977 resultados para 305.235


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The EZ-Ject herbicide system was evaluated as a stem injection method for controlling woody weeds in a range of situations where traditional chemical application methods have limited scope. The equipment was trialled on three Queensland weed species; pond apple (Annona glabra), velvety tree pear (Opuntia tomentosa) and yellow oleander (Cascabela thevetia); at five different cartridge densities (0, 1, 2, 3 and 4) and with two herbicides (glyphosate and imazapyr). Cartridges filled with imazapyr were significantly more effective at controlling the three woody weed species than those filled with glyphosate. Injecting plants with three imazapyr cartridges resulted in plant kills ranging from 93 to 100%, compared with glyphosate kills of 17 to 100%. Pond apple was the most susceptible species, requiring one imazapyr cartridge or two glyphosate cartridges to kill 97 and 92% of the treated plants. Plant mortality increased as the number of cartridges injected increased. Mortality did not differ significantly for treatments receiving three and four imazapyr cartridges, as these cartridge densities met the criterion of injecting one cartridge per 10-cm basal circumference, a criterion recommended by the manufacturers for treating large plants (>6.35 cm in diameter at breast height). The cost of treating a weed infestation of 1500 plants ha–1 with three cartridges per tree is $1070 ha–1, with labour costs accounting for 16% of the total. The high chemical costs would preclude this technique from broad-scale use, but the method could have application for treating woody weeds in sensitive, high conservation areas.


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In preparation for the introduction of human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine, we investigated awareness and knowledge of HPV/HPV vaccine and potential acceptability to HPV vaccine among mothers with a teenage daughter in Weihai, Shandong, China. A cross-sectional survey was conducted in 2013 with a sample of 1850 mothers who had a daughter (aged 9–17 years) attending primary, junior and senior high schools. In the final sample (N = 1578, response rate 85.30%), awareness of HPV was reported by 305 (19.32%) mothers. Awareness varied significantly by daughter’s age (P<0.01), mother’s education level (P<0.01), mother’s occupation (P<0.01), household income (P<0.01) and residence type (P<0.01). Knowledge about HPV/HPV vaccine was poor with a mean total score of 3.56 (SD = 2.40) out of a possible score of 13. Mothers with a higher education level reported higher levels of knowledge (P = 0.02). Slightly more than one-fourth (26.49%) of mothers expressed their potential acceptability of HPV vaccine for their daughters. Acceptability increased along with increased daughters’ age (P<0.01), household income (P<0.01) and knowledge level (P<0.01). House wives and unemployed mothers had the highest acceptability (P<0.01). The most common reasons for not accepting HPV vaccination were “My daughter is too young to have risk of cervical cancer (30.95%)”, “The vaccine has not been widely used, and the decision will be made after it is widely used (24.91%)”, “Worry about the safety of the vaccine (22.85%)”. Awareness and knowledge of HPV/HPV vaccines are poor and HPV vaccine acceptability is low among these Chinese mothers. These results may help inform appropriate health education programs in this population.


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Neutron diffraction techniques have been employed to investigate the structure of PbO-PbCl2 glasses as a function of composition in the nominal range PbO.PbCl2 to 9PbO.PbCl2. It is concluded that, whereas the first Pb-O distance is well defined, the distribution of Pb-Cl distances is much broader, in agreement with a previous EXAFS study.


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Europe was declared malaria free in 1975. The disappearance of malaria has traditionally been attributed to numerous deliberate actions like vector control, the screening of houses, more efficient medication etc. Malaria, however, disappeared from many countries like Finland before any counter measures had even started. The aim of this thesis is to study the population ecology of P. vivax and its interaction with the human host and the vector. By finding the factors that attributed to the extinction of vivax malaria it might be possible to improve the modern strategy against P. vivax. The parasite was studied with data from Finland, which provides the longest time series (1749-2008) of malaria statistics in the world. The malaria vectors, Anopheles messeae and A. beklemishevi are still common species in the country. The eradication of vivax malaria is difficult because the parasite has a dormant stage that can cause a relapse long after a primary infection. It was now shown that P. vivax is able to detect the presence of a potential vector. A dormant stage is triggered even from a bite of an uninfected Anopheles mosquito. This optimizes the chances for the Plasmodium to reach a mosquito vector for sexual reproduction. The longevity of the dormant stage could be shown to be at least nine years. The parasite spends several years in its human host and the behaviour of the human carrier had a profound impact on the decline of the disease in Finland. Malaria spring epidemics could be explained by a previous warm summer. Neither annual nor summer mean temperature had any impact on the long term malaria trend. Malaria disappeared slowly from Finland without mosquito control. The sociological change from extended families to nuclear families led to decreased household size. The decreased household size correlated strongly with the decline of malaria. That led to an increased isolation of the subpopulations of P. vivax. Their habitat consisted of the bedrooms in which human carriers slept together with the overwintering vectors. The isolation of the parasite ultimately led to the extinction of vivax malaria. Metapopulation models adapted to local conditions should therefore be implemented as a tool for settlement planning and socio-economic development and become an integrated part of the fight against malaria.


