999 resultados para Competências cognitivas


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As mudanças no cenário da engenharia civil e consequentemente da gestão da produção das obras exigem um engenheiro com perfil diferente, resultando na necessidade novas competências, relacionadas a inovação, foco no cliente, planejamento e controle, sistemas de gestão da qualidade, sustentabilidade e uma visão humanista. O objetivo principal deste artigo é identificar as competências desenvolvidas em uma empresa construtora com o processo de implantação da Aprendizagem Baseada em Problemas adaptado ao contexto organizacional. A estratégia de pesquisa adotada foi a pesquisa-ação, na qual a equipe de pesquisa atua com profissionais para melhorar a forma como estes entendem e resolvem problemas. Os resultados alcançados envolveram o desenvolvimento de competências relacionadas ao contexto organizacional, à aprendizagem individual, coletiva e organizacional, apontando problemas e possíveis soluções de gestão na empresa. Através do desenvolvimento de competências gerenciais, foi estimulada uma visão humanística, sustentável, com foco no cliente, além de um melhor sistema de gestão da qualidade. Identificaram-se problemas no sistema de gestão organizacional, ficando evidente a necessidade da criação de um ambiente propício para troca de informações entre diferentes setores da empresa.


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Este estudo propõe uma abordagem específica da mudança semântico-cognitiva, em processos de gramaticalização, a partir da exploração de graus de não discretude conceitual e complexidade cognitiva crescente, conforme estudos de Kortmann (1997) a partir de subordinadores de base adverbial. O universo de investigação é constituído de textos medialmente escritos (editoriais, cartas e e-mails) e falados (amostras do Banco de Dados IBORUNA), representativos dos séculos XVIII a XXI. Os resultados mostram que, em relação aos padrões de usos juntivos de assim focalizados a partir de Halliday (1985), a saber, juntor coordenativo conclusivo (P assim Q), comparativos, conformativos (P assim como Q), temporal (Assim que Q, P) e contrastivo (P, mesmo assim Q), a análise das relações semântico-cognitivas no processo de GR de assim forneceu-nos uma escala crescente de complexidade cognitiva associada à discretude semântica e uma especificação das relações interoracionais desempenhadas por esses padrões. Os resultados dessa análise permitiram a proposta de uma relação tridimensional de derivação entre os domínios cognitivos, apontando Modo como a macrofunção mais produtiva nos dados.


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The Cooperating Teacher (CT) areessentialfor skills development and knowledge of future physical education teachers. Through asemi-structured interview, the purpose of our studyis to understand the perspectives and view sof CT with respectto the Teachers Students (TS) preparationin their first contact with the school reality. We verified that the CT feel that TS start with knowledge, but they cannot put theminto practice. This difficultyis due to the fact that the current curriculum have few hoursof practical subjects for the TS developte aching skillsand learning. However, despitethe current curriculum does not meet all the requirements for the professionalization has Curricular Units(CU) importante for the development of values, ethics, ethics and citizenship TS.


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The search for international impact and the need to create formal or informal networks of academic cooperation are some of the most common features of the current training offered by many universities. Aware of this difficulty and the desirability of creating synergies to enrich teaching and academic collaboration networks between universities, an experience is presented, in the context of the teaching of Information and Documentation, of inter-university collaboration for the joint design of learning activities and skills assessment, developed by teachers in the public universities of Zaragoza and Salamanca (Spain) and the São Paulo Universidade Estadual Paulista Júlio de Mesquita Filho (São Paulo, Brazil). The experience is developed using models that facilitate the structuring of learning activities aimed at the acquisition of common skills. Each activity that is proposed and developed is recorded in a spreadsheet which collects the information arranged in various fields such as: description, skills, objectives, expected learning outcomes, tools, required resources and materials, evaluation criteria, amongst others, so that the student can see what he is asked to do, how to do it and how useful it will be. This way of designing skills-based learning activities is possible, in geographically diverse academic settings through the use of Information Technology and Communication, enabling both remote cooperation between teachers and also materials offered on the platforms of each of the universities.


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Discussing skill issues is dealing with what is most recent and usual in the field of education. Skill teaching has already entered the classroom, influenced teachers's vocabulary and has been a fixture in the educational projects and curriculum proposals. But in what aspect is pedagogy focused on skills different from other pedagogical theories to become so fundamental to schooling? Why do governments increasingly adopt skill teaching as a strategy and as goals of state education? Somehow we will treat these questions by looking at the concrete fundamentals of Skill Pedagogy Skill, its philosophical, political and economic bases to enable its incorporation into contemporary school practice.


