574 resultados para SECU container
L'elaborato tratta il ruolo del porto di Ravenna nell'import/export di prodotti ortofrutticoli. Dopo una accurata analisi dei dati, lo studio delle rotte marittime e l'uso di Dbms per gestire un database complesso, si propone un modello di programmazione lineare intera su un problema di ship routing, ship scheduling e full ship-load balancing. L'obiettivo è di massimizzare il profitto derivante da un prezzo di vendita e soggetto ai vari costi della logistica. Il modello sceglie la rotta ottimale da effettuare, in termini di ordine di visita dei vari porti che hanno un import e un export dei prodotti studiati. Inoltre, è in grado di gestire lo scorrere del tempo, fornendo come soluzione il giorno ottimale di visita dei vari porti considerati. Infine, trova la ripartizione ottima del numero di container a bordo della nave per ogni tipologia di prodotto.
This research study investigates the role and impact of psychoanalytically-informed short-term parent work with long-term foster carers of looked-after children, in support of the foster placement. The study reflects on the data gathered from four child assessments and five foster families seen by a psychoanalytic child psychotherapist for four sessions each. It draws on psychoanalytic ideas from a range of theoretical traditions, exploring such concepts as trauma, defences, compulsion to repeat, psychological-mindedness, ‘container/contained’ (Bion) and ‘holding environment’ (Winnicott). One distinctive contribution of this research is what it adds to our already existing understanding of the defences (or responses) aroused in the carer when faced with the intense and distressing affect associated with the child’s early trauma; and the impact of this legacy of trauma on the child, on the carer and on the wider Social Services system. Applying Grounded Theory and psychoanalytically-informed clinical case study methodology to the research material, the study breaks down the data analysis into seven stages of coding, from the initial reading of the data to the eventual development of two key hypotheses. One of the predominant themes that emerged from the analysis was the carer’s capacity to remain focused on the child’s emotional needs and how this in turn was linked to the direction of the therapist’s focus. The successive analyses of the data culminated in the hypothesis that the more the therapist focused on the carer and the carer’s emotional states in the course of the parent work, the more the carer was enabled to focus on the child’s emotional needs. As the system of categories emerged according to the themes exemplified in the sessions, a particular focus of analysis became the concept of psychologicalmindedness, considered under several sub-categories: displaying insightful comments; awareness of the child’s bodily states; awareness of the child’s affect; the carer’s ability to recognize the child’s defences; and the carer’s ability to make links between the child’s current difficulties and the child’s past experiences. Through this analysis it became apparent that degree of psychological-mindedness was closely linked to the individual carer’s capacity to metabolize the child’s distressed and distressing communication. This in turn led to a deeper exploration of the situations that were particularly challenging for the carers: i.e., instances when the child was compelled to repeat past traumatic emotional states and as a result was communicating intense distress. This exploration eventually generated the second hypothesis: that in reaction to the child’s distress, the response of each carer could be plotted somewhere along a spectrum, from either distancing themselves from the child’s emotional state to seeking excessive closeness with the child (merging). The next stage of the analysis developed four new categories of carer responses to the distressed child: identification and distancing from the child; identification and merging with the child; the category that describes the carer’s psychologicalmindedness as being ‘impaired’; and ‘good enough’ caring. This then led to an exploration of the carer’s own defences at these most challenging times. This research demonstrates clearly that even within the short space of four sessions of weekly psychoanalytic parent work, it is possible to achieve significant improvement in a carer’s capacity to bear the child’s compulsion to repeat early traumas, and to help the carers become more emotionally available to provide the child with effective psychological parenting at such difficult and challenging times. Key words: looked-after children; long-term foster carers; psychoanalytic short-term parent work; trauma; compulsion to repeat; psychological-mindedness; empathy; defences; psychoanalytically-informed clinical case study research methodology; Grounded Theory research methodology.
