919 resultados para Israeli wit and humor.


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Early neurogenesis progresses by an initial massive proliferation of neuroepithelial cells followed by a sequential differentiation of the various mature neural cell types. The regulation of these processes by growth factors is poorly understood. We intend to understand, in a well-defined biological system, the embryonic chicken retina, the role of the insulin-related growth factors in neurogenesis. We demonstrate the local presence of signaling elements together with a biological response to the factors. Neuroretina at days 6-8 of embryonic development (E6-E8) expressed proinsulin/insulin and insulin-like growth factor I (IGF-I) mRNAs as well as insulin receptor and IGF type I receptor mRNAs. In parallel with this in vivo gene expression, E5 cultured neuroretinas synthesized and released to the medium a metabolically radiolabeled immunoprecipitable insulin-related peptide. Furthermore, insulin-related immunoreactive material with a HPLC mobility close to that of proinsulin was found in the E6-E8 vitreous humor. Exogenous chicken IGF-I, human insulin, and human proinsulin added to E6 cultured neuroretinas showed relatively close potencies stimulating proliferation, as determined by [methyl-3H]thymidine incorporation, with a plateau reached at 10(-8) M. These factors also stimulated neuronal differentiation, indicated by the expression of the neuron-specific antigen G4. Thus, insulin-related growth factors, interestingly including proinsulin, are present in the developing chicken retina and appear to play an autocrine/paracrine stimulatory role in the progression of neurogenesis.


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A Return to Little Things includes three nonfiction pieces that revolve around the mistakes made by mothers and daughters. The collection investigates the idea that our lives are a sum total of the choices we have made. The essays directly address three specific situations that touch on the themes of motherhood, choices, and the human inclination to recall them with bitterness, and offer proof that time often allows us to move forward to forgiveness. Using humor and acceptance, the narrator is led through a labyrinth of emotions to come to peace with these choices. The stories serve as reminders that there are no mistakes, only lessons, and we must seek to understand them to live happy lives. This manuscript is a work in progress.


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The environmental, cultural and socio-economic causes and consequences of farmland abandonment are issues of increasing concern for researchers and policy makers. In previous studies, we proposed a new methodology for selecting the driving factors in farmland abandonment processes. Using Data Mining and GIS, it is possible to select those variables which are more significantly related to abandonment. The aim of this study is to investigate the application of the above mentioned methodology for finding relationships between relief and farmland abandonment in a Mediterranean region (SE Spain).We have taken into account up to 28 different variables in a single analysis, some of them commonly considered in land use change studies (slope, altitude, TWI, etc), but also other novel variables have been evaluated (sky view factor, terrain view factor, etc). The variable selection process provides results in line with the previous knowledge of the study area, describing some processes that are region specific (e.g. abandonment versus intensification of the agricultural activities). The European INSPIRE Directive (2007/2/EC) establishes that the digital elevation models for land surfaces should be available in all member countries, this means that the research described in this work can be extrapolated to any European country to determine whether these variables (slope, altitude, etc) are important in the process of abandonment.


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El trabajo que presentamos pretende analizar enunciados conversacionales que contienen humor producidos por mujeres, que, pueden continuar o no el modo humorístico. Este hecho da lugar a diversas estrategias conversacionales que dependen del sexo y del contexto situacional, marcados por el carácter del corpus recogido y por la identidad de género. Para llevar a cabo nuestro objetivo utilizamos el corpus Corpus de conversaciones coloquiales en proceso de digitalización de Briz y el grupo Val.Es.Co. En el análisis observamos que, cuando aparece el humor, las estrategias que utilizan las mujeres para salvaguardar la imagen son diferentes si el humor es continuado o fallido.


