969 resultados para Elastic plates and shells


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Owing to anthropogenic emissions, atmospheric concentrations of carbon dioxide could almost double between 2006 and 2100 according to business-as-usual carbon dioxide emission scenarios. Because the ocean absorbs carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, increasing atmospheric carbon dioxide concentrations will lead to increasing dissolved inorganic carbon and carbon dioxide in surface ocean waters, and hence acidification and lower carbonate saturation states. As a consequence, it has been suggested that marine calcifying organisms, for example corals, coralline algae, molluscs and foraminifera, will have difficulties producing their skeletons and shells at current rates, with potentially severe implications for marine ecosystems, including coral reefs. Here we report a seven-week experiment exploring the effects of ocean acidification on crustose coralline algae, a cosmopolitan group of calcifying algae that is ecologically important in most shallowwater habitats. Six outdoor mesocosms were continuously supplied with sea water from the adjacent reef and manipulated to simulate conditions of either ambient or elevated seawater carbon dioxide concentrations. The recruitment rate and growth of crustose coralline algae were severely inhibited in the elevated carbon dioxide mesocosms. Our findings suggest that ocean acidification due to human activities could cause significant change to benthic community structure in shallow-warm-water carbonate ecosystems.


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By means of spectrographic analysis 96 samples of marine sediments were analyzed quantitatively for V, Ti, Zr, Co, Ni, Sc, Cr, and La, and semi-quantitatively for Ba and Sr. Ca has been estimated by visual comparison of spectrographic plates, and several Fe values have also been determined in the same way. Geographically 40 of these samples are from the Pacific Ocean basin, one of which is a manganese nodule, 21 from the Gulf of Mexico, 11 from Atchafalaya Bay, 8 from American Devonian to Miocene sedimentary rocks, 4 from the Mississippi Delta, 3 from the San Diego trough, 3 from off Grand Isle, 3 from Lake Pontchartrain, from Bay Rambour, 1 from Laguna Madre off the Texas coast, and 1 from the Guadalupe River, Texas. The afore-mentioned elements were sought using PdCl2 as an internal standard, after the method developed by Ahrens (1950) and his co-workers. Samples were run in duplicate, and standard deviations varied from 5 to 14 percent. Working curves, from which final values were obtained, were constructed with the use of standard granite, G1, and the standard diabase, W1, as standards. See Fairbairn and others (1951). An experiment was carried out to determine the effect of matrix change, involving CaCO3, on the spectral line intensities of the quantitatively analyzed elements. The distribution of each of the elements is discussed separately, and particular emphasis is given to oceanic "red clay", in which many elements are enriched. A general discussion is given to mineralogy of the sediments, cation exchange in its bearing on this thesis, and a brief recount of the two hypotheses of origin of oceanic "red clay". An application of the findings of this thesis to aid in the choice of the more likely hypothesis is made.


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An analysis of a stretch of coastline shows multiple alterations through environmental climate actions. The narrow, fragile line displays singularities due to three basic causes. The first is the discontinuity in feed or localised loss of solid coastal material. Called massics, their simplest examples are deltas and undersea canyons. The second is due to a brusque change in the alignment of the shoreline’s edge, headlands, groins, harbour and defence works. Given the name of geometric singularities, their simplest uses are artificial beaches in the shelter of a straight groin or spits. The third is due to littoral dynamics, emerged or submerged obstacles which diffract and refract wave action, causing a change in the sea level’s super-elevation in breaker areas. Called dynamics, the simplest examples are salients, tombolos and shells. Discussion of the causes giving rise to variations in the coastline and formation of singularities is the raison d’être of investigation, using actual cases to check the suitability of the classification proposed, the tangential or differential action of waves on the coastal landscape in addition to possible simple, compound and complex shapes detected in nature, both in erosion and deposit processes


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A methodology is presented to measure the fiber/matrix interface shear strength in composites. The strategy is based on performing a fiber push-in test at the central fiber of highly-packed fiber clusters with hexagonal symmetry which are often found in unidirectional composites with a high volume fraction of fibers. The mechanics of this test was analyzed in detail by means of three-dimensional finite element simulations. In particular, the influence of different parameters (interface shear strength, toughness and friction as well as fiber longitudinal elastic modulus and curing stresses) on the critical load at the onset of debonding was established. From the results of the numerical simulations, a simple relationship between the critical load and the interface shear strength is proposed. The methodology was validated in an unidirectional C/epoxy composite and the advantages and limitations of the proposed methodology are indicated.


