970 resultados para Enriched Librarian


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Alphaviruses are positive strand RNA viruses that replicate in association with cellular membranes. The viral RNA replication complex consists of four non-structural proteins nsP1-nsP4 which are essential for viral replication. The functions of nsP1, nsP2 and nsP4 are well established, but the roles of nsP3 are mainly unknown. In this work I have clarified some of the functions of nsP3 in order to better understand the importance of this protein in virus replication. Semliki Forest virus (SFV) has been mostly used as a model alphavirus during this work, but some experiments have also been conducted with Sindbis and Chikungunya viruses. NsP3 is composed of three different protein domains. The N-terminus of nsP3 contains an evolutionarily conserved macrodomain, the central part of nsP3 contains a domain that is only found in alphaviruses, and the C-terminus of the protein is hypervariable and predicted to be unstructured. In this work I have analyzed the functions of nsP3 macrodomain, and shown that viral macrodomains bind poly(ADP-ribose) and that they do not resemble cellular macrodomains in their properties. Furthermore, I have shown that some macrodomains, including viral macrodomains of SFV and hepatitis E virus, also bind poly(A). Mutations in the ligand binding pocket of SFV macrodomain hamper virus replication but do not confer lethality, indicating that macrodomain function is beneficial but not mandatory for virus replication. The hypervariable C-terminus of nsP3 is heavily phosphorylated and is enriched in proline residues. In this work it is shown that this region harbors an SH3 domain binding motif (Sh3BM) PxRxPR through which cellular amphiphysin is recruited to viral replication sites and to nsP3 containing cytoplasmic aggregate structures. The function of Sh3BM was destroyed by a single point mutation, which led to impaired viral RNA replication in HeLa cells, pointing out the functional importance of amphiphysin recruitment by the Sh3BM. In addition, evidence is provided tho show that the endosomal localization of alphavirus replication is mediated by nsP3 and that the phosphorylation of hypervariable region might be important for the endosomal targeting. Together these findings demonstrate that nsP3 contains multiple important host interaction motifs and domains, which facilitate successful viral propagation in host cells.


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Poly(ADP-ribosyl)ation of nuclear proteins was several-fold higher in the pachytene spermatocytes than in the premeiotic germ cells of the rat. Among the histones of the pachytene nucleus, histone subtypes H2A, H1 and H3 were poly(ADP-ribosyl)ated. Based on the immunoaffinity fractionation procedure of Malik, Miwa, Sugimara & Smulson [(1983) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 80, 2554-2558] we have fractionated DNAase-II-solubilized chromatin into poly(ADP-ribosyl)ated chromatin (PAC) and non-poly(ADP-ribosyl)ated chromatin (non-PAC) domains on an anti-[poly(ADP-ribose)] IgG affinity matrix. Approx. 2.5% of the pachytene chromatin represented the PAC domains. A significant amount of [alpha-32P]dATP-labelled pachytene chromatin (labelled in vitro) was bound to the affinity matrix. The DNA of pachytene PAC domains had internal strand breaks, significant length of gaps and ligatable ends, namely 5'-phosphoryl and 3'-hydroxyl termini. On the other hand, the PAC domains from 18 h regenerating liver had very few gaps, if any. The presence of gaps in the pachytene PAC DNA was also evident from thermal denaturation studies. Although many of the polypeptides were common to the PAC domains of both pachytene and regenerating liver, the DNA sequences associated with these domains were quite different. A 20 kDa protein and the testis-specific histone H1t were selectively enriched in the pachytene PAC domains. The pachytene PAC domains also contained approx. 10% of the messenger coding sequences present in the DNAase-II-solubilized chromatin. The pachytene PAC domains, therefore, may represent highly enriched DNA-repair domains of the pachytene nucleus.


