963 resultados para Agglomeration principle
It has been recognised that in order to study the displacement, timing and co-ordination of articulatory components (i.e., tongue. lips, jaw) in speech production it is desirable to obtain high-resolution movement data on multiple structures inside and outside the vocal tract. Until recently, with the exception of X-ray techniques such as cineradiography, the study 0. speech movements has been hindered by the inaccessibility of the oral cavity during speech. X-ray techniques are generally not used because of unacceptable radiation exposure. The aim of the present study was to demonstrate the use of a new physiological device, the electromagnetic articulograph, for assessing articulatory dysfunction subsequent to traumatic brain injury. The components of the device together with the measuring principle are described and data collected from a single case presented. A 19 year-old male who exhibited dysarthria subsequent to a traumatic brain injury was fitted wit 2 the electromagnetic articulograph (Carstens AG-100) and a kinematic analysis of his tongue movements during production of the lingual consonants it, s, k/ within single syllable words was performed. Examination of kinematic parameters including movemmt trajectories, velocity, and acceleration revealed differences in the speed and accuracy of his tongue movements compared to those produced by a non-neurologically impaired adult male. It was concluded that the articulograph is a useful device for diagnosing speed and accuracy disorders in tongue movements during speech and that the device has potential for incorporation into physiologically based rehabilitation programs as a real-time biofeedback instrument.
A new method of measuring heat of desorption is proposed in this Letter. The principle of the method is to measure the amount of mass released when a controlled amount of energy is supplied directly to a solid adsorbent. This is in contrast to conventional methods such as microcalorimetry, where heat released upon adsorption is measured. In this method, a quantified heat supply is generated by passing a de current through a carbon pellet, which is equilibrated with a gas phase confined in a closed vessel. As a consequence of the heating, the particle temperature is increased, resulting in partial desorption of adsorbed molecules. The variations of pellet temperature and the system pressure with respect to time are used to determine the heat of desorption as a function of loading.
An attempt was made to quantify the boundaries and validate the granule growth regime map for liquid-bound granules recently proposed by Iveson and Litster (AlChE J. 44 (1998) 1510). This regime map postulates that the type of granule growth behaviour is a function of only two dimensionless groups: the amount of granule deformation during collision (characterised by a Stokes deformation number, St(def)) and the maximum granule pore saturation, s(max). The results of experiments performed with a range of materials (glass ballotini, iron ore fines, copper chalcopyrite powder and a sodium sulphate and cellulose mixture) using both drum and high shear mixer granulators were examined. The drum granulation results gave good agreement with the proposed regime map. The boundary between crumb and steady growth occurs at St(def) of order 0.1 and the boundary between steady and induction growth occurs at St(def) of order 0.001. The nucleation only boundary occurs at pore saturations that increase from 70% to 80% with decreasing St(def). However, the high shear mixer results all had St(def) numbers which were too large. This is most likely to be because the chopper tip-speed is an over-estimate of the average impact velocity granules experience and possibly also due to the dynamic yield strength of the materials being significantly greater than the yield strengths measured at low strain rates. Hence, the map is only a useful tool for comparing the granulation behaviour of different materials in the same device. Until we have a better understanding of the flow patterns and impact velocities in granulators, it cannot be used to compare different types of equipment. Theoretical considerations also revealed that several of the regime boundaries are also functions of additional parameters not explicitly contained on the map, such as binder viscosity. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
The principle that alloys are designed to accommodate the manufacture of goods made from them as much as the properties required of them in service has not been widely applied to pressed and sintered P/M aluminium alloys. Most commercial alloys made from mixed elemental blends are identical to standard wrought alloys. Alternatively, alloys can be designed systematically using the phase diagram characteristics of ideal liquid phase sintering systems. This requires consideration of the solubilities of the alloying elements in aluminium, the melting points of the elements, the eutectics they form with aluminium and the nature of the liquid phase. The relative diffusivities are also important. Here we show that Al-Sn, which closely follows these ideal characteristics, has a much stronger sintering response than either Al-Cu or Al-Zn, both of which have at least one non-ideal characteristic. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
Wet agglomeration processes have traditionally been considered an empirical art, with great difficulties in predicting and explaining observed behaviour. Industry has faced a range of problems including large recycle ratios, poor product quality control, surging and even the total failure of scale up from laboratory to full scale production. However, in recent years there has been a rapid advancement in our understanding of the fundamental processes that control granulation behaviour and product properties. This review critically evaluates the current understanding of the three key areas of wet granulation processes: wetting and nucleation, consolidation and growth, and breakage and attrition. Particular emphasis is placed on the fact that there now exist theoretical models which predict or explain the majority of experimentally observed behaviour. Provided that the correct material properties and operating parameters are known, it is now possible to make useful predictions about how a material will granulate. The challenge that now faces us is to transfer these theoretical developments into industrial practice. Standard, reliable methods need to be developed to measure the formulation properties that control granulation behaviour, such as contact angle and dynamic yield strength. There also needs to be a better understanding of the flow patterns, mixing behaviour and impact velocities in different types of granulation equipment. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
There have been few replicated examples of genotype x environment interaction effects on behavioral variation or risk of psychiatric disorder. We review some of the factors that have made detection of genotype x environment interaction effects difficult, and show how genotype x shared environment interaction (GxSE) effects are commonly confounded with genetic parameters in data from twin pairs reared together. Historic data on twin pairs reared apart can in principle be used to estimate such GxSE effects, but have rarely been used for this purpose. We illustrate this using previously published data from the Swedish Adoption Twin Study of Aging (SATSA), which suggest that GxSE effects could account for as much as 25% of the total variance in risk of becoming a regular smoker. Since few separated twin pairs will be available for study in the future, we also consider methods for modifying variance components linkage analysis to allow for environmental interactions with linked loci.
