785 resultados para Skills shortages
Objective: Since 2011, the new national final examination in human medicine has been implemented in Switzerland, with a structured clinical-practical part in the OSCE format. From the perspective of the national Working Group, the current article describes the essential steps in the development, implementation and evaluation of the Federal Licensing Examination Clinical Skills (FLE CS) as well as the applied quality assurance measures. Finally, central insights gained from the last years are presented. Methods: Based on the principles of action research, the FLE CS is in a constant state of further development. On the foundation of systematically documented experiences from previous years, in the Working Group, unresolved questions are discussed and resulting solution approaches are substantiated (planning), implemented in the examination (implementation) and subsequently evaluated (reflection). The presented results are the product of this iterative procedure. Results: The FLE CS is created by experts from all faculties and subject areas in a multistage process. The examination is administered in German and French on a decentralised basis and consists of twelve interdisciplinary stations per candidate. As important quality assurance measures, the national Review Board (content validation) and the meetings of the standardised patient trainers (standardisation) have proven worthwhile. The statistical analyses show good measurement reliability and support the construct validity of the examination. Among the central insights of the past years, it has been established that the consistent implementation of the principles of action research contributes to the successful further development of the examination. Conclusion: The centrally coordinated, collaborative-iterative process, incorporating experts from all faculties, makes a fundamental contribution to the quality of the FLE CS. The processes and insights presented here can be useful for others planning a similar undertaking. Keywords: national final examination, licensing examination, summative assessment, OSCE, action research
BACKGROUND: Learning surgical skills in the operating room may be a challenge for medical students. Therefore, more approaches using simulation to enable students to develop their practical skills are required. OBJECTIVES: We hypothesized that (1) there would be a need for additional surgical training for medical students in the pre-final year, and (2) our basic surgery skills training program using fresh human skin would improve medical students' surgical skills. DESIGN: We conducted a preliminary survey of medical students to clarify the need for further training in basic surgery procedures. A new approach using simulation to teach surgical skills on human skin was set up. The procedural skills of 15 randomly selected students were assessed in the operating room before and after participation in the simulation, using Objective Structured Assessment of Technical Skills. Furthermore, subjective assessment was performed based on students' self-evaluation. The data were analyzed using SPSS, version 21 (SPSS, Inc., Chicago, IL). SETTING: The study took place at the Inselspital, Bern University Hospital. PARTICIPANTS: A total of 186 pre-final-year medical students were enrolled into the preliminary survey; 15 randomly selected medical students participated in the basic surgical skills training course on the fresh human skin operating room. RESULTS: The preliminary survey revealed the need for a surgical skills curriculum. The simulation approach we developed showed significant (p < 0.001) improvement for all 12 surgical skills, with mean cumulative precourse and postcourse values of 31.25 ± 5.013 and 45.38 ± 3.557, respectively. The self-evaluation contained positive feedback as well. CONCLUSION: Simulation of surgery using human tissue samples could help medical students become more proficient in handling surgical instruments before stepping into a real surgical situation. We suggest further studies evaluating our proposed teaching method and the possibility of integrating this simulation approach into the medical school curriculum.
