983 resultados para Pulse transformers


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Laser micromachining is an important material processing technique used in industry and medicine to produce parts with high precision. Control of the material removal process is imperative to obtain the desired part with minimal thermal damage to the surrounding material. Longer pulsed lasers, with pulse durations of milli- and microseconds, are used primarily for laser through-cutting and welding. In this work, a two-pulse sequence using microsecond pulse durations is demonstrated to achieve consistent material removal during percussion drilling when the delay between the pulses is properly defined. The light-matter interaction moves from a regime of surface morphology changes to melt and vapour ejection. Inline coherent imaging (ICI), a broadband, spatially-coherent imaging technique, is used to monitor the ablation process. The pulse parameter space is explored and the key regimes are determined. Material removal is observed when the pulse delay is on the order of the pulse duration. ICI is also used to directly observe the ablation process. Melt dynamics are characterized by monitoring surface changes during and after laser processing at several positions in and around the interaction region. Ablation is enhanced when the melt has time to flow back into the hole before the interaction with the second pulse begins. A phenomenological model is developed to understand the relationship between material removal and pulse delay. Based on melt refilling the interaction region, described by logistic growth, and heat loss, described by exponential decay, the model is fit to several datasets. The fit parameters reflect the pulse energies and durations used in the ablation experiments. For pulse durations of 50 us with pulse energies of 7.32 mJ +/- 0.09 mJ, the logisitic growth component of the model reaches half maximum after 8.3 us +/- 1.1 us and the exponential decays with a rate of 64 us +/- 15 us. The phenomenological model offers an interpretation of the material removal process.


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Multiple ion acceleration mechanisms can occur when an ultrathin foil is irradiated with an intense laser pulse, with the dominant mechanism changing over the course of the interaction. Measurement of the spatial-intensity distribution of the beam of energetic protons is used to investigate the transition from radiation pressure acceleration to transparency-driven processes. It is shown numerically that radiation pressure drives an increased expansion of the target ions within the spatial extent of the laser focal spot, which induces a radial deflection of relatively low energy sheath-accelerated protons to form an annular distribution. Through variation of the target foil thickness, the opening angle of the ring is shown to be correlated to the point in time transparency occurs during the interaction and is maximized when it occurs at the peak of the laser intensity profile. Corresponding experimental measurements of the ring size variation with target thickness exhibit the same trends and provide insight into the intra-pulse laser-plasma evolution.


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An account is given of the Central Laser Facility's work to produce a cryogenic hydrogen targetry system using a pulse tube cryocooler. Due to the increasing demand for low Z thin laser targets, CLF (in collaboration with TUD) have been developing a system which allows the production of solid hydrogen membranes by engineering a design which can achieve this remotely; enabling the gas injection, condensation and solidification of hydrogen without compromising the vacuum of the target chamber. A dynamic sealing mechanism was integrated which allows targets to be grown and then remotely exposed to open vacuum for laser interaction. Further research was conducted on the survivability of the cryogenic targets which concluded that a warm gas effect causes temperature spiking when exposing the solidified hydrogen to the outer vacuum. This effect was shown to be mitigated by improving the pumping capacity of the environment and reducing the minimum temperature obtainable on the target mount. This was achieved by developing a two-stage radiation shield encased with superinsulating blanketing; reducing the base temperature from 14 0.5 K to 7.2 0.2 K about the coldhead as well as improving temperature control stability following the installation of a high-performance temperature controller and sensor apparatus. The system was delivered experimentally and in July 2014 the first laser shots were taken upon hydrogen targets in the Vulcan TAP facility.


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High order harmonics generated at relativistic intensities have long been recognized as a route to the most powerful extreme ultraviolet pulses. Reliably generating isolated attosecond pulses requires gating to only a single dominant optical cycle, but techniques developed for lower power lasers have not been readily transferable. We present a novel method to temporally gate attosecond pulse trains by combining noncollinear and polarization gating. This scheme uses a split beam configuration which allows pulse gating to be implemented at the high beam fluence typical of multi-TW to PW class laser systems. Scalings for the gate width demonstrate that isolated attosecond pulses are possible even for modest pulse durations achievable for existing and planned future ultrashort high-power laser systems. Experimental results demonstrating the spectral effects of temporal gating on harmonic spectra generated by a relativistic laser plasma interaction are shown.


