696 resultados para Serotonin


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Il nucleo accumbens (NAc), il maggior componente del sistema mesocorticolimbico, è coinvolto nella mediazione delle proprietà di rinforzo e nella dipendenza da diverse sostanze d’abuso. Le sinapsi glutammatergiche del NAc possono esprimere plasticità, tra cui una forma di depressione a lungo termine (LTD) dipendente dagli endocannabinoidi (eCB). Recenti studi hanno dimostrato un’interazione tra le vie di segnalazione del sistema eCB e quelle di altri sistemi recettoriali, compreso quello serotoninergico (5-HT); la vasta colocalizzazione di recettori serotoninergici e CB1 nel NAc suggerisce la possibilità di un’interazione tra questi due sistemi. In questo studio abbiamo riscontrato che una stimolazione a 4 Hz per 20 minuti (LFS-4Hz) delle afferenze glutammatergiche in fettine cerebrali di ratto, induce una nuova forma di eCB-LTD nel core del NAc, che richiede l’attivazione dei recettori CB1 e 5-HT2 e l’apertura dei canali del Ca2+ voltaggio-dipendenti di tipo L. Inoltre abbiamo valutato che l’applicazione esogena di 5-HT (5 M, 20 min) induce una LTD analoga (5-HT-LTD) a livello delle stesse sinapsi, che richiede l’attivazione dei medesimi recettori e l’apertura degli stessi canali del Ca2+; LFS-4Hz-LTD e 5-HT-LTD sono reciprocamente saturanti. Questi risultati suggeriscono che la LFS-4Hz induce il rilascio di 5-HT, che si lega ai recettori 5-HT2 a livello postsinaptico incrementando l’influsso di Ca2+ attraverso i canali voltaggio-dipendenti di tipo L e la produzione e il rilascio di 2-arachidonoilglicerolo; l’eCB viaggia a ritroso e si lega al recettore CB1 a livello presinaptico, causando una diminuzione duratura del rilascio di glutammato, che risulta in una LTD. Queste osservazioni possono essere utili per comprendere i meccanismi neurofisiologici che sono alla base della dipendenza da sostanze d’abuso, della depressione maggiore e di altre malattie psichiatriche caratterizzate dalla disfunzione della neurotrasmissione di 5-HT nel NAc.


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Cannabinerge Substanzen können das Verhalten in einer dosisabhängigen, aber biphasischen Weise beeinflussen. Eine Erklärung für diese Art der Effekte könnte die Verteilung des CB1 Rezeptors auf verschiedenen Neuronentypen sein. CB1 Rezeptoren in glutamatergen und GABAergen Neuronen sind hier besonders wichtig, da die entsprechenden Neurotransmitter als Gegenspieler die neuronale Erregung kontrollieren. Spezifische Deletion des CB1 Rezeptor-Gens von einer der beiden Populationen führte zu gegensätzlichen Phenotypen, genauer gesagt, einem erniedrigten, bzw. einem gesteigerten Interaktiondrang. Tiere, bei denen der CB1 Rezeptor ausschließlich in striatalen, GABAergen „Medium Spiny“ Neuronen deletiert wurde, zeigten keinen veränderten Phänotyp. Dies legt nahe, dass der CB1 Rezeptor in kortikalen glutamatergen und GABAergen Neuronen für einen ausgeglichenen Interaktionsdrang entscheidend ist (siehe Kapitel 3).rnDiese dosisabhängigen, biphasischen Effekte auf das Verhalten können auch im „Forced Swim Test“ (FST) beobachtet werden. Ein möglicher Mechanismus, durch den Cannabinoide das Stressverhalten beeinflussen können, wäre die Regulierung der Monoaminausschüttung. Um die Abhängigkeit der Cannabinoideffekte von der Serotonintransmission zu untersuchen, wurden Dosen von CB1 Rezeptoragonisten und –antagonisten mit antidepressiv-induzierenden Eigenschaften bei gleichzeitiger Inhibition der Serotonintransmission im FST getestet. Die Ergebnisse zeigten, dass lediglich der Agonisteffekt durch die Inhibition der Serotoninauschüttung beeinflusst wird. Zusätzlich konnte die Abhängigkeit des Antagonisteneffekts von funktionsfähigen GABAergen CB1 Rezeptoren nachweisen werden. Interessanter Weise konnte der durch die Deletion von glutamatergen CB1 Rezeptoren induzierte Phänotyp durch Inhibition der Serotoninausschüttung blockiert werden (siehe Kapitel 4).rnEin indirekter Einfluss auf Serotoninausschüttung scheint also wahrscheinlich zu sein. Bis jetzt blieb jedoch unklar, inwieweit cannabinerge Substanzen direkt auf serotonerge Neuronen wirken können. Im Jahr 2007 konnte unsere Gruppe die Expression des CB1 Rezeptors in serotonergen Neuronen auf mRNA- und Proteinebene nachweisen. Die Züchtung und Analyse einer mutanten Mauslinie, in welcher der CB1-Rezeptor spezifisch in serotonergen Neuronen ausgeschaltet wurde, zeigte bei männlichen Tieren eine schwache, aber signifikante Verhaltensänderungen, die durch soziale Stimuli und lebensbedrohlichen Situationen ausgelöst wurde. So ist es erstmals gelungen nachzuweisen, dass serotonerge CB1-Rezeptoren eine physiologische Relevanz besitzen (siehe Kapitel 5).rn