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The possibility of using more economical silicon feedstock, i.e. as support for epitaxial solar cells, is of interest when the cost reduction and the properties are attractive. We have investigated the mechanical behaviour of two blocks of upgraded metallurgical silicon, which is known to present high content of impurities even after being purified by the directional solidification process. These impurities are mainly metals like Al and silicon compounds. Thus, it is important to characterize their effect in order to improve cell performance and to ensure the survival of the wafers throughout the solar value chain. Microstructure and mechanical properties were studied by means of ring on ring and three point bending tests. Additionally, elastic modulus and fracture toughness were measured. These results showed that it is possible to obtain marked improvements in toughness when impurities act as microscopic internal crack arrestors. However, the same impurities can be initiators of damage due to residual thermal stresses introduced during the crystallization process.


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This paper presents some of the modelling criteria that have been used for the study of pyrotechnic shock propagation in the A5 VEB Structure, as well as the main conclusions from a mathematical model of the axymmetric effects in it. The separation of the lower stage of the ARIANE 5 Vehicle Equipment Bay (VEB)Structure is to be done using a pyrotechnic device. The wave propagation effects produced by the explosion have been analyzed with a computer program using as shape functions the analytical solution to the frequency response of a Timoshenko-Rayleigh beams and shells in that way the discretization can have elements as large as possible, depending on the material properties and boundary conditions. Moreover an enormous amount of possibilities in the treatment of concentrated masses, springs and dashpots, either with respect to a fixed reference or between nodes, is open for translational as well as rotational degrees of freedom.


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The analysis of deformation in soils is of paramount importance in geotechnical engineering. For a long time the complex behaviour of natural deposits defied the ingenuity of engineers. The time has come that, with the aid of computers, numerical methods will allow the solution of every problem if the material law can be specified with a certain accuracy. Boundary Techniques (B.E.) have recently exploded in a splendid flowering of methods and applications that compare advantegeously with other well-established procedures like the finite element method (F.E.). Its application to soil mechanics problems (Brebbia 1981) has started and will grow in the future. This paper tries to present a simple formulation to a classical problem. In fact, there is already a large amount of application of B.E. to diffusion problems (Rizzo et al, Shaw, Chang et al, Combescure et al, Wrobel et al, Roures et al, Onishi et al) and very recently the first specific application to consolidation problems has been published by Bnishi et al. Here we develop an alternative formulation to that presented in the last reference. Fundamentally the idea is to introduce a finite difference discretization in the time domain in order to use the fundamental solution of a Helmholtz type equation governing the neutral pressure distribution. Although this procedure seems to have been unappreciated in the previous technical literature it is nevertheless effective and straightforward to implement. Indeed for the special problem in study it is perfectly suited, because a step by step interaction between the elastic and flow problems is needed. It allows also the introduction of non-linear elastic properties and time dependent conditions very easily as will be shown and compares well with performances of other approaches.