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Glioblastoma (GBM; grade IV astrocytoma) is a very aggressive form of brain cancer with a poor survival and few qualified predictive markers. This study integrates experimentally validated genes that showed specific upregulation in GBM along with their protein-protein interaction information. A system level analysis was used to construct GBM-specific network. Computation of topological parameters of networks showed scale-free pattern and hierarchical organization. From the large network involving 1,447 proteins, we synthesized subnetworks and annotated them with highly enriched biological processes. A careful dissection of the functional modules, important nodes, and their connections identified two novel intermediary molecules CSK21 and protein phosphatase 1 alpha (PP1A) connecting the two subnetworks CDC2-PTEN-TOP2A-CAV1-P53 and CDC2-CAV1-RB-P53-PTEN, respectively. Real-time quantitative reverse transcription-PCR analysis revealed CSK21 to be moderately upregulated and PP1A to be overexpressed by 20-fold in GBM tumor samples. Immunohistochemical staining revealed nuclear expression of PP1A only in GBM samples. Thus, CSK21 and PP1A, whose functions are intimately associated with cell cycle regulation, might play key role in gliomagenesis. Cancer Res; 70(16); 6437-47. (C)2010 AACR.


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The absolute yields of gaseous oxyfluorides SOF2, SO2F2, and SOF4 from negative, point-plane corona discharges in pressurized gas mixtures of SF6 with O2 and H2O enriched with18O2 and H2 18O have been measured using a gas chromatograph-mass spectrometer. The predominant SF6 oxidation mechanisms have been revealed from a determination of the relative18O and16O isotope content of the observed oxyfluoride by-product. The results are consistent with previously proposed production mechanisms and indicate that SOF2 and SO2F2 derive oxygen predominantly from H2O and O2, respectively, in slow, gas-phase reactions involving SF4, SF3, and SF2 that occur outside of the discharge region. The species SOF4 derives oxygen from both H2O and O2 through fast reactions in the active discharge region involving free radicals or ions such as OH and O, with SF5 and SF4.


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This study provides insights into the composition and origin of ferropicrite dikes (FeOtot = 13 17 wt. %; MgO = 13 19 wt. %) and associated meimechite, picrite, picrobasalt, and basalt dikes found at Vestfjella, western Dronning Maud Land, Antarctica. The dikes crosscut Jurassic Karoo continental flood basalts (CFB) that were emplaced during the early stages of the breakup of the Gondwana supercontinent ~180 Ma ago. Selected samples (31 overall from at least eleven dikes) were analyzed for their mineral chemical, major element, trace element, and Sr, Nd, Pb, and Os isotopic compositions. The studied samples can be divided into two geochemically distinct types: (1) The depleted type (24 samples from at least nine dikes) is relatively depleted in the most incompatible elements and exhibits isotopic characteristics (e.g., initial εNd of +4.8 to +8.3 and initial 187Os/188Os of 0.1256 0.1277 at 180 Ma) similar to those of mid-ocean ridge basalts (MORB); (2) The enriched type (7 samples from at least two dikes) exhibits relatively enriched incompatible element and isotopic characteristics (e.g., initial εNd of +1.8 to +3.6 and initial 187Os/188Os of 0.1401 0.1425 at 180 Ma) similar to those of oceanic island basalts. Both magma types have escaped significant contamination by the continental crust. The depleted type is related to the main phase of Karoo magmatism and originated as highly magnesian (MgO up to 25 wt. %) partial melts at high temperatures (mantle potential temperature >1600 °C) and pressures (~5 6 GPa) from a sublithospheric, water-bearing, depleted peridotite mantle source. The enriched type sampled pyroxene-bearing heterogeneities that can be traced down to either recycled oceanic crust or melt-metasomatized portions of the sublithospheric or lithospheric mantle. The source of the depleted type represents a sublithospheric end-member source for many Karoo lavas and has subsequently been sampled by the MORBs of the Indian Ocean. These observations, together with the purported high temperatures, indicate that the Karoo CFBs were formed in an extensive melting episode caused mainly by internal heating of the upper mantle beneath the Gondwana supercontinent. My research supports the view that ferropicritic melts can be generated in several ways: the relative Fe-enrichment of mantle partial melts is most readily achieved by (1) relatively low degree of partial melting, (2) high pressure of partial melting, and (3) melting of enriched source components (e.g., pyroxenite and metasomatized peridotite). Ferropicritic whole-rock compositions could also result from accumulation, secondary alteration, and fractional crystallization, however, and caution is required when addressing the parental magma composition.


