887 resultados para Religious and spiritual coping


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Utilizzando fonti della più diversa tipologia (liturgiche, agiografiche, storiche, letterarie, archeologiche ed epigrafiche), lo studio condotto sulla Passio s. Prisci e sulla Vita s. Castrensis, entrambe con ogni probabilità composte da monaci benedettini a Capua tra X e XI secolo, si concentra innanzitutto sulle vicende che in quell'arco di tempo resero possibile la permanenza delle comunità di Montecassino e di S. Vincenzo al Volturno nel centro campano e sul riflesso che la loro presenza ebbe sulla vita politica e culturale della città. La Passio s. Prisci acquista una valenza non solo religiosa ma anche politica se messa in relazione con la quasi contemporanea istituzione della metropolia capuana; la Vita s. Castrensis, per la netta prevalenza dell'elemento fantastico e soprannaturale che la caratterizza, appare meno legata alle contingenze storico-politiche e più vicina ai topoi della tradizione agiografica e popolare. I capitoli centrali della tesi sono dedicati alla figura di Quodvultdeus, vescovo cartaginese esiliato dai Vandali nel V secolo, la cui vicenda, narrata da Vittore di Vita nell'Historia persecutionis africanae provinciae ha funto da modello per le agigrafie campane. La ricerca prende dunque in considerazione le fonti letterarie, i ritrovamenti archeologici e le testimonianze epigrafiche che confermerebbero la testimonianza di Vittore, riflettendo inoltre sui rapporti di natura commerciale che nel V secolo intercorsero tra Africa e Campania e sul forte legame esistente, già a partire dal secolo precedente, tra le Chiese delle due regioni, fattori che potrebbero aver facilitato l'arrivo degli esuli cartaginesi a Napoli. L'ultima parte del lavoro è volta a rintracciare le ragioni storiche e letterarie che possono aver spinto gli autori dei testi a trasformare due santi di sicura origine campana in vescovi africani venuti dal mare, favorendo la diffusione del topos nell'agiografia campana medievale.


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Per comprendere le vicende di una famiglia illustre e nobile il cui ruolo politico e sociale in Sicilia si data alle soglie del XIV secolo, non possiamo astenerci dal ricordare i fatti e gli eventi che hanno dominato la storia siciliana e determinato l’ascesa di Castelvetrano come centro signorile per eccellenza. E’ necessario, quindi, collocare geograficamente e storicamente l’isola per inserirla all’interno di un preciso quadro socio-politico. All’origine della sua storia sono sicuramente da individuare sia il legame intercorso nei secoli tra l’Asia e l’Europa, in particolare tra l’Asia Minore bizantina e l’area mediterranea unificata proprio dall’impero di Bisanzio, sia le lotte per l’egemonia tra Chiesa e Impero, (che abbastanza presto sarà impero d’Occidente) lotte che vedono entrambe le parti impegnate a contendersi il ruolo di guida politica, morale e spirituale dell’intera cristianità medievale, ritenendo ogni altro potere subordinato al proprio.


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Nel 1932 Ernst Robert Curtius pubblica il pamphlet politico culturale Deutscher Geist in Gefahr nel quale chiarisce il suo pensiero di fronte alla grave crisi in cui versa la Germania. Egli si schiera contro le posizioni di destra del suo tempo, delle quali critica apertamente la boria nazionalista, il rozzo antisemitismo e la creazione di un mito nazionale elaborato come strumento di manipolazione dell’opinione pubblica. Ritiene inoltre inaccettabili le posizioni rivoluzionarie, tanto di destra quanto di sinistra, che vogliono liberarsi della tradizione umanistica europea e disprezzano la Zivilisation francese; allo stesso modo rifiuta l’ideale di un germanesimo eroico avulso dalla storia europea e respinge infine tutte le forme di nichilismo che si risolvono in un atteggiamento di indifferenza nei confronti della realtà, dei valori e della storia. Curtius accetta il sistema democratico come unica soluzione e ritiene che le decisioni politiche debbano mirare al bene di tutti i ceti sociali indipendentemente dagli interessi di partiti e di singoli gruppi. Rifiuta qualunque forma, anche culturale, di supremazia della Germania, aspira a un’Europa cosmopolita, le cui nazioni siano valorizzate nelle loro caratteristiche specifiche, ed è convinto che per la costruzione della pace gli europei debbano vivere, studiare e lavorare insieme imparando gli uni le lingue degli altri. Per Curtius l’Umanesimo della tradizione classica e la letteratura del Medioevo sono parte integrante della vita di ogni europeo e fonte di energie spirituali per affrontare in modo creativo il presente e il futuro.


