863 resultados para Knowledge Acquisition and Sharing
Acquisition and maintenance of cell fate and potential are dependent on the complex interplay of extracellular signaling, gene regulatory networks and epigenetic states. During embryonic development, embryonic stem cells become progressively more restricted along specific lineages, ultimately giving rise to the diversity of cell types in the adult mammalian organism. Recent years have seen major advances in our understanding of the mechanisms that regulate the underlying transcriptional programmes during development. In particular, there has been a significant increase in our knowledge of how epigenetic marks on chromatin can regulate transcription by generating more or less permissive chromatin conformations. This article focuses on how a single transcription factor, repressor element-1 silencing transcription factor, can function as both a transcriptional and epigenetic regulator, controlling diverse aspects of development. We will discuss how the elucidation of repressor element-1 silencing transcription factor function in both normal and disease conditions has provided valuable insights into how the epigenome and transcriptional regulators might cooperatively orchestrate correct development.
The aim of this paper is to examine the acquisition pattern of person and number verb morphology within the generative framework and to compare the results of the analyses with previous research in Greek and other European languages. The study considers previous data on the acquisition of subject-verb agreement, and thereafter, examines the acquisition of person and number morphology in a new dataset of two monolingual Greek-speaking children. The analyses present quantitative data of accuracy of person and number marking, error data, and qualitative analyses addressing the productivity of person and number marking. The results suggest that person and number morphology is used correctly and productively from a very early age in Greek speaking children. The findings provide new insight into early Greek language acquisition and are also relevant for research in early development of languages with rich inflectional morphology.
Earthworms are important organisms in soil communities and so are used as model organisms in environmental risk assessments of chemicals. However current risk assessments of soil invertebrates are based on short-term laboratory studies, of limited ecological relevance, supplemented if necessary by site-specific field trials, which sometimes are challenging to apply across the whole agricultural landscape. Here, we investigate whether population responses to environmental stressors and pesticide exposure can be accurately predicted by combining energy budget and agent-based models (ABMs), based on knowledge of how individuals respond to their local circumstances. A simple energy budget model was implemented within each earthworm Eisenia fetida in the ABM, based on a priori parameter estimates. From broadly accepted physiological principles, simple algorithms specify how energy acquisition and expenditure drive life cycle processes. Each individual allocates energy between maintenance, growth and/or reproduction under varying conditions of food density, soil temperature and soil moisture. When simulating published experiments, good model fits were obtained to experimental data on individual growth, reproduction and starvation. Using the energy budget model as a platform we developed methods to identify which of the physiological parameters in the energy budget model (rates of ingestion, maintenance, growth or reproduction) are primarily affected by pesticide applications, producing four hypotheses about how toxicity acts. We tested these hypotheses by comparing model outputs with published toxicity data on the effects of copper oxychloride and chlorpyrifos on E. fetida. Both growth and reproduction were directly affected in experiments in which sufficient food was provided, whilst maintenance was targeted under food limitation. Although we only incorporate toxic effects at the individual level we show how ABMs can readily extrapolate to larger scales by providing good model fits to field population data. The ability of the presented model to fit the available field and laboratory data for E. fetida demonstrates the promise of the agent-based approach in ecology, by showing how biological knowledge can be used to make ecological inferences. Further work is required to extend the approach to populations of more ecologically relevant species studied at the field scale. Such a model could help extrapolate from laboratory to field conditions and from one set of field conditions to another or from species to species.
Assessments concerning the effects of climate change, water resource availability and water deprivation in West Africa have not frequently considered the positive contribution to be derived from collecting and reusing water for domestic purposes. Where the originating water is taken from a clean water source and has been used the first time for washing or bathing, this water is commonly called “greywater”. Greywater is a prolific resource that is generated wherever people live. Treated greywater can be used for domestic cleaning, for flushing toilets where appropriate, for washing cars, sometimes for watering kitchen gardens, and for clothes washing prior to rinsing. Therefore, a large theoretical potential exists to increase total water resource availability if greywater were to be widely reused. Locally treated greywater reduces the distribution network requirement, lower construction effort and cost and, wherever possible, minimising the associated carbon footprint. Such locally treated greywater offers significant practical opportunities for increasing the total available water resources at a local level. The reuse of treated greywater is one important action that will help to mitigate the reducing availability of clean water supplies in some areas, and the expected mitigation required in future aligns well with WHO/UNICEF (2012) aspirations. The evaluation of potential opportunities for prioritising greywater systems to support water reuse takes into account the availability of water resources, water use indicators and published estimates in order to understand typical patterns of water demand. The approach supports knowledge acquisition regarding local conditions for enabling capacity building for greywater reuse, the understanding of systems that are most likely to encourage greywater reuse, and practices and future actions to stimulate greywater infrastructure planning, design and implementation. Although reuse might be considered to increase the uncertainty of achieving a specified quality of the water supply, robust methods and technologies are available for local treatment. Resource strategies for greywater reuse have the potential to consistently improve water efficiency and availability in water impoverished and water stressed regions of Ghana and West Africa. Untreated greywater is referred to as “greywater”; treated greywater is referred to as “treated greywater” in this paper.