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Within the field of philosophy, animals have traditionally been studied from two perspectives: that of self-knowledge and that of ethics. The analysis of the differences between humans and animals has served our desire to understand our own specificity, whereas ethical discussions have ultimately aimed at finding the right way to treat animals. This dissertation proposes a different way of looking at non-human animals: it investigates the question of how non-human animals appear to us humans in our perceptual experience. The analysis focuses on the empathetic, embodied understanding of animals diverse movements and other expressions. The theoretical point of departure for the research is phenomenological philosophy, in particular Maurice Merleau-Ponty s phenomenology of the body. Edmund Husserl s and Edith Stein s analyses of empathy and embodiment are also crucial to the work. In this tradition, empathy means understanding the other s experience through her bodily expressions and seeing the other body as living, as well as motivated and directed towards the surrounding world. The dissertation both explicates and criticizes the earlier phenomenological notions of empathy and human specificity. In order to elucidate the fundamental structures of our experience of non-human animals, it also applies the phenomenological method, which consists of a phenomenological reduction and a free variation of the different aspects of experience. It is shown that our experiences of non-human animals involve a recognition of both similarities and differences. This recognition, however, is not primarily based on intellectual comparisons but is lived as an embodied relationship to another body, and its manifestations vary from one instant to the next. The analysis also reveals that the object of empathy is not the other s experience as such, not even as it is manifested by the other s movements, but rather the other s embodied situation, enriched by elements that remain outside the scope of the other s experience. The dissertation shows that human existence is intertwined with the existence of non-human animals on four levels: those of empathetic sensations, reciprocal communication, experience of the surrounding world and self-definitions. The animals different modes of perception prove to expand our understanding of what is perceivable and how things can be perceived. The presence of non-human animals in our perceptual world is revealed as something that both shows us the limits of our own embodiment and enables us to overcome these limits in empathetic acts. Finally, it is demonstrated that the life of non-human animals is intertwined with ours in a far more complex way than has been presupposed in traditional descriptions of human-animal differences.


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Sanukitoid series intrusions can be found throughout the Archean Karelian Province of the Fennoscandian shield. All sanukitoids share the same controversial elemental characteristics: they have high content of incompatible elements such as K, Ba, and Sr as well as high content of the compatible elements Mg, Cr, and Ni, and high Mg#. This composition is explained by an enriched mantle wedge origin in a Neoarchean subduction setting. This study concentrates on sanukitoid intrusions and tonalite-trondhjemite-granodiorite series (TTGs) from Finnish part of the Karelian Province. The collected rock samples have been studied in the field and under microscope as well as for their whole-rock (including isotopes) and mineral compositions. The new data together with previously published analyses help us to better understand the petrogenesis, tectonic setting and reworking of the Archean rock units. TTGs from the Karelian Province form a voluminous series of granitoids and reworked migmatites. This study divides TTG series into two subgroups based on their elemental composition: low-HREE (heavy rare earth element) TTGs and high-HREE TTGs indicating pressure differences in their source. Sanukitoid series is a minor, divergent group of intrusions. These intrusions are variable sized, and the texture varies from even-grained to K-feldspar porphyritic. The elemental composition differentiates sanukitoids from more voluminous TTG groups, the SiO2 in sanukitoids varies to include series of gabbro, diorite, and granodiorite. U Pb age determinations from sanukitoid series show temporally limited emplacement between ~ 2745 2715 Ma after the main crust forming period in the area. Hafnium, neodymium, common lead, and oxygene isotopes indicate well homogenized characteristics. Recycled crust has made a variable, yet minor, contribution to sanukitoids, as evidenced by oxygene isotopes and inherited zircon cores. A proposed tectonic setting for the formation of the sanukitoid series is slab breakoff of oceanic lithosphere in subduction setting, with sanukitoids deriving from an enriched mantle wedge. The proposed setting explains some of the peculiar features of sanukitoids, such as their temporally limited occurrence and controversial elemental composition. Sanukitoids would occur after cessation of the regional growth of Archean crust, and they could be derived from mantle wedge previously enriched by melts and fluids from oceanic crust and sediments. A subsequent event during the Paleoproterozoic Svecofennian orogeny at ~1.9 Ga affected the appearance and microstructures of the rocks as well as caused redistribution of lead between minerals and whole rock. However, the deformation was not able to obliterate the original geochemical characteristics of these sanukitoids.


