696 resultados para Cork.


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Cardiac Syndrome X (CSX), the presence of angina pectoris with objective signs of myocardial ischaemia despite angiographically normal epicardial coronary arteries, appears to be due to coronary microvascular dysfunction and is known to be associated with an elevation of several inflammatory biomarkers, suggesting a possible role for inflammation in its pathogenesis. We aimed to further characterise this relationship by prospectively analysing a wide variety of molecular biomarkers in a cohort of CSX patients thereby charting the changes in biomarkers throughout the natural history of CSX from its initial diagnosis to eventual disease quiescence. We found that CSX patients, when compared to healthy controls, have a persistent low-grade systemic inflammatory response characterised by an elevation of Tumour Necrosis Factor and Interferon-gamma, regardless of the presence of contemporaneous signs or symptoms of disease activity. Interleukin-6 and C-reactive Protein (CRP) are only elevated when patients have clinical evidence of disease activity and may be state markers in CSX. Moreover, CRP levels appear to correlate with signals of disease severity such as the time taken to develop symptoms during exercise stress testing. We have also demonstrated that the enzyme Indoleamine-2,3- dioxygenase is upregulated in active disease thus providing a possible explanation for the increased burden of psychological disease encountered in CSX. Analysis of the microRNA transcriptome showed that miR-143 is significantly under-expressed in CSX patients. This could allow phenotype switching in vascular smooth muscle cells with the resultant vascular remodelling causing reduced vessel responsiveness to local rheological stimuli and reduced luminal diameter with consequent increased microvascular resistance during times of increased myocardial oxygen demand, thereby limiting maximal hyperaemia during exercise. Our findings corroborate many previous hypotheses regarding the role of inflammation in CSX, generate new insights into possible pathogenic mechanisms and offer new therapeutic targets for the future management of this important cardiological condition.


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This thesis divides into two distinct parts, both of which are underpinned by the tight-binding model. The first part covers our implementation of the tight-binding model in conjunction with the Berry phase theory of electronic polarisation to probe the atomistic origins of spontaneous polarisation and piezoelectricity as well as attempting to accurately calculate the values and coefficients associated with these phenomena. We first develop an analytic model for the polarisation of a one-dimensional linear chain of atoms. We compare the zincblende and ideal wurtzite structures in terms of effective charges, spontaneous polarisation and piezoelectric coefficients, within a first nearest neighbour tight-binding model. We further compare these to real wurtzite structures and conclude that accurate quantitative results are beyond the scope of this model but qualitative trends can still be described. The second part of this thesis deals with implementing the tight-binding model to investigate the effect of local alloy fluctuations in bulk AlGaN alloys and InGaN quantum wells. We calculate the band gap evolution of Al1_xGaxN across the full composition range and compare it to experiment as well as fitting bowing parameters to the band gap as well as to the conduction band and valence band edges. We also investigate the wavefunction character of the valence band edge to determine the composition at which the optical polarisation switches in Al1_xGaxN alloys. Finally, we examine electron and hole localisation in InGaN quantum wells. We show how the built-in field localises the carriers along the c-axis and how local alloy fluctuations strongly localise the highest hole states in the c-plane, while the electrons remain delocalised in the c-plane. We show how this localisation affects the charge density overlap and also investigate the effect of well width fluctuations on the localisation of the electrons.


