991 resultados para 4-5 µm


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Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Energia na Agricultura) - FCA


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Pós-graduação em Microbiologia - IBILCE


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CONTEXTO:A melhor dose para o início do tratamento anticoagulante com varfarina vem sendo debatida nos últimos dez anos. Em nosso meio, não observamos nenhum estudo comparativo quanto a estas características.OBJETIVO:Comparar segurança e eficácia de dois esquemas de dosagem inicial de varfarina para tratamento anticoagulante.MÉTODOS:Foram estudados prospectivamente 110 pacientes de ambos os sexos, consecutivos, com indicação de anticoagulação por tromboembolismo venoso ou arterial. Durante os três primeiros dias de tratamento, estes pacientes receberam doses adequadas de heparina (RT - razão dos tempos - alvo entre 1,5 e 2,5) e 5 mg de varfarina, cuja dose foi reajustada a partir do quarto dia pelo Razão Normatizada Internacional - RNI (alvo entre 2 e 3). Esse grupo foi comparado com série histórica de 110 pacientes que receberam 10 mg nos dois primeiros dias, 5 mg a partir do terceiro dia, com ajuste posterior de dose baseado no RNI. Os desfechos foram: recorrência do tromboembolismo, sangramentos e tempo para alcançar níveis terapêuticos.RESULTADOS:A eficácia, a segurança e o tempo de internação foram similares entre os grupos. O grupo que recebeu 10 mg atingiu níveis terapêuticos mais precocemente (média de 4,5 dias × 5,8 dias), sendo as doses na alta menores e os níveis terapêuticos mais adequados na primeira visita de retorno.CONCLUSÃO:O esquema de dosagem de 10 mg proporcionou menor tempo para alcançar nível terapêutico, com menores doses de varfarina na alta e RNI mais adequado no retorno.


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The hydrolysis step for sugar production in biorefineries is crucial for the sequential processes involved and cellulases cocktails behave differently according to the pretreatment employed. In this study, the application of the cellulases cocktail produced by the fungus Myceliophthora thermophila JCP1-4 was studied on the saccharification of sugarcane bagasse pretreated by ozonolysis and thermic ferric nitrate (TFN), and the results were compared with commercial enzymes (Novozymes Celluclast 1.5L, Novozym 188). The fungal cellulases cocktail hold an activity of FPU:β-glucosidase of 1:4(U/mL); time, temperature, FPU by g of cellulose load and percentage of dry matter (DM) were studied. The analysis of central composite design of TFN pretreated showed that fungal cellulases works better in DM values of 3–3.5% (4.5% for commercial), temperatures higher than 50 °C (<45 °C for commercial) and 15FPU for both; commercial enzymes yielded 7.78 g/L of reducing sugars and the fungal enzymes 5.42 g/L. With the ozone pretreated, the fungal enzymes presented a higher thermostability with faster kinects, being able to produce 5.56 g/L of reducing sugars (60 °C, 8 h), against 5.20 g/L for commercial enzymes (50 °C, 24 h), (10FPU, 3%DM for both). The FPU derivate analysis revels better yields with 7.5FPU, and the increase of DM to 7.5% resulted 13.28 g/L of reducing sugars.


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Pós-graduação em Psicologia do Desenvolvimento e Aprendizagem - FC


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Lodenafil carbonate is a new phosphodiesterase Type 5 (PDE5) inhibitor used in treatment of erectile dysfunction. Objective: The present study was conducted to evaluate the safety, tolerability, and pharmacokinetics of lodenafil carbonate after administering ascending (1 - 100 mg) single oral doses to healthy male volunteers (n = 33). Methods: The study was an open-label, dose-escalation, Phase I clinical trial involving the administration of single oral doses of lodenafil carbonate. Lodenafil carbonate was administered sequentially, escalating in single doses of 1 mg - 100 mg with a washout period of at least 1 week between each dose. The progression to the next dose was allowed after clinical and laboratory exams, Ambulatory Monitoring of Arterial Pressure (AMAP) without relevant clinical modifications and adverse events without clinical relevancy. Blood samples were collected at pre-dose, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1, 1.25, 1.5, 1.75, 2, 2.5, 3, 3.5, 4, 4.5, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 20 and 24 h post-dosing. Plasma samples for measurement of lodenafil carbonate and lodenafil were analyzed by liquid chromatography coupled to tandem mass spectrometry. Results: No serious adverse events were observed, and none of the subjects discontinued the study due to intolerance. The AMAP measurements, clinical and laboratory exams and ECG revealed no significant changes even at higher doses. Lodenafil carbonate was not detected in any samples, indicating that it acts as a prodrug. The mean lodenafil pharmacokinetic parameters for t(max) and t(1/2) were 1.6 (+/- 0.4) h and 3.3 (+/- 1.1) h, respectively. This study demonstrated that lodenafil carbonate was well tolerated and showed a good safety profile in healthy male volunteers.