BACKGROUND The discrepancy between the extensive impact of musculoskeletal complaints and the common deficiencies in musculoskeletal examination skills lead to increased emphasis on structured teaching and assessment. However, studies of single interventions are scarce and little is known about the time-dependent effect of assisted learning in addition to a standard curriculum. We therefore evaluated the immediate and long-term impact of a small group course on musculoskeletal examination skills. METHODS All 48 Year 4 medical students of a 6 year curriculum, attending their 8 week clerkship of internal medicine at one University department in Berne, participated in this controlled study. Twenty-seven students were assigned to the intervention of a 6×1 h practical course (4-7 students, interactive hands-on examination of real patients; systematic, detailed feedback to each student by teacher, peers and patients). Twenty-one students took part in the regular clerkship activities only and served as controls. In all students clinical skills (CS, 9 items) were assessed in an Objective Structured Clinical Examination (OSCE) station, including specific musculoskeletal examination skills (MSES, 7 items) and interpersonal skills (IPS, 2 items). Two raters assessed the skills on a 4-point Likert scale at the beginning (T0), the end (T1) and 4-12 months after (T2) the clerkship. Statistical analyses included Friedman test, Wilcoxon rank sum test and Mann-Whitney U test. RESULTS At T0 there were no significant differences between the intervention and control group. At T1 and T2 the control group showed no significant changes of CS, MSES and IPS compared to T0. In contrast, the intervention group significantly improved CS, MSES and IPS at T1 (p < 0.001). This enhancement was sustained for CS and MSES (p < 0.05), but not for IPS at T2. CONCLUSIONS Year 4 medical students were incapable of improving their musculoskeletal examination skills during regular clinical clerkship activities. However, an additional small group, interactive clinical skills course with feedback from various sources, improved these essential examination skills immediately after the teaching and several months later. We conclude that supplementary specific teaching activities are needed. Even a single, short-lasting targeted module can have a long lasting effect and is worth the additional effort.
BACKGROUND In contrast to objective structured clinical examinations (OSCEs), mini-clinical evaluation exercises (mini-CEXs) take place at the clinical workplace. As both mini-CEXs and OSCEs assess clinical skills, but within different contexts, this study aims at analyzing to which degree students' mini-CEX scores can be predicted by their recent OSCE scores and/or context characteristics. METHODS Medical students participated in an end of Year 3 OSCE and in 11 mini-CEXs during 5 different clerkships of Year 4. The students' mean scores of 9 clinical skills OSCE stations and mean 'overall' and 'domain' mini-CEX scores, averaged over all mini-CEXs of each student were computed. Linear regression analyses including random effects were used to predict mini-CEX scores by OSCE performance and characteristics of clinics, trainers, students and assessments. RESULTS A total of 512 trainers in 45 clinics provided 1783 mini-CEX ratings for 165 students; OSCE results were available for 144 students (87 %). Most influential for the prediction of 'overall' mini-CEX scores was the trainers' clinical position with a regression coefficient of 0.55 (95 %-CI: 0.26-0.84; p < .001) for residents compared to heads of department. Highly complex tasks and assessments taking place in large clinics significantly enhanced 'overall' mini-CEX scores, too. In contrast, high OSCE performance did not significantly increase 'overall' mini-CEX scores. CONCLUSION In our study, Mini-CEX scores depended rather on context characteristics than on students' clinical skills as demonstrated in an OSCE. Ways are discussed which focus on either to enhance the scores' validity or to use narrative comments only.
Clinicians believe that psychosocial factors play a causal role in the etiology of many forms of functional dysphonia (FD). But for decades, all attempts to confirm such causation have failed. This paper aims to show the logic of this failure, to discuss the possibilities of employing psychology in therapy nonetheless, and to encourage clinicians to use their psychosocial knowledge and skills. The failure to confirm psychic and social factors as causal in the etiology of FD is basically a consequence of a principal shortcoming of evidence-based medicine (EBM). As the gold standard for validity, reliability, and objectivity in medical research, EBM is based on calculability and hence the processing of quantitative data. But life paths and life situations are best or sometimes only expressible in qualitative, experiential, and idiographic terms. Thus EBM-guided evaluation undervalues most psychosocial studies. This report of an experienced multidisciplinary voice team proposes alternative pathways for integrating psychosocial knowledge into the diagnosis and the treatment of FD. The difference between the fields of activity of psychotherapists and speech-language pathologists is discussed, and the latter group is shown the potential benefits of using more of their psychosocial knowledge and skills.
Abstract As librarians of the Social & Preventive Medicine Library in Bern, we help researchers perform systematic literature searches and teach students to use medical databases. We developed our skills mainly “on the job”, and we wondered how other health librarians in Europe were trained to become experts in searching. We had a great opportunity to “job shadow” specialists in this area of library service during a 5-day-internship at the Royal Free Hospital Medical Library in London, Great Britain.
