891 resultados para Mount Prospect
Contact zones of closely related and ecologically similar species constitute rare opportunities to study the evolutionary consequences of past speciation processes. They represent natural laboratories in which strong competition could lead to the exclusion of one species, or the various species may switch into distinct ecological niches. Alternatively, if reproductive isolation has not yet been achieved, they may hybridize. We elucidate the degree of taxon integrity by comparing genetics and habitat use of three similar-sized congeneric viper species, Vipera ammodytes, Viperaaspis, and Viperaberus, of Nadiza Valley in western Slovenia. No hybridization was detected for either mitochondrial or nuclear genomes. Similarly, external intermediacy by a single prestudy viper (probably V.ammodytesxV. aspis) indicates that hybridization occasionally occurs, but should be very rare. Populations of the three related viperids are partially allopatric in Nadiza Valley, but they also coexist in a narrow contact zone in the montane grassland along the south-exposed slope of Mount Stol (1673m a.s.l.). Here, the three species that occupy areas in or near patches of rocky microhabitats (e.g. stone piles, slides, and walls) live in syntopy. However, fine-scale measurements of structural components show partial habitat segregation, in which V.berus becomes more dominant at elevations above 1400m and occupies mostly the mountain ridge and north-exposed slopes of Mount Stol, V.aspis occurs below 1300m and is the only species to inhabit stoneless patches of grass and bushes around 1000m and lower, and V.ammodytes occurs at all elevations up to 1500m, but is restricted to a rocky microhabitat. We suggest that a high degree of microstructure divergence, slightly different environmental niches, and a generally favourable habitat for all three viper species, keep the pressure for mis-mating and hybridization low, although mechanisms such as reduced hybrid inferiority and temporal mating segregation cannot yet be excluded.
Tässä työssä toteutettiin Lappeenrannan Energia Oy:lle tietojärjestelmäratkaisu, jolla yritys kykenee helposti ja vaivattomasti hallitsemaan asiakkaiden dynaamiset sähkösopimukset. Työn teoriaosa antaa lukijalle kattavan kuvan tietojärjestelmien kehitysprosessista, sekä esittelee työmenetelmiä ja mahdollisia ongelmia. Myös sähkömarkkinoista esitellään kompakti tietopaketti lukijalle, jotta toteutusosan asiat olisivat selkeämpiä. Käytännön osuus esittelee Lappeenrannan Energia Oy:n dynaamisten sähkösopimusten nykyistä toimintamallia ja uuden toteutettavan tietojärjestelmän vaatimukset. Uuden järjestelmän tavoitteena oli tuoda yritykselle kilpailuetua, parantamalla työn tehokkuutta ja sopimuksien hallintaa. Uusi tietojärjestelmä käydään läpi ominaisuuksittain, jotta saadaan hyvä kokonaiskäsitys sen kaikista ominaisuuksista. Työ käsittää siis toteutuksen aina suunnitteluasteelta lopputulokseen asti. Myös tulevaisuuden kehityksen ensiaskeleet esitellään työn lopuksi.
BACKGROUND: Several subsets of non-small-cell lung cancer (NSCLC) are defined by molecular alterations acting as tumor drivers, some of them being currently therapeutically actionable. The rat sarcoma (RAS)-rapidly accelerated fibrosarcoma (RAF)-mitogen-activated protein/extracellular signal-regulated kinase kinase (MEK)-extracellular signal-regulated kinase (ERK) pathway constitutes an attractive potential target, as v-Raf murine sarcoma viral oncogene homolog B (BRAF) mutations occur in 2-4% of NSCLC adenocarcinoma. METHODS: Here, we review the latest clinical data on BRAF serine/threonine kinase inhibitors in NSCLC. RESULTS: Treatment of V600E BRAF-mutated NSCLC with BRAF inhibitor monotherapy demonstrated encouraging antitumor activity. Combination of BRAF and MEK inhibitors using dabrafenib and trametinib is under evaluation. Preliminary data suggest superior efficacy compared with BRAF inhibitor monotherapy. CONCLUSION: Targeting BRAF alterations represents a promising new therapeutic approach for a restricted subset of oncogene-addicted NSCLC. Prospect ive trials refining this strategy are ongoing. A next step will probably aim at combining BRAF inhibitors and immunotherapy or alternatively improve a multilevel mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) pathway blockade by combining with ERK inhibitors.
