899 resultados para Computer Modelling


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Mirroring the paper versions exchanged between businesses today, electronic contracts offer the possibility of dynamic, automatic creation and enforcement of restrictions and compulsions on agent behaviour that are designed to ensure business objectives are met. However, where there are many contracts within a particular application, it can be difficult to determine whether the system can reliably fulfil them all; computer-parsable electronic contracts may allow such verification to be automated. In this paper, we describe a conceptual framework and architecture specification in which normative business contracts can be electronically represented, verified, established, renewed, etc. In particular, we aim to allow systems containing multiple contracts to be checked for conflicts and violations of business objectives. We illustrate the framework and architecture with an aerospace example.


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All over the world, organizations are becoming more and more complex, and there’s a need to capture its complexity, so this is when the DEMO methodology (Design and Engineering Methodology for Organizations), created and developed by Jan L. G. Dietz, reaches its potential, which is to capture the structure of business processes in a coherent and consistent form of diagrams with their respective grammatical rules. The creation of WAMM (Wiki Aided Meta Modeling) platform was the main focus of this thesis, and had like principal precursor the idea to create a Meta-Editor that supports semantic data and uses MediaWiki. This prototype Meta-Editor uses MediaWiki as a receptor of data, and uses the ideas created in the Universal Enterprise Adaptive Object Model and the concept of Semantic Web, to create a platform that suits our needs, through Semantic MediaWiki, which helps the computer interconnect information and people in a more comprehensive, giving meaning to the content of the pages. The proposed Meta-Modeling platform allows the specification of the abstract syntax i.e., the grammar, and concrete syntax, e.g., symbols and connectors, of any language, as well as their model types and diagram types. We use the DEMO language as a proofof-concept and example. All such specifications are done in a coherent and formal way by the creation of semantic wiki pages and semantic properties connecting them.


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PEDRINI, Aldomar; WESTPHAL, F. S.; LAMBERT, R.. A methodology for building energy modelling and calibration in warm climates. Building And Environment, Australia, n. 37, p.903-912, 2002. Disponível em: . Acesso em: 04 out. 2010.


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Anaerobic threshold (AT) is usually estimated as a change point problem by visual analysis of the cardiorespiratory response to incremental dynamic exercise. In this study, two phase linear (TPL) models of the linear-linear and linear-quadratic type were used for the estimation of AT. The correlation coefficient between the classical and statistical approaches was 0.88, and 0.89 after outlier exclusion. The TPL models provide a simple method for estimating AT that can be easily implemented using a digital computer for the automatic pattern recognition of AT.


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An experimental model and a mathematical model with the introduction of a ramp in the channel of Obenaus model are presented. The aim is to present a better reproduction of the real layer pollution deposited on the HV insulators. This better reproduction is obtained from two types of thickness variation: the introduction of a ramp (soft variation) and the introduction of a step (sudden variation). The computational simulations and the experimental data suggest that the introduction of the ramp is the better reproduction of the layer pollution. The ramp approximates to the real layer pollution more than the step.


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Increased accessibility to high-performance computing resources has created a demand for user support through performance evaluation tools like the iSPD (iconic Simulator for Parallel and Distributed systems), a simulator based on iconic modelling for distributed environments such as computer grids. It was developed to make it easier for general users to create their grid models, including allocation and scheduling algorithms. This paper describes how schedulers are managed by iSPD and how users can easily adopt the scheduling policy that improves the system being simulated. A thorough description of iSPD is given, detailing its scheduler manager. Some comparisons between iSPD and Simgrid simulations, including runs of the simulated environment in a real cluster, are also presented. © 2012 IEEE.


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Shared attention is a type of communication very important among human beings. It is sometimes reserved for the more complex form of communication being constituted by a sequence of four steps: mutual gaze, gaze following, imperative pointing and declarative pointing. Some approaches have been proposed in Human-Robot Interaction area to solve part of shared attention process, that is, the most of works proposed try to solve the first two steps. Models based on temporal difference, neural networks, probabilistic and reinforcement learning are methods used in several works. In this article, we are presenting a robotic architecture that provides a robot or agent, the capacity of learning mutual gaze, gaze following and declarative pointing using a robotic head interacting with a caregiver. Three learning methods have been incorporated to this architecture and a comparison of their performance has been done to find the most adequate to be used in real experiment. The learning capabilities of this architecture have been analyzed by observing the robot interacting with the human in a controlled environment. The experimental results show that the robotic head is able to produce appropriate behavior and to learn from sociable interaction.


