996 resultados para Referential stamp


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This paper addresses the application of a PCA analysis on categorical data prior to diagnose a patients data set using a Case-Based Reasoning (CBR) system. The particularity is that the standard PCA techniques are designed to deal with numerical attributes, but our medical data set contains many categorical data and alternative methods as RS-PCA are required. Thus, we propose to hybridize RS-PCA (Regular Simplex PCA) and a simple CBR. Results show how the hybrid system produces similar results when diagnosing a medical data set, that the ones obtained when using the original attributes. These results are quite promising since they allow to diagnose with less computation effort and memory storage


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This paper shows the impact of the atomic capabilities concept to include control-oriented knowledge of linear control systems in the decisions making structure of physical agents. These agents operate in a real environment managing physical objects (e.g. their physical bodies) in coordinated tasks. This approach is presented using an introspective reasoning approach and control theory based on the specific tasks of passing a ball and executing the offside manoeuvre between physical agents in the robotic soccer testbed. Experimental results and conclusions are presented, emphasising the advantages of our approach that improve the multi-agent performance in cooperative systems


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In this paper, robustness of parametric systems is analyzed using a new approach to interval mathematics called Modal Interval Analysis. Modal Intervals are an interval extension that, instead of classic intervals, recovers some of the properties required by a numerical system. Modal Interval Analysis not only simplifies the computation of interval functions but allows semantic interpretation of their results. Necessary, sufficient and, in some cases, necessary and sufficient conditions for robust performance are presented


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This paper discusses predictive motion control of a MiRoSoT robot. The dynamic model of the robot is deduced by taking into account the whole process - robot, vision, control and transmission systems. Based on the obtained dynamic model, an integrated predictive control algorithm is proposed to position precisely with either stationary or moving obstacle avoidance. This objective is achieved automatically by introducing distant constraints into the open-loop optimization of control inputs. Simulation results demonstrate the feasibility of such control strategy for the deduced dynamic model


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In this paper, we address this problem through the design of a semiactive controller based on the mixed H2/H∞ control theory. The vibrations caused by the seismic motions are mitigated by a semiactive damper installed in the bottom of the structure. It is meant by semiactive damper, a device that absorbs but cannot inject energy into the system. Sufficient conditions for the design of a desired control are given in terms of linear matrix inequalities (LMIs). A controller that guarantees asymptotic stability and a mixed H2/H∞ performance is then developed. An algorithm is proposed to handle the semiactive nature of the actuator. The performance of the controller is experimentally evaluated in a real-time hybrid testing facility that consists of a physical specimen (a small-scale magnetorheological damper) and a numerical model (a large-scale three-story building)


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This short paper addresses the problem of designing a QFT (quantitative feedback theory) based controllers for the vibration reduction in a 6-story building structure equipped with shear-mode magnetorheological dampers. A new methodology is proposed for characterizing the nonlinear hysteretic behavior of the MR damper through the uncertainty template in the Nichols chart. The design procedure for QFT control design is briefly presented


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La propuesta de rescatar y perfeccionar la Bibliografía Brasileña de Educación (BBE) visa la consolidación del Centro de Información y Biblioteca en Educación (CIBEC) como centro de referencia de las informaciones educacionales producidas en Brasil, tornándose un instrumento capaz de auxiliar políticas y acciones educacionales con informaciones generadoras de conocimientos que contribuyan a mejorar la calidad de la educación brasileña, en todos sus niveles y modalidades. Para eso, el CIBEC se propone hacer el inventario minucioso de quiénes producen y de lo que se produce en el área de la educación, estableciendo contactos y firmando convenios para la implantación de una red nacional para la captación de la producción de informaciones educacionales, de forma exhaustiva y saistematizada, integrando y coordinando las instituciones productoras y almacenadoras de tales informaciones para facilitar el control, el acceso y la diseminación de toda la producción nacional en el área.


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Creates a simple SQLite database. Note how referential integrity is enforced.


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El objetivo general del presente trabajo monográfico es realizar un análisis de aquellas proposiciones significativas que contienen universales vacíos de referencia, análisis que parte de la Teoría de la suposición de Guillermo de Ockham y de la Teoría de las descripciones de Bertrand Russell. Se intenta abordar la pregunta: ¿cómo puede una proposición como "me encontré con un unicornio" ser significativa, incluso cuando no existe nada que se refiera a la descripción de "unicornio”? El análisis se hace examinando el carácter referencial de los términos universales y de las proposiciones desde las mencionadas teorías de Ockham y las descripciones de Russell. Esta última es compatible y da solución en parte a la cuestión planteada de la referencia vacía de términos universales. El desarrollo de este trabajo monográfico se ha dividido en tres partes. En la primera se hace una reconstrucción sistemática del problema filosófico de los universales, enfatizando la cuestión de la referencia de dichos términos, tal y como se plantea en la teoría de la significación expuesta en la Suma de lógica de Ockham. En la segunda se hace un análisis de los términos universales y las proposiciones, tomando como base la obra La filosofía del atomismo lógico de Russell. Por último, se examinan los términos universales con referencia vacía que forman parte de las proposiciones de la forma de “un tal y tal” y que constituyen la solución que da Russell en su Teoría de las descripciones al problema planteado en la Teoría de la suposición de Ockham.


