979 resultados para Michigan State Pomological Society


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Mode of access: Internet.


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Mode of access: Internet.


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Mode of access: Internet.


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Key findings: The paper investigates the impact that the legislative changes of 2006 had on civil society in Russia. This legislation has change the regulatory environment in which civil society actors such as Third Sector Organisations operate. Using the past development of civil society organisations as well as insights about how the institutional environment influences this article illustrates: - the undemocratic nature and motivation of the law and how it exploits the structural weaknesses of civil society - how Third Sector Organisations rationalise and translate the legislative changes into their organisational realities and how this changed or did not change their behaviour - the shift in state-civil society relations away from liberal co-existence into more hierarchical arrangements were Third Sector Organisations are subordinated to the state. These trends have far reaching implications for civil society. The empirical evidence shows that state now manages civil society to meet its own political ends. It also shows that organisations in the field welcome the more engage and directive nature of the Russian state. Why is this important? What does it mean for business or other users? Are there policy implications? The research is important as it shows how Third Sector Organisations have reacted to the legislative changes. Further it provides a basis for interpretation of the potential future development of civil society. Additional it highlights how the continuous process of democratisation in transition economies sometimes might come unstuck. In particular donor agencies will need to consider these trends when disturbing funding to Third Sector Organisations.


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Urban areas such as megacities (those with populations greater than 10 million) are hotspots of global water use and thus face intense water management challenges. Urban areas are influenced by local interactions between human and natural systems and interact with distant systems through flows of water, food, energy, people, information, and capital. However, analyses of water sustainability and the management of water flows in urban areas are often fragmented. There is a strong need to apply integrated frameworks to systematically analyze urban water dynamics and factors that influence these dynamics. We apply the framework of telecoupling (socioeconomic and environmental interactions over distances) to analyze urban water issues, using Beijing as a demonstration megacity. Beijing exemplifies the global water sustainability challenge for urban settings. Like many other cities, Beijing has experienced drastic reductions in quantity and quality of both surface water and groundwater over the past several decades; it relies on the import of real and virtual water from sending systems to meet its demand for clean water, and releases polluted water to other systems (spillover systems). The integrative framework we present demonstrates the importance of considering socioeconomic and environmental interactions across telecoupled human and natural systems, which include not only Beijing (the water-receiving system) but also water-sending systems and spillover systems. This framework helps integrate important components of local and distant human–nature interactions and incorporates a wide range of local couplings and telecouplings that affect water dynamics, which in turn generate significant socioeconomic and environmental consequences, including feedback effects. The application of the framework to Beijing reveals many research gaps and management needs. We also provide a foundation to apply the telecoupling framework to better understand and manage water sustainability in other cities around the world.


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Natural disasters in Argentina and Chile played a significant role in the state-formation and nation-building process (1822-1939). This dissertation explores state and society responses to earthquakes by studying public and private relief efforts reconstruction plans, crime and disorder, religious interpretations of catastrophes, national and transnational cultures of disaster, science and technology, and popular politics. Although Argentina and Chile share a political border and geological boundary, the two countries provide contrasting examples of state formation. Most disaster relief and reconstruction efforts emanated from the centralized Chilean state in Santiago. In Argentina, provincial officials made the majority of decisions in a catastrophe’s aftermath. Patriotic citizens raised money and collected clothing for survivors that helped to weave divergent regions together into a nation. The shared experience of earthquakes in all regions of Chile created a national disaster culture. Similarly, common disaster experiences, reciprocal relief efforts, and aid commissions linked Chileans with Western Argentine societies and generated a transnational disaster culture. Political leaders viewed reconstruction as opportunities to implement their visions for the nation on the urban landscape. These rebuilding projects threatened existing social hierarchies and often failed to come to fruition. Rebuilding brought new technologies from Europe to the Southern Cone. New building materials and systems, however, had to be adapted to the South American economic and natural environment. In a catastrophe’s aftermath, newspapers projected images of disorder and the authorities feared lawlessness and social unrest. Judicial and criminal records, however, show that crime often decreased after a disaster. Finally, nineteenth-century earthquakes heightened antagonism and conflict between the Catholic Church and the state. Conservative clergy asserted that disasters were divine punishments for the state’s anti-clerical measures and later railed against scientific explanations of earthquakes.