The aim of this research project was to examine the impact of direct work on practitioners in the field of statutory child protection. The author’s premise was that this work was anything but straightforward and that surprisingly, given the intense scrutiny on Children’s Services following a child death, there was little research into the day-to-day practice of front line staff. The aim was to explore whether psychoanalytic theory could be useful in understanding and making sense of the social work task. Data was collected through observation and semi-structured interviews in one Local Authority Child in Need team over a period of six months. The findings indicated that practitioners experienced direct work with some individuals and families as profoundly disturbing and that this affected them physiologically as well as psychologically. These effects persisted over time and appeared very difficult for the workers to process or articulate. This could be expressed through embodied or non-verbal communication in the interview. Practitioners appeared to be ‘inhabited’ by particular clients, suggesting phenomena such as projective identification were in operation. The intensity and persistence of the impact on the practitioners appears to be directly related to the quality, nature and intensity of the psychic defences functioning for the particular client. Significantly, the research indicated that when practitioners were dealing with the negative and disturbing projections from the (adult) clients it seemed from the data that the focus on the child would slip so that the child appeared to recede from view. Symptoms experienced by the practitioners were akin to trauma and research and theory on primary and secondary trauma were considered. Other issues raised included shame, which affects the clients, practitioners and the organisation and the meaning and implications of this are explored. Links between neuroscience and projective identification are addressed as well as the role of the organisation, particularly as a container for these toxic and disturbing encounters.
Food safety has always been a social issue that draws great public attention. With the rapid development of wireless communication technologies and intelligent devices, more and more Internet of Things (IoT) systems are applied in the food safety tracking field. However, connection between things and information system is usually established by pre-storing information of things into RFID Tag, which is inapplicable for on-field food safety detection. Therefore, considering pesticide residue is one of the severe threaten to food safety, a new portable, high-sensitivity, low-power, on-field organophosphorus (OP) compounds detection system is proposed in this thesis to realize the on-field food safety detection. The system is designed based on optical detection method by using a customized photo-detection sensor. A Micro Controller Unit (MCU) and a Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) module are used to quantize and transmit detection result. An Android Application (APP) is also developed for the system to processing and display detection result as well as control the detection process. Besides, a quartzose sample container and black system box are also designed and made for the system demonstration. Several optimizations are made in wireless communication, circuit layout, Android APP and industrial design to realize the mobility, low power and intelligence.
O elevado custo da operação de recolha de resíduos urbanos e a necessidade de cumprir metas dispostas em instrumentos legais são duas motivações que conduzem à necessidade de otimizar o serviço da recolha de resíduos. A otimização da recolha de resíduos é um problema de elevada complexidade de resolução que envolve a análise de redes de transporte. O presente trabalho propõe soluções de otimização da recolha de resíduos urbanos indiferenciados, a partir de um caso de estudo: o percurso RSU I 06 do município de Aveiro. Para este efeito, recorreu-se a uma aplicação informática de representação e análise geográfica: software ArcGIS denominada ArcMap e sua extensão Network Analyst, desenvolvida para calcular circuitos otimizados entre pontos de interesse. O trabalho realizado de aplicação do Network Analyst inclui a apresentação de duas das suas funcionalidades (Route e Vehicle Routing Problem). Em relação ao atual circuito de recolha e com base nos ensaios efetuados, foi possível concluir que esta aplicação permite obter circuitos de recolha otimizados mais curtos ou com menor duração. Contudo, ao nível da gestão permitiu concluir que, com a atual capacidade de contentorização, seria viável reduzir a frequência de recolha de seis vezes por semana para metade, dividindo a área de recolha em duas áreas, de acordo com as necessidades de cada local, reduzindo ainda mais o esforço de recolha. A aplicação do Network Analyst ao caso de estudo, permitiu concluir que é um software com muito interesse no processo de gestão da recolha de resíduos urbanos, apesar de apresentar algumas restrições de aplicação e que a qualidade/eficácia do procedimento de otimização depende da qualidade dos dados de entrada, em particular do descritivo geográfico disponível para os arruamentos e, em larga medida, também depende do modelo de gestão considerado.
