875 resultados para Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease


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At the Eighth International London Cough Conference held in London in July 2014, the focus was on the relatively novel concept of cough hypersensitivity syndrome (CHS) as forming the basis of chronic cough. This concept has been formulated following understanding of the neuronal pathways for cough and a realisation that not all chronic cough is usually associated with a cause. The CHS is defined by troublesome coughing triggered by low level of thermal, mechanical or chemical exposure. It also encompasses other symptoms or sensations such as laryngeal hypersensitivity, nasal hypersensitivity and possibly also symptoms related to gastrooesopahgeal reflux. The pathophysiologic basis of the CHS is now being increasingly linked to an enhancement of the afferent pathways of the cough reflex both at the peripheral and central levels. Mechanisms involved include the interactions of inflammatory mechanisms with cough sensors in the upper airways and with neuronal pathways of cough, associated with a central component. Tools for assessing CHS in the clinic need to be developed. New drugs may be developed to control CHS. A roadmap is suggested from the inception of the CHS concept towards the development of newer antitussives at the Symposium.


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Alzheimer’s disease is a chronic progressive neurodegenerative disease and is the most common form of dementia (estimated 50−60% of all cases), associated with loss of memory (in particular episodic memory), cognitive decline, and behavioural and physical disability, ultimately leading to death. Alzheimer’s disease is a complex disease, mostly occurring sporadically with no apparent inheritance and being the age the main risk factor. The production and accumulation of amyloid-beta peptide in the central nervous system is a key event in the development of Alzheimer’s disease. This project is devoted to the synthesis of amyloid-beta ligands, fluorophores and blood brain barrier-transporters for diagnosis and therapy of Alzheimer’s disease. Different amyloid-beta ligands will be synthesized and their ability to interact with amyloid-beta plaques will be studied with nuclear magnetic resonance techniques and a process of lead optimization will be performed. Many natural and synthetic compounds able to interact as amyloid-beta ligands have been identified. Among them, a set of small molecules in which aromatic moieties seem to play a key role to inhibit amyloid-beta aggregation, in particular heteroaromatic polycyclic compounds such as tetracyclines. Nevertheless tetracyclines suffer from chemical instability, low water solubility and possess, in this contest, undesired anti-bacterial activity. In order to overcome these limitations, one of our goals is to synthesize tetracyclines analogues bearing a polycyclic structure with improved chemical stability and water solubility, possibly lacking antibacterial activity but conserving the ability to interact with amyloid-beta peptides. Known tetracyclines have in common a fourth cycle without an aromatic character and with different functionalisations. We aim to synthesize derivatives in which this cycle is represented by a sugar moiety, thus bearing different derivatisable positions or create derivatives in which we will increase or decrease the number of fused rings. In order to generate a potential drug-tool candidate, these molecules should also possess the correct chemical-physical characteristics. The glycidic moiety, not being directly involved in the binding, it assures further possible derivatizations, such as conjugation to others molecular entities (nanoparticles, polymeric supports, etc.), and functionalization with chemical groups able to modulate the hydro/lipophilicity. In order to be useful such compounds should perform their action within the brain, therefore they have to be able to cross the blood brain barrier, and to be somehow detected for diagnostic purposes.


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Syftet med studien var att jämföra livskvalitet, kunskap om KOL och antal patienter som inlett ett rökstopp där en grupp erhöll standard vård och en annan grupp förutom standard vård även fick ett strukturerat omhändertagande på en distriktssköterskeledd KOL- mottagning med undervisning i egenvård.Studien genomfördes med kvasiexperimentell design. Urvalet var 52 patienter från primärvården med diagnosen KOL. Patienterna matchades utifrån kön, sjukdomens svårighetsgrad och slumpades sen till två grupper, en interventionsgrupp och en jämförandegrupp. Jämförandegruppen erhöll standardvård medan interventionsgruppen utöver standardvård erhöll två utbildningsbesök i egenvård hos astma KOL-sjuksköterskan på en vårdcentral i mellansverige.Som datainsamlingsmetod har två enkäter använts. En enkät som innehöll frågor om kön, ålder, civilstånd, utbildning, upplevd kunskap om KOL och rökstatus samt en enkät som hade till syfte att ge information om hur andningsbesvären påverkar patientens livskvalitet. Båda grupperna har svarat på enkäterna vid två tillfällen, vid det första besöket och vid det sista besöket efter tre månader. Interventionsgruppen har däremellan fått två utbildningsbesök.Resultaten visade statistiskt säkerställda skillnader mellan grupperna gällande livskvalitet, rökstopp och kunskaper om KOL. Interventionsgruppen hade fått minskade andningsbesvär, hade ökat sin fysiska aktivitet och fått en bättre psykosocial hälsa. Medan jämförande gruppen hade försämrats något i alla dessa avseenden. I interventionsgruppen hade sex av sexton rökande patienter slutat att röka, medan ingen hade slutat av de fjorton rökande patienterna i jämförandegruppen. Patienterna i interventions- gruppen hade också väsentligen större kunskaper om sin sjukdom jämfört med patienterna i jämförandegruppen.


