972 resultados para Anton Tchekhov


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The ALICE experiment at the LHC has studied J/psi production at mid-rapidity in pp collisions at root s = 7 TeV through its electron pair decay on a data sample corresponding to an integrated luminosity L-int = 5.6 nb(-1). The fraction of J/psi from the decay of long-lived beauty hadrons was determined for J/psi candidates with transverse momentum p(t) > 1,3 GeV/c and rapidity vertical bar y vertical bar < 0.9. The cross section for prompt J/psi mesons, i.e. directly produced J/psi and prompt decays of heavier charmonium states such as the psi(2S) and chi(c) resonances, is sigma(prompt J/psi) (p(t) > 1.3 GeV/c, vertical bar y vertical bar < 0.9) = 8.3 +/- 0.8(stat.) +/- 1.1 (syst.)(-1.4)(+1.5) (syst. pol.) mu b. The cross section for the production of b-hadrons decaying to J/psi with p(t) > 1.3 GeV/c and vertical bar y vertical bar < 0.9 is a sigma(J/psi <- hB) (p(t) > 1.3 GeV/c, vertical bar y vertical bar < 0.9) = 1.46 +/- 0.38 (stat.)(-0.32)(+0.26) (syst.) mu b. The results are compared to QCD model predictions. The shape of the p(t) and y distributions of b-quarks predicted by perturbative QCD model calculations are used to extrapolate the measured cross section to derive the b (b) over bar pair total cross section and d sigma/dy at mid-rapidity.


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Objective. Evaluate feasibility and safety of a novel technique for uterine morcellation in patients scheduled for laparoscopic treatment of gynecologic malignances. Background. The laparoscopic management of uterine malignancies is progressively gaining importance and popularity over laparotomy. Nevertheless, minimal invasive surgery is of limited use when patients have enlarged uterus or narrow vagina. In these cases, conventional uterus morcellation could be a solution but should not be recommended due to risks of tumor dissemination. Methods. Prospective pilot study of women with endometrial cancer in which uterus removal was a realistic concern due to both organ size and proportionality. Brief technique description: after completion of total laparoscopic hysterectomy and bilateral anexectomy, a nylon with polyurethane Lapsac (R) is vaginally inserted into the abdomen; the specimen is placed inside the pouch that will be closed and rotated 180 degrees toward the vaginal vault and, posteriorly, pushed into the vaginal canal; in the transvaginal phase, the surgeon pulls the edges of the bag up to vaginal introitus and all vaginal walls will be covered; inside the pouch, the operator performs a uterus bisection-morcellation. Results. In our series of 8 cases, we achieved successful completion in all patients, without conversion to laparotomy. Average operative time, blood loss and length of hospitalization were favorable. One patient presented with a vesicovaginal fistula. Conclusion. The vaginal morcellation following oncologic principles is a feasible method that permits a rapid uterine extraction and may avoid a number of unnecessary laparotomies. Further studies are needed to confirm the oncological safety of the technique. (C) 2012 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Esta charla se ofreción con motivo del Día del Libro 2013 y como conferencia de apertura de la exposición Traspasar fronteras del CSIC


