948 resultados para Hotel – Resorts
Demonstrators in Brisbane, Australia with banners and flags during Moratorium march 1970. Semper press car (Volkswagon Kombi) can be seen. Protestors are outside the Presbyterian Church of Queensland (now Uniting Church) in Ann Street, Brisbane. In the background, scaffolding can be seen at the construction site of the Crest Hotel. Semper Floreat is the student newspaper of the University of Queensland.
This study investigates the influence of justice (procedural, interactional and distributive) on measures of customer satisfaction within a hotel setting. Specifically, the study investigates the levels of satisfaction associated with various combinations of procedural, interactional, and distributive justice related service recovery strategies. Using especially designed video vignettes of a hotel service breakdown, respondents rated their levels of satisfaction for the video vignettes that depicted varying levels of. (a) level of concern shown by the service provider, (b) whether policy was adhered to, (c) degree of 'voice' given to the customer, and (d) type of compensation. Between subject MANOVA analyses revealed a number of main effects and interactions. Results clearly show that satisfaction varied significantly depending on the various combinations of recovery measures. In particular, a two-way interaction between adherence to policy and type of compensation was found. Furthermore, it was found that respondents expressed higher satisfaction with the service when a 50% refund was given, and the provider was seen to be adhering to policy, rather than doing a special favor for the customer. In contrast, when a token measure of compensation is given (i.e. giving away a couple of drink vouchers), respondents expressed higher levels of satisfaction if the service provider was doing a special favor rather than merely adhering to company policy. Implications for managers and scholars are discussed. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science Inc. All rights reserved.
This paper addresses two interrelated issues in tourism development: horizontal integration within tourism's component sectors and attempts at vertical integration between them. The paper employs a conceptual framework adapted from regulation theory, to assess the dynamics of these processes, particularly in relation to airlines and hotels. Through examining some of the most important examples of both horizontal and vertical integration, it indicates how these have influenced contemporary strategies in the component sectors. The paper goes on to illustrate how trends towards Fordist organization within airlines have conflicted with post-Fordist trends in hotel operations, to undermine attempts at vertical integration across the tourism industry. (C) 2000 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
Current software development often relies on non-trivial coordination logic for combining autonomous services, eventually running on different platforms. As a rule, however, such a coordination layer is strongly woven within the application at source code level. Therefore, its precise identification becomes a major methodological (and technical) problem and a challenge to any program understanding or refactoring process. The approach introduced in this paper resorts to slicing techniques to extract coordination data from source code. Such data are captured in a specific dependency graph structure from which a coordination model can be recovered either in the form of an Orc specification or as a collection of code fragments corresponding to the identification of typical coordination patterns in the system. Tool support is also discussed
Pectus excavatum is the most common deformity of the thorax. Pre-operative diagnosis usually includes Computed Tomography (CT) to successfully employ a thoracic prosthesis for anterior chest wall remodeling. Aiming at the elimination of radiation exposure, this paper presents a novel methodology for the replacement of CT by a 3D laser scanner (radiation-free) for prosthesis modeling. The complete elimination of CT is based on an accurate determination of ribs position and prosthesis placement region through skin surface points. The developed solution resorts to a normalized and combined outcome of an artificial neural network (ANN) set. Each ANN model was trained with data vectors from 165 male patients and using soft tissue thicknesses (STT) comprising information from the skin and rib cage (automatically determined by image processing algorithms). Tests revealed that ribs position for prosthesis placement and modeling can be estimated with an average error of 5.0 ± 3.6 mm. One also showed that the ANN performance can be improved by introducing a manually determined initial STT value in the ANN normalization procedure (average error of 2.82 ± 0.76 mm). Such error range is well below current prosthesis manual modeling (approximately 11 mm), which can provide a valuable and radiation-free procedure for prosthesis personalization.
This paper assesses the validity and reliability of two instruments measuring quality of service, the SERVPERF and SERVQUAL scales, replicated in a novel cultural settings, a Portuguese energy company. To provide insights and strategies for managerial intervention, a relation between customers’ satisfaction and quality of service is established. The empirical study suggests a superior convergent and predictive validity of SERVPERF scale to measure quality of service in this settings when comparing to SERVQUAL. The main differences of this study with previous ones, are that this one resorts on a confirmatory factor analysis, the validation of the instruments is performed by using the same measures suggested by their creators and extends the line of research to a novel cultural settings, a Portuguese energy company. Concerning the relationship between service quality and customers’ satisfaction, all of the quality of service attributes correlate almost equally to the satisfaction ones, with a lower weight concerning tangibles.
