854 resultados para 16S rRNA mitochondrial gene


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This study was supported by the UK Natural Environment Research Council (NE/H019456/1) to CJvdG, by the Wellcome Trust (WT 098051) to AWW and JP for sequencing costs, and by The Anna Trust (KB2008) to KDB. AWW and The Rowett Institute of Nutrition and Health, University of Aberdeen, receive core funding support from the Scottish Government Rural and Environmental Science and Analysis Service (RESAS). We thank Paul Scott, Richard Rance and the Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute’s sequencing team for generating 16S rRNA gene sequence data.


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IA, JNP, and MP were partly supported by the NIH, grants R01-AI-100947 to MP, and R21-GM-107683 to Matthias Chung, subcontract to MP. JNP was partly supported by an NSF graduate fellowship number DGE750616. IA, JNP, BRL, OCS and MP were supported in part by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, award number 42917 to OCS. JP and AWW received core funding support from The Wellcome Trust (grant number 098051). AWW, and the Rowett Institute of Nutrition and Health, University of Aberdeen, receive core funding support from the Scottish Government Rural and Environmental Science and Analysis Service (RESAS).


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The Ribosomal RNA Operon Copy Number Database (rrndb) is an Internet-accessible database containing annotated information on rRNA operon copy number among prokaryotes. Gene redundancy is uncommon in prokaryotic genomes, yet the rRNA genes can vary from one to as many as 15 copies. Despite the widespread use of 16S rRNA gene sequences for identification of prokaryotes, information on the number and sequence of individual rRNA genes in a genome is not readily accessible. In an attempt to understand the evolutionary implications of rRNA operon redundancy, we have created a phylogenetically arranged report on rRNA gene copy number for a diverse collection of prokaryotic microorganisms. Each entry (organism) in the rrndb contains detailed information linked directly to external websites including the Ribosomal Database Project, GenBank, PubMed and several culture collections. Data contained in the rrndb will be valuable to researchers investigating microbial ecology and evolution using 16S rRNA gene sequences. The rrndb web site is directly accessible on the WWW at http://rrndb.cme.msu.edu.


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Ribosomal protein S7 from Escherichia coli binds to the lower half of the 3′ major domain of 16S rRNA and initiates its folding. It also binds to its own mRNA, the str mRNA, and represses its translation. Using filter binding assays, we show in this study that the same mutations that interfere with S7 binding to 16S rRNA also weaken its affinity for its mRNA. This suggests that the same protein regions are responsible for mRNA and rRNA binding affinities, and that S7 recognizes identical sequence elements within the two RNA targets, although they have dissimilar secondary structures. Overexpression of S7 is known to inhibit bacterial growth. This phenotypic growth defect was relieved in cells overexpressing S7 mutants that bind poorly the str mRNA, confirming that growth impairment is controlled by the binding of S7 to its mRNA. Interestingly, a mutant with a short deletion at the C-terminus of S7 was more detrimental to cell growth than wild-type S7. This suggests that the C-terminal portion of S7 plays an important role in ribosome function, which is perturbed by the deletion.


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In higher plants, dominant mitochondrial mutations are associated with pollen sterility. This phenomenon is known as cytoplasmic male sterility (CMS). It is thought that the disruption in pollen development is a consequence of mitochondrial dysfunction. To provide definitive evidence that expression of an abnormal mitochondrial gene can interrupt pollen development, a CMS-associated mitochondrial DNA sequence from common bean, orf239, was introduced into the tobacco nuclear genome. Several transformants containing the orf239 gene constructs, with or without a mitochondrial targeting sequence, exhibited a semi sterile or male-sterile phenotype. Expression of the gene fusions in transformed anthers was confirmed using RNA gel blotting, ELISA, and light and electron microscopic immunocytochemistry. Immunocytological analysis showed that the ORF239 protein could associate with the cell wall of aberrant developing microspores. This pattern of extracellular localization was earlier observed in the CMS common bean line containing orf239 in the mitochondrial genome. Results presented here demonstrate that ORF239 causes pollen disruption in transgenic tobacco plants and may do so without targeting of the protein to the mitochondrion.


