741 resultados para Higher Education in the Triangulo Mineiro
Bologne came to globalize education in higher education, creating a unified architecture that potentiates higher education and enhances the continued interconnection of the spaces of education policy in higher education in the world, in particular in Europe. The aim of this work consists in the presentation of an identification model and skills’ classification and learning outcomes, based on the official documents of the course units (syllabus and assessment components) of a course of Higher Education. We are aware that the adoption of this model by different institutions, will contribute to interoperability learning outcomes, thus enhancing the mobility of teachers and students in the EHEA (European Higher Education Area) and third countries.
RESUMO - O presente trabalho pretende estudar a cultura de segurança de doente em alunos do ensino superior, na área das tecnologias de diagnóstico e terapêutica. Esta problemática não tem sido abordada pela comunidade científica, pelo que o seu estudo é relevante. Os alunos que finalizam a licenciatura estão legalmente autorizados para intervir perante o doente, contudo, a sensibilidade que têm para as questões da segurança do doente deve ser analisada com o intuito de melhorar a sua preparação como futuros profissionais de saúde. Neste estudo participaram 180 alunos estratificados consoante o curso e sexo de modo a obter uma amostra representativa da população alvo. Foi constituído um questionário com 31 itens numa escala dicotómica que avaliam a cultura de segurança do doente em 7 dimensões – liderança, trabalho de equipa, a prática baseada na evidência científica, a comunicação, a aprendizagem, a justiça, e a prática clínica centrada no doente. Pode igualmente compor-se uma medida global de cultura de segurança do doente através do somatório das 7 dimensões. Os resultados evidenciam a existência de uma correlação positiva moderada entre as dimensões – Trabalho em equipa (0,660); Liderança (0,610); Prática baseada na evidência científica (0,627); Ambiente justo (0,570); Comunicação (0,501) e o Total.
La gestión de información constituye un proceso fundamental en el desarrollo de la sociedad, y la documentación educativa constituye un pilar fundamental en este contexto. El presente trabajo tiene como objetivo fundamental el fundamentar el impacto directo que tiene la gestión de la semántica sobre: 1) la organización de la documentación educativa, 2) las facilidades de recuperación de información al utilizar sistemas más inteligentes de búsquedas de información basados en la semántica, además del 3) soporte a las herramientas de integración entre diferentes servicios. En este artículo se muestran los resultados alcanzados en el ámbito de Educative, proyecto de gestión integral de documentación educativa en el ámbito universitario en pos de una enseñanza universitaria más integral en el contexto cubano.
Este estudo caracteriza os processos de exploração vocacional e de ajustamento académico, e os traços de personalidade de estudantes universitários a frequentar o ISLA Leiria. A amostra inclui 115 estudantes, de ambos os sexos (62,6%) mulheres e (37,4%) homens, com idades compreendidas entre os 18 e 61 anos, a frequentar o 1º Ciclo do Ensino Superior, no ano letivo de 2010/2011. As medidas aplicadas foram o Career Exploration Survey (CES, Stumpf et al., 1983, versão adaptada por Taveira, 1997), o Academic Adjustment Questionnaire (AAQ; Lent et al., 2005; versão adaptada por Lent & Taveira, 2004) e o Inventário de Personalidade Neo - Revisto (NEOPI-R; Costa & Crae, 1992; versão adaptada por Lima, 1997). Os resultados indicam que a exploração vocacional dos alunos está ativada, ao nível das suas crenças, comportamentos, e reações à exploração, e que estes se encontram envolvidos em objetivos de trabalho. Verificou-se que não existem diferenças estatisticamente significativas nos processos de exploração vocacional em função do sexo dos participantes e em função dos anos que frequentam. Em termos de personalidade os resultados apresentam um nível de Neuroticismo moderado, assim como uma Abertura à Experiencia moderada também. A Conscienciosidade, a Extroversão e a Amabilidade revelam níveis mais positivos. Não são verificados níveis significantes de diferença em função do sexo de pertença ou do anos que frequentam. Relativamente ao Ajustamento Académico o dado mais relevante é a fraca autoeficácia para ultrapassar obstáculos. Aqui também não são registadas alterações em função do sexo de pertença ou do ano que frequentam.