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Este trabajo constituye un estudio sobre el humor verbal en niños y niñas de 4.º curso de Educación Primaria (9-10 años). Tres grandes vías articulan el análisis. En primer lugar, el debate sobre las presuntas diferencias de género en la interpretación y el uso del humor verbal obtiene un interés especial en el caso de los niños, dado su menor nivel de «contaminación» por las convenciones y prejuicios sociales. En segundo lugar, se detecta la práctica ausencia de estudios sobre el humor infantil desde el punto de vista lingüístico, ya que el grueso de las investigaciones sobre el tema proviene de la psicología evolutiva. En tercer lugar, la etapa de edad objeto de este estudio responde a un periodo crucial en el desarrollo lingüístico y, especialmente, metalingüístico del niño.


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In this study, the filtration process and the biomass characteristics in a laboratory-scale submerged membrane bioreactor (MBR) equipped with a hollow fiber (HF) microfiltration membrane were studied at different solid retention times (SRT). The MBR was fed by synthetic wastewater and the organic loading rate (OLR) was 0.5, 0.2, 0.1, and 0.08 kg COD kg VSS−1 d−1 for 10, 30, 60, and 90 days of SRT, respectively. The hydraulic retention time was 8.4 h and the permeate flux was 6 L m−2 h−1(LMH). Data analysis confirmed that at all the studied SRTs, the HF-MBR operated very good obtaining of high quality permeates. Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD) removal efficiencies were higher than 95%. The best filtration performance was reached at SRT of 30 d. On the other hand, the respirometric analysis showed that biomass was more active and there was more biomass production at low SRTs. The concentration of soluble extracellular polymeric substances (EPS) decreased with increasing SRT. A decrease of soluble EPS caused a decrease of membrane fouling rate, decreasing the frequency of chemical cleanings. The floc size decreased with SRT increasing. At high SRTs, there was more friction among particles due to the increase of the cellular density and the flocs broke decreasing their size.


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Following the death of engineer General Jorge Próspero de Verboom in 1744 and after a few years of transition in the management of Spanish fortifications, Juan Martín Zermeño took on the role, initially with a temporary mandate, but then definitively during a second period that ran from 1766 until his death in 1772. He began this second period with a certain amount of concern because of what had taken place during the last period of conflict. The Seven Years War (1756–1763) which had brought Spain into conflict with Portugal and England in the Caribbean had also lead to conflict episodes along the Spanish–Portuguese border. Zermeño’s efforts as a planner and general engineer gave priority to the northern part of the Spanish–Portuguese border. After studying the territory and the existing fortifications on both sides of the border, Zermeño drew up three important projects in 1766. The outposts that needed to be reinforced were located, from north to south, at Puebla de Sanabria, Zamora and Ciudad Rodrigo, which is where he is believed to have come from. This latter township already had a modern installation built immediately after the war of the Spanish Succession and reinforced with the Fort of La Concepción. However, Zamora and Puebla de Sanabria had some obsolete fortifications that needed modernising. Since the middle of the 15th century Puebla de Sanabria had had a modern castle with rounded turrets, that of the counts of benavente. During the 16th and 17th centuries it had also been equipped with a walled enclosure with small bastions. During the war of the Spanish Succession the Portuguese had enlarged the enclosure and had erected a tentative offshoot to the west. In order to draw up the ambitious Puebla de Sanabria project Zermeño had the aid of some previous reports and projects, such as those by the count of robelin in 1722, the one by Antonio de Gaver in 1752, and Pedro Moreau’s report dated June 1755. This study includes a technical analysis of Zermeño’s project and its strategic position within the system of fortifications along the Spanish–Portuguese border.


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Numerical modelling methodologies are important by their application to engineering and scientific problems, because there are processes where analytical mathematical expressions cannot be obtained to model them. When the only available information is a set of experimental values for the variables that determine the state of the system, the modelling problem is equivalent to determining the hyper-surface that best fits the data. This paper presents a methodology based on the Galerkin formulation of the finite elements method to obtain representations of relationships that are defined a priori, between a set of variables: y = z(x1, x2,...., xd). These representations are generated from the values of the variables in the experimental data. The approximation, piecewise, is an element of a Sobolev space and has derivatives defined in a general sense into this space. The using of this approach results in the need of inverting a linear system with a structure that allows a fast solver algorithm. The algorithm can be used in a variety of fields, being a multidisciplinary tool. The validity of the methodology is studied considering two real applications: a problem in hydrodynamics and a problem of engineering related to fluids, heat and transport in an energy generation plant. Also a test of the predictive capacity of the methodology is performed using a cross-validation method.