Objective: In the past decade, variation in outcomes between therapists (i.e., therapist effects) have become increasingly recognized as an important factor in psychotherapy. Less is known, however, about what accounts for differences between therapists. The present study investigates the possibility that therapists' basic therapy-related interpersonal skills may impact outcomes. Method: To examine this, psychotherapy postgraduate trainees completed both an observer- and an expert-rated behavioral assessment: the Therapy-Related Interpersonal Behaviors (TRIB). TRIB scores were used to predict trainees' outcomes over the course of the subsequent five years. Results: Results indicate that trainees' with more positively rated interpersonal behaviors assessed in the observer-rated group format but not in a single expert-rated format showed superior outcomes over the five-year period. This effect remained controlling for therapist characteristics (therapist gender, theoretical orientation [cognitive behavioral or psychodynamic], amount of supervision, patient's order within therapist's caseload), and patient characteristics (patient age, gender, number of comorbid diagnoses, global severity, and personality disorder diagnosis). Conclusions: These findings underscore the importance of therapists' interpersonal skills as a predictor of outcome and source of therapist effects. The potential utility of assessing therapists' and therapists-in-training interpersonal skills are discussed.
Little is known about how children learn to associate numbers with their corresponding magnitude and about individual characteristics contributing to performance differences on the numerical magnitude tasks within a relatively homogenous sample of 6-year-olds. The present study investigated the relationships between components of executive function and two different numerical magnitude skills in a sample of 162 kindergartners. The Symbolic Number Line was predicted by verbal updating and switching, whereas the Symbolic Magnitude Comparison was predicted by inhibition. Both symbolic tasks were predicted by visuo-spatial updating. Current findings suggest that visuo-spatial updating underlies young children’s retrieval and processing of numbers’ magnitude.
„Entwicklung und Implementierung von Modellen für ein Skills-Training-Parcours für internistische Assistenzärzte “ V. Maier1 - K. Schnabel2 1 Universitätslinik für Allgemeine Innere Medizin, Inselspital, Bern 2 Berner interdisziplinäres Skills- und Schauspielpatientenzentrum (BiSS), Institut für Medizinische Lehre (IML), Abteilung für Unterricht und Medien (AUM) Einleitung: Im klinischen Alltag sind praktische Fertigkeiten gefordert, um Patienten sicher zu behandeln. Auch in der Schweizer Fachgesellschaft FMH kam es zu einer stärkeren Gewichtung der praktischen Fertigkeiten und müssen jetzt ein Logbuch über Art und Zeitpunkt der Intervention führen [1]. Am Inselspital Bern wurde dafür ein Skillsparcours etabliert, da in vielen Bereichen simulationsbasierte Ausbildungen traditionellen Methoden überlegen ist [2]. Der Skillsparcours besteht aus einem Nachmittag mit 4 nicht-invasiven Prozeduren und einem Nachmittag mit 5 invasiven Prozeduren. Eigens dafür wurden drei Modelle entwickelt und deren Tauglichkeit evaluiert. Fragestellung: Bilden die selbst gefertigten Modelle die Realität ausreichend ab? Material und Methoden: Innerhalb der 9 Posten (5 invasiv und 4 nichtinvasiv) wurden für die 5 invasiven Posten zwei Modelle aus dem Skillslab (BiSS) genutzt (Lumbalpunktion (LP) und Blasenkatheter (BK)) und drei Modelle neu entwickelt (Pleura-(PP), Aszites-(AP) und Knochenmarks-Punktion (KMP)). Die Modelle wurden mit Materialien aus dem Baumarkt entwickelt (Material ca. CHF 50/Stück). Der Aufbau der Modelle soll auf der Tagung demonstriert werden. Die Teilnehmer (N=12) und Dozenten (N=5) wurden zu der Qualität mittels Fragebogen befragt. Dabei wurde die individuelle Vorerfahrung und die Einschätzung der Teilnehmer erfragt. Die Frage zur Eignung des Modells war: „Das Modell war zum Üben geeignet“. Als Skala wurde eine Likert-Skala von 0 bis 5 (1=sehr ungeeignet, 5=sehr