Pectus excavatum is the most common deformity of the thorax. Pre-operative diagnosis usually includes Computed Tomography (CT) to successfully employ a thoracic prosthesis for anterior chest wall remodeling. Aiming at the elimination of radiation exposure, this paper presents a novel methodology for the replacement of CT by a 3D laser scanner (radiation-free) for prosthesis modeling. The complete elimination of CT is based on an accurate determination of ribs position and prosthesis placement region through skin surface points. The developed solution resorts to a normalized and combined outcome of an artificial neural network (ANN) set. Each ANN model was trained with data vectors from 165 male patients and using soft tissue thicknesses (STT) comprising information from the skin and rib cage (automatically determined by image processing algorithms). Tests revealed that ribs position for prosthesis placement and modeling can be estimated with an average error of 5.0 ± 3.6 mm. One also showed that the ANN performance can be improved by introducing a manually determined initial STT value in the ANN normalization procedure (average error of 2.82 ± 0.76 mm). Such error range is well below current prosthesis manual modeling (approximately 11 mm), which can provide a valuable and radiation-free procedure for prosthesis personalization.
Pectus excavatum is the most common deformity of the thorax and usually comprises Computed Tomography (CT) examination for pre-operative diagnosis. Aiming at the elimination of the high amounts of CT radiation exposure, this work presents a new methodology for the replacement of CT by a laser scanner (radiation-free) in the treatment of pectus excavatum using personally modeled prosthesis. The complete elimination of CT involves the determination of ribs external outline, at the maximum sternum depression point for prosthesis placement, based on chest wall skin surface information, acquired by a laser scanner. The developed solution resorts to artificial neural networks trained with data vectors from 165 patients. Scaled Conjugate Gradient, Levenberg-Marquardt, Resilient Back propagation and One Step Secant gradient learning algorithms were used. The training procedure was performed using the soft tissue thicknesses, determined using image processing techniques that automatically segment the skin and rib cage. The developed solution was then used to determine the ribs outline in data from 20 patient scanners. Tests revealed that ribs position can be estimated with an average error of about 6.82±5.7 mm for the left and right side of the patient. Such an error range is well below current prosthesis manual modeling (11.7±4.01 mm) even without CT imagiology, indicating a considerable step forward towards CT replacement by a 3D scanner for prosthesis personalization.
This paper assesses the validity and reliability of two instruments measuring quality of service, the SERVPERF and SERVQUAL scales, replicated in a novel cultural settings, a Portuguese energy company. To provide insights and strategies for managerial intervention, a relation between customers’ satisfaction and quality of service is established. The empirical study suggests a superior convergent and predictive validity of SERVPERF scale to measure quality of service in this settings when comparing to SERVQUAL. The main differences of this study with previous ones, are that this one resorts on a confirmatory factor analysis, the validation of the instruments is performed by using the same measures suggested by their creators and extends the line of research to a novel cultural settings, a Portuguese energy company. Concerning the relationship between service quality and customers’ satisfaction, all of the quality of service attributes correlate almost equally to the satisfaction ones, with a lower weight concerning tangibles.
No âmbito da cadeira de Empreendedorismo e Liderança, leccionada no Mestrado de Turismo da Universidade Lusófona, o trabalho final consiste em cada aluno apresentar um exemplo prático de sua iniciativa, no lançamento de um projecto turístico, de acordo com os objectivos e conteúdos programáticos da cadeira. Como refere o Prof. Abranja no seu artigo, “os pequenos empreendimentos que transitam do sonho para o mercado são fundamentais para o desenvolvimento económico e social de qualquer região”. Poderia seleccionar outros trabalhos, mas este tem todos os ingredientes de ser um exemplo para todos quanto queiram ser empreendedores e tornar a sua paixão realidade. O facto desta proposta de empreendedorismo ser localizada fora da Grande Lisboa, reafirma a vocação do Ensino Superior de Turismo em ter uma dimensão nacional, adequa¬da ao espírito lusófono que se pretende incutir nos alunos. Outra razão desta escolha, é a de ser um projecto de pequena dimensão, na sua fase inicial e acessível para que os alunos de turismo possam através deste exemplo, replicar os seus sonhos e paixões, factores essenciais para que um projecto de empreendedorismo tenha bases sustentadas para alcançar o êxito empresarial.
