981 resultados para Authors, English


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During the English Civil War, Charles I appeared as a character in Royalist poetry, both directly and allegorically. These depictions drew on ancient Roman epic poems, particularly Lucan’s De Bello Civili, in their treatment of the subject matter of civil war and Charles as an epic hero. Though the authors of these poems supported Charles, their depictions of him and his reign reveal anxiety about his weakness as a ruler. In comparison to the cults of personality surrounding his predecessors and the heroes of De Bello Civili, his cult appears bland and forced. The lack of enthusiasm surrounding Charles I may help to explain his downfall at the hands of his Parliamentarian opponents.  


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The Book of John Mandeville, while ostensibly a pilgrimage guide documenting an English knight’s journey into the East, is an ideal text in which to study the developing concept of race in the European Middle Ages. The Mandeville-author’s sense of place and morality are inextricably linked to each other: Jerusalem is the center of his world, which necessarily forces Africa and Asia to occupy the spiritual periphery. Most inhabitants of Mandeville’s landscapes are not monsters in the physical sense, but at once startlingly human and irreconcilably alien in their customs. Their religious heresies, disordered sexual appetites, and monstrous acts of cannibalism label them as fallen state of the European Christian self. Mandeville’s monstrosities lie not in the fantastical, but the disturbingly familiar, coupling recognizable humans with a miscarriage of natural law. In using real people to illustrate the moral degeneracy of the tropics, Mandeville’s ethnography helps shed light on the missing link between medieval monsters and modern race theory.


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Samples of planktonic algae from major lakes in the English Lake District have been investigated over many years as part of a long-term monitoring programme set up by the Freshwater Biological Association and continued by the Institute For Ecology. Some lakes have been sampled regularly for long periods, others less frequently or only occasionally. Windermere north and south basins, and the neighbouring lakes Blelham Tarn and Esthwaite Water, have been under observation, mostly on a weekly basis, since the programme began in 1945. During this time diatoms have played a significant role in the population dynamics of these lakes.


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This article is based on a survey of tarns conducted mainly in the summers of 1983 to 1985, plus a survey made in the winter of 1985, in which streams were sampled on the wide variety of rock-types occurring on the fringes of the Lake District. Differences in composition of major ions and their concentrations in the surface waters of Cumbria reflect the complex geological structure of the region. At altitudes above 300 m, on Borrowdale Volcanics and Skiddaw Slates, surface waters are derived from atmospheric precipitation, with additional inputs of some ions - especially calcium and bicarbonate - from catchment rocks and soils. In some of the low-lying large lakes on the fringes of the central fells, water composition is also dominated by inputs from upper catchments; examples are Wastwater, Ullswater and Haweswater. However in other lakes there is evidence (Derwentwater and Bassenthwaite Lake) of inputs from saline groundwater.


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For more than 55 years, data have been collected on the population of pike Esox lucius in Windermere, first by the Freshwater Biological Association (FBA) and, since 1989, by the Institute of Freshwater Ecology (IFE) of the NERC Centre for Ecology and Hydrology. The aim of this article is to explore some methodological and statistical issues associated with the precision of pike gill net catches and catch-per-unit-effort (CPUE) data, further to those examined by Bagenal (1972) and especially in the light of the current deployment within the Windermere long-term sampling programme. Specifically, consideration is given to the precision of catch estimates from gill netting, including the effects of sampling different locations, the effectiveness of sampling for distinguishing between years, and the effects of changing fishing effort.


