956 resultados para GUIDE-O (Information retrieval system)


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This paper presents some developments in query expansion and document representation of our spoken document retrieval system and shows how various retrieval techniques affect performance for different sets of transcriptions derived from a common speech source. Modifications of the document representation are used, which combine several techniques for query expansion, knowledge-based on one hand and statistics-based on the other. Taken together, these techniques can improve Average Precision by over 19% relative to a system similar to that which we presented at TREC-7. These new experiments have also confirmed that the degradation of Average Precision due to a word error rate (WER) of 25% is quite small (3.7% relative) and can be reduced to almost zero (0.2% relative). The overall improvement of the retrieval system can also be observed for seven different sets of transcriptions from different recognition engines with a WER ranging from 24.8% to 61.5%. We hope to repeat these experiments when larger document collections become available, in order to evaluate the scalability of these techniques.


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Ideally, one would like to perform image search using an intuitive and friendly approach. Many existing image search engines, however, present users with sets of images arranged in some default order on the screen, typically the relevance to a query, only. While this certainly has its advantages, arguably, a more flexible and intuitive way would be to sort images into arbitrary structures such as grids, hierarchies, or spheres so that images that are visually or semantically alike are placed together. This paper focuses on designing such a navigation system for image browsers. This is a challenging task because arbitrary layout structure makes it difficult - if not impossible - to compute cross-similarities between images and structure coordinates, the main ingredient of traditional layouting approaches. For this reason, we resort to a recently developed machine learning technique: kernelized sorting. It is a general technique for matching pairs of objects from different domains without requiring cross-domain similarity measures and hence elegantly allows sorting images into arbitrary structures. Moreover, we extend it so that some images can be preselected for instance forming the tip of the hierarchy allowing to subsequently navigate through the search results in the lower levels in an intuitive way. Copyright 2010 ACM.


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Guided self-organization can be regarded as a paradigm proposed to understand how to guide a self-organizing system towards desirable behaviors, while maintaining its non-deterministic dynamics with emergent features. It is, however, not a trivial problem to guide the self-organizing behavior of physically embodied systems like robots, as the behavioral dynamics are results of interactions among their controller, mechanical dynamics of the body, and the environment. This paper presents a guided self-organization approach for dynamic robots based on a coupling between the system mechanical dynamics with an internal control structure known as the attractor selection mechanism. The mechanism enables the robot to gracefully shift between random and deterministic behaviors, represented by a number of attractors, depending on internally generated stochastic perturbation and sensory input. The robot used in this paper is a simulated curved beam hopping robot: a system with a variety of mechanical dynamics which depends on its actuation frequencies. Despite the simplicity of the approach, it will be shown how the approach regulates the probability of the robot to reach a goal through the interplay among the sensory input, the level of inherent stochastic perturbation, i.e., noise, and the mechanical dynamics. © 2014 by the authors; licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland.


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Through years of practice, reservoir management has already become the basic mode of foreign oil companies to realize the high-efficient development of the oil field. From the view of reservoir development and technological economy, reservoir management regards the study of the reservoir engineering, designs of reservoir projects and the dynamic analysis of the reservoir's performance as a system. In the fields of reservoir description, the establishment of the geological models and development models, the dynamic simulations of reservoir exploitation and the design of the oil engineering, reservoir management emphasizes the cooperation of the geology and the engineering, the combination of the engineering technology and the economic evaluation. In order to provide the means and basis for the reservoir geology study, reservoir evaluation, reserves calculation, numerical simulation, development plan and risk analysis, it adopts the reservoir management activities(team work) to make and implement the optimized oil field development management strategies so that secientific and democratic decision making can be achieved. Under the planned economic system for a long time, the purpose of Chinese reservoir development has been to fulfill the" mandatory" production task. With the deepening of the reform, the management organization of Chinese petroleum enterprises has been gradually going through the transition and reforms to the operational entity and the establishment of the mode of oil companies under the socialist market economy system. This research aims at introducing the advanced reservoir management technique from foreign countries to further improve the reservoir development results and wholly raise the economic benefits of Chinese mature land facieses sandstone reservoirs in the later stage of the water flooding. We are going to set up a set of modern reservoir management modes according to the reservoir features, current situation and existing problems of GangXi oil field of DaGang oil company. Through the study and implementation of the reservoir description and numerical simulation technology effectively, we plan to work out integrated adjustment projects, to study the related technology of oil recovery; to set up the effective confirmable data procedure and data management system of the reservoir management, to establish the coordinated model and workbench related to geology, engineering and economy in order to realize the real time supervision and evaluation on the process of reservoir development. We hope to stipulate modernization management tools for GangXi oil fields to rationally utilize various kinds of existing technological methods and to realize the economic exploitation and achieve the maximum benefits from the reservoir. The project of the modem reservoir management will be carried out on the GangXi oil field of DaGang oil company for this oil field is typical and has integrated foundamental materials and perfect networks. Besides, it is located in the good geographical position enjoying very convenient traffic. Implementing modern reservoir management will raise the recovery ratio, reduce the production cost and improve the working efficiency. Moreover, the popularization of modern reservoir management will improve the comprehensive benefits of DaGang oil company and even the whole Petro China. Through the reserch of this project, the following technical indicators can be reached: Establishing the concept of modern reservoir management. Establishing a set of integrated data information management system adapt to the features of GangXi reservoir. 3. Forming technical research modes of modern reservoir management suitable for mature reservoirs in the later developing stage. 4. Advancing projects of GangXi reservoir which are maxium optimized in engineering technique and economic benefits of oil exploitation. Besides, this set of technology, research principle and method can guide the mature reservoir of DaGang oil field and even the whole PetroChina to develop the further research of reservoir adjustment and improve the reservoir recovery factor and developing level constantly.


