966 resultados para Inverse problems (Differential equations)
In this article we consider the development of discontinuous Galerkin finite element methods for the numerical approximation of the compressible Navier-Stokes equations. For the discretization of the leading order terms, we propose employing the generalization of the symmetric version of the interior penalty method, originally developed for the numerical approximation of linear self-adjoint second-order elliptic partial differential equations. In order to solve the resulting system of nonlinear equations, we exploit a (damped) Newton-GMRES algorithm. Numerical experiments demonstrating the practical performance of the proposed discontinuous Galerkin method with higher-order polynomials are presented.
Neste trabalho obtém-se uma solução analítica para a equação de advecção-difusão aplicada a problemas de dispersão de poluentes em rios e canais. Para tanto, consideram-se os casos unidimensionais e bidimensionais em regime transiente com coeficientes de difusividade e velocidades constantes. A abordagem utilizada para a resolução deste problema é o método de Separação de Variáveis. Os modelos resolvidos foram simulados utilizando o MatLab. Apresentam-se os resultados das simulações numéricas em formato gráfico. Os resultados de algumas simulações numéricas existem na literatura e puderam ser comparados. O modelo proposto mostrou-se coerente em relação aos dados considerados. Para outras simulações não foram encontrados comparativos na literatura, todavia esses problemas governados por equações diferenciais parciais, mesmo lineares, não são de fácil solução analítica. Sendo que, muitas delas representam importantes problemas de matemática e física, com diversas aplicações na engenharia. Dessa forma, é de grande importância a disponibilidade de um maior número de problemas-teste para avaliação de desempenho de formulações numéricas, cada vez mais eficazes, já que soluções analíticas oferecem uma base mais segura para comparação de resultados.
Dissertação (mestrado)—Universidade de Brasília, Faculdade de Tecnologia, Departamento de Engenharia Civil e Ambiental, 2015.
The introduction of delays into ordinary or partial differential equation models is well known to facilitate the production of rich dynamics ranging from periodic solutions through to spatio-temporal chaos. In this paper we consider a class of scalar partial differential equations with a delayed threshold nonlinearity which admits exact solutions for equilibria, periodic orbits and travelling waves. Importantly we show how the spectra of periodic and travelling wave solutions can be determined in terms of the zeros of a complex analytic function. Using this as a computational tool to determine stability we show that delays can have very different effects on threshold systems with negative as opposed to positive feedback. Direct numerical simulations are used to confirm our bifurcation analysis, and to probe some of the rich behaviour possible for mixed feedback.
Scientific curiosity, exploration of georesources and environmental concerns are pushing the geoscientific research community toward subsurface investigations of ever-increasing complexity. This review explores various approaches to formulate and solve inverse problems in ways that effectively integrate geological concepts with geophysical and hydrogeological data. Modern geostatistical simulation algorithms can produce multiple subsurface realizations that are in agreement with conceptual geological models and statistical rock physics can be used to map these realizations into physical properties that are sensed by the geophysical or hydrogeological data. The inverse problem consists of finding one or an ensemble of such subsurface realizations that are in agreement with the data. The most general inversion frameworks are presently often computationally intractable when applied to large-scale problems and it is necessary to better understand the implications of simplifying (1) the conceptual geological model (e.g., using model compression); (2) the physical forward problem (e.g., using proxy models); and (3) the algorithm used to solve the inverse problem (e.g., Markov chain Monte Carlo or local optimization methods) to reach practical and robust solutions given today's computer resources and knowledge. We also highlight the need to not only use geophysical and hydrogeological data for parameter estimation purposes, but also to use them to falsify or corroborate alternative geological scenarios.