O problema de alocação de berços: um estudo das heurísticas simulated annealing e algoritmo genético
Este trabalho apresenta um estudo de caso das heurísticas Simulated Annealing e Algoritmo Genético para um problema de grande relevância encontrado no sistema portuário, o Problema de Alocação em Berços. Esse problema aborda a programação e a alocação de navios às áreas de atracação ao longo de um cais. A modelagem utilizada nesta pesquisa é apresentada por Mauri (2008) [28] que trata do problema como uma Problema de Roteamento de Veículos com Múltiplas Garagens e sem Janelas de Tempo. Foi desenvolvido um ambiente apropriado para testes de simulação, onde o cenário de análise foi constituido a partir de situações reais encontradas na programação de navios de um terminal de contêineres. Os testes computacionais realizados mostram a performance das heurísticas em relação a função objetivo e o tempo computacional, a m de avaliar qual das técnicas apresenta melhores resultados.
Modern software application testing, such as the testing of software driven by graphical user interfaces (GUIs) or leveraging event-driven architectures in general, requires paying careful attention to context. Model-based testing (MBT) approaches first acquire a model of an application, then use the model to construct test cases covering relevant contexts. A major shortcoming of state-of-the-art automated model-based testing is that many test cases proposed by the model are not actually executable. These \textit{infeasible} test cases threaten the integrity of the entire model-based suite, and any coverage of contexts the suite aims to provide. In this research, I develop and evaluate a novel approach for classifying the feasibility of test cases. I identify a set of pertinent features for the classifier, and develop novel methods for extracting these features from the outputs of MBT tools. I use a supervised logistic regression approach to obtain a model of test case feasibility from a randomly selected training suite of test cases. I evaluate this approach with a set of experiments. The outcomes of this investigation are as follows: I confirm that infeasibility is prevalent in MBT, even for test suites designed to cover a relatively small number of unique contexts. I confirm that the frequency of infeasibility varies widely across applications. I develop and train a binary classifier for feasibility with average overall error, false positive, and false negative rates under 5\%. I find that unique event IDs are key features of the feasibility classifier, while model-specific event types are not. I construct three types of features from the event IDs associated with test cases, and evaluate the relative effectiveness of each within the classifier. To support this study, I also develop a number of tools and infrastructure components for scalable execution of automated jobs, which use state-of-the-art container and continuous integration technologies to enable parallel test execution and the persistence of all experimental artifacts.
A locational duality in port-related distribution activities is emerging. In some regions, distribution activities have moved from ports to inland locations, driven in part by ‘push factors’ such as port congestion and scarcity of land for container handling activities, or by ‘pull factors’ such as the growth of intermodal corridors, the influence of inland terminals and the changing economic geography in the hinterland. In other regions, ports retain their traditional role as centres of distribution and warehousing activity. More recently, the focus on ‘port-centric logistics’ is indicative that some regions are refocusing on ports as potential locations for large distribution centres. The result has been a growing competition, but also complementarity, between ports and inland locations concerning the location of distribution activities, driven not only by market forces but also by institutional settings and the governance relations between the actors involved. This report provides an overview of regional differences across the world in order to develop a framework identifying for which type of distribution activities ports are suitable locations and which activities are best suited to the hinterland, taking into account geographical, economic and logistics settings. Empirical evidence is derived from a variety of regions in Europe, North America, South America, Southern Africa and Asia.
The publisher regrets to inform the readers that the image that is appearing for Fig. 8 is incorrect and that the Supplementary material is missing on the published paper. The correct image for Fig. 8 and the Supplementary files are provided below: Fig. 8. (a) Timber blocks covered by invented plastic container bottom open, (b) timber blocks in the field after trial, (c) and (d) comparison between resin-coated blocks without termite damage and control blocks which were severely damaged by termites.
Short sea shipping has several advantages over other means of transportation, recognized by EU members. The maritime transportation could be dealt like a combination of two well-known problems: the container stowage problem and routing planning problem. The integration of these two well-known problems results in a new problem CSSRP (Container stowage and ship routing problem) that is also an hard combinatorial optimization problem. The aim of this work is to solve the CSSRP using a mixed integer programming model. It is proved that regardless the complexity of this problem, optimal solutions could be achieved in a reduced computational time. For testing the mathematical model some problems based on real data were generated and a sensibility analysis was performed.