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Mutations at position C1054 of 16S rRNA have previously been shown to cause translational suppression in Escherichia coli. To examine the effects of similar mutations in a eukaryote, all three possible base substitutions and a base deletion were generated at the position of Saccharomyces cerevisiae 18S rRNA corresponding to E. coli C1054. In yeast, as in E. coli, both C1054A (rdn-1A) and C1054G (rdn-1G) caused dominant nonsense suppression. Yeast C1054U (rdn-1T) was a recessive antisuppressor, while yeast C1054-delta (rdn-1delta) led to recessive lethality. Both C1054U and two previously described yeast 18S rRNA antisuppressor mutations, G517A (rdn-2) and U912C (rdn-4), inhibited codon-nonspecific suppression caused by mutations in eukaryotic release factors, sup45 and sup35. However, among these only C1054U inhibited UAA-specific suppressions caused by a UAA-decoding mutant tRNA-Gln (SLT3). Our data implicate eukaryotic C1054 in translational termination, thus suggesting that its function is conserved throughout evolution despite the divergence of nearby nucleotide sequences.


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A role for rRNA in peptide chain termination was indicated several years ago by isolation of a 168 rRNA (small subunit) mutant of Escherichia coli that suppressed UGA mutations. In this paper, we describe another interesting rRNA mutant, selected as a translational suppressor of the chain-terminating mutant trpA (UGA211) of E. coli. The finding that it suppresses UGA at two positions in trpA and does not suppress the other two termination codons, UAA and UAG, at the same codon positions (or several missense mutations, including UGG, available at one of the two positions) suggests a defect in UGA-specific termination. The suppressor mutation was mapped by plasmid fragment exchanges and in vivo suppression to domain II of the 23S rRNA gene of the rrnB operon. Sequence analysis revealed a single base change of G to A at residue 1093, an almost universally conserved base in a highly conserved region known to have specific interactions with ribosomal proteins, elongation factor G, tRNA in the A-site, and the peptidyltransferase region of 23S rRNA. Several avenues of action of the suppressor mutation are suggested, including altered interactions with release factors, ribosomal protein L11, or 16S rRNA. Regardless of the mechanism, the results indicate that a particular residue in 23S rRNA affects peptide chain termination, specifically in decoding of the UGA termination codon.