A laser, be it an optical laser or an atom laser, is an open quantum system that produces a coherent beam of bosons (photons or atoms, respectively). Far above threshold, the stationary state rho(ss) of the laser mode is a mixture of coherent-field states with random phase, or, equivalently, a Poissonian mixture of number states. This paper answers the question: can descriptions such as these, of rho(ss) as a stationary ensemble of pure states, be physically realized? Here physical realization is as defined previously by us [H. M. Wiseman and J. A. Vaccaro, Phys. Lett. A 250, 241 (1998)]: an ensemble of pure states for a particular system can be physically realized if, without changing the dynamics of the system, an experimenter can (in principle) know at any time that the system is in one of the pure-state members of the ensemble. Such knowledge can be obtained by monitoring the baths to which the system is coupled, provided that coupling is describable by a Markovian master equation. Using a family of master equations for the (atom) laser, we solve for the physically realizable (PR) ensembles. We find that for any finite self-energy chi of the bosons in the laser mode, the coherent-state ensemble is not PR; the closest one can come to it is an ensemble of squeezed states. This is particularly relevant for atom lasers, where the self-energy arising from elastic collisions is expected to be large. By contrast, the number-state ensemble is always PR. As the self-energy chi increases, the states in the PR ensemble closest to the coherent-state ensemble become increasingly squeezed. Nevertheless, there are values of chi for which states with well-defined coherent amplitudes are PR, even though the atom laser is not coherent (in the sense of having a Bose-degenerate output). We discuss the physical significance of this anomaly in terms of conditional coherence (and hence conditional Bose degeneracy).
Contributors to the debate surrounding the ethics of germ line gene manipulation have by and large concentrated their efforts on discussions of the potential risks that are associated with the use of this technology. Many international advisory committees have ruled out the acceptability of germ line gene manipulation at least for the time being. The purpose of this work is to generate much needed discussion on the many other ethical issues concerning the implementation of not only germ line gene manipulation but also other related biotechnologies. In this paper I systematically investigate and analyse the most salient issues put forward by proponents and opponents alike. I argue that if germ line manipulation proves to be a safe and effective procedure, then the principle of beneficence imposes on the medical profession a moral duty to pursue the technology.
We study the existence of nonnegative solutions of elliptic equations involving concave and critical Sobolev nonlinearities. Applying various variational principles we obtain the existence of at least two nonnegative solutions.
Rival claims have been made concerning the importance of rime sensitivity as a predictor of early word reading skill. Hulme et al. (2002) suggested that phoneme sensitivity is more strongly predictive of word reading ability than is onset-rime sensitivity. An examination of two independent data sets suggests that, although onset-rime sensitivity typically predicts school entrants' later word reading skill, phoneme sensitivity does predict more variation. However, multiple regression analyses do not reveal the level of phonological sensitivity that children need in order to understand alphabetic reading instruction. This issue is crucial to the detection of children at risk for reading failure and for the design of intervention programs for these children. A different analytic strategy is described for addressing this issue. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science (USA).
Neutrophils constitute 50-60% of all circulating leukocytes; they present the first line of microbicidal defense and are involved in inflammatory responses. To examine immunocompetence in athletes, numerous studies have investigated the effects of exercise on the number of circulating neutrophils and their response to stimulation by chemotactic stimuli and activating factors. Exercise causes a biphasic increase in the number of neutrophils in the blood, arising from increases in catecholamine and cortisol concentrations. Moderate intensity exercise may enhance neutrophil respiratory burst activity, possibly through increases in the concentrations of growth hormone and the inflammatory cytokine IL-6. In contrast, intense or long duration exercise may suppress neutrophil degranulation and the production of reactive oxidants via elevated circulating concentrations of epinephrine (adrenaline) and cortisol. There is evidence of neutrophil degranulation and activation of the respiratory burst following exercise-induced muscle damage. In principle, improved responsiveness of neutrophils to stimulation following exercise of moderate intensity could mean that individuals participating in moderate exercise may have improved resistance to infection. Conversely, competitive athletes undertaking regular intense exercise may be at greater risk of contracting illness. However there are limited data to support this concept. To elucidate the cellular mechanisms involved in the neutrophil responses to exercise, researchers have examined changes in the expression of cell membrane receptors, the production and release of reactive oxidants and more recently, calcium signaling. The investigation of possible modifications of other signal transduction events following exercise has not been possible because of current methodological limitations. At present, variation in exercise-induced alterations in neutrophil function appears to be due to differences in exercise protocols, training status, sampling points and laboratory assay techniques.