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The aim of the present work is a historical survey on Gestalt trends in psychological research between late 19th and the first half of 20th century with privileged reference to sound and musical perception by means of a reconsideration of experimental and theoretical literature. Ernst Mach and Christian von Ehrenfels gave rise to the debate about Gestaltqualität which notably grew thanks to the ‘Graz School’ (Alexius Meinong, Stephan Witasek, Anton Faist, Vittorio Benussi), where the object theory and the production theory of perception were worked out. Stumpf’s research on Tonpsychologie and Franz Brentano’s tradition of ‘act psychology’ were directly involved in this debate, opposing to Wilhelm Wundt’s conception of the discipline; this clearly came to light in Stumpf’s controversy with Carl Lorenz and Wundt on Tondistanzen. Stumpf’s concept of Verschmelzung and his views about consonance and concordance led him to some disputes with Theodor Lipps and Felix Krueger, lasting more than two decades. Carl Stumpf was responsible for education of a new generation of scholars during his teaching at the Berlin University: his pupils Wolfgang Köhler, Kurt Koffka and Max Wertheimer established the so-called ‘Berlin School’ and promoted the official Gestalt theory since the 1910s. After 1922 until 1938 they gave life and led together with other distinguished scientists the «Psychologische Forschung», a scientific journal in which ‘Gestalt laws’ and many other acoustical studies on different themes (such as sound localization, successive comparison, phonetic phenomena) were exposed. During the 1920s Erich Moritz von Hornbostel gave important contributions towards the definition of an organic Tonsystem in which sound phenomena could find adequate arrangement. Last section of the work contains descriptions of Albert Wellek’s studies, Kurt Huber’s vowel researches and aspects of melody perception, apparent movement and phi-phenomenon in acoustical field. The work contains also some considerations on the relationships among tone psychology, musical psychology, Gestalt psychology, musical aesthetics and musical theory. Finally, the way Gestalt psychology changed earlier interpretations is exemplified by the decisive renewal of perception theory, the abandon of Konstanzannahme, some repercussions on theory of meaning as organization and on feelings in musical experience.


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Nell’ambito del presente lavoro sperimentale sono state prese in considerazione differenti tecniche, tradizionali ed innovative, per la determinazione del contenuto di acqua presente negli oli extravergine di oliva. Seppur presente nell'olio in quantità limitata, l'acqua é in grado di favorire la dissoluzione e veicolare componenti minori idrofilici (come le molecole a struttura fenolica e polifenolica) all'interno di micelle inverse che si creano nella matrice lipidica quando alla superficie acqua-olio si aggregano composti anfifilici (come i digliceridi, i monogliceridi, gli acidi grassi liberi, i fosfolipidi etc.) che danno luogo alla formazione di aggregati colloidali. I risultati ottenuti su un set di 60 campioni hanno evidenziato come esistano correlazioni positive e soddisfacenti tra le diverse metodiche analitiche tradizionali quali la titolazione titrimetrica di Karl Fisher e quelle gravimetriche per essiccamento in stufa o mediante termobilancia. La migliore correlazione in termini di R2 con valore pari a circa 0,82 è stata ottenuta tra i metodi Karl Fisher ed essiccamento in stufa, mentre per esempio quella tra i due metodi gravimetrici (stufa e termobilancia) ha fatto registrare un valore inferiore (0,70). Pur essendosi verificate delle soddisfacenti correlazioni tra le tre tecniche tradizionali, i valori del contenuto in acqua dei campioni si sono presentati variabili in funzione dell'utilizzo di una modalità di misurazione rispetto all'altra. Tale variabilità é funzione di diversi fattori: la difficoltà di determinare l'acqua fortemente legata nel caso dei metodi per essiccamento; la perdita in peso causata anche da altri componenti in grado di volatilizzare alle condizioni analitiche adottate; la possibilità di formazione di composti non originariamente presenti come risultato di modificazioni chimiche indotte dall'elevata temperatura. Il contenuto di acqua è stato quindi stimato anche mediante una tecnica innovativa a basso costo basata su misure dielettriche. Considerato che l’olio extravergine di oliva è noto essere un ottimo isolante, il fenomeno dielettrico osservato risulta essere di natura capacitiva. Il risultato di correlazione ottenuto su un set di 23 oli extravergini di oliva applicando in parallelo questa tecnica rapida e la misura gravimetrica con stufa (che é un metodo ISO), è da considerarsi soddisfacente, con un R2 pari anche in questo caso a 0,82. In conclusione, le tecniche attualmente utilizzate per la determinazione del contenuto di acqua in oli extravergine di oliva risultano tra loro correlate. Considerando che tali tecniche tradizionali sono dispendiose o in termini di tempo (gravimetrico mediante stufa) o in termini di consumo di reagenti e solventi (titrimetrico con reattivo di Karl Fischer), il nuovo approccio sperimentato mediante misure capacitive può essere considerato molto interessante anche se, sicuramente, sarà da applicare ad un numero più ampio di campioni per rendere l'evidenza sperimentale più robusta.