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In this research, the halved and tabled traditional timber scarf joint is analyzed. This joint consists in two end joint pieces usually subjected to tension. Initially, the study is discussed from an experimental point of view. In this way, 3 critical cross-sections are established (section of the notch, section of the horizontal plane and reduced section) and mechanical tests are performed to achieve the failure on each of critical sections by changing the geometry of the joint. The study is completed by developing a finite element model which allows verify experimental results and extend the analysis to other geometries. This model has to simulate the real behavior of the material which is being studied, so mechanical tests are performed to obtain the elastic constants and the coefficients of friction of the material. In the reduced section, an abrupt decrease of the effective cross-section takes place, and this effect is also experimentally analyzed. These tests indicate that a crack is initiated before the bending-tension failure occurs in the reduced section. The test material consists of wood of Pinus sylvestris L. coming from the “Valsaín´s Sawmill” (Segovia) with “premium quality” according to the nonstructural wood visual classification of sawmill. It is observed that initiation of a crack, in the mortise (bottom of reduced section), and shear stress concentration, at the initial part of the heel (beginning of horizontal plane), completely determine the mechanical behaviour of the joint, resulting in 3 failure modes: local compression failure in the section of the notch, shear failure in the horizontal plane, and failure of stresses concentration, mainly perpendicular to the grain tension, at the bottom of reduced section. The geometric optimization is obtained for halved and tabled traditional scarf joint, when the joint has made with similar properties of wood than tested specimens, for any height and width of the cross-section. It is considered the failure due to the initiation of a crack in reduced section, by applying a correction coefficient into the usual equation used to design the members subjected to both tension and bending. Therefore, it is possible to obtain, analytically, the design conditions to be met of the 3 critical cross-sections. According to the theoretical optimization, the tension strength of complete cross-section is reduced until 14%, when using this type of joint. The experimental optimization indicates even a greater reduction, until 6%. En el presente trabajo de investigación se analiza el comportamiento mecánico de las uniones tradicionales de empalme de llave, que consisten en dos piezas unidas por sus testas transmitiéndose entre ellas principalmente un esfuerzo de tracción. Inicialmente, el estudio se aborda desde un punto de vista experimental. De este modo, se establecen las 3 secciones críticas o de estudio (sección del encaje, sección rasante del cogote y sección reducida) y se realizan ensayos mecánicos, variando la geometría de la unión, para alcanzar la rotura en cada una de ellas. Se completa el estudio mediante la elaboración de un modelo por elementos finitos que permite verificar los resultados experimentales y ampliar el análisis a otras geometrías. Este modelo debe simular el comportamiento real del material objeto de estudio, por lo que se realizan ensayos para obtener las constantes elásticas y los coeficientes de rozamiento del mismo. También se analiza, experimentalmente, el efecto entalladura que reduce bruscamente la sección completa del tirante, estableciendo que el fallo por flexotracción en la sección reducida de la pieza, no llega a producirse por el inicio previo de una grieta. El material de ensayo consiste en madera de Pinus sylvestris L. (pino silvestre) procedente del Aserradero de Valsaín (Segovia) y de calidad “Extra” o “Primera” según la clasificación visual no estructural del aserradero. Se observa que el inicio de una grieta en la mortaja del rediente y la concentración de tensiones tangenciales en la parte inicial del cogote, determinan completamente el comportamiento mecánico de la unión, dando lugar a 3 modos distintos de rotura: fallo por compresión en la sección del encaje, fallo por cortante en la sección rasante y fallo por concentración de tensiones, principalmente tracciones perpendiculares, en el rebaje de la sección reducida. Se consigue optimizar geométricamente cualquier empalme de llave confeccionado con madera de características similares a la ensayada, para cualquier valor de la altura y de la anchura de la sección. Se considera el agotamiento en la sección reducida causado por el inicio de grieta, mediante la aplicación de un coeficiente corrector en la expresión habitual de agotamiento por flexotracción, en consecuencia, finalmente es posible obtener, de modo analítico, un valor del índice de agotamiento en cada una de las 3 secciones de estudio. La optimización teórica del empalme de llave indica que la capacidad resistente del tirante bruto se reduce al 14%, cuando se coloca este tipo de unión tradicional. Experimentalmente se obtiene, que, para la sección ensayada, la capacidad resistente del tirante bruto se reduce todavía más, llegando al 6%.


