995 resultados para Mucopolysaccharidosis Type-vi
Patients with pseudohypoparathyroidism type Ib (PHP-Ib) present hypocalcemia and hyperphosphatemia, as a consequence of a resistance to PTH action, through its G-protein-coupled receptor, in the renal tubules. This resistance results from tissue-specific silencing of the G-protein alpha-subunit (G(s)α), due to imprinting disruption of its encoding locus--GNAS. In familial PHP-Ib, maternally inherited deletions at the STX16 gene are associated to a regional GNAS methylation defect. In sporadic PHP-Ib, broad methylation changes at GNAS arise from unknown genetic causes. In this study, we describe the clinical presentation of PHP-Ib in four Portuguese patients (two of whom were siblings), and provide further insight for the management of patients with this disease. The diagnosis of PHP-Ib was made after detection of GNAS imprinting defects in each of the cases. In the siblings, a regional GNAS methylation change resulted from a known 3.0 kb STX16 deletion. In the other two patients, the broad methylation defects at GNAS, which were absent in their relatives, resulted from genetic alterations that remain to be identified. We report the first clinical and genetic study of Portuguese patients with PHP-Ib. The genetic identification of a hereditary form of this rare disease allowed an early diagnosis, and may prevent hypocalcemia-related complications.
OBJECTIVE: To determine the spectrum of MEN1 mutations in Portuguese kindreds, and identify mutation-carriers. PATIENTS, DESIGN AND RESULTS: Six unrelated MEN1 families were studied for MEN1 gene mutations by single-strand conformational polymorphism (SSCP) and DNA sequence analysis of the coding region and exon-intron boundaries of the MEN1 gene. These methods identified 4 different heterozygous mutations in four families: two mutations are novel (mt 1539 delG and mt 655 ims 11 bp) and two have been previously observed (mt 735 del 46p and mt 1656 del C) all resulting in a premature stop codon. In the remaining two families, in whom no mutations or abnormal MEN1 transcripts were detected, segregation studies of the 5' intragenic marker D11S4946 and codon 418 polymorphism in exon 9 revealed two large germline deletions of the MEN1 gene. Southern blot and tumour loss of heterozygosity analysis confirmed and refined the limits of these deletions, which spanned the MEN1 gene at least from: exon 7 to the 3' untranslated region, in one family, and the 5' polymorphic site D11S4946 to exon 9 (obliterating the initiation codon), in the other family. Twenty-six mutant-gene carriers were identified, 6 of which were asymptomatic. CONCLUSIONS: These results emphasize the importance of the detection of MEN1 germline deletions in patients who do not have mutations of the coding region. Important clues indicating the presence of such deletions may be obtained by segregation studies using the intragenic polymorphisms D11S4946 and at codon 418. The detection of these mutations will help in the genetic counselling of clinical management of the MEN1 families in Portugal.
We describe the case of a 22-year-old black female with type 1 diabetes mellitus diagnosed when she was 12 years old. She first presented (March 1994) with pustules and ulcerations on the upper and lower limbs, trunk and scalp at the age 17. The diagnosis of pyoderma gangrenosum was made. Since presentation, changes in liver function were detected and subsequent study led to the diagnosis of sclerosing cholangitis. The diagnosis of ulcerative colitis was made after colonoscopy. Partial response was obtained with minocycline and clofazimine, but treatment with 5-aminosalicylic acid achieved no improvement of the ulcerations. Liver transplantation, followed by immunosuppressive therapy led to complete regression of the cutaneous lesions.
O Schistosoma mansoni e/ou seus ovos causam uma hepatopatia muito importante e com aspectos anátomo-clínicos bem característicos. Uma vez carregados pela corrente circulatória, os vermes podem ocluir ramos dicotômicos de maior calibre do sistema portal e, quando mortos produzem lesões às vezes extensas, primeiro necróticas, depois inflamatórias e, posteriormente cicatriciais, sempre circunscritas e não sistematizadas. Os ovos, além de penetrarem no's ramúsculos não dicotômicos da rede periductal, alcançam os ramos de distribuição ou até mesmo as vênulas aferentes, ocluin- do muitas delas e, como conseqüência, formam os granulomas intravasculares que podem levar a uma interrupção da corrente sangüínea portal a esse nível e alterações da circulação intralobular. A diminuição da taxa de oxigênio disponível e conseqüentemente o decréscimo do pH intra e extracelular são potentes labilizadores das membranas dos diversos componentes do compartimento lisossômico. A saída de hidrolases ácidas, proteínas catiônicas e hidrolases neutras, a partir desses orgãnulos, acarreta agressões tissulares muito importantes, com o desencadeamento e/ou manutenção dos processos inflamatórios típicos desta parasitose. Neste trabalho estudou-se as atividades lisossômicas ligadas às diversas fases da esquistossomose mansônica hepática. Os resultados indicaram que a integridade funcional dos complexos membranosos do compartimento lisossômico foi significativamente alterada, já a partir do segundo mês da infecção e que parece haver um estreito relacionamento entre o agravamento das lesões inflamatórias hepáticas com uma maior labilidade lisossômica.