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Arnt van Tricht, gest. 1570, unterhielt bis in die späten 50er Jahre des 16. Jahrhunderts, wahrschein-lich aus Antwerpen kommend, in Kalkar am Niederrhein eine sehr erfolgreiche Werkstatt. Die bis dahin vorherrschende spätgotische Formensprache der langjährig ansässigen Bildhauer löste er durch die der Renaissance ab, führte jedoch deren Arbeitsfelder und Materialwahl weiter. Arnt van Tricht schuf Arbeiten sowohl religiöser als auch profaner Natur innerhalb des Gebiets der damals sehr bedeutenden Vereinigten Herzogtümer Kleve-Mark-Jülich-Berg und Geldern. Seine wohlhabenden Auftraggeber entstammten dem Klerus, der Bürgerschaft und dem Adel.rnIm Rahmen der Arbeit zeigte sich, dass sich für den Künstler die Verlegung der herzoglichen Residenz nach Düsseldorf und der wirtschaftliche Niedergang der Region letztlich stärker auswirkte als die religiösen Veränderungen durch die Reformation.rnArnt van Tricht schuf die meisten seiner religiösen Bildwerke für die Stiftskirche St. Viktor in Xanten, die durch die Bürgerschaft ausgestattete Pfarrkirche von St. Nicolai in Kalkar und umliegende Gemeinden. Einzelne Stücke sind, wohl über familiäre Verflechtungen vermittelt, in einem weiteren Radius zu finden. Van Tricht arbeitete Schnitzretabel mitsamt ihrer ornamentalen und figuralen Aus-stattung sowie Skulpturen(-gruppen) in Eichenholz. Daneben finden sich im Werk zahlreiche in Sandstein gearbeitete Skulpturen, die teilweise an Pfeilern und Portalen der Kirchen architektur-gebunden sind. Neben diesen rundplastischen Werken schuf Arnt van Tricht eine große Anzahl an steinernen Reliefarbeiten. Hierbei nehmen die überwiegend für die lokalen Kanoniker gearbeiteten Epitaphien mit biblischem Reliefbild in Ornamentrahmen den größten Teil ein.rnEin zweiter, gleichwertiger Werkkomplex, überwiegend in Sandstein gearbeitet, ist profaner Natur und fällt durch die Größe der Aufträge ins Gewicht. Arnt van Tricht war an einigen groß angelegten Modernisierungsprojekten an Stadthäusern und Kastellen des lokalen Adels beschäftigt. Für mehrere aufwendig gestaltete Fassadendekorationen arbeitete er Architekturglieder mit figürlicher Darstellung oder Ornament, Büsten und freiplastische Skulpturen. Arnt van Tricht war aber auch an der Aus-gestaltung der Innenräume beteiligt. Aufwendig skulptierte und reliefverzierte Kaminverkleidungen stehen dabei neben reduzierteren Arbeiten für offensichtlich weniger repräsentative Räume. Neben in Eichenholz gearbeiteter Vertäfelung schuf Arnt van Tricht hölzerne figurale Handtuchhalter. Diese zeigen, wie auch die Reliefbilder der Kamine, die darüber hinaus Wappen und Porträts der Bauherren aufnehmen, eine religiöse oder profane, auch antikisierende Thematik, bei der ein moralisierender Unterton mitschwingt.rnIn dieser Arbeit werden erstmals alle Werkstücke des Künstlers zusammengeführt dargestellt, so dass ein Werkkatalog mit einem Überblick über das sehr breit gefächerte Spektrum des Opus Arnt van Trichts vorliegt. Häufig durch bloße Nennung mit Arnt van Tricht in Verbindung gebrachte Arbeiten werden bewertet und die Zu- oder Abschreibung begründet. Auch können einige Stücke neu zugeschrieben werden.


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When I first started my thesis, I intended for my finished project to be a compilation of poems that aims to reflect and reveal several repeating themes of our society's collective unconscious, such as the relationship between the physical and spiritual aspects of being and the representation of women's lives, organized religion,adolescence, and mental illness. I proposed writing a chapbook of poetry that reflects an exploration of, and sensitivity to, the human unconscious mind, fears, and desires. Consulting other works of surreal, lyric, and confessional poetry, I sought to personallydevelop as both a poet and a psychology student. I made a conscious effort to avoid trying to attach a specific 'meaning' to each poem. I understand that, in poetry, the reader is never entirely aware of exactly what the poet is trying to convey. All the reader knows is what he or she sees in a given poem and how he or she responds to that poem. However, through working on my thesis I discovered that, while meaning may not be intentional in the drafting process, developing what the poem meant to me was central to the process of revision. Furthermore, I realized that I unconsciously returned to specific themes across various poems, something that was not apparent to me until I re-read my entire collection ...