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A constructivist philosophy underlies the Irish primary mathematics curriculum. As constructivism is a theory of learning its implications for teaching need to be addressed. This study explores the experiences of four senior class primary teachers as they endeavour to teach mathematics from a constructivist-compatible perspective with primary school children in Ireland over a school-year period. Such a perspective implies that children should take ownership of their learning while working in groups on tasks which challenge them at their zone of proximal development. The key question on which the research is based is: to what extent will an exposure to constructivism and its implications for the classroom impact on teaching practices within the senior primary mathematics classroom in both the short and longer term? Although several perspectives on constructivism have evolved (von Glaserfeld (1995), Cobb and Yackel (1996), Ernest (1991,1998)), it is the synthesis of the emergent perspective which becomes pivotal to the Irish primary mathematics curriculum. Tracking the development of four primary teachers in a professional learning initiative involving constructivist-compatible approaches necessitated the use of Borko’s (2004) Phase 1 research methodology to account for the evolution in teachers’ understanding of constructivism. Teachers’ and pupils’ viewpoints were recorded using both audio and video technology. Teachers were interviewed at the beginning and end of the project and also one year on to ascertain how their views had evolved. Pupils were interviewed at the end of the project only. The data were analysed from a Jaworskian perspective i.e. using the categories of her Teaching Triad of management of learning, mathematical challenge and sensitivity to students. Management of learning concerns how the teacher organises her classroom to maximise learning opportunities for pupils. Mathematical challenge is reminiscent of the Vygotskian (1978) construct of the zone of proximal development. Sensitivity to students involves a consciousness on the part of the teacher as to how pupils are progressing with a mathematical task and whether or not to intervene to scaffold their learning. Through this analysis a synthesis of the teachers’ interpretations of constructivist philosophy with concomitant implications for theory, policy and practice emerges. The study identifies strategies for teachers wishing to adopt a constructivist-compatible approach to their work. Like O’Shea (2009) it also highlights the likely difficulties to be experienced by such teachers as they move from utilising teacher-dominated methods of teaching mathematics to ones in which pupils have more ownership over their learning.


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Two concepts in rural economic development policy have been the focus of much research and policy action: the identification and support of clusters or networks of firms and the availability and adoption by rural businesses of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT). From a theoretical viewpoint these policies are based on two contrasting models, with clustering seen as a process of economic agglomeration, and ICT-mediated communication as a means of facilitating economic dispersion. The study’s conceptual framework is based on four interrelated elements: location, interaction, knowledge, and advantage, together with the concept of networks which is employed as an operationally and theoretically unifying concept. The research questions are developed in four successive categories: Policy, Theory, Networks, and Method. The questions are approached using a study of two contrasting groups of rural small businesses in West Cork, Ireland: (a) Speciality Foods, and (b) firms in Digital Products and Services. The study combines Social Network Analysis (SNA) with Qualitative Thematic Analysis, using data collected from semi-structured interviews with 58 owners or managers of these businesses. Data comprise relational network data on the firms’ connections to suppliers, customers, allies and competitors, together with linked qualitative data on how the firms established connections, and how tacit and codified knowledge was sourced and utilised. The research finds that the key characteristics identified in the cluster literature are evident in the sample of Speciality Food businesses, in relation to flows of tacit knowledge, social embedding, and the development of forms of social capital. In particular the research identified the presence of two distinct forms of collective social capital in this network, termed “community” and “reputation”. By contrast the sample of Digital Products and Services businesses does not have the form of a cluster, but matches more closely to dispersive models, or “chain” structures. Much of the economic and social structure of this set of firms is best explained in terms of “project organisation”, and by the operation of an individual rather than collective form of “reputation”. The rural setting in which these firms are located has resulted in their being service-centric, and consequently they rely on ICT-mediated communication in order to exchange tacit knowledge “at a distance”. It is this factor, rather than inputs of codified knowledge, that most strongly influences their operation and their need for availability and adoption of high quality communication technologies. Thus the findings have applicability in relation to theory in Economic Geography and to policy and practice in Rural Development. In addition the research contributes to methodological questions in SNA, and to methodological questions about the combination or mixing of quantitative and qualitative methods.