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Existem, atualmente, mais de 300 hipóteses relativas à caracterização, função e mecanismos do envelhecimento, possivelmente devido ao aumento de idosos no mundo. Embora se avente uma função social à velhice humana, as transformações da sociedade impuseram uma cultura de descarte, incluindo pessoas como os idosos. Tal exclusão, que se associa à tristeza, depressão e morte desse grupo, é contraditória ao aumento do tempo de vida dos idosos constatado atualmente. O presente trabalho tentou determinar os aspectos ambientais envolvidos na longevidade usando uma técnica de metodologia qualitativa denominada grounded theory (ou teoria fundamentada nos dados) em dados fornecidos por ex-ferroviários longevos. Constatou-se que as representações dos ex-ferroviários confluem para a categoria central: desolação pelo aniquilamento da vida e do ambiente, no presente, devido à continuada negligência do Estado e da Sociedade na promoção e preservação das coisas boas para a vida que havia no passado. Observou-se ainda que, paralelamente à hipervalorização genérica das coisas do passado, há constatação recente de que suas existências fizeram parte da epopeia que promoveu o desenvolvimento econômico e social do interior paulista e possibilitou uma ressignificação existencial do passado, sugerindo ser um potente mecanismo de defesa que culmina em longevidade. Tal achado se insere na hipótese de que a função da longevidade seria a de preservar um contingente social com conhecimentos de um modo de vida que deu certo por ser socialmente vantajoso


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Data were collected in early ripening peach [Prunus persica (L.) Batsch] varieties trained to a vase system to determine if a relationship exists between fruit weight and shoot diameter. The experiment was conducted with 3 varieties at Gainesville, FL with detailed pruning and with 3 other varieties at Atapulgus, GA with minimum pruning. All the varieties were similar in fruit development period (FDP) and fruit size. The largest shoot diameter was generally found in the upper canopy in all varieties. There was no correlation between shoot diameter and fruit weight for 'TropicBeauty', 'TropicSnow' and 'UF2000' at Gainesville under detailed pruning. There was a significant (p = 0.01) correlation for 'Flordacrest' in the lower (r = 0.53) canopy and for 'White Robin' in both the upper (r = 0.38) and lower (r = 0.40) canopy at Attapulgus, GA under minimal pruning. In these situations, large stems were associated with large fruit. 'Delta', grown at Attapulgus with minimal pruning, showed no correlation between shoot diameter and fruit weight, probably because it is male sterile and produced large fruit due to a reduced crop load.


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O caso relata uma situa????o de viol??ncia dom??stica vivenciada por uma mulher negra e os obst??culos por ela enfrentados para denunciar o agressor e fazer valer seus direitos. Mostra a contradi????o entre normas e sua efetiva aplica????o, quando o comportamento de agentes p??blicos ainda conserva padr??es e valores de um Estado autorit??rio, patriarcal e escravocrata. O caso ?? fict??cio, mas espelha situa????es reais coletadas em documentos e relat??rios da Ouvidoria da Secretaria de Pol??ticas para as Mulheres- SPM/PR. O estudo suscita discuss??es sobre a dimens??o ??tica da atividade de agentes p??blicos de um Estado democr??tico, englobando quest??es referentes aos direitos humanos, direitos e deveres do Estado e da sociedade, o papel da transpar??ncia, do controle social e da responsabiliza????o por resultados (accountability) etc. Pode ser aplicado em cursos sobre ??tica e servi??o p??blico, pol??ticas p??blicas de g??nero e ra??a e atendimento ao cidad??o


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A id??ia que anima este artigo ?? a de juntar argumentos que demonstrem a import??ncia de se reformar as rela????es do Estado com a sociedade para que a reforma do aparelho do Estado tenha sucesso. S??o discutidas as vantagens e desvantagens da provis??o dos servi??os p??blicos sociais por meio de organiza????es p??blicas n??o-estatais, como uma estrat??gia para superar a crise de governan??a do Estado contempor??neo e tamb??m como um caminho para reduzir a precariedade dos servi??os sociais. O esfor??o de supera????o da crise do Estado vem se traduzindo na redefini????o do modo de financiamento e da maneira de organizar a execu????o das pol??ticas p??blicas sociais, de forma a garantir efetividade na resposta ??s demandas sociais e maior efici??ncia na produ????o dos servi??os. A desestatiza????o da provis??o dos servi??os sociais coloca as sociedades democr??ticas diante do desafio de resolver como manter a responsabilidade do Estado frente ao interesse p??blico. Trata-se de responder como transitar do estatal para o p??blico, garantindo que a provis??o de servi??os p??blicos n??o dependa exclusivamente do Estado, sem que este abandone seu papel de financiador e regulador das atividades de interesse geral. O que n??o merece mais d??vidas ?? que a constitui????o de uma esfera p??blica que venha a atuar em simetria com o Estado e o mercado, como uma poss??vel solu????o duradoura e democr??tica para a produ????o de bens e servi??os sociais, atrav??s de organiza????es p??blicas n??o-estatais, passe a ser considerada como uma das principais tarefas te??ricas e pr??ticas que desafiam os atores sociais envolvidos com as quest??es da gest??o p??blica.