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Purpose: Gender-specific differences exist between male and female infertility patients' mental health, the meaning of infertility in their lives, and the coping strategies used. This systematic review examines whether gender-specific aspects are addressed in psychological intervention studies for infertility and whether infertile women and men benefit equally from such interventions. Methods: Databases were searched to identify relevant articles published between 1978 and 2007 (384 articles). The review included both controlled and uncontrolled psychological intervention studies examining results for infertile women and men separately. Outcome measures (depressive symptoms, anxiety, and mental distress) and gender-specific baseline characteristics (mental distress at pre-assessment, cause of infertility, and medical treatment) were collected. A total of twelve studies were finally included. Results: In 10 of 12 studies, women exhibited higher levels of mental distress than men. Gender-specific aspects were not addressed in the psychological interventions. Examining the efficacy of psychological interventions revealed that women exhibited stronger positive mental health effects in 2 of the 12 studies. Conclusion: Psychological distress before psychological treatment seems more pronounced in women than in men. Therefore psychological interventions for infertile couples should take gender-specific aspects into account. More research is needed to address the gender-specific aspects regarding psychological interventions for infertility.


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BACKGROUND: Diversity patterns of livestock species are informative to the history of agriculture and indicate uniqueness of breeds as relevant for conservation. So far, most studies on cattle have focused on mitochondrial and autosomal DNA variation. Previous studies of Y-chromosomal variation, with limited breed panels, identified two Bos taurus (taurine) haplogroups (Y1 and Y2; both composed of several haplotypes) and one Bos indicus (indicine/zebu) haplogroup (Y3), as well as a strong phylogeographic structuring of paternal lineages. METHODOLOGY AND PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: Haplogroup data were collected for 2087 animals from 138 breeds. For 111 breeds, these were resolved further by genotyping microsatellites INRA189 (10 alleles) and BM861 (2 alleles). European cattle carry exclusively taurine haplotypes, with the zebu Y-chromosomes having appreciable frequencies in Southwest Asian populations. Y1 is predominant in northern and north-western Europe, but is also observed in several Iberian breeds, as well as in Southwest Asia. A single Y1 haplotype is predominant in north-central Europe and a single Y2 haplotype in central Europe. In contrast, we found both Y1 and Y2 haplotypes in Britain, the Nordic region and Russia, with the highest Y-chromosomal diversity seen in the Iberian Peninsula. CONCLUSIONS: We propose that the homogeneous Y1 and Y2 regions reflect founder effects associated with the development and expansion of two groups of dairy cattle, the pied or red breeds from the North Sea and Baltic coasts and the spotted, yellow or brown breeds from Switzerland, respectively. The present Y1-Y2 contrast in central Europe coincides with historic, linguistic, religious and cultural boundaries.


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The paper will examine the role Teofilo Petriella played in splitting Italian communities through Marxist agitation. As a strike leader on Mesabi Iron Range and in Copper Country, Petriella traveled throughout the Great Lakes region. In each community he found supporters among the discontented miners, while also facing strong opposition from Catholic priests and middle class community leaders. By examining his activities in both regions, I will illustrate the connectivity of Italian communities around Lake Superior, while also addressing religious and class conflict amongst the populations.


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The paper deals with poverty within Israel. Against the background of the history of pre-state Israel and the developments after the establishment of the State of Israel in 1948 the historical roots of Israeli poverty are analyzed. Thus the ‘socialist’-Zionist project, ethnic exclusion, religious and intra-Jewish ethnic lines of conflict as well as the Bedouins, Druzes and Israeli Arabs as ‘specific’ Israeli citizen are discussed. Despite the economic growth in Israel since 2003 ‘the majority of Israeli wage earners (over 60percent) earned less than $1,450 a month last year’ (Goldstein 2007, p. 1). In 2004 1.3 million Israelis lived below the poverty line, a number which in 2005 increased to more than 1.5 million Israelis. In spite of growing economic prosperity the proportion of families belonging to the working-poor, i.e. families with at least one family member in paid employment, increased from 11.4 percent in 2004 to 12.2 percent in 2005. The percentage of poor families in the working population increased from 40.6 percent to 43.1 percent. Nearly 60 percent of the ‘working-poor’ were working fulltime (Sinai 2006a, Shaoul 2006). 42 percent of Israeli Arab families are living below the poverty line. The average wages are less than half the wages of Ashkenazi Jews. Every second Israeli Arab child lives in poverty. When in 1996 to 2001 the unemployment rate of the Jewish Israelis increased by about 53 percent, the unemployment rate of the Arab Israelis increased by 126 percent (cf. Shaoul 2006). 80 percent of Israelis regard themselves as poor. 23 percent of the pensioners are living below the poverty line. Poverty among children increased in 1988 to 2005 by about 50 percent. Approximately one fifth of all under-age children (714.000) in Israel are suffering from hunger (cf. Shaoul 2006). 75 percent of the poor families cannot afford medicine and 70 percent are dependant on food donations (cf. Sinai 2005b). Nearly one third of the Holocaust survivors are living in poverty. Some of the Holocaust survivors get $ 600,- per month from the German government, whilst other Holocaust survivors receive only $ 350,- per month from the Israeli Ministry of Finance and the Holocaust survivors that immigrated to Israel after 1953 (who amount to 70 percent of the Holocaust survivors in Israel) only receive the general national pension. Nearly 20 percent of the Holocaust survivors are at the present time 86 years and older, 70 percent are older than 76 years. (cf. Medina 2007, p. 1) They are not entitled to a supplementary payment or to compensation. But the problematic economic situation of the Holocaust survivors is neither new information nor an unknown fact. As a result of the precarious situation several are in need of the help of welfare organizations, because they cannot afford to some degree their necessary medicine.