The research aimed at investigating the dimensions and the universe of social representations of environmental education, as well as identifying the senses and meanings Environmental Education. This study admitted as presumption the education and environment dimensions. In this investigation was adopted as reference the dimension or representation scope of Moscovici. One hundred and twenty (120) students from Public Schools of Basic Education participated of this study and moreover three hundred and twenty-three (323) from Higher Education in the area of the UPE-FACETEG. The following questions were admitted: 1) What are the dimensions/categories that exist in the semantic scope of social representations of the environmental education? 2) What are the senses and meanings of environmental education? 3) The student s representations of Basic Education are similar or different from the Higher Education? The software EVOC helped in the organization of semantic scope for construction of the categories, with support of the contents analysis. The justifications are sorted on lexical classes using the software ALCESTE, through of the speech analyses. The free association of words answered the question dimension/categories and its semantic scope, being: a) Nature/Environment; b) values; c) Attitudes; d) Actions; e) Implications; f) Mediation. Six lexical classes were found with its meanings enumerated in this way: 1.Awareness, as a factor of belief for the preservation of nature and society. The students are clamoring for environmental education in the school, emphasizing the importance of awareness in the development of the respect to the environment linking the education and family; 2. The consciousness-knowledge relationship for the environment-nature preservation. 3. The environment and human interventions, in search of indicators of solutions. 4. Nature /background/ environment and its constituting elements, a thinking of values and an acting for mediation. 5. The human-nature interaction in social representations of environmental education and the symbolic-life size. 6. Nature / environment /, values, attitudes, actions, implications, and mediation in nature-man relationships. The groups more representatives according to these lexical classes were, the Basic Education in the class-4, represented exclusively by the Primary and Secondary Education and the class-6 represented by both two the Basic Education (47,37%) and the Higher Education (52,63%) - History, Pedagogy, Psychology, Mathematics, Language and Literature. The classes 4 and 6 are related to the class-3 which in turn is formed by students of Higher Education (Mathematics, Biology, Pedagogy, Psychology, Language and Literature) and Basic Education (Primary and Secondary Education). The Higher Education is most represented by the lexical classes (1, 2 and 5). The class 2 corresponded to 80% of the researched groups. In the class-1 the biggest representation was concerning to the Psychology, Geography, Biology and Language and Literature courses, whereas the class-5 was best represented by Psychology, Biology, Pedagogy, Language and Literature, Geography and History. From the results, one may conclude that the imagery is nature/environment; that life is the symbolic dimension that permeates the whole imaginary, and that preservation, awareness and respect are inserted in the speech that circulate to protect life
This thesis aims to investigate the Agronomy course in the perspective of the graduation course for the settlers of the Universidade Federal do Pará- Marabá. This course requires a partnership with the social movements of the North region of the country, with the purpose to understand knowledge production and how learning process occurs from the point of interaction and reliable relationships which are established in the organization during the course. The base of theses studies is to reflect of how the dialogue and learning processes occurred during the Agronomy course and resulted in changing in the teachers behavior and in the other integrated members of the group and mainly in the graduating settlers students. These changings happens as a consenquence of the dialogue production between the most varied areas, different people and institutions which take collective decisions. I observe educational actions, researches, extention concepts of extension and also development researches presented in the educative actions discussed by Freire (1985), Simões (2001, 2003) e de Amartya Sen (2000). The theory in which I am basing these studies are based in Boaventura de Souza Santos Simões (2001, 2003) and Amartya Sen (2000). Methodologically I analyse knowledge production by sudying the thesis and scientific works related to rural education, social movements, university and higher education in the last 20 years. I analyze the scientific works of all settler students, and besides, I do open interviews with the students, as well as, with the teachers and the leaders of social movements (MST, FETAGRI, CPT, EFA/FATA). I organize and analyze all the speeches from the ecological knowledge as defined by Boaventura de Souza Santos (2006). Finally, I visit five towns of municipal districts of the southeast of Pará, which represents the final methodological part of the research, in order to verify in loco the practices of the experiments purposed as final activity of the Agronomy course. I organize the work in five areas composed by the occupational process and the initiatives which emerged from them; development model and the social and environmental consequences; I also organize the university role and the relationship established between people and institutions which gave origin to the Agronomy course of UFPA and the programs developed in the region; conjuncture of creation of the groups of settled students, curriculum, principles and focus on the course and the experienced actions; developed practices in the course and the relations of reliability experienced internally and externally to the Academy, the learning and dialogue promoted by the course. I believe that the dialogue has caused changes in the organization of the knowledge and in the educative practices of the teachers, as well as, in the socio-productive practices of the regressed settled students
