860 resultados para Modulus
A positive summability trigonometric kernel {K(n)(theta)}(infinity)(n=1) is generated through a sequence of univalent polynomials constructed by Suffridge. We prove that the convolution {K(n) * f} approximates every continuous 2 pi-periodic function f with the rate omega(f, 1/n), where omega(f, delta) denotes the modulus of continuity, and this provides a new proof of the classical Jackson`s theorem. Despite that it turns out that K(n)(theta) coincide with positive cosine polynomials generated by Fejer, our proof differs from others known in the literature.
This article describes a solid-state NMR (SSNMR) investigation of the influence of hydration and chemical cross-linking on the molecular dynamics of the constituents of the bovine pericardium (BP) tissues and its relation to the mechanical properties of the tissue. Samples of natural phenetylamine-diepoxide (DE)- and glutaraldehyde (GL)-fixed BP were investigated by (13)C cross-polarization SSNMR to probe the dynamics of the collagen, and the results were correlated to the mechanical properties of the tissues, probed by dynamical mechanical analysis. For samples of natural BP, the NMR results show that the higher the hydration level the more pronounced the molecular dynamics of the collagen backbone and sidechains, decreasing the tissue`s elastic modulus. In contrast, in DE- and GL-treated samples, the collagen molecules are more rigid, and the hydration seems to be less effective in increasing the collagen molecular dynamics and reducing the mechanical strength of the samples. This is mostly attributed to the presence of cross-links between the collagen plates, which renders the collagen mobility less dependent on the water absorption in chemically treated samples. Copyright (C) 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Liponucleosides may assist the anchoring of nucleic acid nitrogen bases into biological membranes for tailored nanobiotechnological applications. To this end precise knowledge about the biophysical and chemical details at the membrane surface is required. In this paper, we used Langmuir monolayers as simplified cell membrane models and studied the insertion of five lipidated nucleosides. These molecules varied in the type of the covalently attached lipid group, the nucleobase, and the number of hydrophobic moieties attached to the nucleoside. All five lipidated nucleosides were found to be surface-active and capable of forming stable monolayers. They could also be incorporated into dipalmitoylphosphatidylcholine (DPPC) monolayers, four of which induced expansion in the surface pressure isotherm and a decrease in the surface compression modulus of DPPC. In contrast, one nucleoside possessing three alkyl chain modifications formed very condensed monolayers and induced film condensation and an increase in the compression modulus for the DPPC monolayer, thus reflecting the importance of the ability of the nucleoside molecules to be arranged in a closely packed manner. The implications of these results lie on the possibility of tuning nucleic acid pairing by modifying structural characteristics of the liponucleosides. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
It is very common in mathematics to construct surfaces by identifying the sides of a polygon together in pairs: For example, identifying opposite sides of a square yields a torus. In this article the construction is considered in the case where infinitely many pairs of segments around the boundary of the polygon are identified. The topological, metric, and complex structures of the resulting surfaces are discussed: In particular, a condition is given under which the surface has a global complex structure (i.e., is a Riemann surface). In this case, a modulus of continuity for a uniformizing map is given. The motivation for considering this construction comes from dynamical systems theory: If the modulus of continuity is uniform across a family of such constructions, each with an iteration defined on it, then it is possible to take limits in the family and hence to complete it. Such an application is briefly discussed.
Defatted rumen protein and soy protein concentrate were extruded in a 15.5:1 L/D single-screw extruder at the optimum conditions for their expansion (150A degrees C and 35% moisture, and 130A degrees C and 35% moisture, respectively). Emulsions were produced with these proteins and studied by rheology and time domain low-resolution (1)H nuclear magnetic resonance (TD-NMR). Extrusion increased storage modulus of rumen protein emulsions. The opposite was observed for soy protein. Mechanical relaxation showed the existence of three relaxing components in the emulsions whose relative contributions were changed by extrusion. Likewise, spin-spin relaxation time constants (T (2)) measured by TD-NMR also showed three major distinct populations of protons in respect to their mobility that were also altered by extrusion. Extrusion increased surface hydrophobicity of both rumen and soy protein. Solubility of rumen protein increased with extrusion whereas soy protein had its solubility decreased after processing. Extrusion promoted molecular reorganization of protein, increasing its superficial hydrophobicity, affecting its interfacial properties and improving its emulsifying behavior. The results show that extrusion can promote the use of rumen, a by-product waste from the meat industry, in human nutrition by replacing soy protein in food emulsions.