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BACKGROUND: Earlier we reported that an oral administration of two mannose-specific dietary lectins, banana lectin (BL) and garlic lectin (GL), led to an enhancement of hematopoietic stem and progenitor cell (HSPC) pool in mice. STUDY DESIGN AND METHODS: Cord blood derived CD34+ HSPCs were incubated with BL, GL, Dolichos lectin (DL), or artocarpin lectin (AL) for various time periods in a serum- and growth factor free medium and were subjected to various functional assays. Reactive oxygen species (ROS) levels were detected by using DCHFDA method. Cell fractionation was carried out using lectin-coupled paramagnetic beads. RESULTS: CD34+ cells incubated with the lectins for 10 days gave rise to a significantly higher number of colonies compared to the controls, indicating that all four lectins possessed the capacity to protect HSPCs in vitro. Comparative analyses showed that the protective ability of BL and GL was better than AL and DL and, therefore, further experiments were carried out with them. The output of long-term culture-initiating cell (LTC-IC) and extended LTC-IC assays indicated that both BL and GL protected primitive stem cells up to 30 days. The cells incubated with BL or GL showed a substantial reduction in the ROS levels, indicating that these lectins protect the HSPCs via antioxidant mechanisms. The mononuclear cell fraction isolated by lectin-coupled beads got enriched for primitive HSPCs, as reflected in the output of phenotypic and functional assays.CONCLUSION: The data show that both BL and GL protect the primitive HSPCs in vitro and may also serve as cost-effective HSPC enrichment tools.


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The paper presents the importance of the Nocturnal Boundary Layer in driving the diurnal variability of the atmospheric CO2 mixing ratio and the carbon isotope ratio at ground level from an urban station in India. Our observations are the first of their kind from this region. The atmospheric CO2 mixing ratio and the carbon isotopic ratio were measured for both the morning (05:30-07:30 IST) and afternoon time (16:00-18:00 IST) air samples at 5 m above ground level in Bangalore city, Karnataka State (12 degrees 58' N, 77 degrees 38' E, masl = 920 m) for a 10 day period during the winter of 2008. We observed a change of similar to 7% the in CO2 mixing ratio between the morning and afternoon time air samples. A stable isotope analysis of CO2 from morning samples showed a depletion in the carbon isotope ratio by similar to 2 parts per thousand compared to the afternoon samples. Along with the ground-based measurement of air samples, data of radiosonde measurements were also obtained from the Indian Meteorological Department to identify the vertical atmospheric structure at different time in a day. We proposed the presence or absence of the NBL as a controlling factor for the observed variability in the mixing ratio as well as its isotopic composition. Here we used the Keeling model approach to find out the carbon isotope ratio for the local sources. The local sources have further been characterized as anthropogenic and biological respiration (in %) using a two-component mixing model. We also used a vertical mixing model based on the concept of the mixing of isotopically depleted (carbon isotope) ``polluted air'' (PA) with isotopically enriched ``free atmospheric air'' (FA) above. Using this modeling approach, the contribution of FA at ground level is being estimated for both the morning and afternoon time air samples.


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A bacterium Bacillus polymyxa was found to be capable of selective removal of calcium and iron from bauxite. The bioleached residue was found to be enriched in its alumina content with insignificant amounts of iron and calcium as impurities. The developed bio- process was found to be capable of producing a bauxite product which meets the specifica- tions as a raw material for the manufacture of alumina based ceramics and refractories. The role of bacterial cells and metabolic products in the selective dissolution of calcium (present as calcite) and iron (present as hematite and goethite) from bauxite was assessed and possi- ble mechanisms illustrated. The effect of different parameters such as sucrose concentra- tion, pH, pulp density and time on selective biodissolution was studied. It was observed that periodic decantation and replenishment of the leach medium was beneficial in improving the dissolution kinetics. Calcium removal involves chelation with bacterial exopolysaccha- tides and acidolysis by organic acid generation. Hematite could be solubilized through a reductive dissolution mechanism.