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A first phase of the research activity has been related to the study of the state of art of the infrastructures for cycling, bicycle use and methods for evaluation. In this part, the candidate has studied the "bicycle system" in countries with high bicycle use and in particular in the Netherlands. Has been carried out an evaluation of the questionnaires of the survey conducted within the European project BICY on mobility in general in 13 cities of the participating countries. The questionnaire was designed, tested and implemented, and was later validated by a test in Bologna. The results were corrected with information on demographic situation and compared with official data. The cycling infrastructure analysis was conducted on the basis of information from the OpenStreetMap database. The activity consisted in programming algorithms in Python that allow to extract data from the database infrastructure for a region, to sort and filter cycling infrastructure calculating some attributes, such as the length of the arcs paths. The results obtained were compared with official data where available. The structure of the thesis is as follows: 1. Introduction: description of the state of cycling in several advanced countries, description of methods of analysis and their importance to implement appropriate policies for cycling. Supply and demand of bicycle infrastructures. 2. Survey on mobility: it gives details of the investigation developed and the method of evaluation. The results obtained are presented and compared with official data. 3. Analysis cycling infrastructure based on information from the database of OpenStreetMap: describes the methods and algorithms developed during the PhD. The results obtained by the algorithms are compared with official data. 4. Discussion: The above results are discussed and compared. In particular the cycle demand is compared with the length of cycle networks within a city. 5. Conclusions


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Eine Immuntherapie von Tumorerkrankungen, die mit Hilfe von Antitumorimpfstoffen prophylaktisch und therapeutisch erfolgen könnte, wäre eine attraktive Alternative zu den bisher angewendeten Krebsbehandlungen. Aufgrund charakteristisch veränderter Aktivitäten von Glycosyltransferasen in der Glycoprotein-Biosynthese werden auf malignen Zellen stark verkürzte, frühzeitig sialylierte mucinartige Glycoproteine exprimiert. Diese verkürzten Kohlenhydrate repräsentieren tumorassoziierte Antigene. Sie haben zur Folge, dass Peptidepitope der Mucin-Glycoproteine, die auf gesundem Gewebe durch den hohen Glycosylierungsgrad maskiert sind, für das Immunsystem freiliegen. Diese Strukturunterschiede sollten einen selektiven Angriff auf das Tumorgewebe erlauben, ohne dass gesundes Gewebe beeinträchtigt wird, wenn es gelänge, das Immunsystem auf diese veränderten Strukturelemente zu fokussieren. Dabei ist es wichtig, dass die Immunantwort mit synthetisch definierten Glycopeptidepitopen ausgelöst wird, um Autoimmunreaktionen zu vermeiden. Somit ist die Synthese von exakt definierten tumorassoziierten Glycopeptiden von zentraler Bedeutung für die Entwicklung eines Antitumor-Impfstoffes. rnDa die tumorassoziierten Kohlenhydratstrukturen Antigene darstellen, die vom Immunsystem weitgehend toleriert werden, ist es notwendig, ihre Immunogenität mit Hilfe immunstimulierender Epitope so zu erhöhen, dass eine effiziente Immunreaktion erfolgt. Nach diesem Konzept wurden in der vorliegenden Arbeit Methoden und Strategien entwickelt, synthetische Impfstoff-Konjugate zu synthetisieren und immunologisch in Mausexperimenten zu evaluieren. So konnte gezeigt werden, das mit vollsynthetischen Analoga aus tumorassoziierten Glycopeptid-Oberflächenmolekülen in Kombination mit immunstimulierenden Substanzen, wie Trägerproteinen oder Mitogenen, hochselektive humorale Immunantworten ausgelöst werden können.rn


