950 resultados para Prosthodontic rehabilitation of maxillary defects


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The purpose of this study was to compare the incidence of dentinal defects (fractures and craze lines) after canal preparation with different nickel-titanium rotary files. Two hundred sixty mandibular premolars were selected. Forty teeth were left unprepared (n = 40). The other teeth were prepared either with manual Flexofiles (n = 20) or with different rotary files systems: ProTaper (Dentsply-Maillefer, Ballaigues, Switzerland), ProFile (Dentsply-Maillefer), SystemGT (Dentsply-Maillefer), or S-ApeX (FKG Dentaire, La Chaux-de-Fonds, Switzerland) (n = 50 each). Roots were then sectioned 3, 6, and 9 mm from the apex and observed under a microscope. The presence of dentinal defects was noted. There was a significant difference in the appearance of defects between the groups (p < 0.05). No defects were found in the unprepared roots and those prepared with hand files and S-ApeX. ProTaper, ProFile, and GT preparations resulted in dentinal defects in 16%, 8%, and 4% of teeth, respectively. Some endodontic preparation methods might damage the root and induce dentinal defects. (J Endod 2009;35:236-238)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Objective: To investigate the healing of bone defects in male rats treated with salmon calcitonin, low-level laser therapy (LLLT), or both. Background: Healing of bone defects still represents a challenge to health professionals in several areas. In this article, the effect of calcitonin in combination with LLLT on bone repair was studied. Densitometry was used as a valuable tool for the measurement of bone regeneration. Methods: Sixty male Wistar rats underwent bilateral castration surgery before the creation of a surgical bone defect. The animals were randomly divided into four groups: control, treated with calcitonin (Ca), treated with LLLT (La), and treated with calcitonin and LLLT (CaLa). Groups Ca and CaLa received 2 IU/kg of synthetic salmon calcitonin intra-muscularly three times a week. Groups La and CaLa received laser therapy using a gallium-aluminum-arsenide laser (10mW, 20 J/cm(2), wavelength 830 nm). Control animals were submitted to sham irradiation. The animals were sacrificed 7, 14, and 21 days after surgery, and bone defects were analyzed using densitometry. Results: The CaLa group had a higher degree of bone regeneration 14 and 21 days after surgery. Conclusions: The La and CaLa had significantly higher bone mineral density than the control and Ca groups.


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The purpose of this work was to evaluate the quality of life of patients with Angle's class III malocclusion submitted to orthognathic surgery. Twenty-nine patients of both sexes, ranging in age from 17 to 46 years, with Angle's class III malocclusion and indication for surgical treatment, were evaluated about 30 days before surgery and 6 months postoperatively. Surgery consisted of maxillary advancement or mandibular retrusion, or both. The generic SF-36 questionnaire was used to evaluate the following eight domains: functional capacity, physical aspects, pain, general health status, mental health, emotional aspects, social aspects and vitality. Descriptive and inferential statistical analyses were used to determine possible interactions between timing of evaluation, gender and type of surgery. With respect to physical and social aspects, a significant difference in outcomes was observed, with mean scores being higher after surgery regardless of gender or type of surgery. Regarding emotional aspects, an interaction effect was observed for timing and gender, with higher mean scores only being obtained for females after Surgery. Orthognathic Surgery had a positive impact on the quality of life of both male and female patients, improving physical and social aspects, and on that of female patients, improving emotional aspects.


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In this paper we discuss the Lax formulation of the Grassmannian and Bosonic Thirring models in the presence of jump defects. For the Grassmannian case, the defect is described by Backlund transformation which is responsible for preserving the integrability of the model. We then propose an extension of the Backlund transformation for the Bosonic Thirring model which is verified by some Backlund transitions like vacuum-one soliton, one soliton-one soliton, one soliton-two solitons and two solitons-two solitons. The Lax formulation within the space split by the defect leads to the integrability of Bosonic Thirring model with jump defects.


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The structure of integrable field theories in the presence of jump defects is discussed in terms of boundary functions under the Lagrangian formalism. Explicit examples of bosonic and fermionic theories are considered. In particular, the boundary functions for the N = 1 and N = 2 super sinh-Gordon models are constructed and shown to generate the Backlund transformations for its soliton solutions. As a new and interesting example, a solution with an incoming boson and an outgoing fermion for the N = 1 case is presented. The resulting integrable models are shown to be invariant under supersymmetric transformation.