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The Asia-Pacific region is undergoing a major change in both food and health patterns, with a connection between the two more than likely. Evidence for certain traditional Asia-Pacific foods as protective agents against chronic non-communicable disease and cardiovascular disease (CVD), in particular, is growing at a time when their usage diminishes. The nature of the evidence to establish relevant Asia-Pacific food-health linkages will include randomised placebo-controlled clinical trials, but is much more extensive and meaningful. Okinawans have probably achieved one of the most successful food cultures from a health point of view and serve as a reference point for the Asia-Pacific region. The expert working party has produced, in November 2000, the 'Okinawan Recommendations on Nutrition and CVD in the Asia-Pacific region'.


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The epidemiology of invasive fungal disease (IFD) due to filamentous fungi other than Aspergillus may be changing. We analysed clinical, microbiological and outcome data in Australian patients to determine the predisposing factors and identify determinants of mortality. Proven and probable non-Aspergillus mould infections (defined according to modified European Organization for Research and Treatment of Cancer/Mycoses Study Group criteria) from 2004 to 2012 were evaluated in a multicentre study. Variables associated with infection and mortality were determined. Of 162 episodes of non-Aspergillus IFD, 145 (89.5%) were proven infections and 17 (10.5%) were probable infections. The pathogens included 29 fungal species/species complexes; mucormycetes (45.7%) and Scedosporium species (33.3%) were most common. The commonest comorbidities were haematological malignancies (HMs) (46.3%) diabetes mellitus (23.5%), and chronic pulmonary disease (16%); antecedent trauma was present in 21% of cases. Twenty-five (15.4%) patients had no immunocompromised status or comorbidity, and were more likely to have acquired infection following major trauma (p <0.01); 61 (37.7%) of cases affected patients without HMs or transplantation. Antifungal therapy was administered to 93.2% of patients (median 68 days, interquartile range 19-275), and adjunctive surgery was performed in 58.6%. The all-cause 90-day mortality was 44.4%; HMs and intensive-care admission were the strongest predictors of death (both p <0.001). Survival varied by fungal group, with the risk of death being significantly lower in patients with dematiaceous mould infections than in patients with other non-Aspergillus mould infections. Non-Aspergillus IFD affected diverse patient groups, including non-immunocompromised hosts and those outside traditional risk groups; therefore, definitions of IFD in these patients are required. Given the high mortality, increased recognition of infections and accurate identification of the causative agent are required.


