586 resultados para Coaches
The developing intersection between the law of negligence and sports coaching in the UK provides a profoundly distinctive context, as compared to that of the more traditional learned professions, in which to critically examine the issue of professional liability. More specifically, detailed consideration of the Bolam test in the context of sports coaching, where the majority of coaches are volunteers, reinforces the Bolam doctrine as a control mechanism designed to protect both claimants and defendants alike. Importantly, a fuller analysis of related jurisprudence, even in instances where defendant coaches lack a formal qualification, and/or may not have engaged in considered and reasoned decision-making, reveals the potential for the Bolam test to operate as a quasi-defence, thereby safeguarding coaches from negligence liability. Nonetheless, in discharging this heightened standard of care incumbent upon them, coaches must ensure that the coaching practices adopted are regular, approved, and capable of withstanding robust and logical scrutiny. Ultimately, this article’s analysis of the principles of professional liability, in the specific circumstances of sports coaching, should prove to be of appreciably wider interest and utility for practitioners specialising in personal injury law.
The ordinary principles of the law of negligence are applicable in the context of sport, including claims brought against volunteer and professional coaches. Adopting the perspective of the coach, this article intends to raise awareness of the emerging intersection between the law of negligence and sports coaching, by utilising an interdisciplinary analysis designed to better safeguard and reassure coaches mindful of legal liability. Detailed scrutiny of two cases concerning alleged negligent coaching, with complementary discussion of some of the ethical dilemmas facing modern coaches, reinforces the legal duty and obligation of all coaches to adopt objectively reasonable and justifiable coaching practices when interacting with athletes. Problematically, since research suggests that some coaching practice may be underpinned by “entrenched legitimacy” and “uncritical inertia”, it is argued that coach education and training should place a greater emphasis on developing a coach’s awareness and understanding of the evolving legal context in which they discharge the duty of care incumbent upon them.
The intersection between the law of negligence and sport coaching in the UK is a developing area (Partington, 2014; Kevan, 2005). Crucially, since the law of negligence may be regarded as generally similar everywhere (Magnus, 2006), with the predominance of volunteer coaches in the UK reflective of the majority of countries in the world (Duffy et al., 2011), a detailed scrutiny of this relationship from the perspective of the coach uncovers important implications for coach education beyond this jurisdiction.
Fulfilment of the legal duty of discharging reasonable care may be regarded as consistent with the ethical obligation not to expose athletes to unreasonable risks of injury (Mitten, 2013). More specifically, any ‘profession’ requiring ‘special skill or competence’ (Bolam v Friern Hospital Management Committee [1957] 1 WLR 582), including the coaching of sport (e.g., Davenport v Farrow [2010] EWHC 550), requires a higher standard of care to be displayed than would be expected of the ordinary reasonable person (Lunney & Oliphant, 2013; Jones & Dugdale, 2010). For instance, volunteer coaches with no formal qualifications (e.g., Fowles v Bedfordshire County Council [1996] ELR 51) would be judged by this benchmark of professional liability (Powell & Stewart, 2012). Further, as the principles of coaching are constantly assessed and revised (Cassidy et al., 2009; Taylor & Garratt, 2010), so too is the legal standard of care required of coaches (Powell & Stewart, 2012). Problematically, ethical concerns may include coaches being unwilling to increase knowledge, abusive treatment of players and incompetence/inexperience (Haney et al., 1998). These factors accentuate coaches’ exposure to civil liability.
It is imperative that coaches have an awareness of this emerging intersection and develop a ‘proactive risk assessment lens’ (Hartley, 2010). In addition to supporting the professionalisation of sport coaching, coach education/CPD focused on the legal and ethical aspects of coaching (Duffy et al., 2011; Telfer, 2010; Haney et al., 1998) would enhance the safety and welfare of performers, safeguard coaches from litigation risk, and potentially improve all levels of coaching (Partington, 2014). Interestingly, there is evidence to suggest a demand from coaches for more training on health and safety issues, including risk management and (ir)responsible coaching (Stirling et al., 2012). Accordingly, critical examination of the issue of negligent coaching would inform coach education by: enabling the modelling and sharing of best practice; unpacking important ethical concerns; and, further informing the classification of coaching as a ‘profession’.