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More than a hundred public air-raid shelters were constructed beneath Alicante during the Spanish Civil war. Their architectural uniqueness and humanitarian purpose render these shelters a tangible testament to our recent history. The Alicante Municipal Archives hold reports written by technicians who inspected the shelters in the 1940s, which were subsequently included in the Special Plan for public shelters in 1953. Half a century later, in 2003, information on the air-raid shelters was included in another Special Plan aimed at protecting Alicante’s archaeological heritage. Thanks to the work of the Municipal Heritage Conservation unit (COPHIAM) and the Special Protection Plan for Urban Archaeology (PEPA), the exact or approximate locations were identified for almost 90% of the shelters known to have existed. This paper describes interventions in two of these architectural spaces using advanced museology techniques. The first concerns air-raid shelter R46, located in the Plaza del Dr. Balmis in the city centre. This was built in 1938, and is rectangular with two entrances. The second is air-raid shelter R31, located in the Plaza Séneca.


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Within the overall framework of the renewal process of coastal tourist destinations, cultural heritage has frequently been used as a key argument for the introduction and development of strategies for the diversification and differentiation of the traditional tourist product based on sun and sand. This is the situation of the province of Alicante, identified with the Costa Blanca geotourism brand, where there are important economic issues that could contribute to the renewal of this coastal tourist destination. One of the most significant heritage values of this space consists of a series of medieval fortresses located along the axis of the Vinalopó River, which has acted since prehistoric times as a natural route from within the provincial mainland to the coast. It is precisely the argument of this historical, territorial and landscape content that has been used repeatedly in recent years to develop initiatives aimed at the creation of a tourist product, currently inexistent, based on the route of the castles of Vinalopó. This communication aims to analyse the degree of tourism potential of the fortresses located in the towns of Biar, Banyeres de Mariola, Sax, Villena, Novelda, Elda, Petrer and Elche, which constitute the core of municipalities where these medieval fortresses are located, finally pointing out some proposals for the creation of a heritage tourism product.


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This communication develops the process of interventions of the Renaissance fortress of a new plant built in 1554–57 in Santa Pola. It is one of the earliest examples built with reference to military architecture theoretical treaties (XV–XVI) and best preserved. The study runs its own story from its initial military use, through the use of civil equipment until the final cultural and Museum Center. First, the project of Italian origin is examined and its use as barracks for troops for a duration of three centuries (1557–1850), pointing out the architectural constants of war machinery in a defense position and its origin as a rainwater collector and cistern: a perfect square with two bastions in which a plan of the uprising is preserved (1778). Secondly, we study the changes in the mentioned architecture throughout a century and a half (1850–1990) after its change of ownership (from the state to the municipality), and as a result of the new use as a city hall and public endowment: a market and health and leisure centre, which meant the demolition of defensive elements and the opening up to the outside of the inner parade ground. And thirdly, the new transfer of the municipal offices brings in the beginning of a project of transformations (1990–2015) that retrieves the demolished elements at the same time as it assigns the entire fort for a cultural centre: exhibition, research and history museum, promoting the identity between the citizens and the building which stands in the foundations of their city. The conclusions take us through an interesting route that goes from the approach of defensive tactics, its use as administrative headquarters to the current cultural policy of preservation. In addition, all the known plans of the fort are recovered (of military, civil and cultural use), some unpublished, as well as the project of the North wing that has guided the last operation and which has been set as a pattern of reference.