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A vacinação contra influenza é a principal forma de prevenir e reduzir a morbidade e mortalidade associadas à doença entre os idosos e grupos de risco. O objetivo deste estudo é determinar fatores demográficos, socioeconômicos, comportamentais e de saúde associados à vacinação, entre idosos residentes em diferentes áreas do Estado de São Paulo, no período de 2001 a 2002. Trata-se de um delineamento transversal de base populacional que considerou os idosos residentes em duas áreas do Estado: uma composta pelo município de Campinas e distrito do Butantã, na cidade de São Paulo, e outra pelos municípios de Taboão da Serra, Embu e Itapecerica da Serra (região metropolitana do município de São Paulo). A amostra foi composta por 849 e 641 indivíduos com 60 anos ou mais, residentes em tais localidades, respectivamente. Na análise bruta foram utilizadas razões de prevalência e intervalos de confiança de 95% e a análise multivariada foi realizada pela regressão de Poisson. A prevalência de vacinação auto-referida foi de 66,9% entre os residentes em Campinas e no distrito do Butantã e 67,6% naqueles das demais localidades. Após análise ajustada, para os idosos de Campinas e Butantã, apenas menor escolaridade (RP = 1,25; IC 95%: 1,02-1,54) esteve associada à vacinação. Já na área composta pelos municípios menos populosos, idade mais avançada (RP = 1,15; IC 95%: 1,02-1,31), hipertensão arterial (RP = 1,21; IC 95%: 1,02-1,45), diabetes (RP = 1,16; IC 95%: 1,01-1,33) e doença crônica de pulmão (RP = 1,30; IC 95%: 1,03-1,64) referidas, estiveram também associadas. Apesar de a prevalência de vacinação contra influenza entre os idosos das diversas localidades ser praticamente a mesma, pôde-se observar diferenças no perfil do idoso quanto à referência desse procedimento preventivo.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Introduction: The pulmonary rehabilitation (PR) is composed of aerobic and resisted exercises that improve the functional capacity to the exercise, life quality and decrease respiratory symptoms in subjects with chronic pulmonary disease. Objective: Assess the effects of a combined PR program in the cardiorespiratory function and peripheral muscle strength in subjects with chronic pulmonary disease. Method: Patients with chronic pulmonary disease were submitted to the PR program, which was developed on 24 sessions of 60 minutes (three times per week). The program was composed of aerobic exercises (two times per week) and resisted exercises (once a week). Before and after the PR the patients were submitted to manovacuometry in order to measure the maximum inspiratory pressure (MIP) and the maximum expiratory pressure (MEP), ventilometry, peek expiratory flow (PEF), six minute walking test (6MWT) and one maximum repetition (1RM). The data are presented in absolute frequency, percentage and mean±standard deviation. The t Student test was used to compare data before and after the PR and the ANOVA test to compare before, after and predicted distances in the 6MWT (p<0.05). Results: Seven patients were part of this study, 85.70% of women, 71.40% with pulmonary emphysema diagnosis. The mean age was 69.43±5.59 years old, the height was 1.61±0.07 m, the mean weight was 66.20±8.40 kg and the body mass index mean was 25.50±2.48 kg/m². From the variables assessed, the MEP increased from 79.71±13.69 to 84.42±12.83 cmH2O (p=0,03), the PEF increase from 255.71±66.3 to 320.00±93.63 l/min (p=0,03) and the distance in the 6MWT from 415.28±47.90 to 483,79±79,77 m (p=0,02). The load in the 1RM test in the reverse peck deck exercise (before - - 17.10±8.10kg; after – 210.40±9.00kg), knee in leg extension machine (before – 17.10±9.50kg; after – 26.40±13.10kg) and hip extensors (right before – 48.60±22.10kg; after – 62.90±19.30kg; and left before – 46.40±20.10kg; after – 62.10±18.20kg) increased significantly (p<0,05). Conclusion: After the PR program there was improvement in the expiratory muscular strength, in the lower limbs strength and in the functional capacity. Besides that, there was a reduction in the airflow obstruction of the subjects with chronic pulmonary disease.