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The first aim of this thesis was to produce data for evaluating, developing and recommending biologically and economically efficient energy and protein feeding strategies for growing and finishing dairy bulls offered grass silage-based diets. The second aim was to calculate the energy and protein supplies of the dairy bulls fed different grass silage-cereal-based diets and, based on this, to estimate the possible need to revise the current Finnish energy and protein recommendations for growing dairy bulls. The third aim was to demonstrate the phosphorus supply of dairy bulls fed grass silage-cereal-based diets with or without protein supplementation in relation to current feeding recommendations for phosphorus. The results indicate that protein supplement is not needed for finishing dairy bulls (live weight more than 250 kg) when they are fed good-quality grass silage (digestible organic matter more than 650 g/kg dry matter, restricted fermentation with low concentrations of fermentation acids and ammonia N) and grain-based concentrate with a moderate (300-700 g/kg dry matter) concentrate level. The results also suggest that with total mixed ration feeding it is possible to use rather high concentrate proportions (700 g/kg dry matter) in feeding dairy bulls. According to this study, barley fibre is a suitable energy supplement with good-quality silage for growing dairy bulls. The results suggest that 50% of barley grain can be replaced with barley fibre without affecting growth. Also oats is a suitable energy supplement for dairy bulls. However, as a consequence of decreased energy intake, the gain and feed conversion of the bulls were slightly reduced in this study when barley grain was replaced by oats in the diet. Ultimately, the rationality of the use of barley fibre and oats in the future will depend on the price in relation to other concentrates. During the feeding experiments the calculated supply of energy was 10% higher than in the Finnish feeding recommendations for the present growth rate. This indicates that there is a need to update the Finnish feeding recommendations for dairy-breed growing bulls, and further calculations are needed for the energy supply of growing dairy bulls. The calculated supply of AAT (amino acids absorbed from the small intestine) was 38% higher than in the Finnish feeding recommendations for the present growth. Possibly, the present AAT-PBV system is not an optimal protein evaluation system for growing dairy bulls more than 250 kg live weight. The calculations based on the feeding experiments and the Finnish feeding recommendations indicate that in most cases the dairy bulls (live weight more than 250 kg) received enough P from the basic grass silage cereal-based diets without additional mineral feeds. Therefore there is no need to add P in the form of mineral mixtures.


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Antibodies to deoxycytidylate (dpC) were elicited in rabbits using a thyroglobulin (Tg) conjugate of dpC. The specificity of the antibodies was determined by measuring the inhibition of the binding of [3H]dpC to the antibodies by various non-radioactive nucleotides or derivatives. The antibodies were found to distinguish dpC from pC and DNA from RNA, probably due to their specificity for the conformation of the deoxycytidylate.


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The spreadability of SAE-30 oil on Al-12 Si base (LM-13) alloy containing dispersed graphite particles about 50 μm average size in its matrix is found to be greater than on either LM-13 with no graphite or brass. It is also found that the spreadability on LM-13 base alloys increase with increasing volume of graphite dispersion in the matrix of these alloys. Further increases in the spreadability of oil on machined LM-13-graphite particle composite test surfaces occur if these are rubbed initially against control discs of either LM-13 or grey cast iron. The formation of a triboinduced graphite-rich layer, confirmed by esca, appears to be responsible for the improved oil spreadability on the rubbed test surfaces of LM-13 base alloys as compared to the as-machined test surfaces prior to rubbing. The triboinduced layer of graphite is apparently responsible for the observed reduction in the friction, wear and seizing tendency of triboelements made from aluminium alloy-graphite particle composites.