Soils play a pivotal role in major global biogeochemical cycles (carbon, nutrient and water), while hosting the largest diversity of organisms on land. Because of this, soils deliver fundamental ecosystem services, and management to change a soil process in support of one ecosystem service can either provide co-benefits to other services or can result in trade-offs. In this critical review, we report the state-of-the-art understanding concerning the biogeochemical cycles and biodiversity in soil, and relate these to the provisioning, regulating, supporting and cultural ecosystem services which they underpin. We then outline key knowledge gaps and research challenges, before providing recommendations for management activities to support the continued delivery of ecosystem services from soils. We conclude that although there are knowledge gaps that require further research, enough is known to start improving soils globally. The main challenge is in finding ways to share knowledge with soil managers and policy-makers, so that best-practice management can be implemented. A key element of this knowledge sharing must be in raising awareness of the multiple ecosystem services underpinned by soils, and the natural capital they provide. The International Year of Soils in 2015 presents the perfect opportunity to begin a step-change in how we harness scientific knowledge to bring about more sustainable use of soils for a secure global society.
This study examines the impact of a large-scale UK-based teacher development programme on innovation and change in English language education in Western China within a knowledge management (KM) framework. Questionnaire data were collected from 229 returnee teachers in 15 cohorts. Follow-up interviews and focus groups were conducted with former participants, middle and senior managers, and teachers who had not participated in the UK programme. The results showed evidence of knowledge creation and amplification at individual, group and inter-organizational levels. However, the present study also identified knowledge creation potential through the more effective organization of follow-up at the national level, particularly for the returnee teachers. It is argued that the KM framework might offer a promising alternative to existing models and metaphors of Continuing Professional Development (CPD).
Based on numerous studies showing that testing studied material can improve long-term retention more than restudying the same material, it is often suggested that the number of tests in education should be increased to enhance knowledge acquisition. However, testing in real-life educational settings often entails a high degree of extrinsic motivation of learners due to the common practice of placing important consequences on the outcome of a test. Such an effect on the motivation of learners may undermine the beneficial effects of testing on long-term memory because it has been shown that extrinsic motivation can reduce the quality of learning. To examine this issue, participants learned foreign language vocabulary words, followed by an immediate test in which one-third of the words were tested and one-third restudied. To manipulate extrinsic motivation during immediate testing, participants received either monetary reward contingent on test performance or no reward. After 1 week, memory for all words was tested. In the immediate test, reward reduced correct recall and increased commission errors, indicating that reward reduced the number of items that can benefit from successful retrieval. The results in the delayed test revealed that reward additionally reduced the gain received from successful retrieval because memory for initially successfully retrieved words was lower in the reward condition. However, testing was still more effective than restudying under reward conditions because reward undermined long-term memory for concurrently restudied material as well. These findings indicate that providing performance–contingent reward in a test can undermine long-term knowledge acquisition.
This special issue is a testament to the recent burgeoning interest by theoretical linguists, language acquisitionists and teaching practitioners in the neuroscience of language. It offers a highly valuable, state-of-the-art overview of the neurophysiological methods that are currently being applied to questions in the field of second language (L2) acquisition, teaching and processing. Research in the area of neurolinguistics has developed dramatically in the past twenty years, providing a wealth of exciting findings, many of which are discussed in the papers in this volume. The goal of this commentary is twofold. The first is to critically assess the current state of neurolinguistic data from the point of view of language acquisition and processing—informed by the papers that comprise this special issue and the literature as a whole—pondering how the neuroscience of language/processing might inform us with respect to linguistic and language acquisition theories. The second goal is to offer some links from implications of exploring the first goal towards informing language teachers and the creation of linguistically and neurolinguistically-informed evidence-based pedagogies for non-native language teaching.
