968 resultados para Medical Negligence and Failure to Warn


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Individuals and communities are exposed to traumatic events, those that are accidents or naturally occurring and those that are intentional or human made. Although resilience is the expected response, for some, posttraumatic stress disorder may be the outcome. Brain models of PTSD require understanding the phenomenology of the disorder and the brain “break down” that occurs. Among several models, importantly, is the perspective that PTSD is a “forgetting” disorder. Other elements in the onset and triggers of PTSD can identify further models to examine at the bench. New studies of the 5-HT2A receptor, the glucocorticoid receptor, p11, mitochondrial genes and cannabinoids are bringing new perspectives to understanding brain function in PTSD. Effective treatments indicate areas for bench research on the mechanisms of the disorder.


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Research on the achievement and retention of female students in science and mathematics is located within a context of falling levels of participation in physical science and mathematics courses in Australian schools, and underrepresentation of females in some science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) courses. The Interests and Recruitment in Science (IRIS) project is an international project that aims to contribute to understanding and improving recruitment, retention and gender equity in STEM higher education. Nearly 3500 first year students in 30 Australian universities responded to the IRIS survey of 5-point Likert items and open responses. This paper explores gender differences in first year university students’ responses to three questions about important influences on their course choice. The IRIS study found good teachers were rated highly by both males and females as influential in choosing STEM courses, and significantly higher numbers of females rated personal encouragement from senior high school science teacher as very important. In suggestions for addressing sex disparities in male-dominated STEM courses, more females indicated the importance of good teaching/encouragement and more females said (unspecified) encouragement. This study relates to the influence of school science teachers and results are discussed in relation to implications for science education.


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The ‘war on terror’ and ongoing terrorist attacks around the world have generated a growing body of literature on national and international measures to counteract terrorist activity. This detailed study investigates an aspect of contemporary counter-terrorism that has been largely overlooked; the impact of these measures on the continued viability of the democratic state.


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"Students transitioning from vocational education and training (VET) to university can experience a number of challenges. This small research project explored the information literacy needs of VET and university students and how they differ. Students studying early childhood related VET and university courses reported differences in how and where they searched for information in their studies. These differences reflect the more practical focus of VET compared with the more academic and theoretical approach of university. The author proposes a framework of support that could be provided to transitioning students to enable them to develop the necessary information literacy skills for university study."--publisher website


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An experiment tested the hypothesis that individuals high in negative affectivity (NA) show increased stress reactivity to stressors. There were three predictor variables: NA (measured 1 week prior to experimental participation), and two manipulated variables—demand (high/low) and behavioral control (high/low). First-year psychology students (n=256) were randomly allocated to one of the four experimental conditions. Measures obtained were initial and post-task negative mood, coping strategies, task satisfaction, and performance (subjective and objective). Participants with high levels of NA reported more post-task negative mood in response to high demand conditions, compared to participants with low NA. A similar pattern of results emerged for task satisfaction, particularly in response to high demand-low behavioral control situations. Mediation analyses suggested this was because participants with high NA used more emotion-focused coping strategies. The study provides support for the stress reactivity role of NA in the stressor-strain process.


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Background Patient satisfaction is influenced by the setting in which patients are treated and the employees providing care. However, to date, limited research has explained how health care organizations or nurses influence patient satisfaction. Objectives The purpose of this study was to test the model that service climate would increase the effort and performance of nursing groups and, in turn, increase patient satisfaction. Method This study incorporated data from 156 nurses, 28 supervisors, and 171 patients. A cross-sectional design was utilized to examine the relationship between service climate, nurse effort, nurse performance and patient satisfaction. Structural equation modeling was conducted to test the proposed relationships. Results Service climate was associated with the effort that nurses directed towards technical care and extra-role behaviors. In turn, the effort that nurses exerted predicted their performance, as rated by their supervisors. Finally, task performance was a significant predictor of patient satisfaction. Conclusions This study suggests that both hospital management and nurses play a role in promoting patient satisfaction. By focusing on creating a climate for service, health care managers can improve nursing performance and patient satisfaction with care.


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The objective of this experimental study is to capture the dynamic temporal processes that occur in changing work settings and to test how work control and individuals' motivational predispositions interact to predict reactions to these changes. To this aim, we examine the moderating effects of global self-determined and non-self-determined motivation, at different levels of work control, on participants' adaptation and stress reactivity to changes in workload during four trials of an inbox activity. Workload was increased or decreased at Trial 3, and adaptation to this change was examined via fluctuations in anxiety, coping, motivation, and performance. In support of the hypotheses, results revealed that, for non-self-determined individuals, low work control was stress-buffering and high work control was stress-exacerbating when predicting anxiety and intrinsic motivation. In contrast, for self-determined individuals, high work control facilitated the adaptive use of planning coping in response to a change in workload. Overall, this pattern of results demonstrates that, while high work control was anxiety-provoking and demotivating for non-self-determined individuals, self-determined individuals used high work control to implement an adaptive antecedent-focused emotion regulation strategy (i.e., planning coping) to meet situational demands. Other interactive effects of global motivation emerged on anxiety, active coping, and task performance. These results and their practical implications are discussed.