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We report Si-isotopic compositions of 75 sedimentologically and petrographically characterized chert samples with ages ranging from similar to 2600 to 750 Ma using multi-collector inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry. delta Si-30 values of the cherts analyzed in this study show a similar to 7 parts per thousand range, from -4.29 to +2.85. This variability can be explained in part by (1) simple mixing of silica derived from continental (higher delta Si-30) and hydrothermal (lower delta Si-30) sources, (2) multiple mechanisms of silica precipitation and (3) Rayleigh-type fractionations within pore waters of individual basins. We observe similar to 3 parts per thousand variation in peritidal cherts from a single Neoproterozoic sedimentary basin (Spitsbergen). This variation can be explained by Rayleigh-type fractionation during precipitation from silica-saturated porewaters. In some samples, post-dissolution and reprecipitation of silica could have added to this effect. Our data also indicate that peritidal cherts are enriched in the heavier isotopes of Si whereas basinal cherts associated with banded iron formations (BIF) show lower delta Si-30. This difference could partly be due to Si being derived from hydrothermal sources in BIFs. We postulate that the difference in delta Si-30 between non-BIF and BIF cherts is consistent with the contrasting genesis of these deposits. Low delta Si-30 in BIF is consistent with laboratory experiments showing that silica adsorbed onto Fe-hydroxide particles preferentially incorporates lighter Si isotopes. Despite large intrabasinal variation and environmental differences, the data show a clear pattern of secular variation. Low delta Si-30 in Archean cherts is consistent with a dominantly hydrothermal source of silica to the oceans at that time. The monotonically increasing delta Si-30 from 3.8 to 1.5 Ga appears to reflect a general increase in continental versus hydrothermal sources of Si in seawater, as well as the preferential removal of lighter Si isotopes during silica precipitation in iron-associated cherts from silica-saturated seawater. The highest delta Si-30 values are observed in 1.5 Ga peritidal cherts; in part, these enriched values could reflect increasing sequestration of light silica during soil-forming processes, thus, delivering relatively heavy dissolved silica to the oceans from continental sources. The causes behind the reversal in trend towards lower delta Si-30 in cherts younger than 1.5 Ga old are less clear. Cherts deposited 1800-1900 Ma are especially low delta Si-30, a possible indication of transiently strong hydrothermal input at this time. (C) 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Background: Development of sensitive sequence search procedures for the detection of distant relationships between proteins at superfamily/fold level is still a big challenge. The intermediate sequence search approach is the most frequently employed manner of identifying remote homologues effectively. In this study, examination of serine proteases of prolyl oligopeptidase, rhomboid and subtilisin protein families were carried out using plant serine proteases as queries from two genomes including A. thaliana and O. sativa and 13 other families of unrelated folds to identify the distant homologues which could not be obtained using PSI-BLAST. Methodology/Principal Findings: We have proposed to start with multiple queries of classical serine protease members to identify remote homologues in families, using a rigorous approach like Cascade PSI-BLAST. We found that classical sequence based approaches, like PSI-BLAST, showed very low sequence coverage in identifying plant serine proteases. The algorithm was applied on enriched sequence database of homologous domains and we obtained overall average coverage of 88% at family, 77% at superfamily or fold level along with specificity of similar to 100% and Mathew's correlation coefficient of 0.91. Similar approach was also implemented on 13 other protein families representing every structural class in SCOP database. Further investigation with statistical tests, like jackknifing, helped us to better understand the influence of neighbouring protein families. Conclusions/Significance: Our study suggests that employment of multiple queries of a family for the Cascade PSI-BLAST searches is useful for predicting distant relationships effectively even at superfamily level. We have proposed a generalized strategy to cover all the distant members of a particular family using multiple query sequences. Our findings reveal that prior selection of sequences as query and the presence of neighbouring families can be important for covering the search space effectively in minimal computational time. This study also provides an understanding of the `bridging' role of related families.