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Opposing effects of ondansetron and tramadol on the serotonin pathway have been suggested which possibly increase tramadol consumption and emesis when co-administered. In a randomized, double-blinded study, 179 patients received intravenous ondansetron, metoclopramide, or placebo for emesis prophylaxis. Analgesic regimen consisted of tramadol intraoperative loading and subsequent patient-controlled analgesia. Tramadol consumption and response to antiemetic treatment were compared. Additionally, plasma concentrations of ondansetron and (+)O-demethyltramadol and CYP2D6 genetic variants were analyzed as possible confounders influencing analgesic and antiemetic efficacy. Tramadol consumption did not differ between the groups. Response rate to antiemetic prophylaxis was superior in patients receiving ondansetron (85.0%) compared with placebo (66.7%, P = .046), with no difference to metoclopramide (69.5%). Less vomiting was reported in the immediate postoperative hours in the verum groups (ondansetron 5.0%, metoclopramide 5.1%) compared with placebo (18.6%; P = .01). Whereas plasma concentrations of (+)O-demethyltramadol were significantly correlated to CYP2D6 genotype, no influence was detected for ondansetron. Co-administration of ondansetron neither increased tramadol consumption nor frequency of PONV in this postoperative setting. PERSPECTIVE: Controversial findings were reported for efficacy of tramadol and ondansetron when co-administered due to their opposing serotonergic effects. Co-medication of these drugs neither increased postoperative analgesic consumption nor frequency of emesis in this study enrolling patients recovering from major surgery.


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We recently identified the transcription factor (TF) islet 1 gene product (ISL1) as a marker for well-differentiated pancreatic neuroendocrine tumors (P-NETs). In order to better understand the expression of the four TFs, ISL1, pancreatico-duodenal homeobox 1 gene product (PDX1), neurogenin 3 gene product (NGN3), and CDX-2 homeobox gene product (CDX2), that mainly govern the development and differentiation of the pancreas and duodenum, we studied their expression in hormonally defined P-NETs and duodenal (D-) NETs. Thirty-six P-NETs and 14 D-NETs were immunostained with antibodies against the four pancreatic hormones, gastrin, serotonin, calcitonin, ISL1, PDX1, NGN3, and CDX2. The TF expression pattern of each case was correlated with the tumor's hormonal profile. Insulin-positive NETs expressed only ISL1 (10/10) and PDX1 (9/10). Glucagon-positive tumors expressed ISL1 (7/7) and were almost negative for the other TFs. Gastrin-positive NETs, whether of duodenal or pancreatic origin, frequently expressed PDX1 (17/18), ISL1 (14/18), and NGN3 (14/18). CDX2 was mainly found in the gastrin-positive P-NETs (5/8) and rarely in the D-NETs (1/10). Somatostatin-positive NETs, whether duodenal or pancreatic in origin, expressed ISL1 (9/9), PDX1 (3/9), and NGN3 (3/9). The remaining tumors showed labeling for ISL1 in addition to NGN3. There was no association between a particular TF pattern and NET features such as grade, size, location, presence of metastases, and functional activity. We conclude from our data that there is a correlation between TF expression patterns and certain hormonally defined P-NET and D-NET types, suggesting that most of the tumor types originate from embryologically determined precursor cells. The observed TF signatures do not allow us to distinguish P-NETs from D-NETs.