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Purpose: To determine the distribution of peripheral refraction, including astigmatism, in 7- and 14-year-old Chinese children. Methods: 2134 7-year-old and 1780 14-year-old children were measured with cycloplegic central and horizontal peripheral refraction (15° and 30° at temporal and nasal visual fields). Results: 7- and 14-year-old children included 9 and 594, respectively, with moderate and high myopia (≤−3.0 D), 259 and 831 with low myopia (−2.99 to −0.5 D), 1207 and 305 with emmetropia (−0.49 to +1.0 D), and 659 and 50 with hyperopia (>1.0 D), respectively. Myopic children had relative peripheral hyperopia while hyperopic and emmetropic children had relative peripheral myopia, with greater changes in relative peripheral refraction occurring in the nasal than the temporal visual field. The older group had the greater relative peripheral hyperopia and higher peripheral J180. Both age groups showed positive slopes of J45 across the visual field, with greater slopes in the older group. Conclusions: Myopic children in mainland China have relative peripheral hyperopia while hyperopic and emmetropic children have relative peripheral myopia. Significant differences exist between 7- and 14-year-old children, with the latter showing more relative peripheral hyperopia, greater rate of change in J45 across the visual field, and higher peripheral J180.


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Handwritten caption: 226. Hussaków


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Sorkkasairaudet ovat kasvava ongelma lypsykarjatiloilla. Sorkka- ja jalkaviat aiheuttavat ennenaikaisten poistojen lisäksi taloudellisia tappioita alentamalla maitotuotosta ja lisäämällä eläinlääkintä- ja sorkkahoitokuluja. Tämän työn tavoitteena oli tutkia sorkkasairauksien periytyvyyttä ja sorkkasairauksiin vaikuttavia tekijöitä. Tutkimusaineisto saatiin Terveet Sorkat -ohjelmasta, johon liittyminen on vapaaehtoista. Sorkkahoitajat olivat luokitelleet sorkkasairaudet vuosina 2003 2004. Sorkkasairaudet (vertymät anturassa, krooninen sorkkakuume, valkoviivan repeämä, anturahaavauma, sorkkavälin ihotulehdus, kantasyöpymä, sorkka-alueen ihotulehdus ja sorkkakiertymä ja muut sorkkasairaudet) oli luokiteltu aineistossa kaksiluokkaisina (kyllä/ei) ominaisuuksina. Aineiston esikäsittelyyn, alustaviin analyyseihin ja kiinteiden tekijöiden tilastollisen merkitsevyyden testaamiseen F-testillä käytettiin WSYS-ohjelmistoa. Lisäksi kiinteiden tekijöiden merkitsevyyttä testattiin logit-mallilla SAS-ohjelmistolla. Varianssikomponentit laskettiin Restricted Maximum Likelihood (REML)-menetelmällä VCE4-ohjelmistolla. Toistuvuuseläinmallilla saatiin seuraavia periytymisasteen arvioita: vertymät anturassa 0,05, valkoviivan repeämä 0,04, sorkkakiertymä 0,05, kantasyöpymä 0,01, anturahaavauma 0,03 ja sorkkasairaudet yhtenä ominaisuutena 0,06. Sorkkasairauksien periytymisasteiden arviot muutettuna sorkkasairausalttiuksien periytymisasteiksi olivat: vertymät anturassa 0,11, valkoviivan repeämä 0,12, sorkkakiertymä 0,15, kantasyöpymä 0,03, anturahaavauma 0,17 ja sorkkasairaudet yhtenä ominaisuutena 0,09. Sorkkasairauksien väliset geneettiset korrelaatiot olivat positiivisia lukuun ottamatta valkoviivan repeämän ja kantasyöpymän välistä geneettistä korrelaatiota, joka oli lievästi negatiivinen. Sorkkasairauksien geneettiset korrelaatiot 305 päivän maitotuotokseen olivat -0,20 0,27. Tämän tutkimuksen ja aiempien tutkimusten perusteella perimän osuus sorkkasairauksiin ei ole kovin suuri. Koska ympäristötekijöillä on suuri merkitys sorkkasairauksien esiintymiseen, sorkkasairauksien ennaltaehkäisyssä tulisi kiinnittää erityistä huomiota navetan olosuhteisiin, säännölliseen sorkkahoitoon ja oikeaan ruokintaan.


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In 1955 a severe wilt disease occurring on ginger in the Near North Coast district of Queensland was incorrectly attributed to infection by a Fusarium sp., and later shown to be caused by a strain of Ralstonia solanacearum, now reclassified as R. sequeirae. The disease was brought from China into Australia on latently infected rhizomes, and possibly also with associated soil. Several DNA-based diagnostic methods have shown that the pathogen causing bacterial wilt of ginger in parts of China is indistinguishable from the pathogen uniquely associated with the disease in Queensland. © 2012 Australasian Plant Pathology Society Inc.


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Page 68 of the "American Jewish Cavalcade" scrapbook of Leo Baeck in New York found in ROS 10 Folder 3


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Page 12 of the "American Jewish Cavalcade" scrapbook of Leo Baeck in New York found in ROS 10 Folder 3