Milk supplementation with milk proteins in four different levels was used to investigate the effect on acidification and textural properties of yogurt. Commercial skim milk powder was diluted in distilled water, and the supplements were added to give different enriched-milk bases; these were heat treated at 90 degrees C for 5 min. These mixtures were incubated with the bacterial cultures for fermentation in a water bath, at 42 degrees C, until pH 4.50 was reached. Chemical changes during fermentation were followed by measuring the pH. Protein concentration measurements, microbial counts of Lactobacillus bulgaricus and Streptococcus thermophilus, and textural properties (G`, G ``, yield stress and firmness) were determined after 24 h of storage at 4 degrees C. Yogurt made with milk supplemented with sodium caseinate resulted in significant properties changes, which were decrease in fermentation time, and increase in yield stress, storage modulus, and firmness, with increases in supplement level. Microstructure also differed from that of yogurt produced with milk supplemented with skim milk powder or sodium caseinate. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
The shoving model for the glass-former LiCl center dot 6H(2)O: A molecular dynamics simulation study
Molecular dynamics (MD) simulations of LiCl center dot 6H(2)O Showed that the diffusion coefficient D, and also I lie structural relaxation time
We investigate magnetorheological fluids (MRFs) prepared with carbonyl iron powder and different types of hydrophobic and hydrophilic fumed silica. The rheological properties of the MRF suspensions were investigated with and without an applied magnetic field. The MRF samples prepared with hydrophobic silicas presented a more pronounced thixotropic effect and a higher recovery rate than those prepared with hydrophilic silicas. The application of a magnetic field to all the MRFs samples investigated leads to an increase in the viscosity and the thixotropic effect. MRF prepared with hydrophobic silicas presented smaller values of the viscosity than those prepared with hydrophilic silicas. At low applied magnetic fields, the type of the silica used to prepare the MRF leads to noticeable differences in the shear stress. However, these differences disappear at high magnetic fields. The results obtained showed that MRF samples prepared with the hydrophobic silica with the biggest particle diameter presented better characteristics for magnetorheological fluids, with higher values of yield stress, recovery rate, and elastic modulus. (C) 2009 The Society of Rheology. [DOI: 10.1122/1.3086870]
We examined the effect of storage time on culture viability and some rheological properties (yield stress, storage modulus, loss modulus, linear viscoelastic region, structural recuperation and firmness) of fermented milk made with Lactobacillus delbrueckii ssp. bulgaricus, Lactobacillus acidophilus (LA) and Bifidobacterium animalis ssp. lactis in coculture with Streptococcus thermophilus (ST). Acidification profiles and factors that affect viability (postfermentation acidification, acidity and dissolved oxygen) were also studied during 35 days at 4C. Fermented milk prepared with a coculture of ST and Bifidobacterium lactis gave the most constant rheological behavior and the best cell viability during cold storage; it was superior to ST plus LA for probiotic fermented milk production.