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Cardiovascular disease (CVD) is a major cause of morbidity and mortality worldwide. Epidemiologic research of the last half-century has clearly shown that psychosocial factors related to the social environment, personality characteristics, and negative affect increase the risk of incident CVD and also impact prognosis of cardiac patients. Several mechanisms may explain this link, including a genetic predisposition, poor lifestyle choices, low adherence to health recommendations, and direct pathophysiologic perturbations. The latter include alteration of the hypothalamic-pituitary adrenal axis and autonomic dysfunction resulting in endothelial dysfunction, inflammation, and a prothrombotic state further downstream. Screening for psychosocial factors seems appropriate as part of the standard history and based on the clinician's knowledge of the patient and the purpose of the visit. Psychological interventions generally alleviate distress in cardiac patients, but whether they reduce the risk of hard cardiovascular endpoints and all-cause mortality is less evident. Cardiac patients with more severe depression may particularly profit from antidepressant medications. Due to their pharmacologic properties, selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors were shown to improve cardiovascular outcome. The most effective psychosocial treatment is multicomponent therapy that combines elements of cognitive behaviour therapy ("stress management") and changes in health behaviours, including the adoption of a regular exercise regimen. Gender-specific issues should probably be considered. The field of behavioural cardiology has accumulated a wealth of epidemiological, mechanistic and clinical knowledge that undoubtedly has furthered our understanding about the important role of psychosocial risk factors in patients with a heart disease.


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The stability of the circadian rhythm for mammals depends on the levels of serotonin and melatonin, neurohormones that signal for lightness and darkness, respectively. Disruption in the stability of neurohormones has been shown to be a critical factor in psychopathological disorders in humans. For example, altering levels of melatonin in utero through administration of melatonin or the melatonin receptor antagonist, luzindole, has been shown to cause changes in developmental growth and adult behavior in the male rat. Analysis of relative adult hippocampal gene expression with RT-PCR revealed differences in ARNTL expression that suggested abnormality in clock gene expression of the rats that were prenatally exposed to altered levels of melatonin. Differences in the degree of plasticity as suggested by previous behavior testing did not result in differences in gene expression for GABA receptors or NMDA receptors. Morevoer, growth associated protein 43, GAP-43, a protein that is necessary for neuronal growth cones as well as long term learning has been found to be critical for axon and presynaptic terminal formation and retention in other studies, but hippocampal gene expression in our study showed no significant alteration after exposure to various maternal melatonin levels. However, ARNTL is a key regulatory component of clock genes and the circadian cycle so that alterations in the expression of thi critical gene may lead to critical changes in neuronal growth and plasticity. Our data support the conclusion that the manipulation of maternal melatonin levels alters the brain development and the circadian cycles that may lead to physiological and behavioral abnormalities in adult offspring.


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This study assessed the effects of the serotonin (5-HT) and norepinephrine (NE) transporter inhibitor duloxetine on the effects of 3,4-methylenedioxy-methamphetamine (MDMA, ecstasy) in vitro and in 16 healthy subjects. The clinical study used a double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled, four-session, crossover design. In vitro, duloxetine blocked the release of both 5-HT and NE by MDMA or by its metabolite 3,4-methylenedioxyamphetamine from transmitter-loaded human cells expressing the 5-HT or NE transporter. In humans, duloxetine inhibited the effects of MDMA including elevations in circulating NE, increases in blood pressure and heart rate, and the subjective drug effects. Duloxetine inhibited the pharmacodynamic response to MDMA despite an increase in duloxetine-associated elevations in plasma MDMA levels. The findings confirm the important role of MDMA-induced 5-HT and NE release in the psychotropic effects of MDMA. Duloxetine may be useful in the treatment of psychostimulant dependence.