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Introdução: A microbiota intestinal possui grande diversidade de bactérias, predominantemente dos filos Bacteroidetes e Firmicutes, com múltiplas funções. A alimentação pode alterar sua composição e função. Alto teor de gordura saturada altera a permeabilidade intestinal, eleva os lipopolissacarídeos e predispõe à inflamação subclínica crônica. Dieta rica em fibras, como a vegetariana, induz elevação de ácidos graxos de cadeia curta e benefícios metabólicos. Objetivos: Para analisar a composição da microbiota intestinal de adventistas com diferentes hábitos alimentares e associá-los à inflamação subclínica e resistência à insulina, esta tese incluiu: 1) revisão dos mecanismos que associam a alimentação à microbiota intestinal e ao risco cardiometabólico; 2) verificação da composição da microbiota intestinal segundo diferentes hábitos alimentares e de associações com biomarcadores de doenças cardiometabólicas; 3) avaliação da associação entre a abundância de Akkermansia muciniphila e o metabolismo da glicose; 4) análise da presença de enterótipos e de associações com características clínicas. Métodos: Este estudo transversal incluiu 295 adventistas estratificados segundo hábitos alimentares (vegetariano estrito, ovo-lacto-vegetariano e onívoro). Foram avaliadas associações com dados clínicos, bioquímicos e inflamatórios. O perfil da microbiota foi obtido por sequenciamento do gene 16S rRNA (Illumina® Miseq). Resultados: 1) Há evidências de que as relações entre dieta, inflamação, resistência à insulina e risco cardiometabólico são em parte mediadas pela composição da microbiota intestinal. 2) Vegetarianos apresentaram melhor perfil clínico quando comparados aos onívoros. Confirmou-se maior abundância de Firmicutes e Bacteroidetes, que não diferiram segundo a adiposidade corporal. Entretanto, vegetarianos estritos apresentaram mais Bacteroidetes, menos Firmicutes e maior abundância do gênero Prevotella quando comparados aos outros dois grupos de hábitos alimentares. Entre os ovo-lactovegetarianos verificou-se maior proporção de Firmicutes especialmente do gênero Faecalibacterium. Nos onívoros, houve super-representação do filo Proteobacteria (Succinivibrio e Halomonas) comparados aos vegetarianos. 3) Indivíduos normoglicêmicos apresentaram maior abundância de Akkermansia muciniphila que aqueles com glicemia alterada. A abundância desta bactéria correlacionou-se inversamente à glicemia e hemoglobina glicosilada. 4) Foram identificados três enterótipos (Bacteroides, Prevotella e Ruminococcaceae), similares àqueles previamente descritos. As concentrações de LDL-C foram menores no enterótipo 2, no qual houve maior frequência de vegetarianos estritos. Discussão: 1) Conhecimentos sobre participação da microbiota na fisiopatologia de doenças poderão reverter em estratégias para manipulá-la para promover saúde. 2) Apoia-se a hipótese de que hábitos alimentares se associam favorável ou desfavoravelmente a características metabólicas e inflamatórias do hospedeiro via alterações na composição da microbiota intestinal. Sugerimos que a exposição a alimentos de origem animal possa impactar negativamente nas proporções de comunidades bacterianas. 3) Sugerimos que a abundância da Akkermansia muciniphila possa participar do metabolismo da glicose. 4) Reforçamos que a existência de três enterótipos não deva ser específica de certas populações/continentes. Apesar de desconhecido o significado biológico destes agrupamentos, as correlações com o perfil lipídico podem sugerir sua utilidade na avaliação do risco cardiometabólico. Conclusões: Nossos achados fortalecem a ideia de que a composição da microbiota intestinal se altera mediante diferentes hábitos alimentares, que, por sua vez, estão associados a alterações nos perfis metabólicos e inflamatórios. Estudos prospectivos deverão investigar o potencial da dieta na prevenção de distúrbios cardiometabólicos mediados pela microbiota.


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O hidrogênio (H2) tem sido considerado uma fonte de energia limpa bastante promissora, pois sua combustão origina apenas moléculas de água, sendo uma alternativa ao uso de combustíveis fósseis. Entretanto, os métodos atuais de produção de H2 demandam matérias-primas finitas e uma grande quantidade de energia, tornando a sua obtenção não sustentável. Mais recentemente, a via fermentativa tem sido considerada para a produção de H2, utilizando como matérias-primas efluentes industriais, materiais lignocelulósicos e biomassa de algas, denominado de bio-hidrogênio de primeira, segunda e terceira geração, respectivamente. Neste trabalho foi isolada uma bactéria anaeróbia a partir de uma cultura mista (lodo) de um sistema de tratamento de vinhaça, após pré-tratamento do lodo a pH 3 por 12 horas. Este microrganismo foi identificado com 99% de similaridade como Clostridium beijerinckii com base na sequência do gene RNAr 16S denominado de C. beijerinckii Br21. A temperatura e o pH mais adequados para o crescimento e produção de H2 por esta cultura foi 35 °C e pH inicial 7,0. A bactéria possui a capacidade de utilizar ampla variedade de fontes de carbono para a produção de H2 por fermentação, especialmente, monossacarídeos resultantes da hidrólise de biomassa de algas, tais como glicose, galactose e manose. Foram realizados ensaios em batelada para a produção de H2 com a bactéria isolada empregando diferentes concentrações de glicose e galactose, visando a sua futura utilização em hidrolisados de alga. Os parâmetros cinéticos dos ensaios de fermentação estimados pelo modelo de Gompertz modificado, como a velocidade máxima de produção (Rm), a quantidade máxima de hidrogênio produzido (Hmáx) e o tempo necessário para o início da produção de hidrogênio (fase lag) para a glicose (15 g/L) foram de: 58,27 mL de H2/h, 57,68 mmol de H2 e 8,29 h, respectivamente. Para a galactose (15 g/L), a Rm, Hmáx e foram de 67,64 mL de H2/h, 47,61 mmol de H2 e 17,22 horas, respectivamente. O principal metabólito detectado ao final dos ensaios de fermentação, foi o ácido butírico, seguido pelo ácido acético e o etanol, tanto para os ensaios com glicose, como com galactose. C. beijerinckii é um candidato bastante promissor para a produção de H2 por fermentação a partir de glicose e galactose e, consequentemente, a partir de biomassa de algas como substratos.