Despite the overwhelming benefits of antiretroviral therapy (ART) in curtailing viral load in HIV-infected individuals, ART does not fully restore cellular and humoral immunity. HIV-infected individuals under ART show reduced responses to vaccination and infections and are unable to mount an effective antiviral immune response upon ART cessation. Many factors contribute to these defects, including persistent inflammation, especially in lymphoid tissues, where T follicular helper (Tfh) cells instruct and help B cells launch an effective humoral immune response. In this study we investigated the phenotype and function of circulating memory Tfh cells as a surrogate of Tfh cells in lymph nodes and found significant impairment of this cell population in chronically HIV-infected individuals, leading to reduced B cell responses. We further show that these aberrant memory Tfh cells exhibit an IL-2-responsive gene signature and are more polarized toward a Th1 phenotype. Treatment of functional memory Tfh cells with IL-2 was able to recapitulate the detrimental reprogramming. Importantly, this defect was reversible, as interfering with the IL-2 signaling pathway helped reverse the abnormal differentiation and improved Ab responses. Thus, reversible reprogramming of memory Tfh cells in HIV-infected individuals could be used to enhance Ab responses. Altered microenvironmental conditions in lymphoid tissues leading to altered Tfh cell differentiation could provide one explanation for the poor responsiveness of HIV-infected individuals to new Ags. This explanation has important implications for the development of therapeutic interventions to enhance HIV- and vaccine-mediated Ab responses in patients under ART.
Tässä työssä luodaan voimalaitoksen BoP- järjestelmien prosessikaavioiden- ja kuvausten suunnitteluohjeistus Sweco Industy Oy:n energia-yksikölle. BoP- järjestelmiin lukeutuvat tässä kaikki oleellisimmat voimalaitoksen apujärjestelmät kuten esimerkiksi suljettu jäähdytysvesipiiri. Tämä työ on tehty erään Keski-Euroopan alueella sijaitsevan voimalaitosprojektin yhteydessä ja tämä ohjeistus toimii pohjatietona myöhemmin tehtäville täydennyksille. Työn alkuosassa esitellään käytössä oleva piirto-ohjelma sekä sovellettava standardi KKS ja sen käyttö. Käytetyt kaaviotyypit ja niiden sisältö käydään pääpiirteissään läpi. Pääpaino työssä on PI-kaavioiden suunnittelemisen ja piirtämisen ohjeistaminen ja yhdenmukaistaminen. Piirtämiseen ja kaavioiden esittämiseen on kerätty olemassa olevaa tietoa eri suunnittelijoilta joiden avulla on valittu käyttöön tuleva esitystapa. Työn aikana ilmeni ongelmia prosessikaavioiden piirto-ohjelman kanssa. Piirto-ohjelmana käytetty Comos on vielä kehitysvaiheessa ja sen tietokannan ja toiminnan muokkaaminen yhtiön tarpeita vastaavaksi tulee viemään vielä aikaa. Tämä onkin tulevaisuutta ajatellen tärkein kehityskohde.
Exiting from the largely sterile environment of the womb, the neonatal immune system is not fully mature, and thus neonatal immune cells must simultaneously mount responses against environmental stimuli while maturing. This dynamic process of immune maturation is driven by a variety of cell-intrinsic and extrinsic factors. Recent studies have focused on some of these factors and have shed light on the mechanisms by which they drive immune maturation. We review the interactions and consequences of immune maturation during the pre- and perinatal period. We discuss environmental signals in early life that are needed for healthy immune homeostasis, and highlight detrimental factors that can set an individual on a path towards disease. This early-life period of immune maturation could hold the key to strategies for setting individuals on trajectories towards health and reduced disease susceptibility.
In a classic model of mammalian brain formation, precursors of principal glutamatergic neurons migrate radially along radial glia fibers whereas GABAergic interneuron precursors migrate tangentially. These migration modes have significant implications for brain function. Here we used clonal lineage tracing of active radial glia-like neural stem cells in the adult mouse dentate gyrus and made the surprising discovery that proliferating neuronal precursors of glutamatergic granule neurons exhibit significant tangential migration along blood vessels, followed by limited radial migration. Genetic birthdating and morphological and molecular analyses pinpointed the neuroblast stage as the main developmental window when tangential migration occurs. We also developed a partial "whole-mount" dentate gyrus preparation and observed a dense plexus of capillaries, with which only neuroblasts, among the entire population of progenitors, are directly associated. Together, these results provide insight into neuronal migration in the adult mammalian nervous system.
