805 resultados para Sandstone climbing


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At Site 582, DSDP Leg 87, turbidites about 560 m thick were recovered from the floor of the Nankai Trough. A turbidite bed is typically composed of three subdivisions: a lower graded sand unit, an upper massive silt unit, and an uppermost Chondrites burrowed silt unit. The turbidites intercalate with bluish gray hemipelagic mud which apparently accumulated below the calcite compensation depth. In order to investigate the nature and provenance of the turbidites, we studied the grain orientation, based on magnetic fabric measurements and thin-section grain counting, and grain size, using a photo-extinction settling tube and detrital modal analysis. The following results were obtained: (1) grain orientation analysis indicates that the turbidity current transport parallels the trench axis, predominantly from the northeast; (2) Nankai Trough turbidites generally decrease in grain size to the southwest; (3) turbidite sands include skeletal remains indicative of fresh-water and shallow-marine environments; and (4) turbidites contain abundant volcanic components, and their composition is analogous to the sediments of the Fuji River-Suruga Bay area. Considering other evidence, such as physiography and geometry of trench fill, we conclude that the turbidites of Site 582 as well as Site 583 were derived predominantly from the mouth of Fuji River and were transported through the Suruga Trough to the Nankai Trough, a distance of some 700 km. This turbidite transport system has tectonic implications: (1) the filling of the Nankai Trough is the direct consequence of the Izu collision in Pliocene- Pleistocene times; (2) the accretion of trench fill at the trench inner slope observed in the Nankai Trough is controlled by collision tectonics; and (3) each event of turbidite deposition may be related to a Tokai mega-earthquake.


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The Integrated OceanDrilling Program's Expedition 302, the Arctic Coring Expedition (ACEX), recovered the first Cenozoic sedimentary sequence from the central Arctic Ocean. ACEX provided ground truth for basin scale geophysical interpretations and for guiding future exploration targets in this largely unexplored ocean basin. Here, we present results from a series of consolidation tests used to characterize sediment compressibility and permeability and integrate these with high-resolution measurements of bulk density, porosity and shear strength to investigate the stress history and the nature of prominent lithostratigraphic and seismostratigraphic boundaries in the ACEX record. Despite moderate sedimentation rates (10-30 m/Myr) and high permeability values (10**-15 -10**-18 m**2), consolidation and shear strength measurements both suggest an overall state of underconsolidation or overpressure. One-dimensional compaction modelling shows that to maintain such excess pore pressures, an in situ fluid source is required that exceeds the rate of fluid expulsion generated by mechanical compaction alone. Geochemical and sedimentological evidence is presented that identifes the Opal A-C/T transformation of biosiliceous rich sediments as a potential additional in situ fluid source.However, the combined rat of chemical and mechanical compaction remain too low to fully account for the observed pore pressure gradients, implying an additional diagenetic fluid source from within or below the recovered Cenozoic sediments from ACEX. Recognition of the Opal A-C/T reaction front in the ACEX record has broad reaching regional implications on slope stability and subsurface pressure evolution, and provides an important consideration for interpreting and correlating the spatially limited seismic data from the Arctic Ocean.


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Thirty-five samples from Hole 778A were prepared for X-ray diffraction (XRD) mineralogical analyses and for chemical analyses of major and trace elements. Most of the selected samples were silt- and sand-sized sedimentary serpentinites or microbreccias except for a soft clast of mafic rock, a hard clast of massive serpentinized peridotite, and a pebble of consolidated, undeformed serpentine microbreccia that contained planktonic foraminifers. Both mineralogical and geochemical analyses allow discrimination of three groups among the analyzed samples. These groups correspond to three stratigraphic intervals present along the drilled section. Group A contains the upper samples (lithologic Unit I). These consist of poorly consolidated serpentine muds carrying hard-rock clasts (serpentinized peridotites, metabasalts). They are characterized by the following mineralogical assemblage: serpentine, Fe-oxides and hydroxides, aragonite, and halite. They exhibit variable SiO2, MgO contents, but are characterized by a SiO2/MgO ratio near 1. CaO content is high in relation to development of aragonite. Al2O3 content is low. Relatively high K2O, Na2O, and Sr contents are present, presumably in relation to interactions with seawater. Group B (30-77 mbsf) contains samples exhibiting very homogeneous chemical and mineralogical compositions. They consist of serpentinite microbreccias exhibiting frequent shear structures. Hard-rock clasts are also present (serpentinized peridotites, metabasalts, one possible chert fragment). The mineralogy of the Group B samples is characterized by the presence of serpentine and authigenic minerals: hydroxycarbonates and hydrogrossular. Calcite and chlorite are also present, but all the samples lack aragonite. Their chemical compositions are remarkably similar to compositions of their parent rocks. Group C contains silt- and sand-sized serpentine and serpentine microbreccias, which are locally rich in red clasts, probably strongly altered (oxidized?) mafic fragments. Intervals having clasts of more diverse origin than those higher in the section were recovered. Clast lithology includes serpentinized peridotites, metabasalts, metavolcaniclastite, meta-olivine gabbro, and amphibolite sandstone. Mineralogy and geochemistry reflect these compositions. Serpentine content of the samples is less than in previous groups. Correlatively, sepiolite, palygorskite, and chlorite-smectite are mineral phases present in the analyzed samples. Accessory igneous minerals (amphiboles, pyroxenes, hematite) also were found. The chemical compositions of most of Group C samples differ from that of massive serpentinized peridotites. The main differences are (1) higher SiO2, CaO, TiO2 and Al2O3 contents, (2) a SiO2/MgO ratio greater than 1, and (3) a negative correlation between Al2O3, and MgO, Cr, and Ni. These characteristics suggest new constraints relative to the flow structure of the flank of Conical Seamount.