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El refuerzo de estructuras existentes mediante el encolado exterior de láminas de polímeros reforzados con fibras (FRP) se ha convertido en la aplicación más común de los materiales compuestos avanzados en construcción. Estos materiales presentan muchas ventajas frente a los materiales convencionales (sin corrosión, ligeros, de fácil aplicación, etc.). Pero a pesar de las numerosas investigaciones realizadas, aún persisten ciertas dudas sobre algunos aspectos de su comportamiento y las aplicaciones prácticas se llevan a cabo sólo con la ayuda de guías, sin que haya una normativa oficial. El objetivo de este trabajo es incrementar el conocimiento sobre esta técnica de refuerzo, y más concretamente, sobre el refuerzo a flexión de estructuras de fábrica. Con frecuencia el elemento reforzado es de hormigón armado y las láminas de FRP encoladas al exterior sirven para mejorar su resistencia a flexión, cortante o compresión (encamisados). Sin embargo su empleo en otros materiales como las estructuras de fábrica resulta muy prometedor. Las fábricas se caracterizan por soportar muy bien los esfuerzos de compresión pero bastante mal los de tracción. Adherir láminas de materiales compuestos puede servir para mejorar la capacidad resistente de elementos de fábrica sometidos a esfuerzos de flexión. Pero para ello, debe quedar garantizada una correcta adherencia entre el FRP y la fábrica, especialmente en edificios antiguos cuya superficie puede estar deteriorada por encontrarse a la intemperie o por el propio paso del tiempo. En el capítulo II se describen los objetivos fundamentales del trabajo y el método seguido. En el capítulo III se hace una amplia revisión del estado de conocimiento sobre el tema. En el apartado III.1 se detallan las principales características y propiedades mecánicas de fibras, matrices y materiales compuestos así como sus principales aplicaciones, haciendo especial hincapié en aspectos relativos a su durabilidad. En el apartado III.2 se incluye una revisión histórica de las líneas de investigación, tanto teóricas como empíricas, publicadas sobre estructuras de hormigón reforzadas a flexión encolando materiales compuestos. El apartado III.3 se centra en el aspecto fundamental de la adherencia refuerzo-soporte. Se hace un repaso a distintos modelos propuestos para prevenir el despegue distinguiendo si éste se inicia en la zona de anclaje o si está inducido por fisuras en la zona interior del elemento. Se observa falta de consenso en las propuestas. Además en este punto se relatan las campañas experimentales publicadas acerca de la adherencia entre materiales compuestos y fábricas. En el apartado III.4 se analizan las particularidades de las estructuras de fábrica. Además, se revisan algunas de las investigaciones relativas a la mejora de su comportamiento a flexión mediante láminas de FRP. El comportamiento mecánico de muros reforzados solicitados a flexión pura (sin compresión) ha sido documentado por varios autores, si bien es una situación poco frecuente en fábricas reales. Ni el comportamiento mecánico de muros reforzados solicitados a flexocompresión ni la incidencia que el nivel de compresión soportado por la fábrica tiene sobre la capacidad resistente del elemento reforzado han sido suficientemente tratados. En cuanto a los trabajos teóricos, las diferentes propuestas se basan en los métodos utilizados para hormigón armado y comparten los principios habituales de cálculo. Sin embargo, presentan diferencias relativas, sobre todo, a tres aspectos: 1) la forma de modelar el comportamiento de la fábrica, 2) el valor de deformación de cálculo del refuerzo, y 3) el modo de fallo que se considera recomendable buscar con el diseño. A pesar de ello, el ajuste con la parte experimental de cada trabajo suele ser bueno debido a una enorme disparidad en las variables consideradas. Cada campaña presenta un modo de fallo característico y la formulación que se propone resulta apropiada para él. Parece necesario desarrollar un método de cálculo para fábricas flexocomprimidas reforzadas con FRP que pueda ser utilizado para todos los posibles fallos, tanto atribuibles a la lámina como a la fábrica. En el apartado III.4 se repasan algunas lesiones habituales en fábricas solicitadas a flexión y se recogen ejemplos de refuerzos con FRP para reparar o prevenir estos daños. Para mejorar el conocimiento sobre el tema, se llevan a cabo dos pequeñas campañas experimentales realizadas en el Instituto de Ciencias de la Construcción Eduardo Torroja. La primera acerca de la adherencia de materiales compuestos encolados a fábricas deterioradas (apartado IV.1) y la segunda sobre el comportamiento estructural a flexocompresión de probetas de fábrica reforzadas con estos materiales (apartado IV.2). En el capítulo V se analizan algunos de los modelos de adherencia propuestos para prevenir el despegue del extremo del refuerzo. Se confirma que las predicciones obtenidas con ellos resultan muy dispares. Se recopila una base de datos con los resultados experimentales de campañas sobre adherencia de FRP a fábricas extraídas de la literatura y de los resultados propios de la campaña descrita en el punto IV.1. Esta base de datos permite conocer cual de los métodos analizados resulta más adecuado para dimensionar el anclaje de láminas de FRP adheridas a fábricas. En el capítulo VI se propone un método para la comprobación en agotamiento de secciones de fábrica reforzadas con materiales compuestos sometidas a esfuerzos combinados de flexión y compresión. Está basado en el procedimiento de cálculo de la capacidad resistente de secciones de hormigón armado pero adaptado a las fábricas reforzadas. Para ello, se utiliza un diagrama de cálculo tensión deformación de la fábrica de tipo bilineal (acorde con el CTE DB SE-F) cuya simplicidad facilita el desarrollo de toda la formulación al tiempo que resulta adecuado para predecir la capacidad resistente a flexión tanto para fallos debidos al refuerzo como a la fábrica. Además se limita la deformación de cálculo del refuerzo teniendo en consideración ciertos aspectos que provocan que la lámina adherida no pueda desarrollar toda su resistencia, como el desprendimiento inducido por fisuras en el interior del elemento o el deterioro medioambiental. En concreto, se propone un “coeficiente reductor por adherencia” que se determina a partir de una base de datos con 68 resultados experimentales procedentes