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Baseado na convicção de que trabalhar é gerir fruto das pesquisas com a perspectiva da Ergologia , procura-se nesta tese pensar gestão como um conceito ampliado, algo que todos os humanos operam ao trabalhar, e não somente como uma função exclusiva de administradores, no sentido restrito do termo (referido apenas aos chefes, diretores, etc.). Tendo como campo empírico o Sistema Único de Saúde (SUS) e investigando-se as proposições de alguns dos principais autores sobre o tema da Gestão e Planejamento em Saúde, verificou-se que uma exaustiva busca vem sendo empreendida por diversos agentes do campo da Saúde e por pesquisadores para aproximarem-se, compreenderem e desenvolverem melhor as habilidades, os conhecimentos, as competências e os dispositivos que permitiriam uma gestão mais eficiente do SUS e, mais especificamente, no âmbito de uma Unidade de Saúde Pública no Brasil. Estiveram em análise as práticas de gestão desenvolvidas em um Centro Municipal de Saúde do estado do Rio de Janeiro (Brasil), no qual o autor da tese, além das atividades de pesquisa, exercia a função de diretor geral. A tese teve como objetivo principal analisar, do ponto de vista da atividade, a dimensão gestionária do trabalho na Unidade de Saúde citada, a fim de discutir a viabilidade naquele local e, possivelmente em outras Unidades de Saúde do exercício de uma ergogestão, isto é, uma gestão com base nos princípios propostos pela Ergologia quando o ponto de vista da atividade tem cidadania no meio de trabalho. O referencial teórico constituiu-se de algumas abordagens clínicas do trabalho (Ergonomia da Atividade, Psicopatologia do Trabalho, Psicodinâmica do Trabalho e Clínica da Atividade, esta última em menor proporção) com elementos das contribuições do educador brasileiro Paulo Freire, do psicanalista inglês Donald Winnicott e do biólogo chileno Humberto Maturana, todas colocadas em sinergia dialética sob a orientação da perspectiva ergológica. No curso da investigação foram utilizados métodos e técnicas pertinentes a este quadro e que objetivaram possibilitar a aproximação e o diálogo com os protagonistas da atividade na Unidade de Saúde em análise. Destacam-se as influências da pesquisa-intervenção e da pesquisa etnográfica, sendo o principal dispositivo técnico utilizado aquele denominado Encontros sobre o Trabalho. A pesquisa empreendida, conjuntamente com a experiência concreta de gerenciamento (como diretor geral), permitiu concluir que o esforço de implantação da modalidade que se denomina ergogestão, privilegiando o ponto de vista da atividade, pôde colaborar para promover transformações positivas no cotidiano da Unidade posta em análise. Contudo, sua aceitação por um maior número de atores e seu desenvolvimento dependem do atendimento de algumas necessidades, apontadas pelo coletivo de trabalho como entraves a superar. Os achados aqui presentes podem contribuir para a construção de um patrimônio de informações acerca da Unidade. A partir desse patrimônio outras experiências de gerenciamento podem vir a se desenvolver, obtendo-se assim, cada vez maior êxito na gestão do processo de trabalho e na melhoria das condições do atendimento oferecido aos usuários.


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This paper describes some characteristic features of the phytoplankton of Grasmere, one of the smaller of the principal lakes of the English Lake District, and attempts to relate these to distinctive physical and chemical properties of the lake. Quantitative data presented herein are derived from 5-m vertical column samples, collected with a flexible polyethylene hose close to the deepest point of Grasmere, generally at intervals of 14 days ( 7 days from 1972 to 1978, inclusive). The study concludes that although Grasmere has been subject to increased phosphorus-loading and has quickly developed many features associated with eutrophication, the composition of its plankton has retained the characteristics of a mesotrophic, soft-water lake: a vernal diatom maximum, generally dominated by Asterionella, is followed by summer growths of nanoplanktonic species, of various colonial Chlorophyceae, before a substantial return to Asterionella-dominance in the autumn.


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There is no evidence of an increase in the acidity (lower pH or alkalinity) of water-bodies in the Lake District over the last 50 years. Brown trout occur in acid streams and upland tarns where pH is 4.5-5.2 throughout the year. Their occurrence in such waters in Britain and Ireland has been known for most of this century and there is no previous evidence of harmful effects on salmonid fisheries, though numbers of fish are naturally low. However, many benthic invertebrates that are common in hill-streams where pH is above 5.7 do not occur in more acid streams. This phenomenon occurs in the headwaters of several western rivers in Cumbria. It is not a recent response to "acid rain". Harmful effects of pH are undoubtedly more pronounced in waters that are poor in other dissolved ions. Low concentrations of sodium, potassium, calcium and chloride are especially important and may limit the distributions of some aquatic animals even where pH is above 5.7. The concentration of sulphate ions is usually relatively high but this is not important to the fauna; concentrations are at least two times higher in productive alkaline water-bodies than they are in unproductive acid waters.