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Compared to mid-latitude deserts, the properties, formation and evolution of desert pavements and the underlying vesicular layer in Antarctica are poorly understood. This study examines the desert pavements and the vesicular layer from seven soil chronosequences in the Transantarctic Mountains that have developed on two contrasting parent materials: sandstone-dolerite and granite-gneiss. The pavement density commonly ranges from 63 to 92% with a median value of 80% and does not vary significantly with time of exposure or parent material composition. The dominant size range of clasts decreases with time of exposure, ranging from 16-64 mm on Holocene and late Quaternary surfaces to 8-16 mm on surfaces of middle Quaternary and older age. The proportion of clasts with ventifaction increases progressively through time from 20% on drifts of Holocene and late Quaternary age to 35% on Miocene-aged drifts. Desert varnish forms rapidly, especially on dolerite clasts, with nearly 100% cover on surfaces of early Quaternary and older age. Macropitting occurs only on clasts that have been exposed since the Miocene. A pavement development index, based on predominant clast-size class, pavement density, and the proportion of clasts with ventifaction, varnish, and pits, readily differentiated pavements according to relative age. From these findings we judge that desert pavements initially form from a surficial concentration of boulders during till deposition followed by a short period of deflation and a longer period of progressive chemical and physical weathering of surface clasts. The vesicular layer that underlies the desert pavement averages 4 cm in thickness and is enriched in silt, which is contributed primarily by weathering rather than eolian deposition. A comparison is made between desert pavement properties in mid-latitude deserts and Antarctic deserts.


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Sand detrital modes of Albian-Eocene clastic gravity-flow deposits cored and recovered at Ocean Drilling Program Site 1276 reflect the postrift geologic evolution of the Newfoundland passive continental margin. Cretaceous sandstone compositions (average: Q57F23L20; Ls%Lsc = 35; total%bioclasts = 3) are consistent with a source on Grand Banks such as Avalon Uplift. Their relatively low potassium feldspar (Qm71K8P21) contents distinguish them from Iberian sandstones and appear to preclude an easterly source during the early history of the ocean basin. Isolated volcaniclastic input near the Paleocene/Eocene boundary (~60 Ma) at Site 1276 is also present in Iberian samples of this age, suggesting that magmatism was widespread across the North Atlantic during this time frame; the source(s) of this volcanic debris remains equivocal. In the Eocene, the development of carbonate bank facies on the shelf marks a profound compositional change to calcareous grainstones (average: Q27F11L62; Ls%Lsc = 82; total%bioclasts = 55) in basinal gravity-flow deposits at Site 1276. This calcareous petrofacies is present on the Iberian margin and in the Pyrenees, suggesting that it was a regional event. The production and downslope redistribution of carbonate debris, including bioclastic and lithic fragments, was likely eustatically controlled. The Newfoundland (Site 1276 and Jeanne d'Arc Basin) sandstones are mainly quartzolithic. Their composition and the contrast in composition between them and more quartzofeldspathic sandstones from the Iberian margin are likely a product of rifting along a Paleozoic suture zone separating distinct basement terranes. This prerift geologic setting contrasts with that of rifts developed within other cratonic settings with variable amounts of synrift volcanism. When synthesized, the spectrum of synrift and postrift sand compositions produces a general model of passive margin (rift-to-drift) sandstone provenance.