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The pathogenesis of Mycobacterium tuberculosis is associated with its ability to survive inside the human host and the bacteria use a variety of mechanism to evade the host's defence. A clearer understanding of the host pathogen interaction is needed to follow the pathogenicity and virulence. Recent advances in the study of inter and intra-cellular communication in bacteria had prompted us to study the role of quorum sensing in bacterial survival and pathogenicity. The cell cell communication in bacteria (quorum sensing) is mediated through the exchange of small molecules called as autoinducers that allow bacteria to modulate their gene expression in response to change in cell-population density. It is a coordinated response that confers multicellularity to a bacterial population in response to stress from external environment. Quorum sensing molecules are the global regulators and regulate a wide range of physiological processes including biofilm formation, motility, cell differentiation, long-term survival and many others. Many bacterial pathogens require quorum sensing to produce the virulence factors in response to host pathogen interaction. Here, we summarize our current understanding on small molecule signalling and their role in the bacterial persistence. New discoveries in these areas have enriched our knowledge on intracellular signalling and their role in the long-term survival of mycobacteria under nutrient starvation.


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Engineering at the molecular level is one of the most exciting new developments for the generation of functional materials. However, the concept of designing polynuclear extended structures from bottom up is still not mature. Although progress has been made with secondary building units (SBUs) in metal organic frameworks (MOFs), the control seems to be just an illusion when it comes to bridging ligands such as the azide ion. When we say that the azido ligand is versatile in its bridging capabilities, what we mean is that it would be difficult to predict or control its bridging properties. However, this kind of serendipity is not always bad news. For example, scientists have shown that the azido ligand can mediate magnetic exchanges between paramagnetic metals in a predictable fashion (usually depending upon the bonding geometries). Therefore, it is a well-respected ligand in polynuclear assemblies. Serendipitous assemblies offer new magnetic structures that we may not otherwise even think about synthesizing. The azido ligand forms a variety of complexes with copper(II) using different blocking amines or pyridine based ligands. Its structural nature changes upon changing the substitution on amine, as well as the amount of blocking ligand. In principle, if we take any of these complexes and provide more coordination sites to the bridging azido ligands by removing a fraction of the blocking ligands, we can get new complexes with intricate structural networks and therefore different magnetic properties with the same components as used for the parent complex. In this Account, we mainly discuss the development of a number of new topological and magnetic exchange systems synthesized using this concept. Not all of these new complexes can be grouped according to their basic building structures or even by the ratio of the metal to blocking ligand. Therefore, we divided the discussion by the nuclearity of the basic building structures. Some of the complexes with the same nuclearities have very similar or even almost identical basic structures. However, the way these building units are joined together (by the azido bridges) to form the overall extended structures differ almost in every case. The complexes having the Cu-6 core are particularly interesting from a structural point of view. Although they have almost identical basic structures, some of them are extended in three dimensions, but two of them are extended in two dimensions by two different bridging networks. In the complexes having linear Cu-4 basic units, we find that using similar ligands does not always give the same bridging networks even within the basic building structures. These complexes have also enriched the field of molecular magnetism. One of the complexes with a Cu-3 building unit has provided us with the opportunity to study the competing behavior of two different kinds of magnetic exchange mechanism (ferromagnetic and antiferromagnetic) acting simultaneously between two metal ions. Through density functional theory calculations, we showed how they work independently and their additive nature to produce the overall effect. The exciting methodology for the generation of copper(II) polyclusters presented in this Account will provide the opportunity to explore analogous serendipitous assembly of diverse structures with interesting magnetic behavior using other transition metal ions having more than one unpaired electrons.


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In this paper, the effect of local defects, viz., cracks and cutouts on the buckling behaviour of functionally graded material plates subjected to mechanical and thermal load is numerically studied. The internal discontinuities, viz., cracks and cutouts are represented independent of the mesh within the framework of the extended finite element method and an enriched shear flexible 4-noded quadrilateral element is used for the spatial discretization. The properties are assumed to vary only in the thickness direction and the effective properties are estimated using the Mori-Tanaka homogenization scheme. The plate kinematics is based on the first order shear deformation theory. The influence of various parameters, viz., the crack length and its location, the cutout radius and its position, the plate aspect ratio and the plate thickness on the critical buckling load is studied. The effect of various boundary conditions is also studied. The numerical results obtained reveal that the critical buckling load decreases with increase in the crack length, the cutout radius and the material gradient index. This is attributed to the degradation in the stiffness either due to the presence of local defects or due to the change in the material composition. (C) 2013 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.