Field lab: Entrepreneurial and innovative ventures
Title of dissertation: MAGNETIC AND ACOUSTIC INVESTIGATIONS OF TURBULENT SPHERICAL COUETTE FLOW Matthew M. Adams, Doctor of Philosophy, 2016 Dissertation directed by: Professor Daniel Lathrop Department of Physics This dissertation describes experiments in spherical Couette devices, using both gas and liquid sodium. The experimental geometry is motivated by the Earth's outer core, the seat of the geodynamo, and consists of an outer spherical shell and an inner sphere, both of which can be rotated independently to drive a shear flow in the fluid lying between them. In the case of experiments with liquid sodium, we apply DC axial magnetic fields, with a dominant dipole or quadrupole component, to the system. We measure the magnetic field induced by the flow of liquid sodium using an external array of Hall effect magnetic field probes, as well as two probes inserted into the fluid volume. This gives information about possible velocity patterns present, and we extend previous work categorizing flow states, noting further information that can be extracted from the induced field measurements. The limitations due to a lack of direct velocity measurements prompted us to work on developing the technique of using acoustic modes to measure zonal flows. Using gas as the working fluid in our 60~cm diameter spherical Couette experiment, we identified acoustic modes of the container, and obtained excellent agreement with theoretical predictions. For the case of uniform rotation of the system, we compared the acoustic mode frequency splittings with theoretical predictions for solid body flow, and obtained excellent agreement. This gave us confidence in extending this work to the case of differential rotation, with a turbulent flow state. Using the measured splittings for this case, our colleagues performed an inversion to infer the pattern of zonal velocities within the flow, the first such inversion in a rotating laboratory experiment. This technique holds promise for use in liquid sodium experiments, for which zonal flow measurements have historically been challenging.
Los problemas de corte y empaquetado son una familia de problemas de optimización combinatoria que han sido ampliamente estudiados en numerosas áreas de la industria y la investigación, debido a su relevancia en una enorme variedad de aplicaciones reales. Son problemas que surgen en muchas industrias de producción donde se debe realizar la subdivisión de un material o espacio disponible en partes más pequeñas. Existe una gran variedad de métodos para resolver este tipo de problemas de optimización. A la hora de proponer un método de resolución para un problema de optimización, es recomendable tener en cuenta el enfoque y las necesidades que se tienen en relación al problema y su solución. Las aproximaciones exactas encuentran la solución óptima, pero sólo es viable aplicarlas a instancias del problema muy pequeñas. Las heurísticas manejan conocimiento específico del problema para obtener soluciones de alta calidad sin necesitar un excesivo esfuerzo computacional. Por otra parte, las metaheurísticas van un paso más allá, ya que son capaces de resolver una clase muy general de problemas computacionales. Finalmente, las hiperheurísticas tratan de automatizar, normalmente incorporando técnicas de aprendizaje, el proceso de selección, combinación, generación o adaptación de heurísticas más simples para resolver eficientemente problemas de optimización. Para obtener lo mejor de estos métodos se requiere conocer, además del tipo de optimización (mono o multi-objetivo) y el tamaño del problema, los medios computacionales de los que se dispone, puesto que el uso de máquinas e implementaciones paralelas puede reducir considerablemente los tiempos para obtener una solución. En las aplicaciones reales de los problemas de corte y empaquetado en la industria, la diferencia entre usar una solución obtenida rápidamente y usar propuestas más sofisticadas para encontrar la solución óptima puede determinar la supervivencia de la empresa. Sin embargo, el desarrollo de propuestas más sofisticadas y efectivas normalmente involucra un gran esfuerzo computacional, que en las aplicaciones reales puede provocar una reducción de la velocidad del proceso de producción. Por lo tanto, el diseño de propuestas efectivas y, al mismo tiempo, eficientes es fundamental. Por esta razón, el principal objetivo