geeignet) benutzt. Ergebnisse: Die Assistenzärzte beurteilten die Modelleignung wie folgt (Median (Min;Max)): LP: 5 (4;5) KMP: 4.5 (3;5), PP: 4 (3;5), AP: 4.5 (2;5), BK-Einlage: 4.5 (4;6). Die Oberärzte, die jeweils nur das Modell bewerteten, an welchem sie den Kurs durchführten, beurteilten die Modelleignung wie folgt: LP 5.0, KMP: 5.0, PP 5.0, AP: 4.0, BK-Einlage: 3.0. Diskussion: Alle Modelle wurden sowohl von den Oberärzten als auch von den Assistenzärzten als zum Üben tauglich eingeschätzt. Zwischen den selbst hergestellten Low-Fidelity Modellen und den High-Fidelity Modellen gab es hierein keinen signifikanten Unterschied. Als am wenigsten tauglich wurde von den Oberärzten mit der Simulation der Blasenkatheter-Einlage ein High-Fidelity-Modell bewertet. Schlussfolgerungen: Alle Modelle für die Simulation der Punktionstechniken haben gut bis sehr gut funktioniert. Die selbst hergestellten Modelle bilden die Wirklich zum Üben der Techniken hinreichend gut und nicht schlechter als die High-Fidelity-Modelle ab. Selbst gebaute Modelle mit Materialien aus dem Baumarkt können das sonst sehr materialaufwändige Training mit Simulatoren genauso effektiv aber wesentlich effizienter durchführbar machen. Literatur bei den Autoren (1) Weiterbildungsordnung FMH 2014 (letzte Revision 4. September 2014). www.fmh.ch/files/pdf15/wbo_d.pdf (2) McGaghie WC, Issenberg SB, Cohen ER, Barsuk JH, Wayne DB (2011) Does simulation-based medical education with deliberate practice yield better results than traditional clinical education? A meta-analytic comparative review of the evidence. Acad Med. 2011 Jun;86(6):706-11
Introduction With a three year project the assessment of communication skills within the Swiss Federal Licensing Examinations (FLE) shall be improved. As a first step a needs assessment among communication experts and medical students of the Swiss Medical Faculties will be performed. In this presentation the results of the students’ needs assessment will be presented. Methods A bilingual student’s online questionnaire will be developed by an expert panel taking relevant literature, the Swiss Catalogue of Learning Objectives and other consensus statements for communication (e.g., the European and Basler consensus statements) into account. With a think aloud study response process validity evidence will be sought. The questionnaire will focus on the following topics related to communication skills: (1) What has been taught?, (2) What has been assessed in the faculty exams?, (3) What has been assessed in the FLE?, (4) What should have been assessed in the FLE and how should the assessment be improved? Results Results of the students’ needs assessment will be available by the end of 2015 and be presented. Conclusions/ Take-home message We hope for valuable input for improving the assessment of communications skills within the FLE also from the students’ side. Results of the needs assessment from the students and experts will be combined and taken as input for an international expert symposium on how to improve the communication skills assessment within the FLE.
Purpose. No Child Left Behind aimed to "improve the academic achievement of the disadvantaged." The primary research question considered how academic achievement of those from economic disadvantage compared to those not from disadvantage? ^ Economically disadvantaged students can potentially have added academic disadvantage. Research shows low academic achievement can potentially result in drug abuse, youth violence, and teen pregnancy. ^ Methods. To compare the student populations, measures included TAKS results and academic indicator data collected by the Texas Education Agency. ^ Results. T-test analyses showed a significant difference between the economically and non-economically disadvantaged student populations in meeting the TAKS passing standard, graduation, and preparation for higher education.^ Conclusions. The achievement gap between students remained as indicated by the Texas testing program. More research and time are needed to observe if the desired impact on those from economic disadvantage will be reflected by academic achievement data.^