This presentation is about the law of professional negligence as it applies to sport. The presentation asks, paradoxically, if the skills you have as a sports coach or official might ever, on not being reasonably applied, leave you or your sport vulnerable to a claim in negligence. To inform this debate, the recent judgment in Bartlett v English Cricket Board Association of Cricket Officials (unreported, County Court (Birmingham), 27 August 2015) is critically considered. Arguably, this case is indicative of the extension of tortious liability in the UK, most notably, for officials and coaches in the context of amateur sport, essentially requiring HHJ Lopez to determine what might be termed the ‘professional liability of an amateur’.
By highlighting the context of sports coaching in the UK, this article reveals the considerable limitations of both section 1 of the Compensation Act 2006, and the Social Action, Responsibility and Heroism Act 2015, in safeguarding (volunteer) coaches from negligence liability.
Volunteer coaches are critical for the existence of youth sports organizations. They are both leading the activity and are expected to develop the athletes in a technical, psychological, social and cultural way. The mission as a coach requires skills and knowledge from a wide range of fields and the mission as a coach appears complex. Stakeholders like Riksidrottsförbundet, Gymnastikförbundet and the sport organization have certain requirements on how to design the activities. Coaches have to follow those guidelines and implement them in practice. The social context is one important factor for understanding the driving force. It affects how coaches perceive their assignment as a volunteer coach. This study aims to contribute to increased understanding of the fenomen volunteer coach mission and increase understanding for the drivers of volunteer coaches in gymnastics. In order to clarify this, 6 interviews with volunteer coaches from gymnastics organizations linked to Riksidrottsförbundet were conducted. This study indicates that the motive behind the coaching mission is grounded in an intrinsic value of being a coach. The coaching mission itself appears partly contradictory when trying to combine the sport related and the social dimensions. Seeing progress from practice and to follow the development of gymnasts are aspects that drives coaches. That combined with the social interaction is important for understanding the drivers of being a coach.
This paper presents a case study of an elite female coach and her career termination from a 20+ year career following a critical life incident. A novel autobiographical approach was adopted whereby the participant undertook expressive writing to describe her experiences prior to, during, and following coaching an athlete at the 2012 Summer Olympic Games. Thematic analysis indicated seven phases related to the participant’s experiences of the critical incident: Build up to the event, the event, the aftermath, recovery and reflection on the event, sampling of new avenues, enlightenment, and career re-birth. The findings reinforce the high demands placed upon elite coaches, the subsequent threats to physical and mental well-being, and the importance of having robust psychological skills and suitable social support to cope with these demands. Implications for preparing and supporting coaches for successful career transition are discussed.
Résumé : L’entrainement sportif est « un processus de perfectionnement de l’athlète dirigé selon des principes scientifiques et qui, par des influences planifiées et systématiques (charges) sur la capacité de performance, vise à mener le sportif vers des performances élevées et supérieures dans un sport ou une discipline sportive » (Harre, 1982). Un entrainement sportif approprié devrait commencer dès l’enfance. Ainsi, le jeune sportif pourrait progressivement et systématiquement développer son corps et son esprit afin d’atteindre l’excellence sportive (Bompa, 2000; Weineck, 1997). Or plusieurs entraineurs, dans leur tentative de parvenir à des résultats de haut niveau rapidement, exposent les jeunes athlètes à une formation sportive très spécifique et rigoureuse, sans prendre le temps de développer convenablement les aptitudes physiques et motrices et les habiletés motrices fondamentales sous-jacentes aux habiletés sportives spécifiques (Bompa, 2000), d’où l’appellation « spécialisation hâtive ». Afin de contrer les conséquences néfastes de la spécialisation hâtive, de nouvelles approches d’entrainement ont été proposées. Une des façons d’y arriver consisterait notamment à pratiquer différents sports en bas âge (Fraser-Thomas, Côté et Deakin, 2008; Gould et Carson, 2004; Judge et Gilreath, 2009; LeBlanc et Dickson, 1997; Mostafavifar, Best et Myer, 2013), d’où l’appellation « diversification sportive ». Plusieurs organisations sportives et professionnelles