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Introduction The “eversion” technique for carotid endarterectomy (e-CEA), that involves the transection of the internal carotid artery at the carotid bulb and its eversion over the atherosclerotic plaque, has been associated with an increased risk of postoperative hypertension possibly due to a direct iatrogenic damage to the carotid sinus fibers. The aim of this study is to assess the long-term effect of the e-CEA on arterial baroreflex and peripheral chemoreflex function in humans. Methods A retrospective review was conducted on a prospectively compiled computerized database of 3128 CEAs performed on 2617 patients at our Center between January 2001 and March 2006. During this period, a total of 292 patients who had bilateral carotid stenosis ≥70% at the time of the first admission underwent staged bilateral CEAs. Of these, 93 patients had staged bilateral e-CEAs, 126 staged bilateral s- CEAs and 73 had different procedures on each carotid. CEAs were performed with either the eversion or the standard technique with routine Dacron patching in all cases. The study inclusion criteria were bilateral CEA with the same technique on both sides and an uneventful postoperative course after both procedures. We decided to enroll patients submitted to bilateral e-CEA to eliminate the background noise from contralateral carotid sinus fibers. Exclusion criteria were: age >70 years, diabetes mellitus, chronic pulmonary disease, symptomatic ischemic cardiac disease or medical therapy with b-blockers, cardiac arrhythmia, permanent neurologic deficits or an abnormal preoperative cerebral CT scan, carotid restenosis and previous neck or chest surgery or irradiation. Young and aged-matched healthy subjects were also recruited as controls. Patients were assessed by the 4 standard cardiovascular reflex tests, including Lying-to-standing, Orthostatic hypotension, Deep breathing, and Valsalva Maneuver. Indirect autonomic parameters were assessed with a non-invasive approach based on spectral analysis of EKG RR interval, systolic arterial pressure, and respiration variability, performed with an ad hoc software. From the analysis of these parameters the software provides the estimates of spontaneous baroreflex sensitivity (BRS). The ventilatory response to hypoxia was assessed in patients and controls by means of classic rebreathing tests. Results A total of 29 patients (16 males, age 62.4±8.0 years) were enrolled. Overall, 13 patients had undergone bilateral e-CEA (44.8%) and 16 bilateral s-CEA (55.2%) with a mean interval between the procedures of 62±56 days. No patient showed signs or symptoms of autonomic dysfunction, including labile hypertension, tachycardia, palpitations, headache, inappropriate diaphoresis, pallor or flushing. The results of standard cardiovascular autonomic tests showed no evidence of autonomic dysfunction in any of the enrolled patients. At spectral analysis, a residual baroreflex performance was shown in both patient groups, though reduced, as expected, compared to young controls. Notably, baroreflex function was better maintained in e-CEA, compared to standard CEA. (BRS at rest: young controls 19.93 ± 2.45 msec/mmHg; age-matched controls 7.75 ± 1.24; e-CEA 13.85 ± 5.14; s-CEA 4.93 ± 1.15; ANOVA P=0.001; BRS at stand: young controls 7.83 ± 0.66; age-matched controls 3.71 ± 0.35; e-CEA 7.04 ± 1.99; s-CEA 3.57 ± 1.20; ANOVA P=0.001). In all subjects ventilation (VÝ E) and oximetry data fitted a linear regression model with r values > 0.8. Oneway analysis of variance showed a significantly higher slope both for ΔVE/ΔSaO2 in controls compared with both patient groups which were not different from each other (-1.37 ± 0.33 compared with -0.33±0.08 and -0.29 ±0.13 l/min/%SaO2, p<0.05, Fig.). Similar results were observed for and ΔVE/ΔPetO2 (-0.20 ± 0.1 versus -0.01 ± 0.0 and -0.07 ± 0.02 l/min/mmHg, p<0.05). A regression model using treatment, age, baseline FiCO2 and minimum SaO2 achieved showed only treatment as a significant factor in explaining the variance in minute ventilation (R2= 25%). Conclusions Overall, we demonstrated that bilateral e-CEA does not imply a carotid sinus denervation. As a result of some expected degree of iatrogenic damage, such performance was lower than that of controls. Interestingly though, baroreflex performance appeared better maintained in e-CEA than in s-CEA. This may be related to the changes in the elastic properties of the carotid sinus vascular wall, as the patch is more rigid than the endarterectomized carotid wall that remains in the e-CEA. These data confirmed the safety of CEA irrespective of the surgical technique and have relevant clinical implication in the assessment of the frequent hemodynamic disturbances associated with carotid angioplasty stenting.


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In questo lavoro ci siamo posti come obiettivo lo studio della disfunzione atrio-ventricolare mediante tecniche ecocardiografiche avanzate (come il Tissue Doppler Imaging - TDI) in cani affetti da malattia mitralica cronica (MVD). Una prima parte è volta alla valutazione della funzionalità diastolica del ventricolo destro. Ci siamo proposti di analizzare la funzione del ventricolo destro in cani affetti da malattia del cuore sinistro per comprendere se quest’ultima possa condizionare direttamente la performance del settore cardiaco controlaterale. I risultati più importanti che abbiamo riscontrato sono: l’assenza di differenze significative nella disfunzione sisto-diastolica del ventricolo destro in cani con MVD a diverso stadio; la diretta correlazione tra le variabili TDI di funzionalità del ventricolo destro con il grado di disfunzione del ventricolo sinistro, come indicatori di interdipendenza ventricolare; ed infine il riscontro di una maggior tendenza ad alterazioni diastoliche del ventricolo sinistro in cani con ipertensione polmonare. A quest’ultimo proposito, per quanto riguarda le variabili TDI, il rapporto E/e’ dell’anulus mitralico laterale e settale è risultato avere una differenza significativa tra i cani con ipertensione polmonare e quelli privi di ipertensione polmonare (P<0,01). Nel secondo studio abbiamo applicato il TDI per l’analisi della funzione sisto-diastolica dell’atrio sinistro. Il lavoro è stato articolato in una parte di validazione della metodica su cani normali ed una su animali affetti da MDV. I risultati ottenuti mostrano che la valutazione ecocardiografica delle proprietà di deformazione dell’atrio sinistro basata sul TDI è attuabile e riproducibile nel cane. Abbiamo fornito dei valori di normalità per questa specie e confrontato questi dati con quelli ricavati in cani portatori di MVD. Le differenza tra le varie classi di malattia, nei diversi gradi di dilatazione atriale, sono risultate limitate, ma abbiamo individuato delle correlazioni tra i parametri TDI ed alcune variabili di funzionalità atriale.