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Seven hundred and nineteen samples from throughout the Cainozoic section in CRP-3 were analysed by a Malvern Mastersizes laser particle analyser, in order to derive a stratigraphic distribution of grain-size parameters downhole. Entropy analysis of these data (using the method of Woolfe & Michibayashi, 1995) allowed recognition of four groups of samples, each group characterised by a distinctive grain-size distribution. Group 1, which shows a multi-modal distribution, corresponds to mudrocks, interbedded mudrock/sandstone facies, muddy sandstones and diamictites. Group 2, with a sand-grade mode but showing wide dispersion of particle size, corresponds to muddy sandstones, a few cleaner sandstones and some conglomerates. Group 3 and Group 4 are also sand-dominated, with better grain-size sorting, and correspond to clean, well-washed sandstones of varying mean grain-size (medium and fine modes, respectively). The downhole disappearance of Group 1, and dominance of Groups 3 and 4 reflect a concomitant change from mudrock- and diamictite-rich lithology to a section dominated by clean, well-washed sandstones with minor conglomerates. Progressive downhole increases in percentage sand and principal mode also reflect these changes. Significant shifts in grain-size parameters and entropy group membership were noted across sequence boundaries and seismic reflectors, as recognised in other studies.


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Cores from the upper 70 meters below seafloor (mbsf) (upper Pleistocene) at Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Site 645 in Baffin Bay show dramatic meter-scale changes in color and mineralogy. Below this interval, mineralogical changes are more gradual to the top of the Miocene at about 550 mbsf. The Pliocene-Pleistocene section can be divided into five facies: Facies 1 - massive, poorly sorted, gravel-bearing muds; Facies 2 - gray silty clays and silty muds; Facies 3 - laminated detricarbonate silty muds; Facies 4 - silty sand and sandy silt; and Facies 5 - poorly sorted muddy sands and silty muds. Facies 4 and 5 are restricted to the Pliocene section below depths of about 275 mbsf. The mineralogical/color cycles in the upper 70 mbsf are the result of alternations between Facies 2 and three lithotypes of Facies 1: lithotype A - tan-colored, carbonate-rich, gravel-bearing mud; lithotype B - weak, red-colored, gravel-bearing mud rich in sedimentary rock fragments; and lithotype C - gray, gravel-bearing mud. A fourth lithotype, D, is restricted to depths of 168-275 mbsf and is dark gray, carbonate-poor, gravel-bearing mud. We believe that all lithotypes of Facies 1 and the sand and gravel fractions of Facies 2 and 3 were deposited by ice rafting. Depositional processes for Facies 4 and 5 probably include ice rafting and bottom- and turbidity-current transport. Data from petrographic analyses of light and heavy sand-sized grains and X-ray analyses of silt- and clay-size fractions suggest that tan-colored sediments (lithotype A of Facies 1; Facies 3) were derived mainly from Paleozoic carbonates of Ellesmere, Devon, and northern Baffin islands. Weak red sediments (lithotype B) contain significant red sedimentary clasts, reworked quartzarenite grains and clasts, and rounded colorless garnets, all derived from Proterozoic sequences of the Borden and Thule basins, and from minor Mesozoic red beds. Other sediments in the upper 335 mbsf at Site 645 contain detritus from a heterogeneous mixture of sources, including Precambrian shield terranes around Baffin Bay. Sediments from 335 to 550 mbsf (Facies 5) are rich in friable sedimentary clasts and detrital micas and contain glauconite and, in a few samples, reworked diatoms. These components suggest derivation from poorly consolidated Mesozoic-Tertiary sediments in coastal outcrops and beneath the modern shelves of northeastern Baffin Island and western Greenland. For the upper Pleistocene section (about 0-100 mbsf), marked mineralogical cyclicity is attributed to fluctuating glacial margins, calving rates, and iceberg melting rates, particularly around the northern end of Baffin Bay. Tan-colored, carbonate-rich units were derived at times of maximum advance of glaciers on Ellesmere and Devon islands, during relatively warm intervals induced by incursion of warm Atlantic surface water into the bay. At the beginning of these warmer episodes, most icebergs were contributed by glaciers near sea level around the Arctic channels, which resulted in deposition of weak red, ice-rafted units rich in Proterozoic sedimentary clasts.