ont décidé de valoriser et de mettre en place des programmes basés sur la diversification sportive (Kaleth et Mikesky, 2010). C’est donc à la suite d’une prise de conscience des effets néfastes de la spécialisation hâtive que des professionnels de l’activité physique d’une école secondaire du Québec (éducateur physique, kinésiologue et agent de développement sportif) ont mis en place un programme multisports-études novateur au premier cycle du secondaire, inspiré des sciences du sport et des lignes directrices du modèle de développement à long terme de l’athlète (DLTA) (Balyi, Cardinal, Higgs, Norris et Way, 2005). Le présent projet de recherche porte sur le développement des aptitudes physiques et motrices chez de jeunes sportifs inscrits à un programme de spécialisation sportive et de jeunes sportifs inscrits à un programme de diversification sportive à l’étape « S’entrainer à s’entrainer » (12 à 16 ans) du modèle de développement à long terme de l’athlète (Balyi et al., 2005). L’objectif principal de cette étude est de rendre compte de l’évolution des aptitudes physiques et motrices de jeunes élèves-athlètes inscrits, d’une part, à un programme sport-études soccer (spécialisation) et, d’autre part, à un programme multisports-études (diversification). Plus spécifiquement, cette étude tente de (a) dresser un portrait détaillé de l’évolution des aptitudes physiques et motrices des élèves-athlètes de chaque programme et de faire un parallèle avec la planification annuelle de chaque programme sportif et (b) de rendre compte des différences d’aptitudes physiques et motrices observées entre les deux programmes. Le projet de recherche a été réalisé dans une école secondaire de la province de Québec. Au total, 53 élèves-athlètes de première secondaire ont été retenus pour le projet de recherche selon leur volonté de participer à l’étude, soit 23 élèves-athlètes de première secondaire inscrits au programme sport-études soccer et 30 élèves-athlètes de première secondaire inscrits au programme multisports-études. Les élèves-athlètes étaient tous âgés de 11 à 13 ans. Treize épreuves standardisées d’aptitudes physiques et motrices ont été administrées aux élèves-athlètes des deux programmes sportifs en début, en milieu et en fin d’année scolaire. Le traitement des données s’est effectué à l’aide de statistiques descriptives et d’une analyse de variance à mesures répétées. Les résultats révèlent que (a) l’ensemble des aptitudes physiques et motrices des élèves-athlètes des deux programmes sportifs se sont améliorées au cours de l’année scolaire, (b) il est relativement facile de faire un parallèle entre l’évolution des aptitudes physiques et motrices des élèves-athlètes et la planification annuelle de chaque programme sportif, (c) les élèves-athlètes du programme multisports-études ont, en général, des performances semblables à celles des élèves-athlètes du programme sport-études soccer et (d) les élèves-athlètes du programme sport-études soccer ont, au cours de l’année scolaire, amélioré davantage leur endurance cardiorespiratoire, alors que ceux du programme multisports-études ont amélioré davantage (a) leur vitesse segmentaire des bras, (b) leur agilité à l’épreuve de course en cercle et (c) leur puissance musculaire des membres inférieurs, confirmant ainsi que les aptitudes physiques et motrices développées chez de jeunes athlètes qui se spécialisent tôt sont plutôt spécifiques au sport pratiqué (Balyi et al., 2005; Bompa, 1999; Cloes, Delfosse, Ledent et Piéron, 1994; Mattson et Richards, 2010), alors que celles développées à travers la diversification sportive sont davantage diversifiées (Coakley, 2010; Gould et Carson, 2004; White et Oatman, 2009). Ces résultats peuvent s’expliquer par (a) la spécificité ou la diversité des tâches proposées durant les séances d’entrainement, (b) le temps consacré à chacune de ces tâches et (c) les exigences reliées à la pratique du soccer comparativement aux exigences reliées à la pratique de plusieurs disciplines sportives. Toutefois, les résultats obtenus restent complexes à interpréter en raison de différents biais : (a) la maturation physique, (b) le nombre d’heures d’entrainement effectué au cours de l’année scolaire précédente, (c) le nombre d’heures d’entrainement offert par les deux programmes sportifs à l’étude et (d) les activités physiques et sportives pratiquées à l’extérieur de l’école. De plus, cette étude ne permet pas d’évaluer la qualité des interventions et des exercices proposés lors des entrainements ni la motivation des élèves-athlètes à prendre part aux séances d’entrainement ou aux épreuves physiques et motrices. Finalement, il serait intéressant de reprendre la présente étude auprès de disciplines sportives différentes et de mettre en évidence les contributions particulières de chaque discipline sportive sur le développement des aptitudes physiques et motrices de jeunes athlètes.