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This thesis provides the first explicit Postcolonial study of asylum in the Irish context that integrates Black Feminist analyses of intersectional identity with Postcolonial Feminist theories of representation. African women seeking asylum in the Republic of Ireland were key political instruments used by the state to re-draw racial lines. The study examines how, for a group of African women “On their Way” through asylum, identity and representation work hand in hand to force identities, subaltern spaces and bodies to occupy them. Rich biographical data is gathered through mixed art and drama methods over two intensive participatory research projects conducted in a small Irish city. Data analysis critically examines the poetics (practices that signify) and politics (the powers that govern these practices) and affective economies of global and local NGO visual representations, exposing how they consume, fragment, and appropriate African women’s identities and bodies. Though hypervisible, the women themselves “cannot speak”. The women in the study reported feeling “tired” and “used”. Asking “What work are they doing as they do asylum?” the study finds that black female identities and bodies are forced to perform political, cultural, emotional and material labour on their way through this context of Irish asylum. The author argues that Postcolonial Asylum is a performative encounter that re-scripts colonial race/class/gender discourse through a humanitarian alibi to naturalize European/white supremacy, reinscribe patriarchal power and justify racialised incarceration of bodies seeking asylum in the North. This study takes an interdisciplinary approach that centralizes Black and Postcolonial Feminist theory and innovates Participatory Art-Based Action methodology. Black and Postcolonial feminisms can recognize, theorize and replenish black female political and intellectual agency. Participatory Action research, if grounded in Black feminist epistemology and ethics, can allow participants to “speak back” to what is already said about them in spaces of convivial self-representation.


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This dissertation is the first comprehensive and synthetic study of the Irish presentation and legends of Longinus. Longinus was the soldier at the crucifixion who pierced Christ with a spear, who believed and, according to some texts, was healed of his blindness by the blood and water issuing from the wound, and who later was martyred for his belief. In my thesis I survey the knowledge and use of the legend of Longinus in Ireland over genres and over time. Sources used for the analyses include iconographic representations of the spear-bearer in manuscripts, metalwork and stone and textual representations of the figure of Longinus ranging over the history of Irish literature from the early medieval to the early modern period, as well as over Irish and HibernoLatin texts. The thesis consists of four core chapters, the analyses of the presentations of Longinus in early-medieval Irish texts and in the iconographic tradition (I,II), the editions of the extant Irish and the earliest surviving Latin texts of the Passion of Longinus and of a little-known short tract describing the healing of Longinus from Leabhar Breac (III), and the discussion of the later medieval Irish popular traditions (IV). Particular attention is given to the study of two intriguing peculiarities of the Irish tradition. Most early Irish Gospel books feature an interpolation of the episode of the spear-thrust in Matthew 27:49, directly preceding the death of Christ, implying its reading as the immediate cause of death. The image of Longinus as 'iugulator Christi' ('killer of Christ') appears to have been crucial for the development of the legend. Also, the blindness motif, which rarely features in other European popular traditions until the twelfth century, is attested as early as the eighth century in Ireland, which has led some scholars to suggest a potential Irish origin.


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This research aims to explore the challenges nurses face, when caring for stroke patients on a general medical/surgical ward, in the acute care setting and identify how nurses resolve or process this challenge. Healthcare environments continue to face the pressures of constraints such as reduced staffing levels, budgets, resources and less time, which influence care provision. Patient safety is central in care provision where nurses face the challenge of delivering best quality care when working within constraints. The incidence of stroke is increasing worldwide and internationally stroke units are the recognised minimum standard of care. In Ireland with few designated stroke units in operation many stroke patients are cared for in the acute general care setting. A classic grounded theory methodology was utilised for this study. Data was collected and analysed simultaneously through coding, constant comparison, theoretical sampling and memoing. Individual unstructured interviews with thirty two nurses were carried out. Twenty hours of non-participant observations in the acute general care setting were undertaken. The main concern that emerged was working within constraints. This concern is processed by nurses through resigning which consists of three phases; idealistic striving, resourcing and care accommodation. Through the process of resigning nurses engage in an energy maintenance process enabling them to continue working within constraints. The generation of the theory of resigning explains how nurses’ resolve or process working within constraints. This theory adds to the body of knowledge on stroke care provision. This theory has the potential to enhance nursing care, minimise burnout and make better use of resources while advocating for best care of stroke patients.


