998 resultados para 1989


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Dal 1949 al 1989 la Germania dovette fare i conti con le conseguenze della 2^ guerra mondiale e della guerra fredda, che portarono alla spaccatura ideologica e geografica del paese. La Repubblica Democratica Tedesca, costruita su modello del socialismo dell’Urss, era guidata dal partito della SED, che esercitò il proprio predominio sociale, politico ed economico sulla popolazione e sull’opinione pubblica, servendosi di mezzi sottili di influenza e di controllo e, non da ultimo, del linguaggio. Il progetto di questa tesi si basa sull’analisi e il sottotitolaggio di un notiziario del telegiornale della Germania Est, Aktuelle Kamera, e di un documentario prodotto dalla DEFA, l’impresa tedesco-orientale addetta alla produzione di film, con l’obiettivo di approfondire lo studio della propaganda degli ultimi anni di vita della RDT, che, grazie al controllo di tutti i mezzi di comunicazione, indottrinava i cittadini a una visione socialista del mondo e giustificava le scelte del governo. Attraverso il filtro cinematografico si possono delineare le caratteristiche della società tedesca orientale, che, pur sotto l’influenza sovietica, presentava una propria identità e cultura. Nel primo capitolo di questo elaborato verrà presentato il quadro storico di riferimento, ripercorrendo le tappe salienti che portarono alla formazione delle due Germanie e l’evoluzione sociale e politica della RDT; nel secondo capitolo ci si concentrerà sul sistema della propaganda creato dal regime con particolare attenzione al ruolo delle istituzioni, dei media e degli intellettuali. Inoltre si farà accenno all’opera di censura, al delicato mondo del consenso/dissenso e al Ministero della Sicurezza di Stato. Infine, nel terzo e ultimo capitolo verranno presentati i due documenti sottotitolati (il notiziario “1. Mai 1989” e il documentario “Berlin – die Hauptstadt der DDR”) e, basandosi su esempi concreti, verranno analizzate le strategie traduttive messe in atto durante la fase di traduzione.


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The group presents an analysis of the development of the Czech society and economy during the 1990s. They believe that the Czech neo-liberal strategy of transformation led to a partial and uneven modernisation and that this strategy is unable to provide a firm basis for a complex process of modernisation. The increasing developmental problems encountered during 1996-1999 can be seen as empirical evidence of the inadequacy of the neo-liberal transformation strategy. These problems are connected to institutional shortcomings due to the excessive speed of privatisation, its form with certain important Czech innovations (particularly the voucher method and an attempt to resuscitate the Czech national capital) and with the overlooking of the importance of the legal framework and its enforcement. The overly hasty privatisation has created a type of 'recombinant property' which lacks the economic order necessary to stimulate efficiency in an atmosphere of prevailing social justice. A second reason for the present difficulties is the long-term lag behind the civilisation and cultural standards typical of the advanced European countries. The first steps of the Czech transformation concentrated mainly on changes in the institutions important for the distribution of power and wealth and largely neglected the necessity of deep-reaching modernisation of Czech society and the economy. The neo-liberal strategy created conditions conducive to predatory and speculative behaviour at the expense of creative behaviour. Inherited principles of egalitarianism combined with undeserved economic privileges survived and were reinforced by important new developments in the same direction. This situation hinders the assertion of meritocratic motivations. The group advocates the development and implementation of a complex strategy of modernisation based on deliberate reforms, institutional changes and restructuring on the basis of strategic planning, and structural and regional policies which stress the role of cultivation of the institutional order and of the most important factors of economic growth and development.


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OBJECTIVES: To merge clinical information from partly overlapping medical record databases of the Small Animal Teaching Hospital of the Vetsuisse Faculty, University of Berne. To describe the frequencies and localisations of neurological diseases in dogs, as well as their age, gender, breed and geographical distributions. METHODS: In this retrospective study, a new database, with specific variables and a diagnosis key list 'VITAMIN D', was created and defined. A total of 4497 dogs (average of 375 per year) with a well-documented neurological disease were included in the study. A key list for the diagnoses was developed and applied to either the presumptive or the clinical and neurohistopathological diagnosis, with a serial number, a code for localisation and a code for differential diagnoses. RESULTS: Approximately 1159 dogs (26 per cent) had a neurohistopathological diagnosis confirmed, 1431 (32 per cent) had a clinical diagnosis confirmed and 1491 (33 per cent) had a presumptive diagnosis. The most frequent breeds were mixed-breed dogs (577 of 4497, 13 per cent), followed by German shepherd dogs (466 of 4497, 10 per cent). The most common localisations were the forebrain (908 of 4497, 20 per cent) and the spinal cord at the thoracolumbar area (840 of 4497, 19 per cent). Most dogs were diagnosed with degenerative diseases (38 per cent), followed by inflammatory/infectious diseases (14 per cent). The highest number of submissions originated from geographic regions around the referral hospital and from regions with higher human population densities. CLINICAL SIGNIFICANCE: By defining closed-list fields and allocating all data to the corresponding fields, a standardised database that can be used for further studies was generated. The analysis of this study gives examples of the possible uses of a standardised database.


