980 resultados para Federal home loan banks
Consultoria Legislativa da Área X - Agricultura e Política Agrícola
Submersible surveys at numerous reefs and banks in the northwestern Gulf of Mexico (NWGOM) were conducted as part of the Sustainable Seas Expedition (SSE) during July/August 2002 to identify reef fish communities, characterize benthic habitats, and identify deep coral reef ecosystems. To identify the spatial extent of hard bottom reef communities, the Flower Garden Banks National Marine Sanctuary (FGBNMS) and the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) mapped approximately 2000 km2 of the Northwestern Gulf of Mexico (NWGOM) continental shelf during June 2002 with high-resolution multibeam bathymetry. Previous investigations conducted on the features of interest (with the exceptions of East and West Flower Garden and Sonnier Banks, accessible by SCUBA) had not been conducted since the 1970s and 1980s, and did not have the use of high-resolution maps to target survey sites. The base maps were instrumental in navigating submersibles to specific features at each study site during the Sustainable Seas Expedition (SSE)—a submersible effort culminating from a partnership between the National Atmospheric and Oceanic Administration (NOAA) and the National Geographic Society (NGS). We report the initial findings of our submersible surveys, including habitat and reef fish diversity at McGrail, Alderdice, and Sonnier Banks. A total of 120 species and 40,724 individuals were identified from video surveys at the three banks. Planktivorous fishes constituted over 87% by number for the three banks, ranging from 81.4% at Sonnier Banks to 94.3% at Alderdice Bank, indicating a direct link to pelagic prey communities, particularly in the deep reef zones. High numbers of groupers, snappers, jacks, and other fishery species were observed on all three features. These sites were nominated as Habitat Areas of Particular Concern (HAPC) by the Gulf of Mexico Fishery Council in March 2004. Data obtained during this project will contribute to benthic habitat characterization and assessment of the associated fish communities through future SCUBA, ROV, and submersible missions, and allow comparisons to other deep reef ecosystems found throughout the Gulf of Mexico and western Atlantic Ocean.
Avalia a compatibilidade e adequação orçamentária e financeira da Emenda 1/2013, de autoria do Deputado Arnaldo Jordy, apresentada na Comissão de Finanças e Tributação : CFT ao Projeto de Lei nº 6.243, de 2013
Estuda a arrecadação do Imposto de Renda – IR e do Imposto sobre Produtos Industrializados – IPI nos últimos seis anos, com a discriminação do montante que permanece nos cofres da União e dos valores partilhados com Estados, Distrito Federal e Municípios.
Afirma que o licenciamento ambiental encontra-se atualmente em crise institucional e normativa. A falta de delimitação explícita de responsabilidades tem levado o instrumento a incorporar inúmeras funções que não lhe são típicas e tampouco próprias. Sem contar com um regramento unificado, o licenciamento perde a sua finalidade como instrumento para aferir os impactos, tornando-se cada vez mais uma prática cartorial, em prejuízo da proteção do meio ambiente.
Monografia (especialização) – Curso de Parlamento e Direito, Câmara dos Deputados, Centro de Formação, Treinamento e Aperfeiçoamento (Cefor), 2015.
Monografia (especialização) – Curso de Parlamento e Direito, Câmara dos Deputados, Centro de Formação, Treinamento e Aperfeiçoamento (Cefor), 2015.
Analisa os aspectos físicos e psicossociais dos oito departamentos que mais adoeceram na Câmara dos Deputados (CD) no período de novembro de 2012 a novembro de 2013, tendo por base a Síndrome do Edifício Doente (SED). Justifica-se devido à preocupação da CD em oferecer a seus trabalhadores uma gestão com ênfase em qualidade de vida no trabalho, o que inclui um ambiente saudável.
Analisa as dinâmicas de interação entre coalizão e oposição nas atividades legislativas da Comissão de Constituição e Justiça e de Cidadania e da Comissão de Finanças e Tributação da Câmara dos Deputados em perspectiva comparada às atividades legislativas da Comissão de Constituição, Justiça e Cidadania e da Comissão de Assuntos Econômicos do Senado, no primeiro ano da 54ª legislatura, 2011.
Disponível, também, em formato impresso.
Pesquisa descritiva e exploratória acerca da Polícia do Senado Federal, instituição pouco explorada pela literatura acadêmica. O objetivo geral é analisar o processo de institucionalização da Polícia do Senado Federal, para tanto, se objetiva indicar como a Polícia do Senado se situa em seu processo de institucionalização, conforme a divisão em fases preceituada por Tolbert e Zucker (2010).
Nigeria's three federal fisheries schools are administered by three autonomous research institutes located in Lagos, New Bussa, and Maiduguri. The schools were established at different periods to train the required manpower for Nigeria's fishing industry which has remained predominantly artisanal since its inception in 1942 as a Second World War exigency. Despite the establishment of the schools, the industry's manpower is still being dominated by non-nationals especially in the capture fisheries sub-sector. The common features of the schools include the apparent insensitivity of their programmes to the industry's dynamic manpower needs; the absence of coordination of their programmes by a national body which would have ensured that the schools are able to communicate with one another and are willing to act and share a purpose. The need and the methodology for a change of emphasis from the on-going training of extension agents and officers to that of fishing operatives and technicians to enable Nigeria effectively harness her local fish resources towards self-sufficiency is highlighted.