Upon infection, antigen-specific naive CD8 T cells are activated and differentiate into short-lived effector cells (SLECs) and memory precursor cells (MPECs). The underlying signaling pathways remain largely unresolved. We show that Rictor, the core component of mammalian target of rapamycin complex 2 (mTORC2), regulates SLEC and MPEC commitment. Rictor deficiency favors memory formation and increases IL-2 secretion capacity without dampening effector functions. Moreover, mTORC2-deficient memory T cells mount more potent recall responses. Enhanced memory formation in the absence of mTORC2 was associated with Eomes and Tcf-1 upregulation, repression of T-bet, enhanced mitochondrial spare respiratory capacity, and fatty acid oxidation. This transcriptional and metabolic reprogramming is mainly driven by nuclear stabilization of Foxo1. Silencing of Foxo1 reversed the increased MPEC differentiation and IL-2 production and led to an impaired recall response of Rictor KO memory T cells. Therefore, mTORC2 is a critical regulator of CD8 T cell differentiation and may be an important target for immunotherapy interventions.
The vulnerability to infection of newborns is associated with a limited ability to mount efficient immune responses. High concentrations of adenosine and prostaglandins in the fetal and neonatal circulation hamper the antimicrobial responses of newborn immune cells. However, the existence of mechanisms counterbalancing neonatal immunosuppression has not been investigated. Remarkably, circulating levels of macrophage migration inhibitory factor (MIF), a proinflammatory immunoregulatory cytokine expressed constitutively, were 10-fold higher in newborns than in children and adults. Newborn monocytes expressed high levels of MIF and released MIF upon stimulation with Escherichia coli and group B Streptococcus, the leading pathogens of early-onset neonatal sepsis. Inhibition of MIF activity or MIF expression reduced microbial product-induced phosphorylation of p38 and ERK1/2 mitogen-activated protein kinases and secretion of cytokines. Recombinant MIF used at newborn, but not adult, concentrations counterregulated adenosine and prostaglandin E2-mediated inhibition of ERK1/2 activation and TNF production in newborn monocytes exposed to E. coli. In agreement with the concept that once infection is established high levels of MIF are detrimental to the host, treatment with a small molecule inhibitor of MIF reduced systemic inflammatory response, bacterial proliferation, and mortality of septic newborn mice. Altogether, these data provide a mechanistic explanation for how newborns may cope with an immunosuppressive environment to maintain a certain threshold of innate defenses. However, the same defense mechanisms may be at the expense of the host in conditions of severe infection, suggesting that MIF could represent a potential attractive target for immune-modulating adjunctive therapies for neonatal sepsis.
Les problèmes de santé mentale au travail constituent un défi à la fois clinique, professionnel, économique et de santé publique. Les coûts totaux qu'ils génèrent en Suisse équivalent à 3,2 % du produit intérieur brut (PIB) suisse et ils aboutissent très souvent à un licenciement. La grande majorité des personnes sont soignées par un médecin de premier recours. L'Institut de Santé au Travail propose une consultation spécialisée dans les questions de souffrance au travail, offrant aux soignants de première ligne un avis ou un soutien pluridisciplinaire, dans une perspective collaborative des soins. Son action, adaptée aux besoins de chaque situation, va d'un avis à une orientation vers des spécialistes pouvant étoffer durablement le réseau (suivi psychiatrique, programme de soutien à l'emploi, avis juridique ou social). Mental health problems at work constitute a challenge in the clinical feld, as well in the professional, the economic and the public health perspective. The total costs they generate in Switzerland are equivalent to 3.2% of the Swiss gross domestic product and they very often lead to dismissal. The vast majority of people are treated by their primary care physician. The Institute for Work and Health features a specialized consultation on the topic of suffering at work, offering the primary care physicians a pluridisciplinary advice or support, in a collaborative care prospect. Its action, adapted to each situation's needs, goes from an advice to a referral to specialists that can strengthen the network on a long-term basis (mental health follow-up, supported employment program, legal or social advice).