While coaching and customer involvement can enhance the improvement of health and social care, many organizations struggle to develop their improvement capability; it is unclear how best to accomplish this. We examined one attempt at training improvement coaches. The program, set in the Esther Network for integrated care in rural Jonkoping County, Sweden, included eight 1-day sessions spanning 7 months in 2011. A senior citizen joined the faculty in all training sessions. Aiming to discern which elements in the program were essential for assuming the role of improvement coach, we used a case-study design with a qualitative approach. Our focus group interviews included 17 informants: 11 coaches, 3 faculty members, and 3 senior citizens. We performed manifest content analysis of the interview data. Creating will, ideas, execution, and sustainability emerged as crucial elements. These elements were promoted by customer focusembodied by the senior citizen trainershared values and a solution-focused approach, by the supportive coach network and by participants' expanded systems understanding. These elements emerged as more important than specific improvement tools and are worth considering also elsewhere when seeking to develop improvement capability in health and social care organizations.
The purpose of this study is to establish whether coaches from a multi-sport context develop most effectively through coach education programmes and whether formal learning is fostering coach effectiveness. A sample of eight qualified male multi-sports’ coaches participated with an age range of 24 to 52 years (M = 32.6, ± = 8.9) and 9 to 18 years coaching experience (M = 12.6, ± = 3.8). Qualitative semi structured interviews were employed, lasting approximately 30 to 60 minutes. The data then underwent a thematic analysis process reducing the data into six overarching themes: values of the coach; the coach’s role on athlete development; forms of learning; barriers regarding coach education; role of governing bodies; coaches career pathway. The findings of the study indicated coaches access a wide range of sources to enhance their practice, but informal learning was preferred (interacting with other coaches and learning by doing). This resulted from numerous barriers experienced surrounding the delivery, cost and access to coach education programmes preventing coaches from progressing through the pathway. However, coaches in the study feel coach education should be a mandatory process for every coach. The findings have implications for policymakers and sport organisations in developing their coach education structure.
With the world of professional sports shifting towards employing better sport analytics, the demand for vision-based performance analysis is growing increasingly in recent years. In addition, the nature of many sports does not allow the use of any kind of sensors or other wearable markers attached to players for monitoring their performances during competitions. This provides a potential application of systematic observations such as tracking information of the players to help coaches to develop their visual skills and perceptual awareness needed to make decisions about team strategy or training plans. My PhD project is part of a bigger ongoing project between sport scientists and computer scientists involving also industry partners and sports organisations. The overall idea is to investigate the contribution technology can make to the analysis of sports performance on the example of team sports such as rugby, football or hockey. A particular focus is on vision-based tracking, so that information about the location and dynamics of the players can be gained without any additional sensors on the players. To start with, prior approaches on visual tracking are extensively reviewed and analysed. In this thesis, methods to deal with the difficulties in visual tracking to handle the target appearance changes caused by intrinsic (e.g. pose variation) and extrinsic factors, such as occlusion, are proposed. This analysis highlights the importance of the proposed visual tracking algorithms, which reflect these challenges and suggest robust and accurate frameworks to estimate the target state in a complex tracking scenario such as a sports scene, thereby facilitating the tracking process. Next, a framework for continuously tracking multiple targets is proposed. Compared to single target tracking, multi-target tracking such as tracking the players on a sports field, poses additional difficulties, namely data association, which needs to be addressed. Here, the aim is to locate all targets of interest, inferring their trajectories and deciding which observation corresponds to which target trajectory is. In this thesis, an efficient framework is proposed to handle this particular problem, especially in sport scenes, where the players of the same team tend to look similar and exhibit complex interactions and unpredictable movements resulting in matching ambiguity between the players. The presented approach is also evaluated on different sports datasets and shows promising results. Finally, information from the proposed tracking system is utilised as the basic input for further higher level performance analysis such as tactics and team formations, which can help coaches to design a better training plan. Due to the continuous nature of many team sports (e.g. soccer, hockey), it is not straightforward to infer the high-level team behaviours, such as players’ interaction. The proposed framework relies on two distinct levels of performance analysis: low-level performance analysis, such as identifying players positions on the play field, as well as a high-level analysis, where the aim is to estimate the density of player locations or detecting their possible interaction group. The related experiments show the proposed approach can effectively explore this high-level information, which has many potential applications.
Donna Soto-Morettini is one of the top performance coaches in the industry and has worked as casting director and performance coach for the hit BBC reality casting shows, I'd Do Anything, Any Dream Will Do, and How Do You Solve a Problem Like Maria. She was the founding senior vocal coach at Paul McCartney's Liverpool Institute for Performing Arts. Based on her years of teaching experience in a multitude of styles, this unique book is a practical guide to exploring the singing voice and will help to enhance vocal confidence in a range of styles including Pop, Jazz, Blues, Rock, Country and Gospel. Both singers and voice teachers will benefit from the clear analysis of these styles and advice on how to improve performance. Popular Singing provides effective alternatives to traditional voice training methods and demonstrates how these methods can be used to create a flexible and unique sound. A free CD of voice demonstrations is also included.
