990 resultados para Discépolo, Armando


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We study a given fixed continuous function phi : S(1) -> R and an endomorphism f : S(1)-> S(1), whose f-invariant probability measures maximize integral phi d mu. We prove that the set of endomorphisms having a f maximizing invariant measure supported on a periodic orbit is C(0) dense.


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We prove that given a compact n-dimensional connected Riemannian manifold X and a continuous function g : X -> R, there exists a dense subset of the space of homeomorphisms of X such that for all T in this subset, the integral integral(X) g d mu, considered as a function on the space of all T-invariant Borel probability measures mu, attains its maximum on a measure supported on a periodic orbit.


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In the present work, a new approach for the determination of the partition coefficient in different interfaces based on the density function theory is proposed. Our results for log P(ow) considering a n-octanol/water interface for a large super cell for acetone -0.30 (-0.24) and methane 0.95 (0.78) are comparable with the experimental data given in parenthesis. We believe that these differences are mainly related to the absence of van der Walls interactions and the limited number of molecules considered in the super cell. The numerical deviations are smaller than that observed for interpolation based tools. As the proposed model is parameter free, it is not limited to the n-octanol/water interface.


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A novel Schiff base-copper(II) complex [Cu(2)L(2)(N(3))(2)](ClO(4))(2) 1, where L = (4-imidazolyl)ethylene-2-amino-1-ethylpyridine (apyhist), containing azide-bridges between adjacent copper ions in a dinuclear arrangement was isolated and characterized both in the solid state and in solution by X-ray crystallography and different spectroscopic techniques. Azide binding constants were estimated from titrations of the precursor [CuL(H(2)O)(2)](2+) solutions with sodium azide, giving rise to the azido-bridged species, [Cu(2)L(2)(N(3))(2)](2+). Raman spectra showed asymmetric stretching band at 2060 cm(-1), indicating the presence of azido ligands with a symmetric mu(1,) (1) binding geometry. EPA spectra, in frozen methanol/water solutions at 77 K, exhibited characteristic features of copper centers in tetragonal pyramidal coordination geometry, exhibiting magnetic interactions between them. Further, in solid state, two different values for magnetic coupling in this species were obtained, J/k = -(5.14 +/- 0.02) cm(-1) attributed to the mu(1, 1) azide-bridge mode, and J`z`/k = -(2.94 +/- 0.11) cm(-1) for the interaction between dinuclear moieties via water/perchorate bridges. Finally, an attempt was made to correlate structure and magnetic data for this dinuclear asymmetric end-on azido bridged-copper(II) 1 complex with those of another correlated dinuclear system, complex [Cu(2)L(2)Cl(2)](ClO(4))(2) 2, containing the same tridentate diimine ligand, but with chloro-bridged groups between the copper centres.


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The reaction Of Cu(ClO(4))(2)center dot 6H(2)O with dimethylglyoxime (H(2)dmg) in a 1:1 mole ratio in aqueous methanol at room temperature affords the dinuclear complex [Cu(2)(mu-Hdmg)(4)] (1). Reaction of 1 with [Cu(bpy)(H(2)O)(2)](ClO(4))(2) (bpy = 2,2`-bipyridine) in a 1:1 mole ratio in aqueous methanol at room temperature yields the tetranuclear complex [Cu(2)(mu-HdMg)(2)(mu-dMg)(2)(bpy)(2)(H(2)O)(2)](ClO(4))(2) (2). The direct reaction of Cu(ClO(4))(2)center dot 6H(2)O with H(2)dmg and bpy in a 2:21 mole ratio in aqueous methanol at room temperature also yields 2 quantitatively. The complexes 1 and 2 were structurally characterized by X-ray crystallography. Unlike the binding in Ni/Co-dmg, two different types of N-O bridging modes during the oxime based metallacycle formation and stacking of square planar units have been identified in these complexes. The neutral dinuclear complex 1 has CuN(4)O coordination spheres and complex 2 consists of a dicationic [Cu(2)(mu-HdMg)(2)(mu-dMg)(2)(bpy)(2)(H(2)O)(2)](2+) unit and two uncoordinated ClO(4)(-) anions having CuN(4)O and CuN(2)O(3) coordination spheres. The two copper(II) ions are at a distance of 3.846(8) angstrom in 1 for the trans out of plane link and at 3.419(10) and 3.684(10) angstrom in 2 for the trans out of plane and cis in plane arrangements, respectively. The average Cu-N(oxime) distances are 1.953 and 1.935 angstrom, respectively. The average basal and apical Cu-N(oxime) distances are 1.945, 2.295 and 2.429 angstrom. The UV-Vis spectra of 2 is similar to the spectrum of the reaction mixture of 1 and [Cu(bpy)(H(2)O)(2)](2+). Variable temperature magnetic properties measurement shows that the interaction between the paramagnetic copper centers in complex I is antiferromagnetic in nature. The EPR spectra of frozen solution of the complexes at 77 K consist of axially symmetric fine-structure transitions (Delta M(S) = 1) and half-field signals (Delta M(S) = 2) at ca. 1600 G, suggesting the presence of appreciable Cu-Cu interactions. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The increasing use of simulation in manufacturing has seen an increase in simulation models created using many simulation package. This use of different simulators can create simulation islands in a manufacturing factory, making it difficult to get a true simulated overview of the factory. At present, there are only a few cases where manufacturing simulations have been linked to enable multiple simulation models to run as one. This research expands upon these cases. For this paper the topic of discussion is the research in connecting different 'Commercial Off The Shelf' simulators together to allow flow of all information through the connected models using high level architecture.