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To investigate whether alterations in RNA editing (an enzymatic base-specific change to the RNA sequence during primary transcript formation from DNA) of neurotransmitter receptor genes and of transmembrane ion channel genes play a role in human temporal lobe epilepsy (TLE), this exploratory study analyzed 14 known cerebral editing sites in RNA extracted from the brain tissue of 41 patients who underwent surgery for mesial TLE, 23 with hippocampal sclerosis (MTLE+HS). Because intraoperatively sampled RNA cannot be obtained from healthy controls and the best feasible control is identically sampled RNA from patients with a clinically shorter history of epilepsy, the primary aim of the study was to assess the correlation between epilepsy duration and RNA editing in the homogenous group of MTLE+HS. At the functionally relevant I/V site of the voltage-gated potassium channel Kv1.1, an inverse correlation of RNA editing was found with epilepsy duration (r=-0.52, p=0.01) but not with patient age at surgery, suggesting a specific association with either the epileptic process itself or its antiepileptic medication history. No significant correlations were found between RNA editing and clinical parameters at other sites within glutamate receptor or serotonin 2C receptor gene transcripts. An "all-or-none" (≥95% or ≤5%) editing pattern at most or all sites was discovered in 2 patients. As a secondary part of the study, RNA editing was also analyzed as in the previous literature where up to now, few single editing sites were compared with differently obtained RNA from inhomogenous patient groups and autopsies, and by measuring editing changes in our mouse model. The present screening study is first to identify an editing site correlating with a clinical parameter, and to also provide an estimate of the possible effect size at other sites, which is a prerequisite for power analysis needed in planning future studies.


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The clinical use of the alkylating oxazaphosphorine ifosfamide is hampered by a potentially severe encephalopathy. S-carboxymethylcysteine (SCMC), a metabolite of ifosfamide (IF), activates the alpha-amino-3-hydroxy-5-methyl-4-isoxazolepropionic acid (AMPA)/kainate receptor, causes neuronal acidification, and could thus be responsible for the encephalopathy. Since the presence of SCMC in brain has not been documented following administration of IF, SCMC was measured in the brain of mice following both the individual i.p. administration of IF and SCMC. SCMC was found in a concentration of 108.2 +/- 29.7 nmol/g following IF, but was detectable at much lower levels following the administration of SCMC (21.1 +/- 21.2 nmol/g). Together with the observation that the concentration of SCMC was 10-fold higher in liver than in brain 1h after administration of SCMC, these findings suggest that the SCMC found after IF was formed in the brain in situ. The concentration of glutamic acid was similar in IF and SCMC treated animals. Methylene blue, which is used clinically to treat and to prevent IF encephalopathy, did not decrease the formation of SCMC in brain. By inhibiting monoamine oxidase activity it did, however, markedly increase the concentration of serotonin in brain which could modulate the effects of SCMC on AMPA/kainate receptors. Thus, SCMC is present in brain following the administration of IF and could contribute to the IF-associated encephalopathy by activation of AMPA/kainate receptors.