A sobrevivência de uma empresa no cenário atual, de incertezas e mudanças contínuas, depende cada vez mais de sua capacidade de gerenciar seu recurso mais importante: o conhecimento. Uma empresa que investe permanentemente na qualificação e aprendizagem de seus empregados está preparada para enfrentar os desafios da concorrência cada vez maior. Neste sentido, a gestão empresarial voltada para o aumento dos níveis de qualidade produtividade, assim como para a gestão do conhecimento, é fundamental para toda empresa, independente de seu setor, tamanho ou localização. A partir deste contexto, o objetivo deste trabalho é identificar a contribuição do Programa Gaúcho de Qualidade e Produtividade (PGQP) na gestão do conhecimento em empresas de serviços contábeis no Estado do Rio Grande do Sul (RS). O PGQP é um programa de qualificação voltado para o aprimoramento de produtos e serviços das empresas do RS, objetivando o beneficio ao consumidor final. Este programa está estruturado com base nos Fundamentos e Critérios para a Excelência em Gestão elaborados pela Fundação Nacional da Qualidade, os quais, entre outros aspectos, identificam os processos relacionados às informações e conhecimentos como importantes para um sistema eficaz de gestão empresarial. O setor das empresas de serviços contábeis no Estado possui um Comitê específico para trabalhar em parceira com o PGQP. auxiliando as empresas a implementarem o Programa. Assim, para a realização da pesquisa foram selecionadas dez empresas que aderiram ao PGQP e outras 11 que não implementaram. Para os gestores destas empresas, foi aplicado um questionário contendo questões fechadas e abertas, relacionadas às práticas de gestão do conhecimento realizadas na empresa, e também a percepção e comprometimento dos empregados em relação às mesmas. Nas questões fechadas, utilizou-se uma escala de frequência, para medir a realização de práticas relacionadas aos elementos construtivos da gestão do conhecimento do modelo de Probst, Raub e Romhardt (2002), que são: identificação, aquisição, desenvolvimento, compartilhamento e distribuição, utilização e retenção do conhecimento. Estes elementos são apresentados no Referencial Teórico, juntamente com a discussão sobre os conceitos de conhecimento, sua geração e gestão. Os resultados encontrados permitem concluir que a implementação do PGQP contribui positivamente para a gestão do conhecimento, uma vez que no grupo de empresas que aderiram ao Programa, as médias de frequência das práticas de gestão do conhecimento foram superiores as do outro grupo. Além disto, as respostas às questões abertas também permitiram inferir conclusões da mesma natureza.
Frente às mudanças que estão ocorrendo ao longo dos últimos anos, onde a perspectiva da economia passa da industrial para a do conhecimento, nos defrontamos com um novo cenário onde o capital intelectual do individuo é percebido como fator de fundamental importância para o desenvolvimento e crescimento da organização. No entanto, para que esta evolução ocorra, o conhecimento tácito do individuo precisa ser disseminado e compartilhado com os demais integrantes da organização. A preocupação nas empresas se volta, então, para a elaboração de estratégias que corroborem no aperfeiçoamento de seus processos. Além disso, é preciso, também, gerenciar toda esta dinâmica de construção e desenvolvimento do conhecimento, de maneira adequada e eficaz proporcionando, assim, o surgimento de novos valores e de vantagem competitiva. Inumeros modelos para auxiliar no processo de aprendizagem organizacional foram desenvolvidos por diversos autores e estudiosos, dentre eles destacamos o sistema de lições aprendidas, que é construida a partir de experiências, positivas ou negativas, vivenciadas dentro de um contexto, sob ordenação de padrões culturais próprios, com impacto real e significativo. Baseado em processos e procedimentos estabelecidos pela coordenação de um dos produtos ofertados pela FGV e sua rede de distribuição, este trabalho tem como objetivo analisar, à luz da teoria da gestão do conhecimento e, mais especificamente, da gestão das lições aprendidas, como o gereciamento do conhecimento está sendo efetuado no projeto Melhores Práticas, criado pela referida coordenação. Espera-se, também, entender se as fases da aquisição, do desenvolvimento e da disseminação, neste cenário, estão sendo realizados de forma eficaz e, se os resultados alcançados podem servir como uma base para avaliação do efetivo compartilhamento do conhecimento.