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Unpolarized cross sections and double-helicity asymmetries of single-inclusive positive and negative charged hadrons at midrapidity from p + p collisions at root s = 62.4 GeV are presented. The PHENIX measurement of the cross sections for 1.0 < p(T) < 4.5 GeV/c are consistent with perturbative QCD calculations at next-to-leading order in the strong-coupling constant, alpha(s). Resummed pQCD calculations including terms with next-to-leading-log accuracy, yielding reduced theoretical uncertainties, also agree with the data. The double-helicity asymmetry, sensitive at leading order to the gluon polarization in a momentum-fraction range of 0.05 less than or similar to x(gluon) less than or similar to 0.2, is consistent with recent global parametrizations disfavoring large gluon polarization.


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Das Ziel der Dissertation war die Synthese und pharmakologische Charakterisierung von COX-1-, COX-2- und 5-LOX-Inhibitoren, die zur Behandlung entzündlicher Dermatosen für die topische Anwendung geeignet sein sollten. Hierfür wurden zwei Strukturklassen - die sogenannten Imidazothiazole und die Chalcone-Derivate - entworfen und synthetisiert sowie in verschiedenen in vitro-Testsystemen auf ihre pharmakologische Wirksamkeit untersucht. rnDie Leitsubstanz der ersten Strukturklasse wurde in Anlehnung an die Struktur von Licofelon entworfen. Licofelon ist ein dualer COX/LOX-Inhibitor, der für die Indikation Osteoarthritis eingesetzt werden soll. Durch den Austausch einzelner Substituenten an den Phenylringen wurde die Leitstruktur schrittweise verändert, um die Wirksamkeit zu optimieren. Die Substituentenvariation erfolgte anhand des sogenannten Topliss-Schemas. Bei der zweiten Substanzklasse wurde durch Kombination zweier antiinflammatorisch wirksamer Molekülgruppen - mit dem Ziel eines synergistischen Effekts - eine Grundstruktur entwickelt, die zur Optimierung der Wirksamkeit derivatisiert wurde. Als Komponenten dienten 4,5-Bis(4-methoxyphenyl)-1H-imidazol-2-thiol (Z11) und ein Chalcon. Z11 ist sowohl in der Literatur als auch in vorangegangen Arbeiten des Arbeitskreises als dualer COX/LOX-Inhibitor beschrieben. Chalcone besitzen eine 1,3-Diphenylpropenon-Partialstruktur und können über einen der beiden Phenylringe mit Z11 verknüpft werden. In der Literatur wurde vielfach über die vielfältigen pharmakologischen Eigenschaften der Chalcone berichtet; im Rahmen dieser Arbeit stand deren antiinflammatorische Eigenschaft im Vordergrund. rnZur Beurteilung der Effektivität und Toxizität der Substanzen wurden diese anschließend pharmakologisch charakterisiert werden. Hierfür standen verschiedene in vitro-Testsysteme zur Verfügung, die Aufschluss über die COX-1-, COX-2- und 5-LOX-Inhibition der synthetisierten Substanzen gaben. Des Weiteren wurden die Substanzen auf eine mögliche inhibitorische Aktivität gegenüber TNF- untersucht. Da die Entwicklung der Testverbindungen mit dem Ziel der topischen Anwendung erfolgte, wurde eine log P-Wert-Bestimmung durchgeführt, um eine Aussage über die Lipophilie der Verbindungen treffen zu können.rn


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Menière's Disease (MD) is an episodic cochleovestibular dysfunction of unknown etiology, still lacking a specific test and therapy. The proposed theories on the pathophysiology include genetic factors and factors relating to inner ear homeostasis. Various aquaporins (AQP), water channels, expressed in the inner ear and the vestibular organ, are involved in homeostasis. Mutations in AQP genes could result in disturbed inner ear homeostasis and endolymphatic hydrops, and therefore be involved in the pathogenesis of MD. Aim: To search for mutations in AQP1 to 4 in patients suffering from MD.