de este trabajo consiste en el diseño e implementación de métodos efectivos y eficientes para resolver distintos problemas de corte y empaquetado. Además, si estos métodos se definen como esquemas lo más generales posible, se podrán aplicar a diferentes problemas de corte y empaquetado sin realizar demasiados cambios para adaptarlos a cada uno. Así, teniendo en cuenta el amplio rango de metodologías de resolución de problemas de optimización y las técnicas disponibles para incrementar su eficiencia, se han diseñado e implementado diversos métodos para resolver varios problemas de corte y empaquetado, tratando de mejorar las propuestas existentes en la literatura. Los problemas que se han abordado han sido: el Two-Dimensional Cutting Stock Problem, el Two-Dimensional Strip Packing Problem, y el Container Loading Problem. Para cada uno de estos problemas se ha realizado una amplia y minuciosa revisión bibliográfica, y se ha obtenido la solución de las distintas variantes escogidas aplicando diferentes métodos de resolución: métodos exactos mono-objetivo y paralelizaciones de los mismos, y métodos aproximados multi-objetivo y paralelizaciones de los mismos. Los métodos exactos mono-objetivo aplicados se han basado en técnicas de búsqueda en árbol. Por otra parte, como métodos aproximados multi-objetivo se han seleccionado unas metaheurísticas multi-objetivo, los MOEAs. Además, para la representación de los individuos utilizados por estos métodos se han empleado codificaciones directas mediante una notación postfija, y codificaciones que usan heurísticas de colocación e hiperheurísticas. Algunas de estas metodologías se han mejorado utilizando esquemas paralelos haciendo uso de las herramientas de programación OpenMP y MPI.
Diseñar y construir un robot acuático que destruya la presencia de larvas o pupas de mosquitos en contenedores de agua. Se construyó y se diseñó un robot con materiales reciclables construido con tubos de cañería PVC, lupa, sensores de luz y barrera, motor de fuente 110 v, resistencias, LCR, cargador 9 v y focos led, para que destruya larvas de mosquitos en un contenedor de agua. Como resultado hay una cero prevalencia de índice larvario porque el robot detecta presencia larvaria con sensores y rayos laser activándose automáticamente con el efecto de succión y destrucción larvas en su interior eliminándolas desechas al utilizar filtros de 10 micras y aspas metálicas, el robot se activa por cinco a diez minutos y se apaga automáticamente hasta esperar la alarma otra vez según disposición de larvas. Conclusión el uso del robot acuático en contenedores de agua no se encuentra índices larvarios, así como pupas, que puede ser utilizado como control antilarvario para el combate transmisor de Dengue, Zika, Chikungunya entre otros.
Design and build an aquatic robot to destroy the presence of larvae or pupae of mosquitoes in water containers. It was built and a robot with recyclables built with tubes pipe PVC, magnifier, light sensors and barrier, engine power 110 v, resistors, LCR, charger 9 vy spotlights led, to destroy mosquito larvae was designed in a container of water. As a result there is a zero prevalence Larval rate because the robot detects larval presence sensors and lasers automatically activated with the suction effect and larvae destruction their killing the inner cast off using filters of 10 microns and metal blades, the robot is activated by five to ten minutes to wait automatically turns off the alarm again available as larvae. Conclusion use water in water containers robot is not larval indices and pupae, which can be used as anti larval control for transmitter combat Dengue, Zika, Chikungunya among others.
El diseño de un sistema de empaques con doble función para cereales nacionales, es un estudio que evidencia el problema que existe en la producción de empaques para este tipo de alimentos (cereales) en el medio, que se han convertido en productos de consumo masivo, y por ende en generadores de gran cantidad de desechos por su función de envase secundario y por el volumen que ocupan. Propone una solución a través de procesos creativos de diseño que podrían incorporarse al empaque, promoviendo la reutilización y alargar la vida útil de un empaque. Evidencia la relación existente entre los campos de diseño y ecología a través de la producción de uno de los elementos de comunicación visual más importante hoy en día como es el diseño de packaging