967 resultados para MACROPOROUS CERAMICS


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The use of sol-gel materials to develop new biosensors has received great attention due to its characteristics and versatility of sol-gel process. An overview is presented of the state-of-the-art of electrochemical biosensors employing sol-gel materials. Low-temperature, porous sol-gel ceramics represent a new class for the immobilization of biomolecules. The rational design of sol-gel sensing materials, based on the judicious choice of the starting alkoxide, encapsulated reagents, and preparation conditions, allows tailoring of material properties in a wide range, and offers great potential for the development of electrochemical biosensors.


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Bottom ash has been used as raw material to glass and glass ceramic production because it is a source of SiO2 and Al2O3. However, the high concentration of iron (about 10% wt.) difficulty the control of the nucleation and the crystallization processes. The iron content was reduced by magnetic process, where the magnetite phase was mainly removed. In order to compare glass ceramics obtained from original and low iron bottom ashes, microstructural and dilatometric characterizations were performed.


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Within the scope of the TECNOLONIAL (HAR2008-02834/HIST) project, an archaeologi- cal and archaeometric research is being conduct- ed in order to clarify and systematize transport jars production in the Iberian peninsula and their distribution abroad, especially to the Americas, from the 15th to the 17th century. The production centre of Seville, in the Crown of Castile, produced large glazed and unglazed transport jars, called botijas, which were mainly devoted to the Atlantic trade network. The pres- ent study accounts for the first results obtained from an initial sample of 34 transport jars dated around the 15th-16th centuries from the produc- tion centre of Seville and the reception site of Santa María de la Antigua del Darién (gulf of Urabá, Colombia). This latter site is especially significant since it was the first Spanish founda- tion (1510) in continental America that obtained the title of town, and was the seat for the Governor of the new region called Castilla de Oro, as well as for the first diocese. All individuals were analyzed by means of x-ray fluorescence and diffraction analyses and then compared with the majolica production database from Seville. The results enabled us to define the first refer- ence groups for such modern transport jars, and to get a first insight into the jars coming to the Americas in the early 16th century whose prove- nance can be linked to Seville, but not Triana.


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Fine powders of minerals are used commonly in the paper and paint industry, and for ceramics. Research for utilizing of different waste materials in these applications is environmentally important. In this work, the ultrafine grinding of two waste gypsum materials, namely FGD (Flue Gas Desulphurisation) gypsum and phosphogypsum from a phosphoric acid plant, with the attrition bead mill and with the jet mill has been studied. The ' objective of this research was to test the suitability of the attrition bead mill and of the jet mill to produce gypsum powders with a particle size of a few microns. The grinding conditions were optimised by studying the influences of different operational grinding parameters on the grinding rate and on the energy consumption of the process in order to achieve a product fineness such as that required in the paper industry with as low energy consumption as possible. Based on experimental results, the most influential parameters in the attrition grinding were found to be the bead size, the stirrer type, and the stirring speed. The best conditions, based on the product fineness and specific energy consumption of grinding, for the attrition grinding process is to grind the material with small grinding beads and a high rotational speed of the stirrer. Also, by using some suitable grinding additive, a finer product is achieved with a lower energy consumption. In jet mill grinding the most influential parameters were the feed rate, the volumetric flow rate of the grinding air, and the height of the internal classification tube. The optimised condition for the jet is to grind with a small feed rate and with a large rate of volumetric flow rate of grinding air when the inside tube is low. The finer product with a larger rate of production was achieved with the attrition bead mill than with the jet mill, thus the attrition grinding is better for the ultrafine grinding of gypsum than the jet grinding. Finally the suitability of the population balance model for simulation of grinding processes has been studied with different S , B , and C functions. A new S function for the modelling of an attrition mill and a new C function for the modelling of a jet mill were developed. The suitability of the selected models with the developed grinding functions was tested by curve fitting the particle size distributions of the grinding products and then comparing the fitted size distributions to the measured particle sizes. According to the simulation results, the models are suitable for the estimation and simulation of the studied grinding processes.