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This study examines preservice elementary teachers' reported experiences of posing open-ended mathematics problems. Responses of 33 students in a mathematics teacher education course were analysed for the strategies participants used, what they learned and the challenges encountered from an opportunity to collect digital images and pose open-ended problems related to those images. Results indicate that preservice teachers reported a shift in the ways they viewed mathematics and how it might be taught. The school curriculum both constrained and provided possibilities for preservice teachers in noticing mathematics beyond the textbook and mathematics classroom. This study adds to our understanding of teaching as a learning practice and the art of posing mathematical problems as a significant aspect of that practice.


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Lesson video and video-stimulated post-lesson interviews were used to study the role of optimism in collaborative problem solving in a Grade 5/6 classroom for the purpose of informing group composition. This study focuses on the activity of two students who differed on the personal characteristic 'optimistic orientation'. It examines how the presence or absence of an optimistic orientation to failures (Seligman, 1995) contributed to these students' interactions with their groups and opportunities for collaborative creation of new knowledge. One group collaborated to develop mathematical knowledge that was new to each group member and the other group did not. These findings raise questions about how to group students who are not yet optimistic to enable collaborative activity, and how to build optimism.


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In this chapter I identify and elaborate, from a feminist perspective, upon the theoretical shifts and key concepts that inform sociological analyses of gender and educational organizations. Gender inequalities are embedded in the multi-dimensional structure of relationships between women and men, which, as the modern sociology of gender shows, operates at every level of experience, from economic arrangements, culture and the state to interpersonal relationships and individual emotions. (Connell, 2005: 1801) Even naming this a sociology of gender and organizations is problematic. Many sociologists consider gender as a key sociological concept, but not necessarily from a feminist perspective. Feminism is a multidisciplinary, transnational movement that 'focuses on the relationship between social movements, political action and social inequalities' (Arnot, 2002: 3) and on the everyday experiences of women and girls and how they translate into social and structural 'ruling relations' (Smith, 1988). Feminism takes on multiple trajectories and imperatives in different cultural contexts, although with familial resemblances, most particularly the shared objective of equality for women and girls. Education as a primary institution of individual and collective mobility and social change, but also social and economic reproduction, has long been a focus of feminist theory and activism. So a feminist sociology needs to address this complexity of feminist sociological 'encounters' with gender and organizations.


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o objetivo deste trabalho é a análise de barragens de gravidade de concreto desde a faseda sua construção até sua completa entrada em serviço. Inicialmente é feita a análise da fase construtiva, onde o problema fundamental é devido às tensões térmicas decorrentes do calor de hidratação. O método dos elementos finitos é empregado para a solução dos problemasde transferência de calor e de tensões. A influência da construção em camadas é introduzidaatravés da redefinição da malha de elementos finitos, logo após o lançamento de cadacamada de concreto. Uma atenção especial é dada ao problema de fissuração em estruturas de concreto simples.Algunsmodelos usuais são apresentados, discutindo-se a eficiência dos mesmos. Os modelosde fissuração distribuída têm sido preferidos, em virtude dos vários inconvenientes apresentados pelas formulações discretas. Esses modelos, entretanto, fornecem resultados dependentesda malha de elementos finitos e alguma consideração adicional deve ser feita para corrigiressas distorções. Normalmente, tenta-se corrigir esse problema através da adoção de umaresistênciaà tração minorada que é definida em função da energia de fratura do material. Neste trabalho, é demonstrado que esse procedimento não é satisfatório e é proposta uma novaformulaçãopara a análise de grandes estruturas de concreto. A análise das tensões na etapa de construção da barragem é feita com o emprego de um modelo constitutivo viscoelástico com envelhecimento para o concreto. Em virtude do envelhecimento,a matriz de rigidez da estrutura é variável no tempo, devendo ser redefinida e triangularizadaem cada instante. Isto leva a um grande esforço computacional, sobretudo, quandoa barragem é construída em muitas camadas. Para evitar esse inconveniente, adota-se um procedimento iterativo que permite que a matriz de rigidez seja redefinida em poucas idadesde referência. Numa segunda etapa da análise, a barragem é submetida à pressão hidrostática e a uma excitação sísmica. A análise dinâmica é realizada considerando-se o movimento do sistema acoplado barragem-reservatório-fundação. O sismo é considerado um processo estocásticonão estacionário e a segurança da estrutura é determinada em relação aos principais modos de falha