In this article we argue that digital simulations promote and explore complex relations between the player and the machines cybernetic system with which it relates through gameplay, that is, the real application of tactics and strategies used by participants as they play the game. We plan to show that the realism of simulation, together with the merger of artificial objects with the real world, can generate interactive empathy between players and their avatars. In this text, we intend to explore augmented reality as a means to visualise interactive communication projects. With ARToolkit, Virtools and 3ds Max applications, we aim to show how to create a portable interactive platform that resorts to the environment and markers for constructing the games scenario. Many of the conventional functions of the human eye are being replaced by techniques where images do not position themselves in the traditional manner that we observe them (Crary, 1998), or in the way we perceive the real world. The digitalization of the real world to a new informational layer over objects, people or environments, needs to be processed and mediated by tools that amplify the natural human senses.
In this text, we intend to explore augmented reality as a means to visualise interactive communication projects. With ARToolkit, Virtools and 3ds Max applications, we aim to show how to create a portable interactive platform that resorts to the environment and markers for constructing the game’s scenario. We plan to show that the realism of simulation, together with the merger of artificial objects with the real world, can generate interactive empathy between players and their avatars.
RESUMO: O presente trabalho tem por objective o estudo da problemática das alterações induzidas pela internet na gestão comercial das unidade hoteleiras portuguesas. O estudo desenvolveu-se em duas fases. Na primeira, através de pesquisa e revisão bibliográfica, procedeu-se aà teorização dos conceitos e técnicas abordadas. A segunda assentou num trabalho de investigação realizado em duas vertentes: a primeira, onde se procurou conhecer a situação vivida através da recolha de dados sobre os sítios das unidades hoteleiras da amostra considerada; a segunda, onde se procurou, através da técnica Delphi, avaliar as perspectivas da evolução dessa mesma realidade. O trabalho realizado evidenciou que a internet, enquanto canal de comunicação e de comercialização, induziu alterações significativas, ainda que em diferentes graus, na forma de realizar a gestão comercial das unidades hoteleiras portuguesas. Alterações que se traduziram, no essencial, na: crescente importância da gestão da relação com os clientes; maior complexidade das políticas de produto e de preços; forte aceleração da acção comercial. Ou seja, a internet induziu não só a necessidade de redefinição do posicionamento das unidades hoteleiras portuguesas, bem como da forma destas realizarem o trabalho comercial. ABSTRACT: This work aims to study the issues around the changes introduced by the internet in the management of marketing of the portuguese hotel units. The study was done in two phases. First by researching and consulting the literature, setting the concepts theory and approach techniques. The second phase was based on a research work following two aspects: in the first instance trying to understand the existing situation through the collection of data regarding the location of the hotel units in the sample used; and secondly we tried, through the Delphi technique, to assess the evolution perspectives of that same reality. This study proved that the internet, as a communication and marketing channel brought about significant changes, although in various degrees, on how marketing management of the Portuguese hotel units is done. These changes were essentially reflect, the increasing importance of client relationship management; the greater complexity of the product and price policies; strong increase in the marketing action. That is, internet has not only introduced the need to redefine the standpoint of the Portuguese hotel units but also how they carry out their marketing activity.
O presente trabalho aborda uma intervenção de reabilitação num edifício cuja função será alterada: o edifício abandona a função de edifício administrativo (escritórios), e assume uma função de Hotel. É com esta intenção que se elabora este estudo analisando, em concreto, a alteração na rede de abastecimento de água. Na fase de projecto é feita a concepção da rede de abastecimento de água, para que a intervenção não seja intrusiva, num edifício com alguma riqueza arquitectónica e estética, e ainda com os condicionantes impostos sobretudo, pela estrutura resistente. Por outro lado, pela função do edifício torna-se necessário assegurar níveis de conforto elevados. A preocupação pelos pormenores na concepção da rede de abastecimento de água tem um resultado prático muito significativo na fase de exploração do edifício, isto é, quando entrar em funcionamento. Faz-se o enquadramento para a Manutenção da rede de abastecimento de água, que pode e deve ser extensiva aos restantes componentes do edifício. A consideração de adequada Manutenção, devidamente planeada, conferirá ao edifício um envelhecimento sustentável, minorando os efeitos que poderiam resultar de não programação de acções de manutenção.