Introdução e objectivos: A saúde oral em atletas é parte essencial para a saúde geral, sendo um factor determinante para a qualidade de vida e desempenho desportivo. Logo, um bom estado de saúde só existirá se a cavidade oral se encontrar ausente de patologias. Os desequilíbrios nutricionais possuem efeitos sobre a cavidade oral, condicionando assim a qualidade de vida e desempenho do atleta. Desta forma, o excesso de ingestão de alguns alimentos podem ser factores de risco para a saúde, tendo conta em que, a etiologia da cárie dentária está relacionada com a ação de microorganismos orais que produzem ácidos orgânicos, a partir do metabolismo dos hidratos de carbono. O objectivo deste estudo foi avaliar a saúde oral bem como os hábitos alimentares e o uso de protetores bucais durante a prática desportiva. Participantes e Métodos: Foram observados 55 atletas de voleibol entre os 15 e 18 anos de ambos os géneros, do clube de voleibol Academia José Moreira e Leixões. Tratou-se de um estudo transversal, no qual foi realizado exame clínico intraoral (índice de cárie CPOd, indice de erosão dentária BEWE) e preenchimento de questinário, em que os indivíduos foram caracterizados em 5 componentes: dados sociodemográficos (idade, peso e estatura), dados sobre perceção de saúde, dados sobre comportamentos de saúde oral, dados sobre prática desportiva e dados sobre comportamentos alimentares (questionário semi-quantitativo de frequência alimentar). A análise estatística descritiva e inferencial dos dados recolhidos foi realizada com o auxílio do programa informático SPSS, versão 23.0. Resultados: Os hábitos de saúde oral não são os mais adequados e a percentagem de atletas que visita o médico dentista é elevada para “só quando tem dores” ou “ocasionalmente”. A média do CPOD geral foi de 4,22 ± 4,55. Não houve diferenças estatisticamente significativas (p>0,05) entre o CPOD geral e o IMC. Nenhum dos atletas usa protetor bucal durante a prática desportiva. Os alimentos mais consumidos foram a carne, fruta, leite, peixe e, biscoitos, bolos e bolachas; e os menos consumidos foram as bebidas alcoólicas, mel ou compotas e café. Conclusão: Os hábitos de higiene oral são um melhor indicador do que o IMC para a presença de cárie. Não há relação direta entre índice CPOD e IMC. Seria importante prestar mais informação sobre vantagens do uso de protetores bucais junto dos atletas e de treinadores bem como, esclarecer que a consistência e as propriedades sensoriais ligadas à textura e à consistência dos alimentos na superfície dentária interferem com a cárie.
The aim of this thesis was threefold, firstly, to compare current player tracking technology in a single game of soccer. Secondly, to investigate the running requirements of elite women’s soccer, in particular the use and application of athlete tracking devices. Finally, how can game style be quantified and defined. Study One compared four different match analysis systems commonly used in both research and applied settings: video-based time-motion analysis, a semi-automated multiple camera based system, and two commercially available Global Positioning System (GPS) based player tracking systems at 1 Hertz (Hz) and 5 Hz respectively. A comparison was made between each of the systems when recording the same game. Total distance covered during the match for the four systems ranged from 10 830 ± 770 m (semi-automated multiple camera based system) to 9 510 ± 740m (video-based time-motion analysis). At running speeds categorised as high-intensity running (>15 km⋅h-1), the semi-automated multiple camera based system reported the highest distance of 2 650 ± 530 m with video-based time-motion analysis reporting the least amount of distance covered with 1 610 ± 370 m. At speeds considered to be sprinting (>20 km⋅h-1), the video-based time-motion analysis reported the highest value (420 ± 170 m) and 1 Hz GPS units the lowest value (230 ± 160 m). These results demonstrate there are differences in the determination of the absolute distances, and that comparison of results between match analysis systems should be made with caution. Currently, there is no criterion measure for these match analysis methods and as such it was not possible to determine if one system was more accurate than another. Study Two provided an opportunity to apply player-tracking technology (GPS) to measure activity profiles and determine the physical demands of Australian international level women soccer players. In four international women’s soccer games, data was collected on a total of 15 Australian women soccer players using a 5 Hz GPS based athlete tracking device. Results indicated that Australian women soccer players covered 9 140 ± 1 030 m during 90 min of play. The total distance covered by Australian women was less than the 10 300 m reportedly covered by female soccer players in the Danish First Division. However, there was no apparent difference in the estimated "#$%&', as measured by multi-stage shuttle tests, between these studies. This study suggests that contextual information, including the “game style” of both the team and opposition may influence physical performance in games. Study Three examined the effect the level of the opposition had on the physical output of Australian women soccer players. In total, 58 game files