Fishing inputs in the form of the netting materials, boats and outboard engines were issued to 20 fishermen on revolving loan basis at 2 centres - Shagunu. and Monai along the western bank of Kainji Lake, Nigeria. The agreement was that the recipients should sell all their catches to the Institute and surrender 20% as part payment of the loan, until they offset the loan after which the inputs would become theirs'. The scheme was monitored for 5 years during which time most recipients had completed payment. It was observed that adequate revenue could be made from the scheme provided there was effective supervision. A proposal has been made for large scale supply of fishing inputs to one hundred fishermen. The scheme is laudable as a means of improving the lot of the fishermen and implementing management proposals in water bodies through the recipients
HIGHLIGHTS FOR FY 2005 1. Assisted with a study to assess hurricane impacts to Gulf sturgeon critical foraging habitat. 2. Documented Gulf sturgeon marine movement and habitat use in the Gulf of Mexico. 3. Documented Gulf sturgeon spawning with the collection of fertilized eggs in the Apalachicola River, Florida. 4. Documented Gulf sturgeon spawning with the collection of fertilized eggs in the Yellow River, Florida. 5. Assisted with benthic invertebrate survey at Gulf sturgeon marine foraging grounds. 6. Implemented Gulf Striped Bass Restoration Plan by coordinating the 22nd Annual Morone Workshop, leading the technical committee, transporting broodfish, and coordinating the stocking on the Apalachicola-Chattahoochee-Flint (ACF) river system. 7. Over 87,000 Phase II Gulf striped bass were marked with sequential coded wire tags and stocked in the Apalachicola River. Post-stocking evaluations were conducted at 45 sites in the fall and spring and 8 thermal refuges in the summer. 8. Completed fishery surveys on 4 ponds on Eglin AFB totaling 53 acres, and completed a report with recommendations for future recreational fishery needs. 9. Completed final report for aquatic monitoring at Eglin AFB from 1999 to 2004. 10. Completed a field collection of the endangered Okaloosa darter to be incorporated into a status review to be completed in FY06. 11. Provided technical assistance to the Region 4 National Wildlife Refuge (NWR) program on changes to the fishery conservation targets for the region. Also provided technical assistance to four NWRs (i.e., Okefenokee NWR, Banks Lake NWR, St. Vincent NWR, and St. Marks NWR) relative to hurricanes and recreational fishing. 12. A draft mussel sampling protocol was tested in wadeable streams in Northwest Florida and southwest Georgia, and an associated field guide, poster, and Freshwater Mussel Survey Protocol and Identification workshop were completed in FY05. 13. Implemented recovery plan and candidate conservation actions for 14 listed and candidate freshwater mussels in the Northeast Gulf Watersheds. 14. Initiated or completed multiple stream restoration and watershed management projects. A total of 7.5 stream miles were restored for stream fishes, and 11 miles of coastline were enhanced for sea turtle lighting. A total of 630 acres of wetlands and 2,401 acres of understory habitat were restored. 15. Conducted a watershed assessment to develop a threats analysis for prioritizing restoration, protection, and enhancement to natural resources of Spring Creek, Georgia and Canoe Creek, Florida. 16. Continued the formation of an Unpaved Road Interagency Team of Federal, State, and local agencies in Northwest Florida to promote stream protection and restoration from unpaved road sediment runoff. Began the development of a technical committee agreement. 17. Conducted Alabama Unpaved Road Inventory within the Northeast Gulf Ecosystem. Data collection will be completed during FY06. 18. Finalized the development of two North Florida hydrophysiographic regional curves for use by the Florida Department of Transportation (DOT) and others involved with stream restoration and protection. Initiated the development of the Alabama Coastal Plain Riparian Reference Reach and Regional Curves for use by the Alabama Department of Environmental Management (ADEM). 19. Provided technical assistance in collecting data, analysis, and thesis formulation with Troy University, Alabama, to identify the influence of large woody debris in southeastern coastal plain streams. 20. Completed pre- and post-restoration fish community monitoring at several restoration projects including Big Escambia Creek, Magnolia Creek, and Oyster Lake, Florida. 21. Established a watershed partnership for the Chipola River in Alabama and Florida and expanded development and participation in the Spring Creek Watershed Partnership, Georgia. 22. Continued to identify barriers which inhibit the movement of aquatic species within the Northeast Gulf Ecoregion. 23. Completed a report on road crossing structures in Okaloosa darter streams to guide the closure/repair/maintenance of roads to contribute to recovery of the endangered species. In cooperation with Three Rivers RC&D Council, fish passage sites identified in the report were prioritized for restoration. 24. Monitored Aquatic Nuisance Species in the Apalachicola River and tested the sterility of exotic grass carp. 25. Multiple outreach projects were completed to detail aquatic resources conservation needs and opportunities. Participated in National Fishing Week event, several festivals, and school outreach.