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The main purpose of this work is the identification and quantification of phenolic compounds in coal tar samples from a ceramics factory in Cocal (SC), Brazil. The samples were subjected to preparative scale liquid chromatography, using Amberlyst A-27TM ion-exchange resin as stationary phase. The fractions obtained were classified as "acids" and "BN" (bases and neutrals). The identification and quantification of phenols, in the acid fraction, was made by gas chromatography coupled to mass spectrometry (GC/MS). Nearly twenty-five phenols were identified in the samples and nine of them were also quantified. The results showed that coal tar has large quantities of phenolic compounds of industrial interest.


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Plant extracts are usually complex mixtures which contain several molecules of different sizes with varied functional groups. Such extracts are a challenge to the chemist of natural products. Ion exchange chromatography in non-aqueous medium, used for separation of basic or acidic fractions from plant extracts, is an important unit operation in preparative scale separations. Anionic macroporous resin in non-aqueous medium was used with success in this study for separation of the acid fraction of Copaifera multijuga (Copaiba oil), rich in labdanic diterpenes and for the methanolic extract of Croton cajucara (acetyl aleuritoric acid).


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La depuración de las aguas residuales urbanas es fuente de importantes volúmenes de lodos los cuales es preciso gestionar. En este trabajo se expone la posibilidad de aplicarles un proceso de gestión basado en la vitrificación y mediante el cual, además de inertizar los elementos contaminantes presentes en los lodos, se obtiene un material vitrocerámico con un importante valor añadido. Partiendo de la caracterización química (FRX), mineralógica (DRX) y térmica (ATD-TG) de estos lodos, se determina la formulación del vidrio original y su poder energético. Mediante ATD-TG, dilatometría y MEB, se ha determinado la temperatura de máxima velocidad de nucleación y la temperatura de crecimiento así como la morfología y tamaño de los núcleos formados que, en este caso, son nanométricos. En definitiva, se ha comprobado como la gestión de los residuos sólidos urbanos mediante la vitrificación es una alternativa a los vertederos y a la incineración.


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Se recopila la información existente sobre la difusión de la terra sigillata hispánica tardía (TSHT) en el litoral mediterráneo de Hispania, concretamente en las actuales Cataluña, Comunidad Valenciana y Baleares. Se analizan los contextos arqueológicos conocidos con la finalidad de determinar la cronología y la presencia porcentual de este tipo cerámico en le levante peninsular.


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Characterization of the thermal decomposition of polyurethane (PUR) foams was performed by Fourier-transformed infrared (FT-IR) spectroscopy and thermogravimetric analysis (TGA). Three main weight loss paths were observed by TGA, the residue being lower than 3 wt.% for 3 different PUR foams analyzed. FT-IR spectra indicated CO2, CO, NH3 and isocyanides as main decomposition products. PUR foams of different cell sizes were immersed in a slurry of the parent glass ceramic of composition Li2O-ZrO2-SiO2-Al 2O3 (LZSA) and submitted to heat treatment. The LZSA cellular glass ceramics obtained after sintering and crystallization resembled the original morphology of the PUR foams.


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Glass-ceramics are prepared by controlled separation of crystal phases in glasses, leading to uniform and dense grain structures. On the other hand, chemical leaching of soluble crystal phases yields porous glass-ceramics with important applications. Here, glass/ceramic interfaces of niobo-, vanado- and titano-phosphate glasses were studied by micro-Raman spectroscopy, whose spatial resolution revealed the multiphase structures. Phase-separation mechanisms were also determined by this technique, revealing that interface composition remained unchanged as the crystallization front advanced for niobo- and vanadophosphate glasses (interface-controlled crystallization). For titanophosphate glasses, phase composition changed continuously with time up to the equilibrium composition, indicating a spinodal-type phase separation.


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Porous carbons have received great attention because of their potential use as adsorbents, sensors, catalytic supports and others. Among the available methods for preparing these solids, the sequential templating emerges as an efficient way to tail carbon materials, with large specific surface areas, high porosity, controlled narrow pore size distribution and different functional groups. The template process is based on the infiltration of carbon precursors into the pores of inorganic frameworks. This work reviews the most important variables involved in the sequential template process to prepare micro, meso and macroporous carbon with tailored properties as well as their applications.