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Parallel kinematic structures are considered very adequate architectures for positioning and orienti ng the tools of robotic mechanisms. However, developing dynamic models for this kind of systems is sometimes a difficult task. In fact, the direct application of traditional methods of robotics, for modelling and analysing such systems, usually does not lead to efficient and systematic algorithms. This work addre sses this issue: to present a modular approach to generate the dynamic model and through some convenient modifications, how we can make these methods more applicable to parallel structures as well. Kane’s formulati on to obtain the dynamic equations is shown to be one of the easiest ways to deal with redundant coordinates and kinematic constraints, so that a suitable c hoice of a set of coordinates allows the remaining of the modelling procedure to be computer aided. The advantages of this approach are discussed in the modelling of a 3-dof parallel asymmetric mechanisms.


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In der vorliegenden Arbeit werden 52 Verbindungen beschrieben, welche auf COX/LOX-Inhibition mit zusätzlichen Hydroxylradikalfängereigenschaften getestet worden sind. rnEs war möglich eine neue Synthesestrategie für noch nicht beschriebene 4,5-Diarylisoselenazole zu entwickeln und eine vorhandene Synthese für Isothiazoliumchloride von zwei Stufen, mit mäßigen Ausbeuten, auf eine Stufe, mit hoher Ausbeute, zu verkürzen.rnEs wurden mehrere COX-Inhibitoren identifiziert. MSD4a, MSD4h, MSD5a und MSD5h konnten als COX-1-, COX-2- und 5-LOX-Hemmer identifiziert werden. Besonders hervorzuheben ist die Verbindung MSD5h, die zusätzlich zur COX-1-, COX-2- und 5-LOX-Inhibition eine leichte Hemmung im Hydroxylradikalfänger-Assay zeigt, für die ein clog P-Wert von 2,65 berechnet wurde und die im XTT-Zytotoxizitätstestsystem, selbst bei einer Konzentration von 100 µM, kaum toxische Eigenschaften besitzt.rnWeiterhin war es möglich zu zeigen, dass Carbonsäuren gute Hydroxylradikalfängereigenschaften in unserem, auf der Fenton-Reaktion basierenden, Testsystem haben. Die Potenz der Carbonsäuren MSD8b und MSD11j im Vergleich zu den unwirksamen korrespondierenden Ester MSD8a und MSD11i führte zu Untersuchungen mit weiteren Carbonsäuren und deren Ester. Um den Wirkungsmechanismus zu erforschen wurde das Testsystem modifiziert, um eine Komplexierung der Eisenionen durch die Carbonsäuren auszuschließen. An Hand der Substanzen MSD8b und MSD11j wurde nachgewiesen, dass diese mit dem Hydroxylradikal reagieren, ohne zu decarboxylieren oder andere Zerfallsreaktionen einzugehen.rnZusätzlich zu den Untersuchungen der Enzym-Inhibition sowie des Hydroxylradikal-Scavenings wurden Molecular Modelling Studien durchgeführt. Die Ergebnisse der Dockingstudien in COX-1- (1eqg), COX-2- (1cx2) und in COX-1 mutierte COX-2-Kristallstrukturen (1cx2) führen zu einer kritischen Bewertung des folgenden Ansatzes: Es ist nicht unbedingt sinnvoll zuerst Strukturen mit dem Computer zu entwerfen und zu modeln und sie erst dann zu synthetisieren und in Enzym- oder Zellassays zu testen. Die Begründung dafür liegt in der Schwierigkeit einschätzen zu können, wie nah das gewählte Modell der Wirklichkeit ist. In den durchgeführten Dockingstudien konnte der sehr große Einfluss des kokristallisierten Liganden in der als Grundlage dienenden Kristallstruktur auf die Dockingergebnisse gezeigt werden. Durch einen zu kleinen kokristallisierten Liganden in der COX-1-Bindungstasche wurden als Ergebnis der Dockingstudie alle Verbindungen als nicht potent eingestuft, obwohl diese zum Teil im Enzymtestsystem wirksam waren. Dies konnte mit den Mutationsversuchen ausgeglichen werden. rnDeshalb kann man aus diesen Ergebnissen als Fazit ziehen, dass eine Strategie, Strukturen zu synthetisieren, in vitro zu testen und dabei die Strukturentwicklung mit Molecular Modelling Studien zu unterstützen, die Methode der Wahl darstellt.rn


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In cranio-maxillofacial surgery, the determination of a proper surgical plan is an important step to attain a desired aesthetic facial profile and a complete denture closure. In the present paper, we propose an efficient modeling approach to predict the surgical planning on the basis of the desired facial appearance and optimal occlusion. To evaluate the proposed planning approach, the predicted osteotomy plan of six clinical cases that underwent CMF surgery were compared to the real clinical plan. Thereafter, simulated soft-tissue outcomes were compared using the predicted and real clinical plan. This preliminary retrospective comparison of both osteotomy planning and facial outlook shows a good agreement and thereby demonstrates the potential application of the proposed approach in cranio-maxillofacial surgical planning prediction.