from 5 Hz athlete-tracking devices from 13 international matches were collected. These files were analysed to examine relationships between physical demands, represented by total distance covered, high intensity running (HIR) and distances covered sprinting, and the level of the opposition, as represented by the Fédération Internationale de Football Association (FIFA) ranking at the time of the match. Higher-ranking opponents elicited less high-speed running and greater low-speed activity compared to playing teams of similar or lower ranking. The results are important to coaches and practitioners in the preparation of players for international competition, and showed that the differing physical demands required were dependent on the level of the opponents. The results also highlighted the need for continued research in the area of integrating contextual information in team sports and demonstrated that soccer can be described as having dynamic and interactive systems. The influence of playing strategy, tactics and subsequently the overall game style was highlighted as playing a significant part in the physical demands of the players. Study Four explored the concept of game style in field sports such as soccer. The aim of this study was to provide an applied framework with suggested metrics for use by coaches, media, practitioners and sports scientists. Based on the findings of Studies 1- 3 and a systematic review of the relevant literature, a theoretical framework was developed to better understand how a team’s game style could be quantified. Soccer games can be broken into key moments of play, and for each of these moments we categorised metrics that provide insight to success or otherwise, to help quantify and measure different methods of playing styles. This study highlights that to date, there had been no clear definition of game style in team sports and as such a novel definition of game style is proposed that can be used by coaches, sport scientists, performance analysts, media and general public. Studies 1-3 outline four common methods of measuring the physical demands in soccer: video based time motion analysis, GPS at 1 Hz and at 5 Hz and semiautomated multiple camera based systems. As there are no semi-automated multiple camera based systems available in Australia, primarily due to cost and logistical reasons, GPS is widely accepted for use in team sports in tracking player movements in training and competition environments. This research identified that, although there are some limitations, GPS player-tracking technology may be a valuable tool in assessing running demands in soccer players and subsequently contribute to our understanding of game style. The results of the research undertaken also reinforce the differences between methods used to analyse player movement patterns in field sports such as soccer and demonstrate that the results from different systems such as GPS based athlete tracking devices and semi-automated multiple camera based systems cannot be used interchangeably. Indeed, the magnitude of measurement differences between methods suggests that significant measurement error is evident. This was apparent even when the same technologies are used which measure at different sampling rates, such as GPS systems using either 1 Hz or 5 Hz frequencies of measurement. It was also recognised that other factors influence how team sport athletes behave within an interactive system. These factors included the strength of the opposition and their style of play. In turn, these can impact the physical demands of players that change from game to game, and even within games depending on these contextual features. Finally, the concept of what is game style and how it might be measured was examined. Game style was defined as "the characteristic playing pattern demonstrated by a team during games. It will be regularly repeated in specific situational contexts such that measurement of variables reflecting game style will be relatively stable. Variables of importance are player and ball movements, interaction of players, and will generally involve elements of speed, time and space (location)".
This study aimed to detect and analyse regular patterns of play in fast attack of football teams, through the combination of the sequential analysis technique and semi-structured interviews to experienced first League Portuguese coaches. The sample included 36 games (12 games of the respective national leagues per team) of the F.C. Barcelona, Inter Milan, and Manchester United teams that were coded with the observational instrument tool developed by Sarmento et al. (2010) and the data analysed through sequential analysis with the software SDIS-GSEQ 5.0. Based on the detected patterns, semi-structured interviews were carried out to 8 expert high-performance football coaches and data were analysed through the content analysis technique using the software NVivo 10. The detected patterns of play revealed specific characteristics of the teams under study. The combination of the results of sequential analysis with the qualitative interviews to the professional coaches proved to be very fruitful in this game the analysis of scope, allowing reconcile scientific knowledge with practical interpretation of coaches who develop their tasks in the field.