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Serotonin (5-hydroxytryptamine, 5-HT) is involved in gastrointestinal tract (GIT) motor functions through binding to specific receptors located in the GIT walls. The objectives of the current study were to compare mRNA levels and binding sites of 5-HT(4) receptors (5-HTR(4)) in smooth muscle layers from the fundus abomasi, pylorus, ileum, cecum, proximal loop of the ascending colon (PLAC), and external loop of the spiral colon (ELSC) of healthy dairy cows, and to verify whether mRNA and protein expression were correlated. Smooth muscle samples were prepared by scraping the mucosa and submucosa from full-thickness intestinal wall samples. The mRNA levels of 5-HTR(4) were measured by real-time PCR and expressed relative to those of the housekeeping gene glyceraldehyde phosphate dehydrogenase. Binding studies were performed using the 5-HTR(4) antagonist [(3)H]GR113808. The mRNA levels of 5-HTR(4) were affected (P < 0.05) by location along the GIT. The mRNA levels of 5-HTR(4) in the ELSC and the ileum were greater than in the PLAC (P = 0.05 and P = 0.07, respectively) but similar to those of all other locations. The competitive binding of [(3)H]GR113808 to suspended membranes from the fundus abomasi, pylorus, cecum, and ELSC was best fit by a 2-site receptor model, whereas it was best fit by a 1-site receptor model in the ileum and PLAC. The mRNA levels and numbers of 5-HTR(4) were not correlated (r = 0.14; P = 0.71). In conclusion, mRNA and binding sites for 5-HTR(4) are present in the smooth muscle layer of the entire GIT of dairy cows and may play a role with respect to motility. The effects of activation of this receptor subtype may be different among GIT locations due to differences in the amount of high- relative to low-affinity binding sites.


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This study was conducted to investigate the effects of rumen-protected tryptophan (125g tryptophan per day) in heifers and dairy cows. Blood samples from dairy cows and heifers were collected for 24h in 3-h intervals on the day before tryptophan supplementation, on day 2, 5 and 7 of tryptophan supplementation, and in heifers additionally on d 14 after tryptophan supplementation was ceased. Plasma tryptophan, melatonin, serotonin, and prolactin concentrations were determined. Tryptophan plasma concentrations on d 5 were augmented at day (11:00h) and nighttime (02:00h), (P<0.05) in response to tryptophan supplementation in heifers by 119% and in dairy cows by 47%, respectively, as compared with d 0. Melatonin increased (P<0.05) in response to tryptophan supplementation in heifers, but not in cows. The effect of tryptophan supplementation on plasma tryptophan and melatonin was reversible as demonstrated in heifers on d 14 after cessation of tryptophan supplementation. Serotonin and prolactin in plasma did not respond to tryptophan supplementation. However, milk yield during morning milking increased significantly in tryptophan supplemented cows on d 1, 3 and 4 as compared to the day before tryptophan supplementation. Additional blood samples were taken during afternoon milking in cows at 1-min intervals for the analyses of oxytocin and prolactin on the day before the start and on d 7 of tryptophan supplementation. Milk flow curves were recorded during milking. No effect of tryptophan supplementation on the milking related release of oxytocin and prolactin and on any characteristic of milk flow was observed. In conclusion, tryptophan supplementation caused increased plasma tryptophan in cows and heifers and plasma melatonin in heifers. However, plasma serotonin, prolactin and oxytocin release in cows remained unchanged by tryptophan supplementation. Milk yield at morning milking increased slightly and transiently in response to tryptophan supplementation.


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The mode of action of antidepressants is still a matter of debate. Acute inhibition of neurotransmitter reuptake in central neuronal synapses, followed by a down-regulation of central postsynaptic beta-adrenoceptor (beta-AR) numbers were consistently observed in vivo, while a reduction in surface beta-AR density was found in cell cultures. Effects of the tricyclic antidepressant desipramine (DMI) were abolished by vitamin E (alpha-TOC) in vitro as well as in vivo. Alpha-TOC interfered with antidepressant-induced changes of cellular plasma membrane properties and with recycling of beta-AR. St. John's wort (SJW) extract reduced beta-AR numbers in cultured cells to a similar extent as DMI or the selective serotonin re-uptake inhibitor fluoxetine. We chronically co-exposed cell cultures to SJW extract and to alpha-TOC. Receptor down-regulation following exposure to the plant extract was inhibited in the presence of alpha-TOC suggesting a mode of action of SJW extract comparable to that of synthetic antidepressants. Inhibition of cell proliferation by the plant extract was also significantly reduced by alpha-TOC.