OBJECTIVE: To assess longitudinally the antiviral immune response of T cells from patients with multiple sclerosis (MS) treated with fingolimod (FTY) vs other disease-modifying treatments (DMTs). METHODS: We assessed cellular immune responses specific to influenza virus (FLU), JC virus (JCV), and varicella-zoster virus (VZV) using quantification of interferon-γ secretion by enzyme-linked immunospot in patients with MS on FTY (n = 31), including 2 with herpes zoster (HZ), natalizumab (n = 11), and other DMTs (n = 11). We used viral lysates for FLU and VZV and a pool of peptides for FLU, JCV (VP-1), and VZV (IE63). RESULTS: Besides an expected drop of T cells, we found that, proportionally to the number of CD3(+) T cells, only FTY-treated patients with MS exhibited an increased VZV/IE63-specific T cell response peaking 6 months into treatment, a response that returned to baseline after 12 and 24 months. Two FTY-treated patients developed an HZ 6 months into treatment, coinciding with an absent VZV/IE63-specific T cell response. However, cellular immune responses specific to VZV lysate, JCV, and FLU (lysate and pool of peptide epitopes) were similar between all 3 categories (FTY, natalizumab, and other DMTs) of study patients. CONCLUSIONS: FTY-treated patients with MS exhibit an increased VZV/IE63-specific cellular immune response after 6 months of treatment. FTY-treated patients who develop an HZ are not able to mount such a response, suggesting that a T cell response directed against this viral protein may be key in preventing the occurrence of HZ.
Los congresos académicos ycientíficos deberían afrontar en los próximosaños una reconversión de los formatos y contenidospara poder sobrevivir. Se reflexiona sobre el valor 2.0 de los congresos y se proponen posiblessoluciones, como la vinculación a números especiales de revistas académicas consolidadas.La principal propuesta es la creación deCachus, una clasificación de congresos que permitadar más valor a éstos en los procesos de evaluación de los currículums de los investigadores.
Tutkimuksen tarkoituksena on tutkia, käyttäytyvätkö suomalaiset rahastosijoittajat dispositioefektin mukaisesti realisoimalla mieluummin voitollisia kuin tappiollisia sijoituksia. Tutkimuksen kohteena ovat sijoittajien käyttäytyminen ja mandolliset sijoittajien psykologiset taipumukset ja käytösharhat. Aineistona on erään suomalaisen rahastoyhtiön henkilöasiakastietokanta vuosilta 2000 — 2007. Tutkimustulosten mukaan dispositioefekti ei ilmene niin selvästi rahastosijoittamisessa kuin suorissa osakesijoituksissa. Lääketieteellisessä rahastossa ei voida havaita viitteitä dispositioefektistä. Dispositioefekti havaitaan yhdistelmärahastossa sekä globaalissa osakerahastossa, mutta sen vaikutus näyttää häviävän tai jopa katoavan laskevilla markkinoilla. Verohyöty vaikuttaa euromääräisiin lunastuksiin joulukuussa vähentäen dispositioefektin ilmenemistä. Sijoituksen pitoajalla on selvä vaikutus sijoittajan saamiin tuottoihin. Sijoittajat näyttävät menettävän tuottoja pitämällä liian kauan tappiollisia sijoituksia ja realisoimalla liian nopeasti voitollisia sijoituksia. Kaikkien aikojen kurssihuiput markkinaindeksissä lisäävät lisäävät lunastuksia, kun taas kaikkien aikojen kurssipohjat vähentävät lunastuksia. Kuukauden takaisella kurssihuipulla tai notkolla näyttää olevan suurin merkitys lunastusten määrään
Last two decades have seen a rapid change in the global economic and financial situation; the economic conditions in many small and large underdeveloped countries started to improve and they became recognized as emerging markets. This led to growth in the amounts of global investments in these countries, partly spurred by expectations of higher returns, favorable risk-return opportunities, and better diversification alternatives to global investors. This process, however, has not been without problems and it has emphasized the need for more information on these markets. In particular, the liberalization of financial markets around the world, globalization of trade and companies, recent formation of economic and regional blocks, and the rapid development of underdeveloped countries during the last two decades have brought a major challenge to the financial world and researchers alike. This doctoral dissertation studies one of the largest emerging markets, namely Russia. The motivation why the Russian equity market is worth investigating includes, among other factors, its sheer size, rapid and robust economic growth since the turn of the millennium, future prospect for international investors, and a number of important major financial reforms implemented since the early 1990s. Another interesting feature of the Russian economy, which gives motivation to study Russian market, is Russia’s 1998 financial crisis, considered as one of the worst crisis in recent times, affecting both developed and developing economies. Therefore, special attention has been paid to Russia’s 1998 financial crisis throughout this dissertation. This thesis covers