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Escherichia coli (E.coli) is a diverse bacterial species that primarily forms a beneficial symbiotic relationship with the host in the human lower gastrointestinal track (GIT), however it can also be pathogenic in this environment. Furthermore, some strains can diverge from the GIT and occupy niches such as the urinary tract. In all these environments, E. coli interacts with the immune system and macrophages represent the front line of the innate immune system. In this study we characterise the immune response by macrophages to E. coli infection. It was shown that E. coli broadly provoke a similar cytokine response during macrophages infection and furthermore are degraded primarily by the phagocytosis pathway. Recently a new group of E. coli called Adherent Invasive Escherichia coli (AIEC) has been described. AIEC are present in the guts of Crohn’s disease (CD) patients at a higher frequency than in healthy patients. AIEC can replicate in macrophages but the mechanism for this is not fully understood. The processing of AIEC by macrophages was investigated and it was shown that AIEC only replicated in permissive macrophages. Furthermore, even in a permissive macrophages AIEC are trafficked through macrophages in a similar manner to commensal E. coli. This supports the hypothesis that AIEC are highly similar to commensal E. coli and only cause pathogenicity when present in the permissive environment of the gut of CD patients. Replication in macrophages requires functioning metabolic pathways and it was identified that glycolysis is important for AIEC survival in macrophages. AIEC mutants without a fully functioning glycolysis pathway induced less IL-1β cytokine release from macrophages than wild type strain suggesting that metabolism plays a role in inflammasome activation. Furthermore, AIEC mutants that could not produce the glycolytic end product acetate induced significantly reduced IL-1β release during infection. This suggest that the acetate molecule or a phenotypic effect of its production may be a driver of IL-1β release from AIEC infected macrophages. The interaction of uropathogenic E. coli (UPEC) with macrophages was also investigated. UPEC induced very high levels of cytotoxicity in human macrophages which was shown to be dependent on the production of the pore forming toxin α-hemolysin. However, UPEC did not induced high levels of cytotoxicity in murine macrophages suggesting there are species specific sensitivity to α-hemolysin that should be considered when studying UPEC pathogenicity in murine models.


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High throughput next generation sequencing, together with advanced molecular methods, has considerably enhanced the field of food microbiology. By overcoming biases associated with culture dependant approaches, it has become possible to achieve novel insights into the nature of food-borne microbial communities. In this thesis, several different sequencing-based approaches were applied with a view to better understanding microbe associated quality defects in cheese. Initially, a literature review provides an overview of microbe-associated cheese quality defects as well as molecular methods for profiling complex microbial communities. Following this, 16S rRNA sequencing revealed temporal and spatial differences in microbial composition due to the time during the production day that specific commercial cheeses were manufactured. A novel Ion PGM sequencing approach, focusing on decarboxylase genes rather than 16S rRNA genes, was then successfully employed to profile the biogenic amine producing cohort of a series of artisanal cheeses. Investigations into the phenomenon of cheese pinking formed the basis of a joint 16S rRNA and whole genome shotgun sequencing approach, leading to the identification of Thermus species and, more specifically, the pathway involved in production of lycopene, a red coloured carotenoid. Finally, using a more traditional approach, the effect of addition of a facultatively heterofermentative Lactobacillus (Lactobacillus casei) to a Swiss-type cheese, in which starter activity was compromised, was investigated from the perspective of its ability to promote gas defects and irregular eye formation. X-ray computed tomography was used to visualise, using a non-destructive method, the consequences of the undesirable gas formation that resulted. Ultimately this thesis has demonstrated that the application of molecular techniques, such as next generation sequencing, can provide a detailed insight into defect-causing microbial populations present and thereby may underpin approaches to optimise the quality and consistency of a wide variety of cheeses.


