713 resultados para Literacy books
Because it is widely accepted that providing information online will play a major role in both the teaching and practice of medicine in the near future, a short formal course of instruction in computer skills was proposed for the incoming class of students entering medical school at the State University of New York at Stony Brook. The syllabus was developed on the basis of a set of expected outcomes, which was accepted by the dean of medicine and the curriculum committee for classes beginning in the fall of 1997. Prior to their arrival, students were asked to complete a self-assessment survey designed to elucidate their initial skill base; the returned surveys showed students to have computer skills ranging from complete novice to that of a systems engineer. The classes were taught during the first three weeks of the semester to groups of students separated on the basis of their knowledge of and comfort with computers. Areas covered included computer basics, e-mail management, MEDLINE, and Internet search tools. Each student received seven hours of hands-on training followed by a test. The syllabus and emphasis of the classes were tailored to the initial skill base but the final test was given at the same level to all students. Student participation, test scores, and course evaluations indicated that this noncredit program was successful in achieving an acceptable level of comfort in using a computer for almost all of the student body.
This list of 424 books and 77 journals is intended as a selection guide for print literature to be used in a library supporting allied health educational programs or allied health personnel in either an academic or health care setting. Because of the impossibility of covering the large number and wide variety of allied health professions and occupations, the recommended publications are focused primarily on the educational programs listed and recognized by the American Medical Association and other accrediting bodies. Books and journals are categorized by subject; the book list is followed by an author/editor index, and the subject list of journals by an alphabetical title listing. Items suggested for initial purchase (167 books and 31 journals) are indicated by asterisks. To purchase the entire collection of books and journals (2000 subscriptions) would require an expenditure of about $31,970. The cost of only the asterisked items totals $12,515.
El artículo expone algunas experiencias y resultados del proyecto "Lectura y escritura en la Unidad 33. Madres, niños e instituciones educativas" que se inició como proyecto de Extensión de la Universidad Nacional de La Plata en el año 2010. El proyecto implementa con mujeres y niños que viven en situación de encierro un conjunto de acciones con diferentes grados de formalización en torno a las culturas de lo escrito y otras formas de expresión, en tanto prácticas culturales que tienen derecho de ejercer y ampliar en diversas situaciones de interacción social. Se presentan los distintos espacios de trabajo y se sintetizan algunos resultados de un un taller denominado "la ronda: historia, poesías y canciones" Del análisis de las situaciones propuestas y los datos recogidos de un corpus de entrevistas semiestructuradas a un grupo de mujeres participantes, con edades entre 19 y 33 años, se destaca el sentido y valor de las lecturas e intercambios entre lectores literarios en la vida cotidiana del encierro
Despite known mental health (MH) disparities faced by Latino children relative to children from other minority groups of similar socioeconomic status (SES), little is known about how Latina mothers make MH decisions for their children. The present study examined links between Latina mothers' mental health literacy (MHL), including the recognition of and response to child psychiatric symptoms, and maternal acculturation factors as well as interpersonal violence (IPV) related symptomatology. Participants were 80 Latina mothers from Denver, Colorado and Modesto, California with at least one child between the ages of 8-12 years. Mothers were presented vignettes depicting child internalizing and externalizing disorders as well as interviewed about their help seeking behaviors. Maternal acculturation was not related to identification of disorders, but was related to more symptoms recognized for child internalizing and externalizing symptoms. Acculturation predicted use of formal source of care for child internalizing and externalizing disorder. Women demonstrated a preference for informal source of care, with the exception of IPV-related child symptoms, where women demonstrated a preference for formal source of care. IPV-related symptoms did not moderate the relationship between acculturation and MHL. The relationship between maternal acculturation, IPV related symptomatology and their combined effect on MHL for child psychiatric disorders are discussed.
As bibliotecas universitárias brasileiras procuram oferecer o acesso de livros eletrônicos (e-books) aos usuários, contudo, o uso de e-books está aquém do esperado em bibliotecas, esta situação nos leva ao problema de pesquisa: haveria problemas na produção do serviço de disponibilização de e-books na biblioteca universitária que afetem o uso de e-books nas bibliotecas? Que tipos de problemas podem estar relacionados? Esta pesquisa tem como objetivo analisar a gestão de e-books em bibliotecas universitárias, com o propósito de compreender melhor o uso de e-books na biblioteca e detectar possíveis problemas na produção do serviço. A partir de um estudo de caso de uma rede de bibliotecas de uma universidade pública brasileira e de revisão de literatura, constatou-se que há quatro principais tipos de problemas na gestão de e-books: comerciais, institucionais, organizacionais e conceituais, os quais estão diretamente relacionados com o baixo uso de e-books nas bibliotecas universitárias. A base teórica em gestão de serviços permitiu identificar a relação entre a necessidade de revisão do conceito de serviço de biblioteca acadêmica em conjunto com a solução de questões pontuais de gestão, avançando no entendimento do problema.
A librarian from the Florida Gulf Coast University (FGCU) and the Library Communications Manager at Taylor & Francis Group partnered to launch a collaborative information literacy pilot program focusing on assisting FGCU students and faculty navigate and understand the scholarly publishing process. This article describes how the idea was created, as well as steps involved in developing the publishing toolkit to help FGCU patrons. An overview of the pilot program was presented during the 2015 Charleston Conference as a poster session.
The present paper seeks to explain the diverse advantages of virtual books and also the main barriers that make it difficult their implementation in the classroom. A brief review of the literature on ICT, e-learning, distance education and e-books will be complemented with a case study about the preparation, development and implementation of an e-book. The paper could be helpful both for systems analysts and for teachers when they are developing and implementing e-books.
Los e.books, o libros electrónicos, dan respuesta a muchas de las necesidades planteadas en la educación superior del siglo XXI. Suponen restar cierto protagonismo a los libros impresos, que sólo permiten el aprendizaje a través de la lectura y la comprensión, y que son generalmente estáticos y poco interactivos. Por el contrario los libros-plataforma multimedia 2.0 tienen indudables ventajas sobre los convencionales: se pueden acceder desde diversos soportes (ordenador, tablet, smartphone…), son accesibles y utilizables en cualquier momento y en cualquier lugar sin necesidad de trasportarlos físicamente, suponen un ahorro de costes, ya que el coste del libro-plataforma virtual es de un 70 a un 80% más barato que el impreso, contienen útiles archivos que se pueden ver o descargar, contienen enlaces (hipervínculos) a webs externas para ampliar la información, etc. Mediante este trabajo pretendemos explicar las diversas ventajas de los libros virtuales, pero también proponer diversas pautas que puedan ser útiles para su implementación en el aula. Para ello además de una revisión de la literatura sobre el tema se explicará la experiencia que hemos tenido en la elaboración, desarrollo e implementación de un e.book.
This article will analyse the key strategies in the relationship between reading and writing in the area of ICT and the resulting importance in supporting literacy in this area so that the education system as a whole (primary and secondary schools and universities) can be guided to make full use of the opportunities ICT can provide. ICTs are able to help improve overall comprehension, evaluate general perspectives and raise awareness of the value of cooperation and, as a result, the essential quality of individuals and their contributions. These contributions are far-reaching and strategic. The benefits of applying ICT in reading and writing are also felt in oral expression and can result in education based more on dialogue which, in turn, leads to social change.
by teachers in Harvard University.
This folder contains six leaves with undated book and shelf lists.