de publicaciones de varios autores y de los ensayos propios de la campaña descrita en el punto IV.2. También se revisa la formulación propuesta con ayuda de la base de datos. En el capítulo VII se estudia la incidencia de las principales variables, como el axil, la deformación de cálculo del refuerzo o su rigidez, en la capacidad final del elemento. Las conclusiones del trabajo realizado y las posibles líneas futuras de investigación se exponen en el capítulo VIII. ABSTRACT Strengthening of existing structures with externally bonded fiber reinforced polymers (FRP) has become the most common application of advanced composite materials in construction. These materials exhibit many advantages in comparison with traditional ones (corrosion resistance, light weight, easy to apply, etc.). But despite countless researches have been done, there are still doubts about some aspects of their behaviour and applications are carried out only with the help of guidelines, without official regulations. The aim of this work is to improve the knowledge on this retrofitting technique, particularly in regard to flexural strengthening of masonry structures. Reinforced concrete is often the strengthened material and external glued FRP plates are used to improve its flexural, shear or compressive (by wrapping) capacity. However the use of this technique on other materials like masonry structures looks promising. Unreinforced masonry is characterized for being a good material to support compressive stresses but really bad to withstand tensile ones. Glue composite plates can improve the flexural capacity of masonry elements subject to bending. But a proper bond between FRP sheet and masonry must be ensured to do that, especially in old buildings whose surface can be damaged due to being outside or ageing. The main objectives of the work and the methodology carried out are described In Chapter II. An extensive overview of the state of art is done in Chapter III. In Section III.1 physical and mechanical properties of fibers, matrix and composites and their main applications are related. Durability aspects are especially emphasized. Section III.2 includes an historical overview of theoretical and empirical researches on concrete structures strengthened gluing FRP plates to improve their flexural behaviour. Section III.3 focuses on the critical point of bonding between FRP and substrate. Some theoretical models to prevent debonding of FRP laminate are reviewed, it has made a distinction between models for detachment at the end of the plate or debonding in the intermediate zones due to the effects of cracks. It is observed a lack of agreement in the proposals. Some experimental studies on bonding between masonry and FRP are also related in this chapter. The particular characteristics of masonry structures are analyzed in Section III.4. Besides some empirical and theoretical investigations relative to improve their flexural capacity with FRP sheets are reviewed. The mechanical behaviour of strengthened walls subject to pure bending (without compression) has been established by several authors, but this is an unusual situation for real masonry. Neither mechanical behaviour of walls subject to bending and compression nor influence of axial load in the final capacity of the strengthened element are adequately studied. In regard to theoretical studies, the different proposals are based on reinforced concrete analytical methods and share common design principles. However, they present differences, especially, about three aspects: 1) the constitutive law of masonry, 2) the value of ultimate FRP strain and 3) the desirable failure mode that must be looked for. In spite of them, a good agreement between each experimental program and its theoretical study is often exhibited due to enormous disparity in considered test parameters. Each experimental program usually presents a characteristic failure mode and the proposed formulation results appropriate for this one. It seems necessary to develop a method for FRP strengthened walls subject to bending and compression enable for all failure modes (due to FRP or masonry). Some common damages in masonry subject to bending are explained in Section III.4. Examples of FRP strengthening to repair or prevent these damages are also written. Two small experimental programs are carried out in Eduardo Torroja Institute to improve the knowledge on this topic. The first one is concerned about the bond between FRP plates and damaged masonry (section IV.1) and the second one is related to the mechanical behaviour of the strengthened masonry specimens subject to out of plane bending combined with axial force (section IV.2). In the Chapter V some bond models to prevent the debonding at the FRP plate end are checked. It is confirmed that their predictions are so different. A pure-shear test database is compiled with results from the existing literature and others from the experimental program described in section IV.1. This database lets know which of the considered model is more suitable to design anchorage lengths of glued FRP to masonry. In the Chapter VI a method to check unreinforced masonry sections with external FRP strengthening subject to bending and compression to the ultimate limit state is proposed. This method is based on concrete reinforced one, but it is adapted to strengthened masonry. A bilinear constitutive law is used for masonry (according to CTE DB SE-F). Its simplicity helps to develop the model formulation and it has proven to be suitable to predict bending capacity either for FRP failures or masonry crushing. With regard to FRP, the design strain is limited. It is taken into account different aspects which cause the plate can’t reach its ultimate strength, like intermediate FRP debonding induced by opening cracking or environmental damage. A “bond factor” is proposed. It is obtained by means of an experimental bending test database that includes 68 results from the existing literature and from the experimental program described in section IV.2. The proposed formulation has also been checked with the help of bending database. The effects of the main parameters, like axial load, FRP design effective strain or FRP stiffness, on the bending capacity of the strengthened element are studied in Chapter VII. Finally, the main conclusions from the work carried out are summarized in Chapter VIII. Future lines of research to be explored are suggested as well.