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Studies were made of the glacial geology and provenance of erratic in the Shackleton Range during the German geological expedition GEISHA in 1987/88, especially in the southern and northwestern parts of the range. Evidence that the entire Shackleton Range was once overrun by ice from a southerly to southeasterly direction was provided by subglacial erosional forms (e.g. striations, crescentic gouges, roches moutonnées) and erratics which probably orriginated in the region of the Whichaway Nunataks and the Pensacola Mountains in the southern part of the range. This probably happened during the last major expansion of the Anarctic polar ice sheet, which, on the basis of evidence from other parts of the continent, occurred towards the end of the Miocene. Till and an area of scattered erratics were mapped in the northwestern part of the range. These were deposited during a period of expansion of the Slessor Glacier in the Weichselian (Wisconsian) glacial stage earlier. This expansion was caused by blockage of the glacier by an expanded Filchner ice shelf which resulted from the sinking of the sea level during the Pleistocene, as demonstrated by geological studies in the Weddell Sea and along the coast of the Ross Sea. Studies of the erratics at the edges of glaciers provided information about rock concealed by the glacier.


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Diagenesis of the fine-grained, feldspathic sandstones in the Lower Cretaceous submarine fan complex cored in DSDP Hole 603B can be considered to have occurred in three stages: (1) replacement of matrix and framework grains by pyrite, siderite, phillipsite (?), and particularly by ferroan calcite; (2) dissolution of ferroan calcite and feldspars to produce secondary macroporosity; and (3) development of sparse feldspar and quartz overgrowths, and authigenic modification of remnant matrix. Only ferroan calcite is a volumetrically important diagenetic mineral phase (up to 50 vol.%). Matrix in thin sandstone turbidite deposits has been extensively replaced by ferroan calcite. Carbon stable isotope data suggest that organic diagenesis had only a minor influence on calcite precipitation. Oxygen stable isotope data indicate that the minimum average calcite precipitation temperature was 40° C. Preliminary calculations show that steadystate diffusion of Ca+ + from the dissolution of nannoplankton skeletal material in the interbedded pelagic marls to the associated sandstones is a feasible transport mechanism. A thick sandstone unit from 1234-1263 m sub-bottom is extensively replaced by calcite near the upper and lower contacts. Farther into the sand body away from the contacts, the sandstone has good secondary porosity resulting from the dissolution of ferroan calcite that partially replaced matrix and framework grains. The central portion of the thick sand appears to be a channel with high-energy clean sand. We believe that the channel provided a conduit for focused flow of diagenetic compactional fluids responsible for dissolution. Focused flow may be the result of the earlier lithification of the pelagic limestones and thin-bedded sandstones which, then formed vertical permeability barriers. Calcite dissolution has occurred and may still be occurring at temperatures less than 65°C.


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Late Aptian through middle Eocene nannofossil assemblages were recovered from a continuously cored section at Site 585. Poorly preserved assemblages of low diversity were observed in samples taken throughout both upper Aptian and/or lower Albian sandstone and mudstone and middle Cenomanian to lower Turonian claystone at the base of this section. A 70-m interval barren of nannofossils separates these poorly preserved assemblages from those recovered from an upper Campanian chalk farther uphole. This chalk marks the most significant change in carbonate deposition at this site, and deposition of interbedded zeolitic claystone and sediment of varied nannofossil content proceeded without major interruption until the early Paleocene (Fasciculithus tympaniformis Zone, CP4). A middle Eocene chalk (dated by nannofossils) unconformably overlies lower Paleocene sediment in both Holes 585 and 585A. Only a few interbeds of zeolitic claystone are present within 100 m of nannofossil-rich sediment above this unconformity. This entire interval is cautiously assigned to the Discoaster sublodoensis Zone (CP 12), which indicates a sedimentation rate almost an order of magnitude higher than expected from normal pelagic sedimentation. The most obvious feature of the assemblages examined from these cores is the amount of reworked material. Rare Nannoconus elongatus and Braarudosphaera sp. in several upper Campanian to middle Eocene samples demonstrate the contribution of pelagic material from upslope and, along with other reworked species throughout the Upper Cretaceous samples examined, provide evidence contradictory to an excursion of the calcium compensation depth to deep basinal settings in the western Pacific during the Campanian-Maestrichtian time (Thierstein, 1979). The overwhelming dominance of reworked species in all middle Eocene samples examined and the persistence of these assemblages throughout such a large thickness of sediment suggest that currents that redeposited material intensified at this time and may be associated with the formation of the lower Paleocene/middle Eocene unconformity at this site. A single surface core of calcareous ooze taken from Hole 585A dated as early Pleistocene contains abundant and well-preserved late Miocene and Pliocene species.