992 resultados para Engagement strategy


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Irish Travellers are an indigenous minority who, according to historical evidence, have been part of Irish society for centuries. They have a long shared history, value system, language, customs and traditions that make them a group recognised by themselves and others as distinct. This distinctive life-style and culture, based on a nomadic tradition, sets them apart from the settled population. The history of the Traveller community includes a struggle to uphold their distinct cultural identity and to maintain a nomadic way of life. For the purposes of this report it is accepted that Travellers have shared a nomadic tradition and a means of communication, beliefs, values and practices distinct from the majority culture.


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This is the summary report of the Speak out for Change engagement exercise carried out by the Neurological Conditions Network. This engagement undertook to ask people's experiences of living with a neurological condition and caring for someone with a neurological condition. Across the wide range of conditions represented,� the 142 patient experiences gathered to date, have consistently revealed issues around information, choice and control, independence and the emotional impact of neurological conditions.


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The PHA Corporate Strategy has been developed with input from staff across the PHA and taking account of feedback from external stakeholders.� It is a high level document, setting out the direction for the PHA over the next few years, and will be supported by the annual PHA Corporate Business Plan, Directorate Business Plans and the Joint Commissioning Plan.� The Strategy was approved by the PHA board at the November 2011 board meeting.�The PHA Corporate strategy sets out the role, direction and priorities of the PHA for the next four years, taking account of the requirements of the Comprehensive Spending Review.The goals set out in this strategy�are supported by annual plans detailing how the goals will be achieved.The strategy outlines the following:protecting health;improving health and wellbeing;improving quality and safety;improving early detection.


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Regional Guideline on the Use of Observation and Therapeutic Engagement in Adult Psychiatric Inpatient Facilities in Northern Ireland


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Personal and Public Involvement (PPI) is about involving those who use Health and Social Care (HSC) services, or care for those who use services, with those who plan and deliver services. This involvement can sometimes relate to individuals (personal), or groups, or the wider community (public).This Strategy shows the direction that both the PHA and the HSCB are committed to, in their development of PPI.


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The Community Development Strategy for Health and Wellbeing has been developed jointly by the Health and Social Care Board and the Public Health Agency.�The main purpose of the strategy is to recognise and support the important and pivotal role that community development plays in improving health and wellbeing.�The HSCB and PHA want to see strong, resilient communities where everyone has good health and wellbeing - places where people look out for each other and have community pride in where they live.�We seek to narrow the gap in health inequalities and improve the health and wellbeing of the population.�This means working to address the determinants of ill health and reducing risk factors, including those associated with poverty and social exclusion, and this can only be achieved in partnership with the community.The strategy was influenced by a widespread consultation in 2011 - details available here - during which over 300 individuals and organisations attended workshops and 60 written responses were received.�The following documents are attached below:Community Development Strategy - Consultation ResponsesCommunity Development Strategy - Executive SummaryCommunity Development Action PlanCommunity Development Strategy Community Development Strategy - Performance Management Framework


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The West Belfast Eye Health Equity Profile is a working report designed to inform the development of the Community Engagement Project (CEP) for the RNIB and provide information for a wider Eye Health Strategy for the Public Health Agency (PHA) and the Health�and Social Care Board (HSCB) with the aim of improving the equity, outcomes and quality of life for people with or at risk of poor eye health.


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In June 2013, a representative sample of the public (n=1,012) responded to a survey about their attitudes towards organ donation. At the same time, a process of stakeholder engagement began, which involved 16 discussion groups with key stakeholders as requested by the Health Minister (including organ donation charities, those on the transplant waiting list, transplant recipients, donor families, and Health and Social Care staff). Discussion groups took place between June and August 2013 and proformas were also completed. The central purpose of this public and stakeholder engagement process was to inform the direction of a public information campaign that will be developed by the Public Health Agency (PHA).The�report highlights the findings from this programme of work.


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This engagement plan outlines the collaborative and partnership approach with key stakeholders in the first phase of the Review of AHP Support for Children with Statements of Special Educational Needs in Special Schools and Mainstream Education. It provides detail on how communication objectives will be met.It gives information on:Stakeholder Analysis for Phase One of the ReviewMembership of the Project BoardMembership of the Professional Stakeholder Reference Group


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This review of the Breastfeeding strategy for Northern Ireland, was led by the Breastfeeding Strategy Review Group and carried out by the PHA. It aimed to examine progress on the recommendations of the document and potential barriers to implementation, by consulting widely with key stakeholders. A number of suggestions on the way forward towards formulating a new strategy also emerged.�


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This report outlines the strategic need for, and benefits of,�personal and public involvement�to all levels of Health and Social Care Research�&�Development Division activity.


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This engagement plan outlines the collaborative and partnership approach with key stakeholders in the second phase of the Review of AHP Support for Children with Statements of Special Educational Needs in Special Schools and Mainstream Education. It provides detail on how communication objectives will be met. It gives information on: Stakeholder Analysis for Phase Two of the Review Membership of the Project Board Membership of the Professional Stakeholder Reference Group


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Local and national policy increasingly emphasises the central role of service users and the public in shaping Health and Social Care (HSC). This is the second edition of the HSC R&D Division��'s Personal and Public Involvement (PPI) Strategy, which highlights the importance of involving patients and the public in research and outlines the progress already made in implementing PPI in research in Northern Ireland.