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Considerando a dieta como um fator modulador do microbioma ruminal, neste trabalho objetivou-se investigar o impacto do bagaço da cana-de-açúcar sobre a composição e funcionalidade das espécies microbianas residentes no rúmen de carneiros (Ovis aries). Foram utilizados seis animais machos fistulados de O. aries, dos quais três foram alimentados com uma dieta composta por 70% de volumoso e 30% de concentrado (tratamento controle) e outros três animais alimentados com uma dieta similar a anterior, mas com 14% do volumoso substituído por bagaço de cana-de-açúcar (tratamento bagaço). O conteúdo ruminal (líquido e fibra) foram amostrados quinzenalmente durante 60 dias. A partir dessas amostras foram acessadas a estrutura e a composição da comunidade microbiana pela extração de DNA total e amplificação das regiões V3 e V6-V7 do gene 16S rRNA bacteriano e a região intergênica fúngica (ITS2). Além disso, foram feitas análises metagenômicas e metatranscriptômicas de comunidade microbianas enriquecidas em fibra ruminal para identificar enzimas lignocelulolíticas expressas. As frações líquida e fibrosa do conteúdo ruminal de O. aries revelaram uma comunidade bacteriana dominada principalmente por Bacteroidetes e Firmicutes ao longo de todo período experimental. Dois gêneros, Prevotella e Ruminococcus representaram 20% e 4% da comunidade bacteriana ruminal, respectivamente. Para a comunidade fúngica o filo Neocallimastigomycota representou 91% das sequências e os principais gêneros deste filo foram Piromyces, Neocallimastix, Orpinomyces, Anaeromyces, Caecomyces e Cyllamyces aderidos a fibra ruminal. O gênero Caecomyces, foi significativamente mais abundante na fibra ruminal de animais que se alimentaram de bagaço de cana-de açúcar. Além disso, foi observado um aumento significativo na frequência de enzimas como, por exemplo, 1,4-α-glucano, α-galactosidase, endo 1,4-β-xilanase, β- xilosidase, xilose isomerase, celobiose fosforilase e α-N-arabinofuranosidase no tratamento com bagaço de cana-de-açúcar. Considerando que a recuperação de enzimas a partir de comunidades microbianas naturalmente selecionadas para a degradação de biomassa é uma estratégia promissora para superar a atual ineficiência da ação enzimática na produção industrial de biocombustíveis, os resultados deste trabalho representam a possibilidade de aumentar a capacidade de recuperação ou descoberta de enzimas a partir de ruminantes, ou ainda, a possibilidade de manipular a estrutura do microbioma do rúmen para usá-lo como fonte de inóculo enriquecido em processos industriais de degradação de biomassa.


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Unlike other dung beetles, the Iberian geotrupid Thorectes lusitanicus exhibits polyphagous behavior; for example, it is able to eat acorns, fungi, fruits, and carrion in addition to the dung of different mammals. This adaptation to digest a wider diet has physiological and developmental advantages and requires key changes in the composition and diversity of the beetle's gut microbiota. In this study, we isolated aerobic, facultative anaerobic, and aerotolerant microbiota amenable to grow in culture from the gut contents of T. lusitanicus and resolved isolate identity to the species level by sequencing 16S rRNA gene fragments. Using BLAST similarity searches and maximum likelihood phylogenetic analyses, we were able to reveal that the analyzed fraction (culturable, aerobic, facultative anaerobic, and aerotolerant) of beetle gut microbiota is dominated by the phyla Proteobacteria, Firmicutes and Actinobacteria. Among Proteobacteria, members of the order Enterobacteriales (Gammaproteobacteria) were the most abundant. The main functions associated with the bacteria found in the gut of T. lusitanicus would likely include nitrogen fixation, denitrification, detoxification, and diverse defensive roles against pathogens.