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Glass-ceramics foams prepared from glasses of the SiO2-Na2O-CaO-P2O5 by replication process were obtained and characterized in terms of their chemical and physical properties by X-ray fluorescence, X-ray diffraction, laser diffraction, thermal analysis, density, mechanical strength, microstructural and cytotoxic analysis. The results showed that it is possible to produce glass-ceramic foams by the replication method with optimized properties but cytotoxic analysis indicates that the glass-ceramic foams are not bioactive materials. Mechanical strength values varying from 0.5 to 1.0 MPa and from 0.8 to 2.3 MPa were reached for mean particle sizes of 10 and 6 µm, respectively.


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Conventional sample holder cells used to the electric characterization of ceramics at high temperature consists of an alumina tube and platinum wires and plates using a complex design. The high cost materials used in the conventional sampler holder cell were replaced by stainless steel and conventional ceramics. The sample holder was validated by characterizing yttria-stabilized-zirconia in a temperature range of 25 to 700 ºC. The results do not present variations, discontinuity or unusual noise in the electric signals. Several samples were characterized without maintenance, which demonstrates that the sample holder is electric and mechanic adequate to be used to electrical characterization of ceramics up to 700 ºC.


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Tämän työn tarkoituksena oli tutkia hiilidioksidin talteenottoon soveltuvan anioninvaihtohartsin valmistusmenetelmiä, kokeilla eri menetelmiä käytännössä ja tutkia sekä itse valmistettujen että valmiina saatujen hartsien adsorptiokykyä ja muita ominaisuuksia. Kemiallinen adsorptio amiiniryhmän omaavien hartsien avulla on yksi tapa sitoa hiilidioksidia ilmasta. Primäärinen amiiniryhmä sitoo hiilidioksidia parhaiten. Primäärisen amiiniryhmän omaava anioninvaihtohartsi voidaan valmistaa pohjapolymeeristä halogeenialkyloimalla ja aminoimalla, aminoalkyloimalla tai suoraan aminoimalla. Aminoalkylointi voidaan suorittaa erilaisilla reagensseilla ja katalyyteillä. Tässä työssä hartseja valmistettiin aminoimalla polymetyyliakrylaattidivinyylibentseenipohjaista polymeeriä etyylidiamiinilla ja propyylidiamiinilla. Lisäksi suoritettiin polystyreeni-divinyylibentseenipohjaisen polymeerin aminoalkylointi bis(ftaali-imidometyyli)eetterin avulla. Reaktio tehtiin kahdella eri katalyytillä; rikkitrioksidilla ja rautakloridilla. Aminoalkylointireaktioissa tarvittava eetteri piti ennen varsinaista reaktiota valmistaa N-hydroksymetyyliftaali-imidistä. Myös tämän reagenssin syntetisointia ftaali-imidistä kokeiltiin. Kaikki synteesit onnistuivat melko hyvin, paitsi aminoalkylointi rautakloridikatalyytillä. Hartsien valmistuksen lisäksi itse valmistettuja primäärisen amiiniryhmän omaavia hartseja sekä erilaisia amiiniryhmiä omaavia valmiita hartseja karakterisoitiin eri tavoin. Erityisesti haluttiin tutkia hiilidioksidin adsorptiokapasiteettia ja hartsien termistä kestävyyttä. Kaikista tutkituista hartseista lähimpänä haluttuja ominaisuuksia olivat kaksi kaupallista primäärisen amiiniryhmän omaavaa PS-DVBpohjaista makrohuokoista hartsia. Rakenteeltaan samanlainen itse valmistettu hartsi (rikkitrioksidikatalyytin läsnä ollessa aminoalkyloitu) oli myös ominaisuuksiltaan lupaava. Valmistusmenetelmää pitää kuitenkin tutkia ja kehittää lisää vielä parempien tulosten aikaansaamiseksi. Myös kaupallinen polyetyleeni-imiinirakenteen omaava silikapohjainen hartsi oli ominaisuuksiltaan hyvä.


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This article evaluates the technologies adopted for recycling and reuse of automobile components, through the analysis of patents documents. The automobile batteries recycling is the main topic, followed by the automatic disassembly of vehicles, tires recycling and polyurethane recycling. None document approached recycling of steel and aluminum or ceramics products. The reduced number of technologies for the recycling of the polymeric compounds (including polyurethane) indicates that a bigger number of research and inventions must be elaborated in the next years, aiming at to the reduction of costs of processes and adequacy to the more restricted environmental legislation.