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Ausgehend vom Körper als Vermittler zwischen Subjekt und Gesellschaft wird die Frage beantwortet, wie Migrantinnen auf diskursiv erzeugte Normen und Werte der schweizerischen Mehrheitsgesellschaft im Kontext von Schwimmkursen als Integrationsmaßnahme reagieren. Die Feldaufenthalte und Interviews erlauben eine Analyse dominanter Macht- und subversiver Selbstermächtigungsprozesse innerhalb eines körperzentrierten, religiös-kulturell pluralisierten und ethnisch differenzierten Feldes. Hierbei werden Divergenzen in der verkörperten und objektiven Sozialstruktur sichtbar, was sich beispielsweise in den kontrovers geführten Debatten zur Wahl der Badekleidung und Badnutzung verdeutlicht. Bei den Aushandlungen um die Durchsetzung von Deutungs- sowie Ordnungsmustern lassen sich Prozesse der kulturellen Anpassung, Anknüpfung und des Neuentwurfs beobachten.


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We developed a novel delay discounting task to investigate outcome impulsivity in pigs. As impulsivity can affect aggression, and might also relate to proactive and reactive coping styles, eight proactive (HR) and eight reactive (LR) pigs identified in a manual restraint test ("Backtest", after Bolhuis et al., 2003) were weaned and mixed in four pens of four unfamiliar pigs, so that each pen had two HR and two LR pigs, and aggression was scored in the 9h after mixing. In the delay discounting task, each pig chose between two levers, one always delivering a small immediate reward, the other a large delayed reward with daily increasing delays, impulsive individuals being the ones discounting the value of the large reward quicker. Two novel strategies emerged: some pigs gradually switched their preference towards the small reward ('Switchers') as predicted, but others persistently preferred the large reward until they stopped making choices ('Omitters'). Outcome impulsivity itself was unrelated to these strategies, to urinary serotonin metabolite (5-HIAA) or dopamine metabolite (HVA) levels, aggression at weaning, or coping style. However, HVA was relatively higher in Omitters than Switchers, and positively correlated with behavioural measures of indecisiveness and frustration during choosing. The delay discounting task thus revealed two response strategies that seemed to be related to the activity of the dopamine system and might indicate a difference in execution, rather than outcome, impulsivity.


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The observations of Michel Foucault, noted Twentieth Century French philosopher, regarding modern power relations and orders of discourse, form the framework utilized to analyze and interpret the power struggles of AIDS activists and their opponents--the religious and radical right, and the administrative agencies of the 'Liberal' welfare State. Supported by the tools of sociolinguistic inquiry, the analysis highlights the success of a safer sex campaign in Houston, Texas to illustrate the dynamics of cultural and political change by means of discursive transformations initiated by the gay micro-culture. The KS/AIDS Foundation, allied with both the biomedical community and gay entertainment spheres, was successful in conveying biomedical cautions that resulted in altered personal behavior and modified public attitudes by using linguistic conventions consonant with the discourse of the Houston gay micro-culture. The transformation of discursive practices transgressed not only the Houston gay micro-culture's boundaries, but the city boundaries of Houston as well. In addition to cultural and political change, moderate and confrontational gay activists also sought to change the cognitive boundaries surrounding 'the gold standard' for clinical research trials.^ From a Foucauldian perspective, the same-sex community evolved from the subordinated Other to a position of power in a period of five years. Transformations in discursive practices and power relations are exemplified by the changing definitions employed by AIDS policy-makers, the public validation of community-based research and the establishment of parallel track drug studies. Finally, transformations in discursive practices surrounding the issues of HIV antibody testing are interpreted using Foucault's six points of power relations. The Montrose Clinic provides the case study for this investigation. The clinic turned the technical rationalities of the State against itself to achieve its own ends and those of the gay micro-culture--anonymous testing with pre and post test counseling. AIDS Talk portrays a dramatic transformation in discursive practices and power relations that transcends the historical moment to provide a model for future activists. Volume 2 contains copies of fugitive primary source materials largely unavailable elsewhere. Original documents are archived in the Harris County Medical Archives in the Houston Academy of Medicine located in the Texas Medical Center Library, Houston, Texas. ^