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Introduction: Individuals born from the 1990’s to accompany technological change course and learn how to use the technological resources that have access before they even learn to read or write. In this sense, the literature considers the digital natives or even 'Google generation'. However, it has been questioned their skills to identify information needs and seeking and use of information in the most varied environments digital information available on the Web. Objectives: To characterize the behavior of information seeking in everyday life of a group of teenage students from a private school in Marilia, Sao Paulo. Methodology: A qualitative study with 30 adolescent students of a private school in Marilia, Sao Paulo. Data collection was accomplished at first by means of a questionnaire, based on the research of Hughes-Hussell and August (2007), containing questions about age, gender, hobbies and everyday tasks, and issues the use of computers and the internet, which allowed determination of the social, economic and cultural rights of respondents. Results: have focused on the use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) to search access and use information. It was suggested that the "Brotherhood of Informatics', an incentive for students to (re) learn the tools of digital communication and make appropriate use of the resources, products and services on the web to search and effective use of information compatible with their needs and that is tied to the ethical and responsible use of technology environments. Conclusions: The results arising from this study will continue through the continuation of the Confraternity of Computing, which became a "thermometer" on the use of digital information environments and the attitude of the students in front of Information and Communication Technologies in the College “Cristo Rei”.


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This article aims to address the relationship between work and professional education, specifically the ideology skills and the new pedagogy business under the globalization of capital. Is analyzed at first, the world-historical context, the restructuring of the productive and political capital from the 1970s, and the demand for a new organization of work based on model Toyota. Second, discuss such changes are productive within the Brazilian state and its influence on educational policies geared to work, permeated by the ideology skills as an instrument that seeks to obscure the relationshipcapital. It discusses the emergence of new education business connected to the ideals of human capital. It is the influence of international organizations in Brazil of the United Nations (UN) and the United Nations Organization for Education, Science and Culture (UNESCO), aimed at articulating the education according to the ideological aspect global, verified legislative apparatus in education. Ends up not only to reflect the content of the skills ideology, but it is suggested the redemption value of the denied promise of emancipation human-general.


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Professional competence can be one of the paths for the insertion of the disabled students in the labor market. This study evaluated the development of skills from the perspective of five learners with disabilities, their tutors and teachers. The survey was conducted in a non-governmental organization that had a range of 32 skills to be taught. The assessment revealed that some of the skills improve with provided training, others remained at the same level and only one decreases its score. It is possible to conclude that the learning program contributed to the development of the skills, which may mean the inclusion of young people in the labor market.


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Baseado nas evidencias atuais de crescimento e expansão da atuação profissional do educador físico, em particular a sua atuação como prestador de serviços, ou seja, o personal trainer; que vende seus serviços, ou produtos relacionados à aptidão física e a relação promissora desta atuação, é que nos motivou a desenvolver este trabalho que segue por uma pesquisa bibliográfica de evidencias do histórico e perfil do personal trainer quanto aos conceitos culturais, sociais e psicológicos deste profissional, em seguida levantamos questões relacionadas à formação acadêmica do personal trainer e os pontos diferenciais deste profissional. Tais como a necessidade de conhecimentos que vão alem do âmbito acadêmico, pois se trata de um profissional prestador de serviços o que foge da regularidade da formação convencional. Portanto neste trabalho procuramos evidenciar estas e outras questões (como ética e profissionalismo), que podem levar este profissional a uma carreira de sucesso ou fracasso. Para isso existe uma necessidade fundamental de que se entenda que o personal trainer como prestador de serviços esta surgindo dentro de uma profissão já consolidada (Educador Físico), porem esta assumindo características próprias, como a necessidade de conhecimentos específicos da profissão. Concluímos, portanto que esta promissora atuação do educador físico necessita de atenções especiais e de um processo de formação diferenciado e que não podemos deixar que a nossa profissão se vulgarize e se venda por migalhas, pois esta é a grande chance do profissional se impor e conquistar o desejado respeito diante as profissões da área da saúde


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In 2002, the Ministry of Education (MEC) published the Curriculum Guidelines for Engineering courses in the country. The Guidelines contain subjects like the profile of graduates, the course structure, curriculum, internships and skills and abilities, all geared to guide the training of engineers in Brazil. The objective of this study is to evaluate together with teachers of the Production Department of this University and students of the fifth year of Production Engineering is how student learning of Production Engineering for the development and importance of skills within the course and skills for engineers who are present in the Curriculum Guidelines for engineering courses developed by MEC


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Pós-graduação em Educação - FFC


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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In this article we discuss competences demanded from the foreign language teacher for him or her to perform in the teaching-learning process efficiently. Our reflections are based mainly on Paulo Freire (2001), Philippe Perrenoud (2000), Edgar Morin (2003), Maurice Tardif (2002) and Almeida Filho (1999), providing, in this way, a reflective dialogue among studies that focus on teachers’ competences. The main objective is a better understanding of the necessary knowledge about teaching practices so that foreign language teachers’ actions can meet the needs of education at present. We expect to highlight important issues in the development of the aforementioned competences, and suggest that their development can contribute for better language teaching.