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BACKGROUND: A pretrial clinical improvement project for the BOOST-II UK trial of oxygen saturation targeting revealed an artefact affecting saturation profiles obtained from the Masimo Set Radical pulse oximeter.

METHODS: Saturation was recorded every 10 s for up to 2 weeks in 176 oxygen dependent preterm infants in 35 UK and Irish neonatal units between August 2006 and April 2009 using Masimo SET Radical pulse oximeters. Frequency distributions of % time at each saturation were plotted. An artefact affecting the saturation distribution was found to be attributable to the oximeter's internal calibration algorithm. Revised software was installed and saturation distributions obtained were compared with four other current oximeters in paired studies.

RESULTS: There was a reduction in saturation values of 87-90%. Values above 87% were elevated by up to 2%, giving a relative excess of higher values. The software revision eliminated this, improving the distribution of saturation values. In paired comparisons with four current commercially available oximeters, Masimo oximeters with the revised software returned similar saturation distributions.

CONCLUSIONS: A characteristic of the software algorithm reduces the frequency of saturations of 87-90% and increases the frequency of higher values returned by the Masimo SET Radical pulse oximeter. This effect, which remains within the recommended standards for accuracy, is removed by installing revised software (board firmware V4.8 or higher). Because this observation is likely to influence oxygen targeting, it should be considered in the analysis of the oxygen trial results to maximise their generalisability.


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Accurate identification of viruses is critical for resistance breeding and for development of management strategies. To this end, we are developing PCR diagnostics for the luteoviruses / poleroviruses that commonly affect chickpea and pulse crops in Australia. This is helping to overcome the shortfalls in virus identifications that often result from cross reactions of viruses to some antibodies. We compared these PCR tests with antibody based Tissue blot immune-assay (TBIA) in virus surveys of chickpea and pulse crops from eastern Australia. We used a multiplex PCR for Beet western yellows virus (BWYV), Bean leaf roll virus (BLRV), Phasey bean virus (PhBV – a new polerovirus species) and Soybean dwarf virus (SbDV) to investigate the importance of each virus and their host range from different locations. Important alternative hosts included Malva parviflora which was commonly found to be infected with BWYV from many locations and Medicago polymorpha was a host for BLRV, PhBV and SbDV. Using the virus species-specific PCR, 49 virus affected plants (mostly crop plants) from surveys in 2013 were screened, revealing the following infections; 38 SbDV, 5 PhBV, 3 BWYV, 2 BLRV and 1 mixed SbDV/BWYV. From the 45 samples that were not BWYV by PCR, 33 were false-positives in the BWYV TBIA. This demonstrates the BWYV antibody used was not useful for identifying BWYV and PCR indicated that SbDV was the dominant virus from the samples tested from the 2013 season. Preliminary results from the 2014 season indicate a significant change, with SbDV being only a minor component of the total virus population. Further work to clarify the Australian luteovirus complex through molecular techniques is in progress.


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High blood pressure (BP), pulse pressure (PP), and rate pressure product (RPP) areeach associated independently with a poor outcome in acute ischemic stroke. Whereas nitric oxide (NO) donors, such as glyceryl trinitrate (GTN), lower blood pressure in acute ischemic stroke, their effect on other hemodynamic measures is not known. We performed a systematic review of the effects of NO donors on systemic hemodynamic measures in patients with acute/subacute stroke. Randomized controlled trials were identified from searches of the Cochrane Library, Pubmed, and Embase. Information on hemodynamic measures, including systolic BP (SBP), diastolic BP (DBP), and heart rate, were assessed, and hemodynamic derivatives of these were calculated: PP (PP SBP DBP), mean arterial pressure (MAP DBP PP/3), mid blood pressure (MBP (SBP DBP)/2), pulse pressure index (PPI PP/MAP), and RPP (RPP SBP HR). The effect of treatment on hemodynamic measures was calculated as the weighted mean difference (WMD) between treated and control groups with adjustment for baseline. Results: Three trials involving 145 patients were identified; 93 patients received the NO donor, GTN, and 52 control. As compared with placebo, GTN significantly reduced SBP (WMD -9.80 mmHg, p< 0.001), DBP (WMD -4.43 mmHg, p<0.001), MAP (WMD -6.41 mmHg, p< 0.001), MBP (WMD -7.33 mmHg,p<0.001), PP (WMD -6.11 mmHg, p<0.001 ) and PPI (WMD -0.03, p=0.04 ). 3 GTN increased HR (WMD +3.87 bpm, p<0.001) and non-significantly lowered RPP (WMD -323 mmHg.bpm, p=0.14). Conclusion: The NO donor GTN reduces BP, PP and other derivatives in acute and subacute stroke whilst increasing heart rate.


