967 resultados para Materials handling -- Equipment and supplies


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Between March 2000 and April 2001 two commercial fishing vessels fished for toothfish (Dissostichus eleginoides) off South Georgia using pots. A significant number of lithodid crabs (three species of Paralomis spp.) were caught as bycatch. Paralomis spinosissima occurred in shallow water, generally shallower than 700 m. Paralomis anamerae, not previously reported from this area and therefore representing a considerable southerly extension in the reported geographic range of this species, had an intermediate depth distribution from 400 to 800 m. Paralomis formosa was present in shallow waters but reached much higher catch levels (and, presumably, densities) between 800 and 1400 m. Differences were also noted in depth distribution of the sexes and size of crabs. Depth, soak time, and area were found to significantly influence crab catch rates. Few crabs (3% of P. spinosissima and 7% of P. formosa) were males above the legal size limit and could therefore be retained. All other crabs were discarded. Most crabs (>99% of P. formosa, >97% of P. spinosissima, and >90% of P. anamerae) were lively on arrival on deck and at subsequent discard. Mortality rates estimated from re-immersion experiments indicated that on the vessel where pots were emptied directly onto the factory conveyor belt 78–89% of crabs would survive discarding, whereas on the vessel where crabs were emptied down a vertical chute prior to being sorted, survivorship was 38–58%. Of the three, P. anamerae was the most vulnerable to handling onboard and sub-sequent discarding. Paralomis spinosissima seemed more vulnerable than P. formosa.


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This paper reviews the advances that flash lamp annealing brings to the processing of the most frequently used semiconductor materials, namely silicon and silicon carbide, thus enabling the fabrication of novel microelectronic structures and materials. The paper describes how such developments can translate into important practical applications leading to a wide range of technological benefits. Opportunities in ultra-shallow junction formation, heteroepitaxial growth of thin films of cubic silicon carbide on silicon, and crystallization of amorphous silicon films, along with the technical reasons for using flash lamp annealing are discussed in the context of state-of-the-art materials processing. © 2005 IEEE.


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Some presently used anti-fouling materials contain metals and other compounds, which are toxic in the environment. Coating products are not always stable, and there is a resulting pollution hazard. In particular if surfaces are poorly prepared and manufactures' instructions are not closely followed the application of anti-fouling substances becomes pointless and dangerous. In addition the salinity, constant biological activity and suspended particles make seawater a highly corrosive material in its own right.


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Model combination wire ropes with different covering materials were prepared and worked out specification for the prototype. A table model hand operated wire rope twisting machine was also developed for this. Prototype combination wire rope was twisted in collaboration with M/s South India Wire Ropes Ltd., Alwaye. Specification details, properties and field performance of the prototype studied are reported.


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The effect of bulk packaging on the storage of salted and dried fish was studied at ambient conditions. Four different packaging systems were tried, among which gusseted type high density polyethylene woven sacks having either circular loom or traditional loom laminated with 100 gauge low density polyethylene were found to be best suited for dry fish packaging as they could withstand the hazards of handling, transportation and storage.


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The sensitivity of Lagenidium, isolated from Penaeus monodon, Scylla serrata , to 34 antimycotics was determined. Effects on the development of vesicles, zoospores and mycelial growth were evaluated. Although mycoidal levels of the chemicals tested will be ideal for lethal treatment on control of the fungus, the high dose required may be lethal to the host, thus the use of mycostatic concentrations is more practical. Treatments of rearing water containing larvae, adult shrimps or crabs should be done only after preliminary tolerance experiments using at least the mycostatic dose prove to be safe for the hosts. Mycocidal doses can be used for determining disinfection doses of equipment and facilities used in rearing procedures as well as for destroying batches of infected larvae.


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In this study the process of female gray mullet brooders was carried out by using histological study and masurment of sex steroids. Results of histological studies showed that oocyte of gray mullet brooders in Gomishan Rearing Center conditions of develop to the end of yolk globule stage. The results were observed with oocyte in chromatin nucleolar stage (first stage) with means of diameter of 20 p m, in August, perinucleolar stage (second stage) in September with mean diameter of 87 p m, yolk vesicle stage (third stage) in October with mean diameter 200 p m and yolk granules stage (forth stage) from October to November with average diameter of 180 — 650 p m. For the reason of stopping oocyte develop at the end of fourth stage, hormonal induction to final oocyte maturation and ovulation was used. For this purpose, carp pituitary , HCG and LRH-A2 with different combinations were used in two stages, second injection was used 24 hours after first injection. 15 females brooders were divided in 5 groups, different hormonal combinations were injected to four groups and to fifth group as control, only saline, was injected. The process of female brooder rippening in hormonal induction was studied via masurment of sex steroids including 17 a - hydroxy progestrone, estradio1-17)6 and testosterone. Blood samples were collected from caudal vein during first injection, 24, 30 and 48 hours after the first injection. At the same time, for distinguishing histological changes the sample has been attained from the gonads Sex stroid fluctuation patterns in different brooder groups that injected hormon were similar, however hormonal composition had similar effects. All brooder that their oocyte in the beginning of hormonal injection were At the end of fourth stage with oocyte diameter average of 600 p m received to final maturation and ovulation. The brooder that its oocytes were At the begining or mid-fourth stage did not show ovulation but hormonal induction caused oocyte develop at the beginning of fifth stage. Study of 17-hydroxy progestrone fluctuation showed that the maximum level of this steroid (0.347 ng/ml) measured 30 hours after the first injection and was significantly higher (p< 0.05) than those of control group. So, 17-hydroxy progestrone is probably precursor of maturation inducing steroid (MIS). However the maximum level of that observed was coincident with germinal vesicle breakdown, oil droplets coalescence and dissolution of yolk granuls The maximum levels of esteradiol— 17/0 and testosterone (3.778 and 16.801ng/ml,respectively) in spawned brooders,were observed 24 hours after the first injection. levels of those steroids were significantly higher (p<0.05) than control group. Maximum level of sex steroids in the brooders that did not spawn to the end of treatment was observed with more delay than those in spawned brooders. Therefor maximum level of 17a-hydroxy progestrone (0.264 ng/ml) in those brooders observed in fourth sampling time and the maximum levels of estradio1-17a and testosterone (2.944 and 18.993 ng/ml, respectivly)observed in third sampling time that was significantly higher (p<0.05) than those of control group. For the study of stress effect on brooders during the hormonal induction, level of cortisol was measured in every sampling time. level of cortisol had high fluctuation that showed handling level and stress effect on brooders. However maximum level of cortisol in majority of brooders was dominant in third sampling time that was coincident with final maturation.