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We describe a hitherto undocumented variant of dimorphic pituitary neoplasm composed of an admixture of neurosecretory cells and profuse leiomyomatous stroma around intratumoral vessels. Radiologically perceived as a macroadenoma of 3.8 cm in diameter, this pituitary mass developed in an otherwise healthy 43-year-old female. At the term of a yearlong history of amenorrhea and progressive bitemporal visual loss, subtotal resection was performed via transsphenoidal microsurgery. Discounting mild hyperprolactinemia, there was no evidence of excess hormone production. Histologically, solid sheets, nests and cords of epithelial-looking, yet cytokeratin-negative cells were seen growing in a richly vascularized stroma of spindle cells. While strong immunoreactivity for NCAM, Synaptophysin and Chromogranin-A was detected in the former, the latter showed both morphological and immunophenotypic hallmarks of smooth muscle, being positive for vimentin, muscle actin and smooth muscle actin. Architectural patterns varied from monomorphous stroma-dominant zones through biphasic neuroendocrine-leiomyomatous areas, to pseudopapillary fronds along vascular cores. Only endothelia were labeled with CD34. Staining for S100 protein and GFAP, characteristics of sustentacular cells, as well as bcl-2 and c-kit was absent. Except for alpha-subunit, anterior pituitary hormones tested negative in tumor cells, as did a panel of peripheral endocrine markers, including serotonin, somatostatin, calcitonin, parathormone and vasoactive intestinal polypeptide. Mitotic activity was absent and the MIB-1 labeling index low (1-2%). While assignment of this lesion to any established neoplastic entity is not forthcoming, we propose it is being considered as a low-grade neuroendocrine tumor possibly related to null cell adenoma.


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Glial-cell-line-derived neurotrophic factor (GDNF), neurturin (NRTN), artemin (ARTN) and persephin (PSPN), known as the GDNF family ligands (GFLs), influence the development, survival and differentiation of cultured dopaminergic neurons from ventral mesencephalon (VM). Detailed knowledge about the effects of GFLs on other neuronal populations in the VM is essential for their potential application as therapeutic molecules for Parkinson's disease. Hence, in a comparative study, we investigated the effects of GFLs on cell densities and morphological differentiation of gamma-aminobutyric acid-immunoreactive (GABA-ir) and serotonin-ir (5-HT-ir) neurons in primary cultures of E14 rat VM. We observed that all GFLs [10 ng/ml] significantly increased GABA-ir cell densities (1.6-fold) as well as neurite length/neuron. However, only GDNF significantly increased the number of primary neurites/neuron, and none of the GFLs affected soma size of GABA-ir neurons. In contrast, only NRTN treatment significantly increased 5-HT-ir cells densities at 10 ng/ml (1.3-fold), while an augmentation was seen for GDNF and PSPN at 100 ng/ml (2.4-fold and 1.7-fold, respectively). ARTN had no effect on 5-HT-ir cell densities. Morphological analysis of 5-HT-ir neurons revealed a significant increase of soma size, number of primary neurites/neuron and neurite length/neuron after GDNF exposure, while PSPN only affected soma size, and NRTN and ARTN failed to exert any effect. In conclusion, we identified GFLs as effective neurotrophic factors for VM GABAergic and serotonergic neurons, demonstrating characteristic individual action profiles emphasizing their important and distinct roles during brain development.


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Urinary hormone analysis is applied to detect an altered steroid hormone metabolism, an elevated production of biogenic amines and to non-invasively determine the protein hormone human beta-choriogonadotropin indicating a pregnancy. Occasionally, these determinations need to be complemented by plasma- or serum hormone analysis. Clinical data including current drug therapy and urinary creatinine as reference are required to interpret any urine analysis. Diseases to be investigated by steroid hormone analysis are excess production of a typical or atypical mineralocorticoid active steroid hormones, the hormonal activity of adrenal or ovarian tumors, acne of unknown origin, hirsutism, a PCO-, an adrenogenital or a suspected Cushing syndrome. Biogenic amines should be determined in suspected secondary or refractory arterial hypertension, in case of pheochromocytoma- or paraganglioma-associated symptoms or if a serotonin-producing tumor is suspected. In children genetically determined diseases are the primary background to perform an analysis.