This dissertation is the result of the development of a two-year research entitled POTIGUAR ACROSS THE COMMUNICATION: MEDIATIZATION AND SOCIAL PRACTICES. Or as the reception of the political agenda unfolds in social practices of the Pau dos Ferros, showwing Pau dos Ferros as a provincial oestano of Rio Grande do Norte, now living a meaningful set of social transformations, which interact with practices media that have just mediatized new public policies in the area of Technical Education and Higher Education. Thus, with the introduction and expansion of state and federal public policy of democratization of Technical and Higher Education in the period 2002 to 2010, the phenomenon of migration of students from elementary and high school, before existing in the region has changed significantly in that Pau dos Ferros polo is made. The concentration of the media city in the hands of politicians, in their favor, and the emergence of new midiatizações are contributed to the formation of this (non-migration) and other social practices, reinventing and rearranging the schedule of the ideas and concepts about the educational practices. Our goal is to observe the relationship of interaction between media, politics and education and examine how young students are realizing this interaction. Under the prospects of receiving the light of Cultural Studies, strolling our research primarily on the technique of focus group data collection
This work examines the results of the selecting process to enter Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte called Vestibular, in 2001, 2003, 2005 and 2007, in relation to the necessary knowledge presented by the candidates in the Geography area. It observes the contents in the discursive exams and its corresponding results discussing them from the official curriculum of the Secondary School, as it is stated in the official documents of Ministério da Educação(MEC): Parâmetros Curriculares Nacionais do Ensino Médio (PCNEM), Orientações Curriculares Nacionais para o Ensino Médio (OCNEM) e Orientações Educacionais Complementares aos Parâmetros Curriculares Nacionais (PCN+ do Ensino Médio). We aim to highlight what are the contents and background of the Geography curriculum according to the orientations of the official curriculum; discuss in what measure these contents are present in the questions and in the correct answers of the candidates as well as reflect upon what possibly is suggested by those results concerning the knowledge presented in the answers. In this investigation process, the history of the teaching in Brazil is taken up together with the statistical data about the Fundamental School and about Higher Education in the last years. Both map the scenario in which this research takes place as well as make knowledgeable some variables such as: cultural, economical, political and social structures. The discussion takes place between the curriculum and the teaching, Geography teaching and Secondary School in Brazil articulating these variables with the question of accessibility to Higher Education through the Vestibular . Despite the limitations of this research in terms of methodology and deepening of analysis, the results led us to important observations which can contribute to the understanding of that the students´ performance in the Geography examination has several outspreads. These must be thought with scientific exactness in order to avoid any rushed and careless explanations leading to conclusions that may have serious consequences for the teaching systems and the students
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Pós-graduação em Ciências Farmacêuticas - FCFAR
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Pós-graduação em Ciências da Motricidade - IBRC
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Esse estudo apresenta resultados de uma pesquisa que investigou os contratos estabelecidos, no período de 2000 a 2008, entre a Universidade Federal do Pará (UFPA) e prefeituras do interior do estado do Pará, para a oferta de cursos de licenciatura plena, financiado com os recursos do Fundo de Manutenção e Desenvolvimento do Ensino Fundamental e de Valorização do Magistério (FUNDEF), para os professores das redes municipais de ensino. Para compreender essa problemática, elaboramos os seguintes questionamentos: Como está estruturada a política de financiamento implementada pelo governo federal, para as IFES, ao longo desse período, e quais são as suas relações com a reforma do Estado e da Educação Superior, no país? Qual a política de financiamento do processo de interiorização da Universidade Federal do Pará e qual a sua relação com a política de oferta de cursos de contrato? Qual o montante dos recursos públicos municipais provenientes dos contratos celebrados entre Universidade Federal do Pará e as prefeituras do interior do estado, no período destacado? Como foram aplicados os recursos advindos dos contratos celebrados entre a Universidade Federal do Pará e as prefeituras do interior do estado?Adotamos como metodologia a abordagem quanti-qualitativa e utilizamos dados documentais. Como resultado, percebemos que, a Reforma do Estado, resultante da crise financeira do capital, implicou em reconfigurações do papel do Estado na educação, especialmente no que tange à legislação da educação superior e à política de financiamento para esse nível de ensino. Por isso, a universidade pública brasileira vive uma crise institucional, que se manifesta, especialmente, na estagnação orçamentária dos recursos do Governo Federal para sua manutenção. Os recursos disponibilizados pelo fundo público federal para custearem as despesas com Educação Superior não têm dado conta da crescente demanda de jovens que buscam esse nível de ensino. Ficou evidenciado na pesquisa que os cursos de contrato são uma estratégia de qualificação de profissionais locais com complementação de recursos para manutenção dos campi do interior e para complementação salarial dos professores que atuam nesses cursos.