Modelos estocásticos de crescimento individual e desenvolvimento de software de estimação e previsão
Os modelos de crescimento individual são geralmente adaptações de modelos de crescimento de populações. Inicialmente estes modelos eram apenas determinísticos, isto é, não incorporavam as flutuações aleatórias do ambiente. Com o desenvolvimento da teoria do cálculo estocástico podemos adicionar um termo estocástico, que representa a aleatoriedade ambiental que influencia o processo em estudo. Actualmente, o estudo do crescimento individual em ambiente aleatório é cada vez mais importante, não apenas pela vertente financeira, mas também devido às suas aplicações nas áreas da saúde e da pecuária, entre outras. Problemas como o ajustamento de modelos de crescimento individual, estimação de parâmetros e previsão de tamanhos futuros são tratados neste trabalho. São apresentadas novas aplicações do modelo estocástico monomolecular generalizado e um novo software de aplicação deste e de outros modelos. ABSTRACT: Individual growth models are usually adaptations of growth population models. Initially these models were only deterministic, that is, they did not incorporate the random fluctuations of the environment. With the development of the theory of stochastic calculus, we can add a stochastic term that represents the random environmental influences in the process under study. Currently, the study of individual growth in a random environment is increasingly important, not only by the financial scope but also because of its applications in health care and livestock production, among others. Problems such as adjustment of an individual growth model, estimation of parameters and prediction of future sizes are treated in this work. New applications of the generalized stochastic monomolecular model and a new software applied to this and other models are presented.
We generalize the Liapunov convexity theorem's version for vectorial control systems driven by linear ODEs of first-order p = 1 , in any dimension d ∈ N , by including a pointwise state-constraint. More precisely, given a x ‾ ( ⋅ ) ∈ W p , 1 ( [ a , b ] , R d ) solving the convexified p-th order differential inclusion L p x ‾ ( t ) ∈ co { u 0 ( t ) , u 1 ( t ) , … , u m ( t ) } a.e., consider the general problem consisting in finding bang-bang solutions (i.e. L p x ˆ ( t ) ∈ { u 0 ( t ) , u 1 ( t ) , … , u m ( t ) } a.e.) under the same boundary-data, x ˆ ( k ) ( a ) = x ‾ ( k ) ( a ) & x ˆ ( k ) ( b ) = x ‾ ( k ) ( b ) ( k = 0 , 1 , … , p − 1 ); but restricted, moreover, by a pointwise state constraint of the type 〈 x ˆ ( t ) , ω 〉 ≤ 〈 x ‾ ( t ) , ω 〉 ∀ t ∈ [ a , b ] (e.g. ω = ( 1 , 0 , … , 0 ) yielding x ˆ 1 ( t ) ≤ x ‾ 1 ( t ) ). Previous results in the scalar d = 1 case were the pioneering Amar & Cellina paper (dealing with L p x ( ⋅ ) = x ′ ( ⋅ ) ), followed by Cerf & Mariconda results, who solved the general case of linear differential operators L p of order p ≥ 2 with C 0 ( [ a , b ] ) -coefficients. This paper is dedicated to: focus on the missing case p = 1 , i.e. using L p x ( ⋅ ) = x ′ ( ⋅ ) + A ( ⋅ ) x ( ⋅ ) ; generalize the dimension of x ( ⋅ ) , from the scalar case d = 1 to the vectorial d ∈ N case; weaken the coefficients, from continuous to integrable, so that A ( ⋅ ) now becomes a d × d -integrable matrix; and allow the directional vector ω to become a moving AC function ω ( ⋅ ) . Previous vectorial results had constant ω, no matrix (i.e. A ( ⋅ ) ≡ 0 ) and considered: constant control-vertices (Amar & Mariconda) and, more recently, integrable control-vertices (ourselves).
In this school, we introduced the basis of the mathematical analysis to study
differential equations (ordinary and partial). One aim to prepare students and staff members for more concrete problems arising in mathematical modeling in engineering and biological processes. Theoretical and numerical lectures were given, with a presentation of free scientific computing software using Python.
A website and a drive were created to facilitate exchanges between students, lecturers and organizers:
Fenômenos oscilatórios e ressonantes são explorados em vários cursos experimentais de física. Em geral os experimentos são interpretados no limite de pequenas oscilações e campos uniformes. Neste artigo descrevemos um experimento de baixo custo para o estudo da ressonância em campo magnético da agulha de uma bússola fora dos limites acima. Nesse caso, termos não lineares na equação diferencial são responsáveis por fenômenos interessantes de serem explorados em laboratórios didáticos.
The exact time-dependent solution for the stochastic equations governing the behavior of a binary self-regulating gene is presented. Using the generating function technique to rephrase the master equations in terms of partial differential equations, we show that the model is totally integrable and the analytical solutions are the celebrated confluent Heun functions. Self-regulation plays a major role in the control of gene expression, and it is remarkable that such a microscopic model is completely integrable in terms of well-known complex functions.