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A variable width pulse generator featuring more than 4-V peak amplitude and less than 10-ns FWHM is described. In this design the width of the pulses is controlled by means of the control signal slope. Thus, a variable transition time control circuit (TTCC) is also developed, based on the charge and discharge of a capacitor by means of two tunable current sources. Additionally, it is possible to activate/deactivate the pulses when required, therefore allowing the creation of any desired pulse pattern. Furthermore, the implementation presented here can be electronically controlled. In conclusion, due to its versatility, compactness and low cost it can be used in a wide variety of applications.


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Pour respecter les droits d’auteur, la version électronique de ce mémoire a été dépouillée d'un document visuel. La version intégrale du mémoire a été déposée au Service de la gestion des documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal.


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Oscillometric blood pressure (BP) monitors are currently used to diagnose hypertension both in home and clinical settings. These monitors take BP measurements once every 15 minutes over a 24 hour period and provide a reliable and accurate system that is minimally invasive. Although intermittent cuff measurements have proven to be a good indicator of BP, a continuous BP monitor is highly desirable for the diagnosis of hypertension and other cardiac diseases. However, no such devices currently exist. A novel algorithm has been developed based on the Pulse Transit Time (PTT) method, which would allow non-invasive and continuous BP measurement. PTT is defined as the time it takes the BP wave to propagate from the heart to a specified point on the body. After an initial BP measurement, PTT algorithms can track BP over short periods of time, known as calibration intervals. After this time has elapsed, a new BP measurement is required to recalibrate the algorithm. Using the PhysioNet database as a basis, the new algorithm was developed and tested using 15 patients, each tested 3 times over a period of 30 minutes. The predicted BP of the algorithm was compared to the arterial BP of each patient. It has been established that this new algorithm is capable of tracking BP over 12 minutes without the need for recalibration, using the BHS standard, a 100% improvement over what has been previously identified. The algorithm was incorporated into a new system based on its requirements and was tested using three volunteers. The results mirrored those previously observed, providing accurate BP measurements when a 12 minute calibration interval was used. This new system provides a significant improvement to the existing method allowing BP to be monitored continuously and non-invasively, on a beat-to-beat basis over 24 hours, adding major clinical and diagnostic value.


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L’incidenza di patologie cardiovascolari come ipertensione e aterosclerosi è in progressivo aumento nel mondo, sia a causa del maggiore sviluppo di fattori di rischio quali obesità, sedentarietà e diabete, dovuti al tenore di vita che caratterizza la popolazione, specialmente quella risiedente in paesi sviluppati e con un alto tenore di vita, sia a causa dell’aumento dell’aspettativa di vita. Sembra quindi possibile considerare la complianza arteriosa totale e, in particolare, la complianza del primo tratto di aorta come un importante indice per la prevenzione e la valutazione del rischio della patologia arteriosa. La valutazione di questo parametro è però difficile da effettuare in vivo, motivo per cui diversi metodi sono stati sviluppati, alcuni basati sul modello Windkessel a due elementi, modello della circolazione sistemica proposto per la prima volta da Otto Frank nel 1899, altri su quello a tre. I primi risultano più accurati dei secondi. Tra i metodi di stima della complianza arteriosa totale ve ne è uno, il Pulse Pressure Method (PPM), ovvero metodo della pressione differenziale che, introdotto per la prima volta da Stergiopulos nel 1994, si è dimostrato essere tanto semplice quanto accurato. Questo consiste nel trovare il miglior valore di complianza che minimizzi, dopo opportune iterazioni, l’errore tra la pressione differenziale misurata, e quella calcolata in uscita da un modello Windkessel a due elementi. I vantaggi nell’uso di questo metodo non sono pochi: esso infatti non richiede flusso nullo in aorta ed è perciò applicabile in qualsiasi punto dell’albero arterioso, fornisce il valore della complianza alla pressione media Pm e necessita della sola conoscenza della pressione differenziale aortica e del flusso aortico, ottenibili non invasivamente. Studiando i risultati ottenuti, infine, si è visto come l’aorta prossimale, ovvero il tratto di aorta ascendente e l’arco aortico, sia il principale determinante della complianza arteriosa totale.