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Basata sul reperimento di un’ampia mole di testi giornalistici (come cronache, interviste, elzeviri e articoli di “Terza”) dedicati alle pratiche coreiche e pubblicati in Italia nel corso del ventennio fascista, la tesi ricostruisce i lineamenti di quello che, seppure ancora embrionale e certo non specialistico, si può comunque ritenere una sorta di “pensiero italiano” sulla danza del Primo Novecento. A partire dalla ricognizione sistematica di numerose testate quotidiane e periodiche e, pertanto, dalla costruzione di un nutrito corpus di fonti primarie, si è proceduto all’analisi dei testi reperiti attraverso un approccio metodologico che, fondamentalmente storiografico, accoglie tuttavia alcuni rudimenti interpretativi elaborati in ambito semiotico (con particolare riferimento alle teorizzazioni di Jurij Lotman e Umberto Eco), il tutto al fine di cogliere, pur nell’estrema varietà formale e contenutistica offerta dal materiale documentario, alcune dinamiche culturali di fondo attraverso le quali disegnare, da un lato, il panorama delle tipologie di danza effettivamente praticate sulle scene italiane del Ventennio,e, dall’altro, quello dell’insieme di pensieri, opinioni e gusti orbitanti attorno ad esse Ne è scaturita una trattazione fondamentalmente tripartita in cui, dopo la messa in campo delle questioni metodologiche, si passa dapprima attraverso l’indagine dei tre principali generi di danza che, nella stampa del periodo fascista, si ritenevano caratteristici della scena coreica internazionale – qui definiti nei termini di “ballo teatrale”, “ballo russo” e “danze libere” – e, successivamente, si presenta un approfondimento su tre singolari figure di intellettuali che, ognuno con un’attitudine estremamente personale, hanno dedicato alla danza un’attenzione speciale: Anton Giulio Bragaglia, Paolo Fabbri e Marco Ramperti. Un’ampia antologia critica completa il lavoro ripercorrendone gli snodi principali.


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Il problema dell'acidificazione degli oceani, conseguente ai cambiamenti climatici, è un processo ancora poco conosciuto. Per comprendere questo fenomeno, possono essere utilizzati degli ambienti naturalmente acidificati, considerati laboratori a cielo aperto. Lo scopo di questo lavoro di tesi è stato quello di utilizzare le fumarole presenti nell'isola di Ischia, per approfondire le dinamiche dei processi di acidificazione e per analizzare l'eventuale interazione tra pH e condizioni meteorologiche. I dati utilizzati, forniti dalla Stazione Zoologica “Anton Dohrn” di Napoli, erano serie di pH e di vento rilevate in continuo, in due aree, nord e sud rispetto all'isolotto del Castello Aragonese, e in tre stazioni lungo un gradiente di acidificazione. Tutto il lavoro è stato svolto a step, dove il risultato di un'analisi suggeriva il tipo e il metodo analitico da utilizzare nelle analisi successive. Inizialmente i dati delle due serie sono stati analizzati singolarmente per ottenere i parametri più salienti delle due serie. In seguito i dati sono stati correlati fra loro per stimare l'influenza del vento sul pH. Globalmente è stato possibile evidenziare come il fenomeno dell'acidificazione sia correlato con il vento, ma la risposta sembra essere sito-specifica, essendo risultato dipendente da altri fattori interagenti a scala locale, come la geomorfologia del territorio, le correnti marine e la batimetria del fondale. È però emersa anche la difficoltà nel trovare chiare correlazioni fra le due serie indagate, perché molto complesse, a causa sia della numerosa quantità di zeri nella serie del vento, sia da una forte variabilità naturale del pH, nelle varie stazioni esaminate. In generale, con questo lavoro si è dimostrato come utilizzare tecniche di analisi delle serie storiche, e come poter utilizzare metodi di regressione, autocorrelazione, cross-correlation e smoothing che possono integrare i modelli che prendono in considerazione variabili esogene rispetto alla variabile di interesse.


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The combination of ruptured aneurysms with acute subdural hematomas (aSDHs) is a rare presentation. Patients with aSDH associated with aneurysmal bleeding represent a subgroup within the spectrum of aneurysmatic hemorrhage. We summarize the clinical characteristics, diagnostic evaluation, and management of a series of cases presenting with aSDH associated with aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage (SAH).


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It was the aim of the study to evaluate the clinical and antibacterial effect of a dentifrice containing an anti-inflammatory plant extract (SB) versus a placebo (PLA) using an experimental gingivitis model. Forty subjects (20 per group) discontinued all oral hygiene measures for four teeth for a period of 21 days using a shield (to generate a possible gingivitis) while they could brush the other teeth normally. After brushing, the shield was removed and teeth were treated with the randomly assigned toothpaste slurry for 1 min. Löe and Silness gingival index (GI), Silness and Löe plaque index (PI), and biofilm vitality (VF%) were assessed at days 0, 14, and 21, respectively. Subjects of the PLA group developed a GI of 0.82?±?0.342 (day 14) and 1.585?±?0.218 (day 21), while the data of the SB group were significantly reduced (0.355?±?0.243 and 0.934?±?0.342, p?