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This thesis involved the development of two Biosensors and their associated assays for the detection of diseases, namely IBR and BVD for veterinary use and C1q protein as a biomarker to pancreatic cancer for medical application, using Surface Plasmon Resonance (SPR) and nanoplasmonics. SPR techniques have been used by a number of groups, both in research [1-3] and commercially [4, 5] , as a diagnostic tool for the detection of various biomolecules, especially antibodies [6-8]. The biosensor market is an ever expanding field, with new technology and new companies rapidly emerging on the market, for both human [8] and veterinary applications [9, 10]. In Chapter 2, we discuss the development of a simultaneous IBR and BVD virus assay for the detection of antibodies in bovine serum on an SPR-2 platform. Pancreatic cancer is the most lethal cancer by organ site, partially due to the lack of a reliable molecular signature for diagnostic testing. C1q protein has been recently proposed as a biomarker within a panel for the detection of pancreatic cancer. The third chapter discusses the fabrication, assays and characterisation of nanoplasmonic arrays. We will talk about developing C1q scFv antibody assays, clone screening of the antibodies and subsequently moving the assays onto the nanoplasmonic array platform for static assays, as well as a custom hybrid benchtop system as a diagnostic method for the detection of pancreatic cancer. Finally, in chapter 4, we move on to Guided Mode Resonance (GMR) sensors, as a low-cost option for potential use in Point-of Care diagnostics. C1q and BVD assays used in the prior formats are transferred to this platform, to ascertain its usability as a cost effective, reliable sensor for diagnostic testing. We discuss the fabrication, characterisation and assay development, as well as their use in the benchtop hybrid system.


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Since the emergence of the European Landscape Convention (ELC) in 2000, the important link between landscape and planning has greatly intensified. Now, more than ever, the fundamental role of the planning system in delivering the ELC’s requirements is recognised. This has been further substantiated within Ireland’s recently published National Landscape Strategy. However it has continually been suggested that decision-making processes need to adapt better to the holistic, valueladen and multidimensional approaches underpinning the ELC. In light of these milestones for the preservation, management and planning of landscape, this research sets out to establish synergies and disparities in the existing relationship between landscape and planning. It investigates detailed evidence of the presence and manifestations of landscape in key processes of day-to-day planning practice in Ireland, from individual planning appeals and ‘special’ cases, to the major strategic instruments that inform the making of landscape policies within development plans. This is set within wider theoretical and policy contexts where the compatibility of landscape and planning is subjected to critical scrutiny and then explored through these practical case studies. Driving this research is the intention to make a case for the planning domain to be an ideal ‘home’ for landscape – in all its deep, multidimensional meaning – and for enhancing landscape arguments and objectives in the face of conflict, competing values and power-plays in the real world. Emerging out of this research is a set of recommendations for how, at a national level, new approaches for decision making for and about landscape can be more effective and meaningful.


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Numerous epidemiological findings suggest that we live in an era that can only be described as the “age of melancholy” in that more and more individuals are diagnosed with depression every year. The aim of this study was to gain a phenomenological understanding of how individuals who experienced depression understood and made sense of their experience of depression through a methodology of interpretative phenomenological analysis. In-depth semi-structured interviews explored the lived experience of depression for eight individuals and identified how social discourses contributed to their understanding. Following rigorous analysis of twelve interview transcripts, data was broken down into four recurrent superordinate themes which related directly to how individuals made sense of their experience of depression; The Descent; The Worlds Conversations and Me - Engagement with Social Discourses; Broken Self - Transforming the Self; Embracing myself and my Mind - Transformation of the Self. Further interrogative analysis identified how some social discourses communicated by healthcare professionals, the media and academia, contributed to individuals experiencing an additional layer of distress, namely meta-distress which in essence is distress about distress.


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This thesis discusses socio-political issues worldwide through philosophical approaches to performance, politics and composition. My research also discuss sound decisions which I regard to be simultaneously an outlet for personal expression, as well as a practical tool to inspire a socio-political change in society. Although the latter is paramount to the methodology of the project, the sound cannot be regarded in isolation as a “political composition”. It can only become truly functional in a political sense through interaction with other art forms, within the context of a specific place and time. My portfolio for this project is of two socio-political projects which are my chief concern. The first project concerns the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. I named this project PATH. PATH aims to foster and expand peaceful thought between Jewish and Palestinian civilians in Israel-Palestine. Through performance art, PATH spreads a message of acceptance, unity and brotherhood between our peoples. Above all, PATH demands and end to intolerance, hatred and violence among all the inhabitants of the State of Israel. The second project concerns women’s rights globally. I have realised that although we have come a long way in our struggle for rights for women, great challenges remain. There is a need to unite women and men against a form of oppression that discriminates against 50% of the world’s population. I called this project, For Utopia.