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Queensland legislation currently defines two legally recognised forms of prostitution: sex work conducted in a licensed brothel; or, sex work conducted privately by a sole operator.Despite prostitution’s legality in these contexts, it continues to be heavily controlled and restricted by authorities, while also being rejected by surrounding communities. Such resistance towards prostitution is demonstrated in Queensland where over 200 towns with populations of less than 25,000 have been successful in applying for exemption from the development of licensed brothels in those jurisdictions (Prostitution Licensing Authority 2012). Queensland’s legislative acknowledgement of prostitution as a legal act, while simultaneously allowing small communities to reject such activity, seems somewhat contradictory. This paper will provide a theoretical examination of common community objections to prostitution in modern society, determining whether such attitudes are applicable to communities in rural and regional Queensland towns. Additionally, this paper will incorporate an analysis of rural and urban areas via the ‘gemeinschaft‐gesellschaft’ dichotomy to understand the potential justification for opposing areas being subject to differential treatment under the law.


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Many breast tumors appear to follow a predictable clinical pattern, being initially responsive to endocrine therapy and to cytotoxic chemotherapy but ultimately exhibiting a phenotype resistant to both modalities. Using the MCF-7 human breast cancer cell line as an example of an 'early' phenotype (estrogen and progesterone receptor positive, steroid responsive, low metastatic potential), we have isolated and characterized a series of hormone-independent but hormone-responsive variants (MIII and MCF7/LCC1). However, these variants remain responsive to both antiestrogens and cytotoxic drugs (methotrexate and colchicine). MIII and MCF7/LCCl cells appear to mimic some of the critical aspects of the early progression to a more aggressive phenotype. An examination of the phenotype of these cells suggests that some hormone-independent breast cancer cells are derived from hormone-dependent parental cells. The development of a hormone-independent phenotype can arise independently of acquisition of a cytotoxic drug resistant phenotype.


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In Lindsay v Aumaali [2004] QDC 028 the Court considered whether it could, in effect, postpone the requirement for a compulsory conference under s51A of the Moror Accident insurance Act 1994 (Qld) or the exchange of final offers under s51C of the Act until after the start of proceedings.


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Australia is undergoing a critical demographic transition: the population is ageing. By 2050, one in four Australians will be older than 65 years and by 2031, the number of older Australians requiring residential aged care will increase 63%, to 1.4 million (ABS, 2005). In anticipation of this global demographic transition, the World Health Organisation has advocated ‘active ageing’, identifying health, participation and security as the three key factors that enhance quality of life for people as they age (WHO, 2002). While there is considerable discussion and acceptance of active ageing principles, little is known about the experience of ‘active ageing’ for older Australians who live in Residential Aged Care Facilities (RACF). This research addresses this knowledge gap by exploring the key facilitators and barriers to quality of life and active ageing in aged care from the perspective of aged care residents (n=12). To do this, the project documented the initial expectations and daily life experience of new residents living in a RACF over a one-year period. Combined with in-depth interviews and surveys, the project utilised Photovoice methodology - where participants used photography to record their lived experiences. The initial findings suggest satisfaction with living in aged care centers around five key themes; resident’s mental attitude to living in aged care, forming positive peer and staff relationships, self-determination and maintaining independence, opportunities to participate in interesting activities, and living in a safe and comfortable physical environment. This paper reports on the last of these five key themes, focusing on the role of design in facilitating quality of life, specifically: “living within these walls” – safety, comfort and the physical environment.


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The impact that stressful encounters have upon long-lasting behavioural phenotypes is varied. Whereas a significant proportion of the population will develop "stress-related" conditions such as post-traumatic stress disorder or depression in later life, the majority are considered "resilient" and are able to cope with stress and avoid such psychopathologies. The reason for this heterogeneity is undoubtedly multi-factorial, involving a complex interplay between genetic and environmental factors. Both genes and environment are of critical importance when it comes to developmental processes, and it appears that subtle differences in either of these may be responsible for altering developmental trajectories that confer vulnerability or resilience. At the molecular level, developmental processes are regulated by epigenetic mechanisms, with recent clinical and pre-clinical data obtained by ourselves and others suggesting that epigenetic differences in various regions of the brain are associated with a range of psychiatric disorders, including many that are stress-related. Here we provide an overview of how these epigenetic differences, and hence susceptibility to psychiatric disorders, might arise through exposure to stress-related factors during critical periods of development.


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Review question/objective The objective of this review is to identify the effectiveness of surveillance systems and community-based interventions in identifying and responding to emerging and re-emerging zoonotic infections in Southeast Asia (SE Asia). More specifically the research questions are: 1. What is the effectiveness of community-based surveillance interventions designed to identify emerging zoonotic infectious diseases? 2. What is the effectiveness of non-pharmaceutical community-based interventions designed to prevent transmission of emerging zoonotic infectious diseases? 3. How do factors related to the emergence and management of emerging zoonotic infectious diseases impact the effectiveness of interventions designed to identify and respond to them?