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The aim of the present study is to evaluate the clinical and histologic healing of deep intrabony defects treated with guided tissue regeneration (GTR) with a collagen membrane from bovine pericardium and implantation of granular bovine bone biomaterial.


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The purpose of this study is to compare the healing of deep, non-contained intrabony defects (i.e., with a ?80% 1-wall component and a residual 2- to 3-wall component in the most apical part) treated with either an enamel matrix derivative (EMD) or guided tissue regeneration (GTR) after 12 months.


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BACKGROUND: There are still limited data on the outcomes of regenerative periodontal surgery using a combination of an enamel matrix protein derivative (EMD) and autogenous bone (AB). AIM: To evaluate the healing of deep intrabony defects treated with either a combination EMD+AB or EMD alone. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Forty patients with advanced chronic periodontitis, with one deep intrabony defect, were randomly treated with either EMD+AB (test) or EMD (control). Clinical assessments were performed at baseline and at 1 year after treatment. The primary outcome variable was relative attachment level (RAL). RESULTS: Healing was uneventful in all patients. The test sites showed a reduction in the mean probing pocket depth (PPD) of 5.6 +/- 0.9 mm (p<0.001), a gain in the mean RAL of 4.2 +/- 1.1 mm (p<0.001) and a gain in the mean probing bone level (PBL) of 3.9 +/- 1.0 mm (p<0.001). The control group displayed a mean PPD reduction of 4.6 +/- 0.4 mm (p<0.001), a mean RAL gain of 3.4 +/- 0.8 mm (p<0.001) and a mean PBL gain of 2.8 +/- 0.8 mm (p<0.001). RAL gains of > or =4 mm were measured in 90% of the test defects and in 55% of the controls. PBL gains of > or =4 mm were obtained in 85% of the test defects and in 25% of the control ones. The test treatment resulted in statistically higher PPD reductions, RAL gains and PBL gains compared with the control (p<0.01). CONCLUSIONS: Within their limits, the present results indicate that: (i) at 1 year after surgery, both therapies resulted in statistically significant clinical improvements compared with baseline and (ii) although the combination of EMD+AB resulted in statistically significant higher soft and hard tissue improvements compared with treatment with EMD, the clinical relevance of this finding is unclear.


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OBJECTIVES: To investigate the short-term effects of nonsurgical therapy (scaling and root planing, SRP) on the subgingival microbiota in chronic (CP) and aggressive (AP) periodontal disease. METHOD AND MATERIALS: Ninety-seven CP and AP subjects underwent full-mouth SRP on 2 consecutive days. AP patients were randomly assigned to either receive systemic metronidazole plus amoxicillin (AP+AB) or were treated mechanically alone (AP). Pathogens were identified with 16S rRNA oligodeoxynucleotide probes and dot-blot hybridization before and at days 2, 3, 4, 7, 10, and 21 of healing. CP subjects were treated by scaling and root planing along with placebo tablets. RESULTS: Initially, AP cell counts were 69.9- (Porphyromonas gingivalis), 10.2- (Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans), 5.7- (Tannerella forsythia), and 3.3-fold (Prevotella intermedia) enhanced compared to CP cell counts. Following SRP, immediate elimination occurred in single individuals of all three treatment groups at day 2. After SRP plus antibiotic therapy (AP+AB), the prevalence scores dropped beyond the levels of AP and CP, beginning at day 7, and remained low until day 21 (P =or< .05). Clinical healing statistically benefited from SRP with no differences among the three treatment groups. CONCLUSION: Nonsurgical therapy resulted in both a suppression and early elimination of single taxa immediately after completion of active treatment. Systemic antibiotics significantly accelerate the suppression of the periodontal microflora, but have limited effect on the elimination of target isolates during healing.