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I have invented "Internet Fish," a novel class of resource-discovery tools designed to help users extract useful information from the Internet. Internet Fish (IFish) are semi-autonomous, persistent information brokers; users deploy individual IFish to gather and refine information related to a particular topic. An IFish will initiate research, continue to discover new sources of information, and keep tabs on new developments in that topic. As part of the information-gathering process the user interacts with his IFish to find out what it has learned, answer questions it has posed, and make suggestions for guidance. Internet Fish differ from other Internet resource discovery systems in that they are persistent, personal and dynamic. As part of the information-gathering process IFish conduct extended, long-term conversations with users as they explore. They incorporate deep structural knowledge of the organization and services of the net, and are also capable of on-the-fly reconfiguration, modification and expansion. Human users may dynamically change the IFish in response to changes in the environment, or IFish may initiate such changes itself. IFish maintain internal state, including models of its own structure, behavior, information environment and its user; these models permit an IFish to perform meta-level reasoning about its own structure. To facilitate rapid assembly of particular IFish I have created the Internet Fish Construction Kit. This system provides enabling technology for the entire class of Internet Fish tools; it facilitates both creation of new IFish as well as additions of new capabilities to existing ones. The Construction Kit includes a collection of encapsulated heuristic knowledge modules that may be combined in mix-and-match fashion to create a particular IFish; interfaces to new services written with the Construction Kit may be immediately added to "live" IFish. Using the Construction Kit I have created a demonstration IFish specialized for finding World-Wide Web documents related to a given group of documents. This "Finder" IFish includes heuristics that describe how to interact with the Web in general, explain how to take advantage of various public indexes and classification schemes, and provide a method for discovering similarity relationships among documents.


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Urquhart, C., Lonsdale, R.,Thomas, R., Spink, S., Yeoman, A., Armstrong, C. & Fenton, R. (2003). Uptake and use of electronic information services: trends in UK higher education from the JUSTEIS project. Program, 37(3), 167-180. Sponsorship: JISC