the period from the birth of the modern Russian financial markets to the present day, Special attention is given to the international linkage and the 1998 financial crisis. This study first identifies the risks associated with Russian market and then deals with their pricing issues. Finally some insights about portfolio construction within Russian market are presented. The first research paper of this dissertation considers the linkage of the Russian equity market to the world equity market by examining the international transmission of the Russia’s 1998 financial crisis utilizing the GARCH-BEKK model proposed by Engle and Kroner. Empirical results shows evidence of direct linkage between the Russian equity market and the world market both in regards of returns and volatility. However, the weakness of the linkage suggests that the Russian equity market was only partially integrated into the world market, even though the contagion can be clearly seen during the time of the crisis period. The second and the third paper, co-authored with Mika Vaihekoski, investigate whether global, local and currency risks are priced in the Russian stock market from a US investors’ point of view. Furthermore, the dynamics of these sources of risk are studied, i.e., whether the prices of the global and local risk factors are constant or time-varying over time. We utilize the multivariate GARCH-M framework of De Santis and Gérard (1998). Similar to them we find price of global market risk to be time-varying. Currency risk also found to be priced and highly time varying in the Russian market. Moreover, our results suggest that the Russian market is partially segmented and local risk is also priced in the market. The model also implies that the biggest impact on the US market risk premium is coming from the world risk component whereas the Russian risk premium is on average caused mostly by the local and currency components. The purpose of the fourth paper is to look at the relationship between the stock and the bond market of Russia. The objective is to examine whether the correlations between two classes of assets are time varying by using multivariate conditional volatility models. The Constant Conditional Correlation model by Bollerslev (1990), the Dynamic Conditional Correlation model by Engle (2002), and an asymmetric version of the Dynamic Conditional Correlation model by Cappiello et al. (2006) are used in the analysis. The empirical results do not support the assumption of constant conditional correlation and there was clear evidence of time varying correlations between the Russian stocks and bond market and both asset markets exhibit positive asymmetries. The implications of the results in this dissertation are useful for both companies and international investors who are interested in investing in Russia. Our results give useful insights to those involved in minimising or managing financial risk exposures, such as, portfolio managers, international investors, risk analysts and financial researchers. When portfolio managers aim to optimize the risk-return relationship, the results indicate that at least in the case of Russia, one should account for the local market as well as currency risk when calculating the key inputs for the optimization. In addition, the pricing of exchange rate risk implies that exchange rate exposure is partly non-diversifiable and investors are compensated for bearing the risk. Likewise, international transmission of stock market volatility can profoundly influence corporate capital budgeting decisions, investors’ investment decisions, and other business cycle variables. Finally, the weak integration of the Russian market and low correlations between Russian stock and bond market offers good opportunities to the international investors to diversify their portfolios.
Electrochemical sensors have attracted considerable attention in recent years because they provide data about the chemical state of our surroundings and the dynamics of the chemical transformations in the form a spatially resolved image. Particular interest has been directed to measurements in restricted-volume samples as new technologies enable the fabrication of miniaturized versions of sensors with reproducible characteristics. Taking these aspects into consideration, this review focuses on the use of electrodes of micrometer dimensions to acquire chemical information in microdomains in which concentrations may not be spatially homogeneous. This is possible because microelectrodes allow fast-response measurements with micrometer resolution to be performed. On the other hand, the use of microelectrodes as amperometric sensors presents an inherent drawback owing to the insufficient specificity toward the substrate of interest. Hence, some comments on strategies to enhance the selectivity of amperometric sensors are also made. Finally, recent applications of structurally microscopic electrodes as in vivo sensors are shown, as well as a prospect of the future trend in this field.