Durante os anos de 1982 a 1986, a investigação sobre mamíferos comensais e silvestres, da periferia da cidade de Jacobina, Bahia, mostrou, ao lado do escasso número de exemplares, uma reduzida variedade específica dessa fauna. Capturou-se apenas 11 espécies, entre as quais, predominou o Didelphis albiventris, que abrangeu 44% dos 213 espécimens capturados. Entre os 193 com exames já concluídos, 84 eram exemplares de D. albiventris e 2 estavam infectados pela Leishmania donovani senso lato, 1 por L. mexicana amazonensis, 1 por L. braziliensis, subespécie e 3 por Trypanosoma cruzi Também foram observadas formas suspeitas de serem amastigotas de leishmanics, nos esfregaços de órgãos de 3 exemplares de Dasyprocta aguti, 1 Cercomys cunicularius - e 1 Oryzomys eliurus. 0 restante dos exemplares, inclusive 14 de Lycalopex vetulus, estava negativo para flagelados. Apesar de reforçado por outros indicadores epidemiológicos, como a predominância específica, a freqüência domiciliar, a atratividade para a vetora Lutzomyia longipalpis, e a concomitância com casos humanos nos mesmos locais, o índice de 2,3% de infecção natural do Didelphis albiventris, não autoriza a conclusão definitiva de ser o marsupial o mais importante reservatório natural da leishmaniose visceral em Jacobina.
A Work Project, presented as part of the requirements for the Award of a Masters Degree in Management from the NOVA – School of Business and Economics
Durability of Building Materials and Components (Vasco Peixoto de de Freitas, J.M.P.Q. Delgado, eds.), Building Pathology and Rehabilitation, vol. 3, VIII, 105-126. ISBN: 978-3-642-37474-6 (Print) 978-3-642-37475-3 (Online). Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-37475-3_5
The clonal structure of the Colombian strain of Trypanosoma cruzi, biodeme Type III and zymodeme 1, was analyzed in order to characterize its populations and to establish its homogeneity or heterogeneity. Seven isolated clones presented the basic characteristics of Biodeme Type III, with the same patterns of parasitemic curves, tissue tropism to skeletal muscle and myocardium, high pathogenicity with extensive necrotic-inflammatory lesions from the 20th to 30th day of infection. The parental strain and its clones C1, C3, C4 and C6, determined the higher levels of parasitemia, 20 to 30 days of infection, with high mortality rate up to 30 days (79 to 100%); clones C2, C5 and C7 presented lower levels of parasitemia, with low mortality rates (7.6 to 23%). Isoenzymic patterns, characteristic of zymodeme 1, (Z1) were similar for the parental strain and its seven clones. Results point to a phenotypic homogeneity of the clones isolated from the Colombian strain and suggest the predominance of a principal clone, responsible for the biological behavior of the parental strain and clones.
A Work Project, presented as part of the requirements for the Award of a Masters Degree in Finance from the NOVA – School of Business and Economics
We show that the waterbed effect, i.e. the pass-through of a change in one price of a firm to its other prices, is much stronger if the latter include subscription rather than only usage fees. In particular, in mobile network competition with a fixed number of customers, the waterbed effect is full under two-part tariffs, while it is only partial under linear tariffs.
Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Energia e Bioenergia
Susceptibility to chemotherapy with benznidazole was investigated of 5 clones isolated from the 21 SF strain (biodeme Type II, Trypanosoma cruzi II). Swiss mice were infected with the parental strain for each clone and submitted to chemotherapy with benznidazole (100mg/kg/day during 90 days). Treatment determined negativity of the parasitemia. Cure rates were evaluated by parasitological cure tests. Serology was evaluated for treated animals (titers from negative to 1:640) and untreated controls (1:160 to 1:640). Cure rates varied from 30 to 100% for the 5 clones, and were 25% for the parental strain. Results suggested that the variability of response to treatment of the clonal populations of Trypanosoma cruzi II strains is responsible for the high variation in the response to chemotherapy with benznidazole and nifurtimox by strains of this biodeme.