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Regarding the standardization of psychological assessment instruments, that is, the construction of referential interpretations of a test, we can find different procedures performed both by Classical Test Theory (CTT) and the Theory of Item Response (IRT). Especially in this case (IRT), we can admit one test as a default, so to use its standardization and transfer the cut-off point to another instrument. Based on this information, the present study aimed to provide a cutoff score for the Baptista Depression Scale - Adult Version (EBADEP-A) through procedures of norms-transfer based on the Center for Epidemiologic Studies – Depression Scale (CES-D). The EBADEP-A presented good distribution and ability to discriminate depressive symptoms, and the sample, consisting of Brazilian College students, received a cutoff score of 32 points. It is emphasized that this is an exploratory and preliminary study, and it is suggested further analyzes to be performed with clinical samples for which results can be corroborated or confronted.


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Virginia Apgar (1909-1974) is one of the most recognized American doctors, worldwide known by his contribution as the developer of the "Apgar test" a method used for the evaluation of newborns all over the world. She had many interests. She was anesthesiologist, a brilliant teacher and researcher, but she also loved lecture, basketball, fishing, golf, philately, and music. She played violin and cello and she interpreted that instruments in various chamber groups. Being motivated by one of her patients, Carleen Hutchinson, a science and music teacher, she made four instruments, viola, violin, cello, and mezzo violin. Nearly twenty years of her death, on October 24 1994, on the occasion of the annual meeting of the American Academy of Pediatrics and the issue by American Postal Service of a stamp honoring her, some of the preferred Dr. Apgar music pieces where performed with the instruments she made. Her life mixed different activities and let invaluable contributions for humanity.


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Image registration is an important component of image analysis used to align two or more images. In this paper, we present a new framework for image registration based on compression. The basic idea underlying our approach is the conjecture that two images are correctly registered when we can maximally compress one image given the information in the other. The contribution of this paper is twofold. First, we show that the image registration process can be dealt with from the perspective of a compression problem. Second, we demonstrate that the similarity metric, introduced by Li et al., performs well in image registration. Two different versions of the similarity metric have been used: the Kolmogorov version, computed using standard real-world compressors, and the Shannon version, calculated from an estimation of the entropy rate of the images


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One of the key aspects in 3D-image registration is the computation of the joint intensity histogram. We propose a new approach to compute this histogram using uniformly distributed random lines to sample stochastically the overlapping volume between two 3D-images. The intensity values are captured from the lines at evenly spaced positions, taking an initial random offset different for each line. This method provides us with an accurate, robust and fast mutual information-based registration. The interpolation effects are drastically reduced, due to the stochastic nature of the line generation, and the alignment process is also accelerated. The results obtained show a better performance of the introduced method than the classic computation of the joint histogram


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In image processing, segmentation algorithms constitute one of the main focuses of research. In this paper, new image segmentation algorithms based on a hard version of the information bottleneck method are presented. The objective of this method is to extract a compact representation of a variable, considered the input, with minimal loss of mutual information with respect to another variable, considered the output. First, we introduce a split-and-merge algorithm based on the definition of an information channel between a set of regions (input) of the image and the intensity histogram bins (output). From this channel, the maximization of the mutual information gain is used to optimize the image partitioning. Then, the merging process of the regions obtained in the previous phase is carried out by minimizing the loss of mutual information. From the inversion of the above channel, we also present a new histogram clustering algorithm based on the minimization of the mutual information loss, where now the input variable represents the histogram bins and the output is given by the set of regions obtained from the above split-and-merge algorithm. Finally, we introduce two new clustering algorithms which show how the information bottleneck method can be applied to the registration channel obtained when two multimodal images are correctly aligned. Different experiments on 2-D and 3-D images show the behavior of the proposed algorithms


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Realistic rendering animation is known to be an expensive processing task when physically-based global illumination methods are used in order to improve illumination details. This paper presents an acceleration technique to compute animations in radiosity environments. The technique is based on an interpolated approach that exploits temporal coherence in radiosity. A fast global Monte Carlo pre-processing step is introduced to the whole computation of the animated sequence to select important frames. These are fully computed and used as a base for the interpolation of all the sequence. The approach is completely view-independent. Once the illumination is computed, it can be visualized by any animated camera. Results present significant high speed-ups showing that the technique could be an interesting alternative to deterministic methods for computing non-interactive radiosity animations for moderately complex scenarios