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BACKGROUND Respiratory tract infections and subsequent airway inflammation occur early in the life of infants with cystic fibrosis. However, detailed information about the microbial composition of the respiratory tract in infants with this disorder is scarce. We aimed to undertake longitudinal in-depth characterisation of the upper respiratory tract microbiota in infants with cystic fibrosis during the first year of life. METHODS We did this prospective cohort study at seven cystic fibrosis centres in Switzerland. Between Feb 1, 2011, and May 31, 2014, we enrolled 30 infants with a diagnosis of cystic fibrosis. Microbiota characterisation was done with 16S rRNA gene pyrosequencing and oligotyping of nasal swabs collected every 2 weeks from the infants with cystic fibrosis. We compared these data with data for an age-matched cohort of 47 healthy infants. We additionally investigated the effect of antibiotic treatment on the microbiota of infants with cystic fibrosis. Statistical methods included regression analyses with a multivariable multilevel linear model with random effects to correct for clustering on the individual level. FINDINGS We analysed 461 nasal swabs taken from the infants with cystic fibrosis; the cohort of healthy infants comprised 872 samples. The microbiota of infants with cystic fibrosis differed compositionally from that of healthy infants (p=0·001). This difference was also found in exclusively antibiotic-naive samples (p=0·001). The disordering was mainly, but not solely, due to an overall increase in the mean relative abundance of Staphylococcaceae in infants with cystic fibrosis compared with healthy infants (multivariable linear regression model stratified by age and adjusted for season; second month: coefficient 16·2 [95% CI 0·6-31·9]; p=0·04; third month: 17·9 [3·3-32·5]; p=0·02; fourth month: 21·1 [7·8-34·3]; p=0·002). Oligotyping analysis enabled differentiation between Staphylococcus aureus and coagulase-negative Staphylococci. Whereas the analysis showed a decrease in S aureus at and after antibiotic treatment, coagulase-negative Staphylococci increased. INTERPRETATION Our study describes compositional differences in the microbiota of infants with cystic fibrosis compared with healthy controls, and disordering of the microbiota on antibiotic administration. Besides S aureus, coagulase-negative Staphylococci also contributed to the disordering identified in these infants. These findings are clinically important in view of the crucial role that bacterial pathogens have in the disease progression of cystic fibrosis in early life. Our findings could be used to inform future studies of the effect of antibiotic treatment on the microbiota in infants with cystic fibrosis, and could assist in the prevention of early disease progression in infants with this disorder. FUNDING Swiss National Science Foundation, Fondation Botnar, the Swiss Society for Cystic Fibrosis, and the Swiss Lung Association Bern.