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This digital object was funded in part through a grant from the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation. The digitalization of this object was part of a collaborative effort with the Washington Research Library Consortium and George Washington University.


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Of 54 children with acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) and first hematological recurrence observed between 1985 and 1989, 31 relapsed while still on treatment and 23 after cessation of therapy. Of the former, only one survived. Of the latter, 11 children survived after a minimum follow-up of 25 months. During the same period, a first isolated testicular relapse was observed in nine boys, of whom six survived, and an isolated CNS relapse in eight patients, of whom three survived. As a rule, survivors of a bone marrow or testicular relapse were doing well while those surviving a CNS relapse had considerable neuropsychological sequelae. These results, compared with those of two preceding studies, suggest that with intensification of front-line treatments, it becomes more difficult to rescue children who relapse, particularly those with a bone marrow relapse while on therapy.


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Rumäniens Weg in die Demokratie nach 1989 ist ein Weg gewaltsamer Revolution, der partiellen Elitenkontinuität und des bewussten Verdrängens. Das hieraus resultierende, alle politische Gruppen einende Leiden an der politischen Kultur Rumäniens spiegelt sich nicht zuletzt wider in der Auseinandersetzung um den Tod des Diktatorenpaares Nicolae und Elena Ceausescu. Der offene politische Streit um die Ceausescu-Jahre und die Dezemberrevolution beginnt nach einer Zeit des Unbehagens erst jetzt, so die These des Beitrags. Er schildert die Gründe für den gewaltsamen Umsturz, richtet den Blick indes vor allem auf die symbolische und diskursive Verortung der 'gestohlenen Revolution'. Angemessen scheint deshalb eine 'dichte Beschreibung', die zugleich zurückgreift auf Konzepte der Transformationsforschung, der Generationensoziologie, der klassischen Revolutionstheorie sowie auf das von Ernst Kantorowicz entwickelte Modell der 'zwei Körper des Königs'.


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This study describes the patterns of occurrence of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) and parkinsonism-dementia complex (PDC) of Guam during 1950-1989. Both ALS and PDC occur with high frequency among the indigenous Chamorro population, first recognized in the early 1950's. Reports in the early 1980's indicated that both ALS and PDC were disappearing, due to a purported reduction in exposure to harmful environmental factors as a result of the dramatic changes in lifestyle that took place after World War II. However, this study provides compelling evidence that ALS and PDC have not disappeared on Guam and that rates for both are higher during 1980-1989 than previously reported.^ The patterns of occurrence for both ALS and PDC overlap in most respects: (1) incidence and mortality are decreasing; (2) median age at onset is increasing; (3) males are at increased risk for developing disease; (4) risk is higher for those residing in the south compared to the non-south; and (5) age-specific incidence is decreasing over time except in the oldest age groups.^ Age-specific incidence of ALS and PDC, separately and together, is generally higher for cohorts born before 1920 than for those born after 1920. A significant birth cohort effect on the incidence of PDC for the 1906-1915 birth cohort was found, but not for ALS and for ALS and PDC together. Whether or not a cohort effect, period effect, or both are associated with incidence of ALS and PDC cannot be determined from the data currently available and will require additional follow-up of individuals born after 1920.^ The epidemiological data amassed over this 40-year period provide evidence that supports an environmental exposure model for disease occurrence as opposed to a simple genetic or infectious disease model. Whether neurodegenerative disease in this population occurs as a consequence of a single exposure or is explained by a multifactorial model such as a genetic predisposition with some environmental interaction is yet to be determined. However, descriptive studies such as this can provide clues concerning timing and location of potential adverse exposures but cannot determine etiology, underscoring the urgent need for analytic studies of ALS and PDC to further investigate existing etiologic hypotheses and to test new hypotheses. ^