This document represents a doctoral thesis held under the Brazilian School of Public and Business Administration of Getulio Vargas Foundation (EBAPE/FGV), developed through the elaboration of three articles. The research that resulted in the articles is within the scope of the project entitled “Windows of opportunities and knowledge networks: implications for catch-up in developing countries”, funded by Support Programme for Research and Academic Production of Faculty (ProPesquisa) of Brazilian School of Public and Business Administration (EBAPE) of Getulio Vargas Foundation.
Computerized technological resources have become essential in education, particularly for teaching topics that require the performance of specific tasks. These resources can effectively help the execution of such tasks and the teaching-learning process itself. After the development of a Web site on the topic of nursing staff scheduling, this study aimed at comparing the development of students involved in the teaching-learning process of the previously mentioned topic, with and without the use of computer technology. Two random groups of undergraduate nursing students from a public university in São Paulo state, Brazil, were organized: a case group (used the Web site) and a control group (did not use the Web site). Data were collected from 2003 to 2005 after approval by the Research Ethics Committee. Results showed no significant difference in motivation or knowledge acquisition. A similar performance for the two groups was also verified. Other aspects observed were difficulty in doing the nursing staff scheduling exercise and the students' acknowledgment of the topic's importance for their training and professional lives; easy access was considered to be a positive aspect for maintaining the Web site.
Aim:To examine how much final-year undergraduate dental students know about postural dental ergonomic requirements, and how well they apply these requirements clinically.Background:Dentists are vulnerable to diverse mechanical (e.g. postural) and non-mechanical occupational risks.Materials and Methods:Eight postural requirements found in normalising documents were identified, reproduced, photographed, and analysed to develop a test of visual perception (TVP). Photographs of the 69 participating students were taken during their clinical care to ascertain ergonomics compliance, after which the students were administered the TVP. Pearson's test was used to correlate the level of knowledge (TVP) and its clinical application (photographic analysis) among the 552 observations made for each test (total of 1104 observations).Results:65.7% of the TVP questions were answered correctly and 35% of the photographic cases were in compliance with ergonomic requirements (+ 0.67, P < 0.0001).Conclusion:The knowledge of ergonomics postural requirements and their clinical application among the dental students surveyed were not satisfactory. The reasons for the learning difficulties encountered by the students should be identified to improve the learning process. The didactic use of digital images in this study may help in this endeavour.
Based on in vitro experiments, Bos indicus embryos were more resistant to heat stress (HS) than Bos taurus embryos. To increase knowledge regarding differences between Bos indicus and Bos taurus in resistance to HS, the primary objective of this study was to determine if tolerance to HS is due to the breed, origin of the oocyte, sperm, or both. Additionally, the influence of the interval between ovary acquisition (in the abattoir) and oocyte aspiration in the laboratory, on early embryo development was ascertained. Oocytes were collected from Nelore and Holstein cows in an abattoir; 4.0 or 6.5 h later, oocytes were aspired in the laboratory, and then matured and fertilized using semen from Nelore (N), Gir (GIR), or Holstein (H) bulls. Ninety-six h post insemination (hpi), embryos with >= 16 cells were divided in two groups: control and HS. In the control group, embryos were cultured at 39 degrees C, whereas in the HS group, embryos were subjected to 41 degrees C for 12 h, and then returned to 39 degrees C. Rates of cleavage, and formation of morula and blastocysts were higher (P < 0.05) for oocytes aspirated at 4.0 versus 6.5 h after ovaries were acquired. Heat stress decreased rates of blastocyst formation for all breeds (N X N; H x H; and H X GIR) and in both time intervals (4.0 and 6.5 h). However, N X N had higher cleavage rate (P < 0.05) in both time intervals when compared with H X H and H X GIR. In addition, Nelore oocytes fertilized with Nelore semen (N X N) had higher blastocyst yields (P < 0.05) in the control and HS group, when compared with the other two breeds (H X H and H X GIR). We concluded that the breed of origin of the oocyte was more important than that of the sperm for development of thermotolerance, because bull breed did not influence embryo development after HS, and in vitro early embryonic development was impaired by increasing (from 4 to 6.5 h) the interval between ovary acquisition and oocyte aspiration. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
This paper describes a data mining environment for knowledge discovery in bioinformatics applications. The system has a generic kernel that implements the mining functions to be applied to input primary databases, with a warehouse architecture, of biomedical information. Both supervised and unsupervised classification can be implemented within the kernel and applied to data extracted from the primary database, with the results being suitably stored in a complex object database for knowledge discovery. The kernel also includes a specific high-performance library that allows designing and applying the mining functions in parallel machines. The experimental results obtained by the application of the kernel functions are reported. © 2003 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.