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Poster pokazuje metody komunikacji z czytelnikiem stosowane w Bibliotece Uniwersyteckiej w Poznaniu w technologii mediów cyfrowych. Cyfrowe narzędzia komunikacji stały się bardzo pomocne, niemal niezbędne w pozyskiwaniu nowych czytelników, podtrzymywaniu i rozwijaniu współpracy w społeczności w sieci Web.2.0, zarówno tej globalnej, jak i lokalnej akademickiej. Strona WWW jako statyczna komunikacyjnie jest wspierana przez fora dyskusyjne, chaty, wideokonferencje, warsztaty informacyjne, które są prowadzone w czasie rzeczywistym. Twórczą siłę relacji społecznych z biblioteką rozwinęły interaktywne serwisy społecznościowe (Facebook) oraz komunikatory internetowe integrowane na platformie Ask a Librarian. Biblioteka stała się Biblioteką 2.0 ukierunkowaną na komunikację z czytelnikiem. Aktywne uczestnictwo i udział czytelników przy tworzeniu zasobów naukowych wdrożyliśmy w projekcie instytucjonalnego repozytorium - Adam Mickiewicz Repository (AMUR). Biblioteka zmienia się dla czytelników i z czytelnikami. Wykorzystywane platformy i serwisy społecznościowe dostarczają unikatowych danych o nowych potrzebach informacyjnych i oczekiwaniach docelowego Patrona 2.0, co skutkuje doskonaleniu usług istniejących i tworzeniu nowych. Biblioteka monitoruje usługi i potrzeby czytelników przez prowadzone badania społeczne. Technologie cyfrowe stosowane w komunikacji sprawiają, iż biblioteka staje się bliższa, bardziej dostępna, aby stać się w rezultacie partnerem dla stałych i nowych czytelników. Biblioteka Uniwersytecka w Poznaniu bierze udział w programach europejskich w zakresie katalogowania i digitalizacji zasobu biblioteki cyfrowej WBC, w zakresie wdrożenia nowych technologii i rozwiązań podnoszących jakość usług bibliotecznych, działalności kulturotwórczej (Poznańska Dyskusyjna Akademia Kominksu, deBiUty) i edukacji informacyjnej. Biblioteka Uniwersytecka w Poznaniu jest członkiem organizacji międzynarodowych: LIBER (Liga Europejskich Bibliotek Naukowych), IAML (Stowarzyszenie Bibliotek Muzycznych, Archiwów i Ośrodków Dokumentacji), CERL - Europejskie Konsorcjum Bibliotek Naukowych.


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DSpace is an open source software platform that enables organizations to: - Capture and describe digital material using a submission workflow module, or a variety of programmatic ingest options - Distribute an organization's digital assets over the web through a search and retrieval system - Preserve digital assets over the long term This system documentation includes a functional overview of the system, which is a good introduction to the capabilities of the system, and should be readable by nontechnical personnel. Everyone should read this section first because it introduces some terminology used throughout the rest of the documentation. For people actually running a DSpace service, there is an installation guide, and sections on configuration and the directory structure. Note that as of DSpace 1.2, the administration user interface guide is now on-line help available from within the DSpace system. Finally, for those interested in the details of how DSpace works, and those potentially interested in modifying the code for their own purposes, there is a detailed architecture and design section.


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Mapping novel terrain from sparse, complex data often requires the resolution of conflicting information from sensors working at different times, locations, and scales, and from experts with different goals and situations. Information fusion methods help resolve inconsistencies in order to distinguish correct from incorrect answers, as when evidence variously suggests that an object's class is car, truck, or airplane. The methods developed here consider a complementary problem, supposing that information from sensors and experts is reliable though inconsistent, as when evidence suggests that an objects class is car, vehicle, or man-made. Underlying relationships among objects are assumed to be unknown to the automated system of the human user. The ARTMAP information fusion system uses distributed code representations that exploit the neural network's capacity for one-to-many learning in order to produce self-organizing expert systems that discover hierarchial knowledge structures. The system infers multi-level relationships among groups of output classes, without any supervised labeling of these relationships. The procedure is illustrated with two image examples.


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Classifying novel terrain or objects front sparse, complex data may require the resolution of conflicting information from sensors working at different times, locations, and scales, and from sources with different goals and situations. Information fusion methods can help resolve inconsistencies, as when evidence variously suggests that an object's class is car, truck, or airplane. The methods described here consider a complementary problem, supposing that information from sensors and experts is reliable though inconsistent, as when evidence suggests that an object's class is car, vehicle, and man-made. Underlying relationships among objects are assumed to be unknown to the automated system or the human user. The ARTMAP information fusion system used distributed code representations that exploit the neural network's capacity for one-to-many learning in order to produce self-organizing expert systems that discover hierarchical knowledge structures. The system infers multi-level relationships among groups of output classes, without any supervised labeling of these relationships.


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Classifying novel terrain or objects from sparse, complex data may require the resolution of conflicting information from sensors woring at different times, locations, and scales, and from sources with different goals and situations. Information fusion methods can help resolve inconsistencies, as when eveidence variously suggests that and object's class is car, truck, or airplane. The methods described her address a complementary problem, supposing that information from sensors and experts is reliable though inconsistent, as when evidence suggests that an object's class is car, vehicle, and man-made. Underlying relationships among classes are assumed to be unknown to the autonomated system or the human user. The ARTMAP information fusion system uses distributed code representations that exploit the neural network's capacity for one-to-many learning in order to produce self-organizing expert systems that discover hierachical knowlege structures. The fusion system infers multi-level relationships among groups of output classes, without any supervised labeling of these relationships. The procedure is illustrated with two image examples, but is not limited to image domain.


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Accepted Version