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Chronic communal conflicts resemble the prisoner’s dilemma. Both communities prefer peace to war. But neither trusts the other, viewing the other’s gain as its own loss, so potentially shared interests often go unrealized. Achieving positive-sum outcomes from apparently zero-sum struggles requires a kind of riskembracing leadership. To succeed leaders must: a) see power relations as potentially positive-sum; b) strengthen negotiating adversaries instead of weakening them; and c) demonstrate hope for a positive future and take great personal risks to achieve it. Such leadership is exemplified by Nelson Mandela and F.W. de Klerk in the South African democratic transition. To illuminate the strategic dilemmas Mandela and de Klerk faced, we examine the work of Robert Axelrod, Thomas Schelling, and Josep Colomer, who highlight important dimensions of the problem but underplay the role of risk-embracing leadership. Finally we discuss leadership successes and failures in the Northern Ireland settlement and the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.


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Four decades of the EU's group-to-group dialogues with the Southern Mediterranean grouping of countries and with ASEAN have produced different dynamics and outcomes, despite the EU’s common strategy to use economic soft power to achieve their goals for the partnerships. Diverging conditions in the two regions created inconsistency in the EU's application of the common approach. The EU's neighbourhood security concerns forced it to relax its political stand with their Southern Mediterranean partners. For ASEAN, geographical distance dilutes the EU’s security concerns it that region and has afforded the EU to be more ideological and assertive on democracy and human rights practices. These issues have provoked disagreements in EU-ASEAN dialogues, but both sides have also tried to remain pragmatic in order to achieve some progress in the partnership. In contrast, the protracted the Arab-Israeli conflict continues to hamper the Euro-Mediterranean dialogue, resulting in little progress. Social upheavals in the Southern Mediterranean also brought their partnership to a standstill. The EU's cooperation with former authoritarian regimes like Libya and Syria have only caused damage to its credibility in the Southern Mediterranean, and future Euro-Mediterranean dialogues are likely to be affected by it.


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Tensions over Iran’s nuclear programme have risen considerably in recent months. This has been visible in numerous threats of – and much speculation about – an imminent Israeli (and US) attack on Iran’s nuclear installations. In this context, the support for the attacks that the countries of the South Caucasus (and Azerbaijan in particular) could provide has been the subject of lively debate, as has been the prospect of a Russian political and military offensive in the Caucasus in response to the attacks on Iran. It seems that the ongoing war campaign in the media has been aimed primarily at putting pressure on Iran and the international community to find a political solution to the Iranian problem. This also applies to the Caucasus’s involvement in the campaign. Given the outcome of the Istanbul round of talks on a political solution to the Iranian issue (14 April), which warrants moderate optimism, the threat of a conflict now appears more distant and this also indirectly proves the effectiveness of the campaign. The war of nerves with Iran, however, is already now actually affecting the stability of the Southern Caucasus. While it seems that Azerbaijan is not Israel’s partner in the preparations to attacks, and that there is no real link between the Iranian problem and the ongoing and planned movements of Russian troops in the Caucasus, the tensions between Iran and Azerbaijan are indeed high. Moreover, the global image of the Caucasus is deteriorating, the USA’s position in the region is becoming more complicated, and Russia’s room for manoeuvre is expanding.


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The Israeli economy has been subjected to a continuous flow of terror since its creation. The focus of our study is how terrorism's impacts the level of production of the high-tech sector. The two main objectives and novelties of the paper are: First our paper can be a major contribution to as yet a new subfield in applied microeconomics attempting to measure the impact of terror on economic issues like FDI and Industry output in general and that focused on the High-Tech industries. Second our research is designed to help us understand the impact of terror news, especially on U.S citizens' reactions to terror in Israel. Our terror variable isn't how many bodies or but how many negative articles regarding terror there are in leading American news paper. We focus on the volatility clustering of terror information arrivals in major US financial papers and its impact on high-tech production and FDI to Israel.