Several experimental studies have altered the phase relationship between photic and non-photic environmental, 24 h cycles (zeitgebers) in order to assess their role in the synchronization of circadian rhythms. To assist in the interpretation of the complex activity patterns that emerge from these ""conflicting zeitgeber'' protocols, we present computer simulations of coupled circadian oscillators forced by two independent zeitgebers. This circadian system configuration was first employed by Pittendrigh and Bruce (1959), to model their studies of the light and temperature entrainment of the eclosion oscillator in Drosophila. Whereas most of the recent experiments have restricted conflicting zeitgeber experiments to two experimental conditions, by comparing circadian oscillator phases under two distinct phase relationships between zeitgebers (usually 0 and 12 h), Pittendrigh and Bruce compared eclosion phase under 12 distinct phase relationships, spanning the 24 h interval. Our simulations using non-linear differential equations replicated complex non-linear phenomena, such as ""phase jumps'' and sudden switches in zeitgeber preferences, which had previously been difficult to interpret. Our simulations reveal that these phenomena generally arise when inter-oscillator coupling is high in relation to the zeitgeber strength. Manipulations in the structural symmetry of the model indicated that these results can be expected to apply to a wide range of system configurations. Finally, our studies recommend the use of the complete protocol employed by Pittendrigh and Bruce, because different system configurations can generate similar results when a ""conflicting zeitgeber experiment'' incorporates only two phase relationships between zeitgebers.
The analysis of Macdonald for electrolytes is generalized to the case in which two groups of ions are present. We assume that the electrolyte can be considered as a dispersion of ions in a dielectric liquid, and that the ionic recombination can be neglected. We present the differential equations governing the ionic redistribution when the liquid is subjected to an external electric field, describing the simultaneous diffusion of the two groups of ions in the presence of their own space charge fields. We investigate the influence of the ions on the impedance spectroscopy of an electrolytic cell. In the analysis, we assume that each group of ions have equal mobility, the electrodes perfectly block and that the adsorption phenomena can be neglected. In this framework, it is shown that the real part of the electrical impedance of the cell has a frequency dependence presenting two plateaux, related to a type of ambipolar and free diffusion coefficients. The importance of the considered problem on the ionic characterization performed by means of the impedance spectroscopy technique was discussed. (c) 2008 American Institute of Physics.
We study the propagation of perturbations in the quark gluon plasma. This subject has been addressed in other works and in most of the theoretical descriptions of this phenomenon the hydrodynamic equations have been linearized for simplicity. We propose an alternative approach, also based on hydrodynamics but taking into account the nonlinear terms of the equations. We show that these terms may lead to localized waves or even solitons. We use a simple equation of state for the QGP and expand the hydrodynamic equations around equilibrium configurations. The resulting differential equations describe the propagation of perturbations in the energy density. We solve them numerically and find that localized perturbations can propagate for long distances in the plasma. Under certain conditions our solutions mimic the propagation of Korteweg-de Vries solitons.
Let P be a linear partial differential operator with analytic coefficients. We assume that P is of the form ""sum of squares"", satisfying Hormander's bracket condition. Let q be a characteristic point; for P. We assume that q lies on a symplectic Poisson stratum of codimension two. General results of Okaji Show that P is analytic hypoelliptic at q. Hence Okaji has established the validity of Treves' conjecture in the codimension two case. Our goal here is to give a simple, self-contained proof of this fact.
In this paper we establish a method to obtain the stability of periodic travelling-wave solutions for equations of Korteweg-de Vries-type u(t) + u(p)u(x) - Mu(x) = 0, with M being a general pseudodifferential operator and where p >= 1 is an integer. Our approach uses the theory of totally positive operators, the Poisson summation theorem, and the theory of Jacobi elliptic functions. In particular we obtain the stability of a family of periodic travelling waves solutions for the Benjamin Ono equation. The present technique gives a new way to obtain the existence and stability of cnoidal and dnoidal waves solutions associated with the Korteweg-de Vries and modified Korteweg-de Vries equations, respectively. The theory has prospects for the study of periodic travelling-wave solutions of other partial differential equations.