A novel material comprised of bacterial cellulose (BC) and Laponite clay with different inorganic organic ratios (m/m) was prepared by the contact of never-dried membranes of BC with a previous dispersion of clay particles in water. Field emission scanning electron microscopy (FE-SEM) data of composite materials revealed an effective adhesion of clay over the surface of BC membrane; inorganic particles also penetrate into the polymer bulk, with a significant change of the surface topography even at 5% of clay loading. As a consequence, the mechanical properties are deeply affected by the presence of clay, increasing the values of the Young modulus and the tensile strength. However the maximum strain is decreased when the clay content is increased in the composite in comparison to pristine BC. The main weight loss step of the composites is shifted towards higher temperatures compared to BC, indicating that the clay particles slightly protect the polymer from thermal and oxidative decomposition. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Titanium alloys, alloys, especially beta-type alloys containing beta-stabilizing elements, constitute a highly versatile category of metallic materials that have been under constant development for application in orthopedics and dentistry. This type of alloy generally presents a high mechanical strength-to-weight ratio, excellent corrosion resistance and low elastic modulus. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the cytotoxicity and adhesion of fibroblast cells on titanium alloy substrates containing Nb, Ta, Zr, Cu, Sn and Mo alloying elements. Cells cultured on polystyrene were used as controls. In vitro results with Vero cells demonstrated that the tested materials, except Cu-based alloy, presented high viability in short-term testing. Adhesion of cells cultured on disks showed no differences between the materials and reference except for the Ti-Cu alloy, which showed reduced adhesion attributed to poor metabolic activity. Titanium alloys with the addition of Nb, Ta, Zr, Sn and Mo elements show a promising potential for biomedical applications. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Sisal fibers have been chemically modified by reaction with lignins, extracted from sugarcane bagasse and Pinus-type wood and then hydroxymethylated, to increase adhesion in resol-type phenolic thermoset matrices. Inverse gas chromatography (IGC) results showed that acidic sites predominate for unmodified/modified sisal fibers and for phenolic thermoset, indicating that the phenolic matrix has properties that favor the interaction with sisal fibers. The IGC results also showed that the phenolic thermoset has a dispersive component closer to those of the modified fibers suggesting that thermoset interactions with the less polar modified fibers are favored. Surface SEM images of the modified fibers showed that the fiber bundle deaggregation increased after the treatment, making the interfibrillar structure less dense in comparison with that of unmodified fibers, which increased the contact area and encouraged microbial biodegradation in simulated soil. Water diffusion was observed to be faster for composites reinforced with modified fibers, since the phenolic resin penetrated better into modified fibers, thereby blocking water passage through their channels. Overall, composites` properties showed that modified fibers promote a significant reduction in the hydrophilic character, and consequently of the reinforced composite without a major effect on impact strength and with increased storage modulus. (c) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
The (bio)degradation of polyolefins can be accelerated by modifying the level of crystallinity or by incorporation of carbonyl groups by adding pro-oxidants to masterbatches or through exposure to ultraviolet irradiation. In this work we sought to improve the degradation of PP by adding cobalt, calcium or magnesium stearate to Ecoflex(R), PP or Ecoflex(R)/PP blends. The effect of the pro-oxidants on biodegradability was assessed by examining the mechanical properties and fluidity of the polymers. PP had higher values for tensile strength at break and Young`s modulus than Ecoflex(R), and the latter had little influence on the properties of PP in Ecoflex(R)/PP blends. However, the presence of pro-oxidants (except for calcium) reduced these properties. All of the pro-oxidants enhanced the fluidity of PP, a phenomenon that facilitated polymer degradation at high temperatures. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
The surface of ramie cellulose whiskers has been chemically modified by grafting organic acid chlorides presenting different lengths of the aliphatic chain by an esterification reaction. The occurrence of the chemical modification was evaluated by FTIR and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopies, elemental analysis and contact angle measurements. The crystallinity of the particles was not altered by the chain grafting, but it was shown that covalently grafted chains were able to crystallize at the cellulose surface when using C18. Both unmodified and functionalized nanoparticles were extruded with low density polyethylene to prepare nanocomposite materials. The homogeneity of the ensuing nanocomposites was found to increase with the length of the grafted chains. The thermomechanical properties of processed nanocomposites were studied by differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), dynamical mechanical analysis (DMA) and tensile tests. A significant improvement in terms of elongation at break was observed when sufficiently long chains were grafted on the surface of the nanoparticles. It was ascribed to improved dispersion of the nanoparticles within the LDPE matrix. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Effects of starch gelatinization and oxidation on the rheological behavior of chitosan/starch blends
Chitosan/starchblends represent an interesting alternative for the preparation of biocompatible drug delivery systems, packing materials and edible films. This paper reports on the effects of starch gelatinization and oxidation on the rheological behavior of chitosan/starch blends. The results show that the modifications in the starch structure cause changes in G` (storage modulus) and G `` (lossmodulus) as a function of frequency. For chitosan/starch, G `` is higher than G`, showing a viscous behavior. However, for chitosan/gelatinized starch and chitosan/oxidized starch, an increase in the angular frequency promotes a modulus crossover at omega = 0.02 and 0.04 rad s(-1), respectively. The viscosity curves as a function of shear rate show that both modifications cause an increase in viscosity, and all blends show a non-Newtonian behavior. (C) 2011 Society of Chemical Industry