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High-altitude pulmonary edema is a life-threatening condition occurring in predisposed but otherwise healthy individuals. It therefore permits the study of underlying mechanisms of pulmonary edema in the absence of confounding factors such as coexisting cardiovascular or pulmonary disease, and/or drug therapy. There is evidence that some degree of asymptomatic alveolar fluid accumulation may represent a normal phenomenon in healthy humans shortly after arrival at high altitude. Two fundamental mechanisms then determine whether this fluid accumulation is cleared or whether it progresses to HAPE: the quantity of liquid escaping from the pulmonary vasculature and the rate of its clearance by the alveolar respiratory epithelium. The former is directly related to the degree of hypoxia-induced pulmonary hypertension, whereas the latter is determined by the alveolar epithelial sodium transport. Here, we will review evidence that, in HAPE-prone subjects, impaired pulmonary endothelial and epithelial NO synthesis and/or bioavailability may represent a central underlying defect predisposing to exaggerated hypoxic pulmonary vasoconstriction and, in turn, capillary stress failure and alveolar fluid flooding. We will then demonstrate that exaggerated pulmonary hypertension, although possibly a conditio sine qua non, may not always be sufficient to induce HAPE and how defective alveolar fluid clearance may represent a second important pathogenic mechanism.


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Abdominal pain is a very common complaint in a primary care consultation. The causes of abdominal pain are extremely diverse and range from conditions that require urgent surgical remedy to those without serious underlying pathology where the problem either settles spontaneously, or becomes chronic without any abnormalities on laboratory or clinical workup. While tests are helpful in confirming diagnoses, clinical judgement based on a careful history and physical examination remains extremely important in choosing from the extremely wide differential diagnoses and in the management of the condition. In this article, we will deal with chronically recurrent intermittent abdominal pain. Our aim is especially to provide guidance on the possibility that abdominal pain is a symptom of chronic inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) or an identifiable functional condition and when the diagnosis of irritable bowel syndrome should be made.


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Cardiovascular disease is a complex disorder involving multiple pathophysiological processes, several of which involve activation of toll-like receptors (TLRs) of the innate immune system. As sentinels of innate immunity TLRs are nonclonally germline-encoded molecular pattern recognition receptors that recognize exogenous as well as tissue-derived molecular dangers signals promoting inflammation. In addition to their expression in immune cells, TLRs are found in other tissues and cell types including cardiomyocytes, endothelial and vascular smooth muscle cells. TLRs are differentially regulated in various cell types by several cardiovascular risk factors such as hypercholesterolemia, hyperlipidemia, and hyperglycemia and may represent a key mechanism linking chronic inflammation, cardiovascular disease progression, and activation of the immune system. Modulation of TLR signaling by specific TLR agonists or antagonists, alone or in combination, may be a useful therapeutic approach to treat various cardiovascular inflammatory conditions such as atherosclerosis, peripheral arterial disease, secondary microvascular complications of diabetes, autoimmune disease, and ischemia reperfusion injury. In this paper we discuss recent developments and current evidence for the role of TLR in cardiovascular disease as well as the therapeutic potential of various compounds on inhibition of TLR-mediated inflammatory responses.


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Anaesthesia causes a respiratory impairment, whether the patient is breathing spontaneously or is ventilated mechanically. This impairment impedes the matching of alveolar ventilation and perfusion and thus the oxygenation of arterial blood. A triggering factor is loss of muscle tone that causes a fall in the resting lung volume, functional residual capacity. This fall promotes airway closure and gas adsorption, leading eventually to alveolar collapse, that is, atelectasis. The higher the oxygen concentration, the faster will the gas be adsorbed and the aleveoli collapse. Preoxygenation is a major cause of atelectasis and continuing use of high oxygen concentration maintains or increases the lung collapse, that typically is 10% or more of the lung tissue. It can exceed 25% to 40%. Perfusion of the atelectasis causes shunt and cyclic airway closure causes regions with low ventilation/perfusion ratios, that add to impaired oxygenation. Ventilation with positive end-expiratory pressure reduces the atelectasis but oxygenation need not improve, because of shift of blood flow down the lung to any remaining atelectatic tissue. Inflation of the lung to an airway pressure of 40 cmH2O recruits almost all collapsed lung and the lung remains open if ventilation is with moderate oxygen concentration (< 40%) but recollapses within a few minutes if ventilation is with 100% oxygen. Severe obesity increases the lung collapse and obstructive lung disease and one-lung anesthesia increase the mismatch of ventilation and perfusion. CO2 pneumoperitoneum increases atelectasis formation but not shunt, likely explained by enhanced hypoxic pulmonary vasoconstriction by CO2. Atelectasis may persist in the postoperative period and contribute to pneumonia.