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Due to a growing concern over global warming, the bituminous mixture industry is making a constant effort to diminish its emissions by reducing manufacturing and installation temperatures without compromising the mechanical properties of the bituminous mixtures. The use of mixtures with tyre rubber has demonstrated that these mixtures can be economical and ecological and that they improve the behaviour of the pavements. However, bituminous mixtures with a high rubber content present one major drawback: they require higher mixing and installation temperatures due to the elevated viscosity caused by the high rubber content and thus they produce larger amounts of greenhouse gas emissions than conventional bituminous mixtures. This article presents a study of the effect of four viscosity-reducing additives (Sasobit®, Asphaltan A®, Asphaltan B® and Licomont BS 100®) on a bitumen modified with 15% rubber. The results of this study indicate that these additives successfully reduce viscosity, increase the softening temperature and reduce penetration. However, they do not have a clear effect on the test for elastic recovery and ductility at 25 °C.


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The author presents a very interesting application of the ideas developed by Scott to determine the initial pore pressure in excess of the hydrostatic pore pressure in linear, elastic, homogeneous and isotropic soil-skeleton. Scott demonstrates that under vertical surface loads the problem is governed by Laplace's equation. Nevertheless the writers' think that it could be interesting to state clearly the conditions under which this analogy can be applied.


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El objetivo de este Proyecto Final de Carrera es la realización de un ensayo de fiabilidad de componentes electrónicos, más concretamente de Minimódulos de Silicio, con el fin de estudiar su comportamiento a lo largo del tiempo de vida. Debido a la larga duración de los Minimódulos de Silicio , un ensayo de este tipo podría durar años, por lo que es necesario realizar un ensayo acelerado que acorte significativamente el tiempo del experimento, para ello, han de someterse a esfuerzos mayores que en condiciones normales de funcionamiento. A día de hoy, los Minimódulos de silicio, que conocemos como placas solares fotovoltaicas, se usan en infinidad de dispositivos debido a las múltiples ventajas que conllevan. La principal ventaja es poder llevar electricidad a cualquier parte del planeta sin necesidad de tener que hacer unas elevadas inversiones. Esta electricidad proviene de una fuente de energía inagotable y nada contaminante, con lo que ayudamos a mantener el equilibrio del planeta. La mayoría de las veces estas placas solares fotovoltaicas se usan en el exterior, soportando cambios de temperatura y de humedad elevados, de ahí, la importancia de realizar ensayos de fiabilidad, que muestren sus posibles causas de fallo, los efectos que producen estos fallos y los aspectos de diseño, fabricación y mantenimiento que puedan afectarles. Los Minimódulos de silicio utilizados en este proyecto son el modelo MC-SP0.8-NF-GCS de la empresa fabricante Multicomp. Para realizar el Proyecto hubiéramos necesitado una cámara climática que simulara unas condiciones ambientales determinadas, pero debido a la dificultad de iluminar el módulo dentro de la cámara climática hemos desarrollado un nuevo sistema de ensayos acelerados en temperatura. El nuevo sistema de ensayos acelerados consiste en: •Colocar los módulos fotovoltaicos en el laboratorio con un foco de 500W que irradia lo equivalente al sol. •Los tres módulos trabajarán a tres temperaturas diferentes para simular condiciones ambientales distintas, concretamente a 60°C, 72°C y 84°C. •Mediante un sistema automático de medida diseñado en LabVIEW, de manera simultánea tomará medidas de tensión en las tres placas y estudiaremos el grado degradación en cada placa. Se analizaran los resultados obtenido de cada una de las medidas y se realizará un estudio de fiabilidad y del proceso de degradación sufrido por los Minimódulos de silicio. Este PFC se puede dividir en las siguientes fases de trabajo siendo el ensayo la parte más larga en el tiempo: •Búsqueda de bibliografía documentación y normas aplicables. •Familiarización con los equipos y software, estudiando el manejo del software que viene con el Multímetro Keithley 2601 y el programa LabVIEW. •Desarrollo del hardware y sistemas necesarios para la realización del ensayo. •Montaje del ensayo •Realización del ensayo. •Análisis de resultados. ABSTRACT. The objective of this Final Project is conducting a test reliability of electronic components, more specifically Silicon minimodules, in order to study their behavior throughout the life span. Due to the long duration of Silicon minimodules a test like this could take years, so it is necessary to perform an accelerated significantly shorten the time of the experiment, testing for it, should be subjected to greater efforts than in normal operating. Today, the mini-modules, silicon is known as photovoltaic solar panels are used in a multitude of devices due to the many advantages they bring. The main advantage is to bring electricity to anywhere in the world without having to make high investments. This electricity comes from an inexhaustible source of energy and no pollution, thus helping to maintain the balance of the planet. Most of the time these solar photovoltaic panels are used on the outside, enduring changes in temperature and high humidity, hence, the importance of reliability testing, showing the possible causes of failure, the effects produced by these faults and aspects of design, manufacturing and maintenance that may affect them. The silicon mini-modules used in this project are the MC-SP0.8-NF-GCS model Multicomp manufacturing company. To realize the project we would have needed a climatic chamber to simulate specific environmental conditions, but due to the difficulty of illuminating the module in the climate chamber we have developed a new system of accelerated tests in temperature. The new system is accelerated tests: •Place the PV modules in the laboratory with a focus on the equivalent 500W radiating sun. •The three modules work at three different temperatures to simulate different environmental conditions, namely at 60 °C, 72 °C and 84 °C. •Automatic measurement system designed in LabVIEW, simultaneous voltage measurements taken at the three plates and study the degradation degree in each plate. The results obtained from each of the measurements and a feasibility study and degradation suffered by the silicon is performed minimodules were analyzed. This PFC can be divided into the following phases of the test work the longest part being overtime: •Literature search and documentation standards. •Familiarization with equipment and software, studying management software that comes with the Keithley 2601 multimeter and the LabVIEW program. •Development of hardware and systems necessary for the conduct of the trial. •Experiment setup •Carrying out the experiment. •Analysis of results.


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Composite laminates on the nanoscale have shown superior hardness and toughness, but little is known about their high temperature behavior. The mechanical properties (elastic modulus and hardness) were measured as a function of temperature by means of nanoindentation in Al/SiC nanolaminates, a model metal–ceramic nanolaminate fabricated by physical vapor deposition. The influence of the Al and SiC volume fraction and layer thicknesses was determined between room temperature and 150 °C and, the deformation modes were analyzed by transmission electron microscopy, using a focused ion beam to prepare cross-sections through selected indents. It was found that ambient temperature deformation was controlled by the plastic flow of the Al layers, constrained by the SiC, and the elastic bending of the SiC layers. The reduction in hardness with temperature showed evidence of the development of interface-mediated deformation mechanisms, which led to a clear influence of layer thickness on the hardness.


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A coupled elastoplastic-damage constitutive model with Lode angle dependent failure criterion for high strain and ballistic applications is presented. A Lode angle dependent function is added to the equivalent plastic strain to failure definition of the Johnson–Cook failure criterion. The weakening in the elastic law and in the Johnson–Cook-like constitutive relation implicitly introduces the Lode angle dependency in the elastoplastic behaviour. The material model is calibrated for precipitation hardened Inconel 718 nickel-base superalloy. The combination of a Lode angle dependent failure criterion with weakened constitutive equations is proven to predict fracture patterns of the mechanical tests performed and provide reliable results. Additionally, the mesh size dependency on the prediction of the fracture patterns was studied, showing that was crucial to predict such patterns