino da Música
To present research had for objective to study the quality of the employment in the maturation Laboratories and larviculture of the Beach of Barreta/RN, adopting for so much the criteria used by Reinecke(1999) to characterize a quality employment: surrender, benefits non salary, regularity and work reliability and of the wage, contractual status, social protection, work day, intensity of the work, risk of accidents and of occupational diseases, involvement in linked decisions to the section work, possibility for the development of professional qualifications. Of the exam of the data it was verified that the generated employments are considered employments of good quality. However, this result should be analyzed to the light of a context of extreme informality and of precarization of the work. Therefore, the results should be relativized. He/she/you imports to retain that one of the limitations of the study resides in the impossibility of generalizing the data for the whole section of the sea carcinicultura. In spite of that fact, he/she is considered that the objectives of the research were assisted fully and that the characterization of the profile of the employment generated by the section of the shrimpculture it is extremely important for the drawing of public politics gone back to foment this activity.
Wydział Studiów Edukacyjnych: Zakład Pedeutologii
A fines del siglo XV, la introducción de nuevos miembros en el grupo oligárquico sevillano, cuando los esquemas de reparto de propiedad ya se habían consolidado, propiciará cambios importantes en la política de formación patrimonial de este grupo social tan singular como característico de la sociedad sevillana de la Baja Edad Media. En este trabajo se analiza este fenómeno a través de una familia de jurados. Con un patrimonio fundiario que ya no tiene como base el olivar y en el que se emplean nuevos sistemas de explotación, esta familia deberá hacer frente, además, a las graves coyunturas que el campo andaluz sufre en las primeras décadas del siglo XVI. Todo un ejemplo de intento de adaptación a una nueva época por parte de un grupo que siempre se caracterizó por su dinamismo económico.
La colección de trabajos que se presenta a continuación no aborda propiamente el estudio de la Inquisición, como tampoco está centrada en el estudio de los conversos. Tampoco se puede argumentar que los trabajos que la componen estén centrados en el estamento nobiliario. Lo más ajustado sería decir que el presente dossier aborda, con un énfasis diferente en cada uno de los textos reunidos, el punto de intersección de esos tres grandes temas clásicos de estudio. Centrado en dos ámbitos geográficos muy concretos –dos trabajos tienen por caso de estudio la villa de Pastrana, mientras que los otros tres se centran en la Baja Andalucía–, obviamente no aspiramos a ofrecer un panorama exhaustivo sobre tan rica y polifacética cuestión. Sin embargo, consideramos que los más significativos y relevantes temas susceptibles de ser tratados al combinar estos tres elementos están aquí presentes: política, economía, ascenso social, pugna jurisdiccional, persecución y discriminación recorren los cinco trabajos reunidos en este dossier. Con ello, confiamos en haber abierto un campo de estudio susceptible de tener diversas formas de continuidad y de promover la discusión sobre tan cruciales cuestiones.
En este artículo planteamos, en primer lugar, una revisión de lo que hasta la fecha sabemos sobre la relación entre la casa ducal de Medina Sidonia y los conversos en un periodo crucial para la historia de esta minoría. En segundo lugar, a partir del cruce de la información aportada por las crónicas del siglo XV con las últimas aportaciones historiográficas sobre la cuestión, vamos a tratar de arrojar algo de luz tanto sobre los ritmos temporales de esa aproximación como sobre el nivel de integración de tal minoría en el ámbito señorial, para terminar señalando algunas hipótesis y líneas de trabajo de futuro sobre esta cuestión.