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Este estudo avaliou a ocorrência de más oclusões esqueléticas apresentadas pelos pacientes do Centro de Pesquisa e Tratamento das Deformidades Bucofaciais (CEDEFACE), na cidade de Araraquara, SP, Brasil. Foram avaliados prontuários de 381 pacientes com deformidades dentoesqueléticas, que fizeram tratamento combinado ortodôntico-cirúrgico no período entre 2000 e 2006. Após a seleção da amostra (método de conveniência), baseado nos dados da documentação pré e pós-cirúrgica, o número de pacientes foi reduzido para 171. Para classificação do levantamento, considerou-se a discrepância ântero-posterior (Classe I, II e III), raça, idade, gênero, ausência ou presença de assimetria, excesso vertical maxilar e biprotrusão maxilar, além de determinar em qual base óssea o procedimento cirúrgico foi realizado. As documentações dos pacientes foram analisadas por um examinador previamente calibrado pelo processo de repetição até que o método fosse considerado adequado (correlação intraclasse >0,94). A idade média dos pacientes foi de 23,59 anos (DP 6,93), a maioria do gênero feminino (102 pacientes) e leucoderma (160 pacientes). A má oclusão mais prevalente foi a Classe III (81 pacientes). A assimetria, o excesso maxilar vertical e biprotrusão maxilar estavam presentes em 54, 33, e 7 pacientes, respectivamente. Na maioria dos casos, as cirurgias para correção de deformidades dentoesqueléticas foram combinadas, envolvendo os dois maxilares. Com base nos resultados, conclui-se que a Classe III foi a deformidade esquelética mais prevalente e a Classe I a menos prevalente. em geral, a prevalência de deformidades esqueléticas foi maior entre as mulheres e a maioria dos pacientes apresentou uma combinação de problemas maxilares e mandibulares, o que interfere diretamente na decisão sobre o plano de tratamento mais adequado. Houve uma maior incidência de assimetria na Classe III esquelética; o excesso vertical ocorreu de forma semelhante na Classe II e III e a biprotrusão teve baixa incidência entre as más oclusões avaliadas.


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The ZnO luminescent properties are strongly influenced by the preparation method and they are principally related to electronic and crystalline structures. This work reports about the correlation among luminescence properties of ZnO, obtained from zinc hydroxycarbonate, and crystalline lattice defects, microstrain, as function of thermal treatment. The crystallite size increase and the qualitative microstrain, obtained by Williamson-Hall plots, decrease as function of temperature. The evolution of electronic defects is analyzed by luminescence spectroscopy based on energy of the electronic transitions. From excitation spectrum, it is verified two bands around 377 nm and 405 nm attributed to the transitions between valence-conduction bands and valence band to interstitial zinc level, respectively. The emission spectra of sample treated at 600 degreesC shows large band at 670 nm. However, the green emission around 530 nm is observed for samples treated at 900 degreesC. The intensities of excitation and emission bands are associated with the increase of the electronic defects that depend on the strain lattice decrease. The lowest strain lattice results on the best green luminescent properties of zinc oxide. (C) 2001 Elsevier B.V. Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Tooth transpositions present at a relatively low incidence in the world population and primarily affect maxillary canines and premolars. Treatment of this disturbance should take into account aspects such as facial pattern, age, malocclusion, tooth-size discrepancy, stage of eruption, and magnitude of the transposition. Mechanics for correction should be entirely individualized, reducing the risks and adverse effects. Practitioners often select simpler options, indicating extraction of permanent teeth, which is an irreversible procedure that may bring about damages to the patient. This study presents a case report and treatment of unilateral transposition of maxillary canine and premolar with repositioning of affected teeth to their respective normal positions.


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Objectives: To compare simulated periodontal bone defect depth measured in digital radiographs with dedicated and non-dedicated software systems and to compare the depth measurements from each program with the measurements in dry mandibles.Methods: Forty periodontal bone defects were created at the proximal area of the first premolar in dry pig mandibles. Measurements of the defects were performed with a periodontal probe in the dry mandible. Periapical digital radiographs of the defects were recorded using the Schick sensor in a standardized exposure setting. All images were read using a Schick dedicated software system (CDR DICOM for Windows v.3.5), and three commonly available non-dedicated software systems (Vix Win 2000 v.1.2; Adobe Photoshop 7.0 and Image Tool 3.0). The defects were measured three times in each image and a consensus was reached among three examiners using the four software systems. The difference between the radiographic measurements was analysed using analysis of variance (ANOVA) and by comparing the measurements from each software system with the dry mandibles measurements using Student's t-test.Results: the mean values of the bone defects measured in the radiographs were 5.07 rum, 5.06 rum, 5.01 mm and 5.11 mm for CDR Digital Image and Communication in Medicine (DICOM) for Windows, Vix Win, Adobe Photoshop, and Image Tool, respectively, and 6.67 mm for the dry mandible. The means of the measurements performed in the four software systems were not significantly different, ANOVA (P = 0.958). A significant underestimation of defect depth was obtained when we compared the mean depths from each software system with the dry mandible measurements (t-test; P congruent to 0.000).Conclusions: the periodontal bone defect measurements in dedicated and in three non-dedicated software systems were not significantly different, but they all underestimated the measurements when compared with the measurements obtained in the dry mandibles.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Bottom-up methods to obtain nanocrystals usually result in metastable phases, even in processes carried out at room temperature or under soft annealing conditions. However, stable phases, often associated with anisotropic shapes, are obtained in only a few special cases. In this paper we report on the synthesis of two well-studied oxides-titanium and zirconium oxide-in the nanometric range, by a novel route based on the decomposition of peroxide complexes of the two metals under hydrothermal soft conditions, obtaining metastable and stable phases in both cases through transformation. High-resolution transmission electron microscopy analysis reveals the existence of typical defects relating to growth by the oriented attachment mechanism in the stable crystals. The results suggest that the mechanism is associated to the phase transformation of these structures.