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Fishing communities that have exploited the resource for generations constitute the main stakeholder groups in the fisheries of Lake Victoria. Several studies have examined Uganda's Lake Victoria fishing communities and characterised key stakeholders at community level over the last decade (SEDAWOG 1999a and b; Geheb 1997; FeSEP 1997; Kitakule 1991). The communities are made up of scattered settlements at the shores and on islands. The categories of people living in these communities include fishers who consist primarily of large numbers of male youths who provide labour to boat and gear owners. There are resident and non-resident fish traders who after securing their supplies at the beaches, depart for their market destinations. In addition, there are fish processors, mostly operating traditional and improved smoking kilns. Many other people, dealing in provisions and supplies also stay at the beaches, their activities depending on the level of fish catch. The fishing communities of Lake Victoria, Uganda, include auxiliary livelihood activities such as boat building, net repairing and transportation; bait supply and beachside kiosks, video halls and retail shop business. Other economic activities are brick making, charcoal burning/wood trade, farming and livestock keeping.


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... Damping of Acoustic Waves: High Damping Alloys and Inorganic Noise Absorbing Materials Machinery noise and vibration reduction can be achieved by using ...


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The Uganda Fisheries Department had for some time, kept Nile crocodiles in captivity, and had thus collected a considerable amount of data on growth and feeding rates. It had also devised marking and handling techniques, and a system of pens and enclosures to deal with crocodiles up to 3 m. long. The following account describes these techniques and results, which followed a study of a proposed commercial crocodile farm.


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This article presents results from conventional creep tests (CCT) and two accelerated test methods (the stepped isothermal method (SIM) and the stepped isostress method (SSM)) to determine the creep and creep-rupture behavior of two different aramid fibers, Kevlar 49 and Technora. CCT are regarded as the true behavior of the yarn, but they are impractical for long-term use where failures are expected only after many years. All the tests were carried out on the same batches of yarns, and using the same clamping arrangements, so the tests should be directly comparable. For both materials, SIM testing gives good agreement with CCT and gave stress-rupture lifetimes that followed the same trend. However, there was significant variation for SSM testing, especially when testing Technora fibers. The results indicate that Kevlar has a creep strain capacity that is almost independent of stress, whereas Technora shows a creep strain capacity that depends on stress. Its creep strain capacity is approximately two to three times that of Kevlar 49. The accelerated test methods give indirect estimates for the activation energy and the activation volume of the fibers. The activation energy for Technora is about 20% higher than that for Kevlar, meaning that it is less sensitive to the effects of increasing temperature. The activation volume for both materials was similar, and in both cases, stress dependent. Copyright © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.


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When tracking resources in large-scale, congested, outdoor construction sites, the cost and time for purchasing, installing and maintaining the position sensors needed to track thousands of materials, and hundreds of equipment and personnel can be significant. To alleviate this problem a novel vision based tracking method that allows each sensor (camera) to monitor the position of multiple entities simultaneously has been proposed. This paper presents the full-scale validation experiments for this method. The validation included testing the method under harsh conditions at a variety of mega-project construction sites. The procedure for collecting data from the sites, the testing procedure, metrics, and results are reported. Full-scale validation demonstrates that the novel vision tracking provides a good solution to track different entities on a large, congested construction site.


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Tracking applications provide real time on-site information that can be used to detect travel path conflicts, calculate crew productivity and eliminate unnecessary processes at the site. This paper presents the validation of a novel vision based tracking methodology at the Egnatia Odos Motorway in Thessaloniki, Greece. Egnatia Odos is a motorway that connects Turkey with Italy through Greece. Its multiple open construction sites serves as an ideal multi-site test bed for validating construction site tracking methods. The vision based tracking methodology uses video cameras and computer algorithms to calculate the 3D position of project related entities (e.g. personnel, materials and equipment) in construction sites. The approach provides an unobtrusive, inexpensive way of effectively identifying and tracking the 3D location of entities. The process followed in this study starts by acquiring video data from multiple synchronous cameras at several large scale project sites of Egnatia Odos, such as tunnels, interchanges and bridges under construction. Subsequent steps include the evaluation of the collected data and finally, performing the 3D tracking operations on selected entities (heavy equipment and personnel). The accuracy and precision of the method's results is evaluated by comparing it with the actual 3D position of the object, thus assessing the 3D tracking method's effectiveness.