It was previously published by the authors that granules can either coalesce through Type I (when granules coalesce by viscous dissipation in the surface liquid layer before their surfaces touch) or Type II (when granules are slowed to a halt during rebound, after their surfaces have made contact) (AIChE J. 46 (3) (2000) 529). Based on this coalescence mechanism, a new coalescence kernel for population balance modelling of granule growth is presented. The kernel is constant such that only collisions satisfying the conditions for one of the two coalescence types are successful. One constant rate is assigned to each type of coalescence and zero is for the case of rebound. As the conditions for Types I and II coalescence are dependent on granule and binder properties, the coalescence kernel is thus physically based. Simulation results of a variety of binder and granule materials show good agreement with experimental data. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
In order to understand the growth and compaction behaviour of chalcopyrite (copper concentrate), batch granulation tests were carried out using a rotating drum. The granule growth exhibited induction-type behaviour, as defined by Iveson and Litster [AIChE J. 44 (1998) 15 10]. There were two consecutive stages during granulation: the induction stage, during which the granules are gradually being compacted and little or no growth occurs, and the rapid growth stage, which starts when the granules have become surface wet and are rapidly growing. In agreement with earlier findings. an increased amount of binder liquid shortened the induction time. The compaction behaviour was also investigated. A displaced volume method was adopted to determine the porosity of the granules. It was shown that this technique had a limitation as it was unable to detect the reduction of the volumes of the granule pores after the granules had become surface wet. Due to this, some of the measurements were not suited for fitting a three-parameter empirical model. Attempts were made to determine whether the rapid growth stage started with the pore saturation exceeding a certain critical value, but due to the scatter in the porosity measurements and the fact that some of the measurements could not be used, it was not possible to determine a critical pore saturation, However, the porosity measurements clearly demonstrated that the porosity of the granules decreased during the induction stage of an experiment and that when rapid growth occurred, the granules had a pore saturation was around 0.85. This value was slightly lower than unity, which is most likely due to trapped air bubbles. (C) 2002 Published by Elsevier Science B.V.
Principle issues considered in Australian Broadcasting Corporation v Lenah Game Meats Pty Ltd - whether it was necessary to show a cause of action for an interlocutory injunction to be granted - whether a right to privacy existed - whether the ABC was protected in this case by an implied constitutional freedom - majority rejected a wide interpretation on grounds upon which an interlocutory injunction could be granted - recognition of the possibility of a tort of invasion of privacy under Australian law by five of the six judges.
Poultry can be managed under different feeding systems, depending on the husbandry skills and the feed available. These systems include the following: (1) a complete dry feed offered as a mash ad libitum; (2) the same feed offered as pellets or crumbles ad libitum; (3) a complete feed with added whole grain; (4) a complete wet feed given once or twice a day; (5) a complete feed offered on a restricted basis; (6) choice feeding. Of all these, an interesting alternative to offering complete diets is choice feeding which can be applied on both a small or large commercial scale. Under choice feeding or free-choice feeding birds are usually offered a choice between three types of feedstuffs: (a) an energy source (e.g. maize, rice bran, sorghum or wheat); (b) a protein source (e.g. soyabean meal, meat meal, fish meal or coconut meal) plus vitamins and minerals and (c), in the case of laying hens, calcium in granular form (i.e. oyster-shell grit). This system differs from the modern commercial practice of offering a complete diet comprising energy and protein sources, ground and mixed together. Under the complete diet system, birds are mainly only able to exercise their appetite for energy. When the environmental temperature varies, the birds either over- or under-consume protein and calcium. The basic principle behind practising choice feeding with laying hens is that individual hens are able to select from the various feed ingredients on offer and compose their own diet, according to their actual needs and production capacity. A choice-feeding system is of particular importance to small poultry producers in developing countries, such as Indonesia, because it can substantially reduce the cost of feed. The system is flexible and can be constructed in such a way that the various needs of a flock of different breeds, including village chickens, under different climates can be met. The system also offers a more effective way to use home-produced grain, such as maize, and by-products, such as rice bran, in developing countries. Because oyster-shell grit is readily available in developing countries at lower cost than limestone, the use of cheaper oyster-shell grit can further benefit small-holders in these countries. These benefits apart, simpler equipment suffices when designing and building a feed mixer on the farm, and transport costs are lower. If whole (unground) grain is used, the intake of which is accompanied by increased efficiency of feed utilisation, the costs of grinding, mixing and many of the handling procedures associated with mash and pellet preparation are eliminated. The choice feedstuffs can all be offered in the current feed distribution systems, either by mixing the ingredients first or by using a bulk bin divided into three compartments.