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Toll-like receptors recognize pathogen-associated molecular patterns of microbial origin, and ligand recognition results in the production of different immune mediators such as pro-inflammatory cytokines, interferon, reactive oxygen and nitrogen intermediates, and upregulation of costimmulatory molecules. As these receptors have a critical role in linking pathogen recognition to induction of inflammation and innate as well as adaptive immunity, there is tremendous interest in understanding how the tissue and cell-type expression of TLRs is regulated and its influence on the local innate immune response. While TLRs are well studied in humans and rodents, to date little is known about them in dogs. The purpose of this study was to develop canine specific antibodies against TLR2, 4, 5 and 9 that were used to measure relative expression of these TLRs in healthy and reactive canine mesenteric lymph nodes. All 8 rabbit sera (2 each for TLR2, 4, 5 and 9) were strongly positive in ELISA against the respective 2 peptides per TLR used for immunization. The purified antibodies selected specifically detected a protein band with an apparent size of approximately 70 kDa in lysates of canine PBMCs by Western blotting. Immunostaining was observed with purified antibodies against TLR4, 5 and 9, whereas for canine TLR2, staining was only observed with the unpurified antibodies. In the mesenteric lymph node of healthy dogs, the overall staining pattern was very similar for TLR4 and 5 with positive cells predominantly found in the internodular areas and lower part of the cortex. Compared to the TLR4 and 5, more cells stained positive for TLR9 especially in the lymphoid nodules. The reactive lymph nodes contained more TLR4 and 9 positive cells. Moreover, a shift of TLR-9 positive cells from the lymphoid follicles to the deep cortex and medullary cords was observed. Whereas TLR9 co-localized with CD79-positive areas, TLR4 and 5 antibodies stained cells primarily in the CD3-positive areas. All three TLR antibodies stained cells within the area that co-localized with lysozyme-positive cells. In conclusion, this study demonstrates that the antibodies generated against canine TLR 4, 5 and 9 identify the expression of these TLRs in formalin-fixed canine lymph nodes and demonstrate increased expression in reactive canine mesenteric lymph nodes.


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OBJECTIVES: The objective of this systematic review was to assess the 5-year survival of implant-supported single crowns (SCs) and to describe the incidence of biological and technical complications. METHODS: An electronic MEDLINE search complemented by manual searching was conducted to identify prospective and retrospective cohort studies on SCs with a mean follow-up time of at least 5 years. Failure and complication rates were analyzed using random-effects Poisson's regression models to obtain summary estimates of 5-year proportions. RESULTS: Twenty-six studies from an initial yield of 3601 titles were finally selected and data were extracted. In a meta-analysis of these studies, survival of implants supporting SCs was 96.8% [95% confidence interval (CI): 95.9-97.6%] after 5 years. The survival rate of SCs supported by implants was 94.5% (95% CI: 92.5-95.9%) after 5 years of function. The survival rate of metal-ceramic crowns, 95.4% (95% CI: 93.6-96.7%), was significantly (P=0.005) higher than the survival rate, 91.2% (95% CI: 86.8-94.2%), of all-ceramic crowns. Peri-implantitis and soft tissue complications occurred adjacent to 9.7% of the SCs and 6.3% of the implants had bone loss exceeding 2 mm over the 5-year observation period. The cumulative incidence of implant fractures after 5 years was 0.14%. After 5 years, the cumulative incidence of screw or abutment loosening was 12.7% and 0.35% for screw or abutment fracture. For supra-structure-related complications, the cumulative incidence of ceramic or veneer fractures was 4.5%. CONCLUSION: It can be concluded that after an observation period of 5 years, high survival rates for implants and implant-supported SCs can be expected. However, biological and particularly technical complications are frequent.


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OBJECTIVE: Outcome in osteochondral allografting is limited by the immunological incompatibility of the grafted tissue. Based on a resistance of chondrocytes to photodynamic therapy in cell culture it is proposed that 5-aminolevulinic acid-based photodynamic therapy (5-ALA-PDT) might be used to inactivate bone while maintaining viability of chondrocytes and thus immunomodulate bone selectively. METHODS: Chondrocytes and osteoblasts from porcine humeral heads were either isolated (cell culture) or treated in situ (tissue culture). To quantify cytotoxic effects of 5-ALA-PDT (0-20J/cm(2), 100mW/cm(2)) an (3-(4,5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl)-2,5-di-phenyltetrazolium bromide) (MTT)-assay was used in cell culture and in situ hybridization in tissue culture to assess metabolic active cells (functional osteoblasts: colalpha(1)(I) mRNA, functional chondrocytes: colalpha(1)(II) mRNA). RESULTS: In cell culture, survival after 5-ALA-PDT was significantly higher for chondrocytes (5J/cm(2): 87+/-12% compared to untreated cells) than for osteoblasts (5J/cm(2): 12+/-11%). In tissue culture, the percentage of functional chondrocytes in cartilage showed a decrease after 5-ALA-PDT (direct fixation: 92+/-2%, 20J/cm(2): 35+/-15%; P<0.0001). A significant decrease in the percentage of bone surfaces covered by functional osteoblasts was observed in freshly harvested (31+/-3%) compared to untreated tissues maintained in culture (11+/-4%, P<0.0001), with no further decrease after 5-ALA-PDT. CONCLUSION: Chondrocytes were more resistant to 5-ALA-PDT than osteoblasts in cell culture, while in tissue culture a loss of functional chondrocytes was observed after 5-ALA-PDT. Since osteoblasts - but not chondrocytes - were sensitive to the tissue culture conditions, devitalized bone with functional cartilage might already be achieved by applying specific tissue culture conditions even without 5-ALA-PDT.