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Among the most extreme habitats on Earth, dark, deep, anoxic brines host unique microbial ecosystems that remain largely unexplored. As the terminal step of anaerobic degradation of organic matter, methanogenesis is a potentially significant but poorly constrained process in deep-sea hypersaline environments. We combined biogeochemical and phylogenetic analyses as well as incubation experiments to unravel the origin of methane in hypersaline sediments of Orca Basin in the northern Gulf of Mexico. Substantial concentrations of methane (up to 3.4 mM) coexisted with high concentrations of sulfate (16-43 mM) in two sediment cores retrieved from the northern and southern parts of Orca Basin. The strong depletion of 13C in methane (-77 to -89 per mill) pointed towards a biological source. While low concentrations of competitive substrates limited the significance of hydrogenotrophic and acetoclastic methanogenesis, the presence of non-competitive methylated substrates (methanol, trimethylamine, dimethyl sulfide, dimethylsulfoniopropionate) supported the potential for methane generation through methylotrophic methanogenesis. Thermodynamic calculations demonstrated that hydrogenotrophic and acetoclastic methanogenesis were unlikely to occur under in situ conditions, while methylotrophic methanogenesis from a variety of substrates was highly favorable. Likewise, carbon isotope relationships between methylated substrates and methane supported methylotrophic methanogenesis as the major source of methane. Stable isotope tracer and radiotracer experiments with 13C bicarbonate, acetate and methanol as well as 14C-labeled methylamine indicated that methylotrophic methanogenesis was the predominant methanogenic pathway. Based on 16S rRNA gene sequences, halophilic methylotrophic methanogens related to the genus Methanohalophilus dominated the benthic archaeal community in the northern basin but also occurred in the southern basin. High abundances of methanogen lipid biomarkers such as intact polar and polyunsaturated hydroxyarchaeols were detected in sediments from the northern basin, with lower abundances in the southern basin. Strong 13C-depletion of saturated and monounsaturated hydroxyarchaeol were consistent with methylotrophic methanogenesis as the major methanogenic pathway. Collectively, the availability of methylated substrates, thermodynamic calculations, experimentally determined methanogenic activity as well as lipid and gene biomarkers strongly suggested methylotrophic methanogenesis as predominant pathway of methane formation in the presence of sulfate in Orca Basin sediments.


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Despite a considerable surge in herpetological research in Australia over the last couple of decades the Australian microhylid frogs (Cophixalus and Austrochaperina) remain relatively poorly known. Herein I present the results of extensive fieldwork and molecular, morphological and call analysis with the aim of resolving taxonomy, call variation and distributions, and increasing our understanding of breeding biology. Analysis of 943 base pairs of mitochondrial 16S rRNA and 12S rRNA provides a well supported phylogeny that is largely consistent with current taxonomy. Levels of divergence between species are substantial and significant phylogeographic structuring is evident in C. ornatus, C. neglectus and C. aenigma, sp. nov. The description of C. concinnus was based on a mixed collection of two species from Thornton Peak and a new species is described to resolve this. C. aenigma, sp. nov., is described from high-elevation (>750 m) rainforest across the Carbine, Thornton, Finnigan and Bakers Blue Mountain uplands, north-east Queensland. C. concinnus is redescribed as a highly distinct species restricted to rainforest and boulder fields at the summit of Thornton Peak (>1100 m). Despite protection in Daintree National Park in the Wet Tropics World Heritage Area, predictions of the impact of global warming suggest C. concinnus to be of very high conservation concern ( Critically Endangered, IUCN criteria). The mating call of two species ( C. mcdonaldi and C. exiguus) is described for the first time and high levels of call variation within C. ornatus, C. neglectus, C. hosmeri, C. aenigma and Austrochaperina fryi are presented. Such variation is often attributable to genetically divergent lineages, altitudinal variation and courtship; however, in some instances ( particularly within C. hosmeri) the source or function of highly distinct calls at a site remains obscure. Molecular, morphological and call analyses allow the clarification of species distributions, especially in the northern mountains of the Wet Tropics. Notes are presented on the breeding biology of C. aenigma, C. bombiens, C. concinnus, C. exiguus, C. infacetus, C. mcdonaldi, C. monticola, C. neglectus, C. ornatus and C. saxatilis, which are largely consistent with previous accounts: small terrestrial clutches usually attended by a male. Courtship behaviour in C. ornatus is described and the first records of multiple clutching in Australian microhylids are presented (for C. ornatus and C. infacetus).


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An anaerobic landfill leachate bioreactor was operated with crystalline cellulose and sterile landfill leacbate until a steady state was reached. Cellulose hydrolysis, acidogenesis, and methanogenesis were measured. Microorganisms attached to the cellulose surfaces were hypothesized to be the cellulose hydrolyzers. 16S rRNA gene clone libraries were prepared from this attached fraction and also from the mixed fraction (biomass associated with cellulose particles and in the planktonic phase). Both clone libraries were dominated by Firmicutes phylum sequences (100% of the attached library and 90% of the mixed library), and the majority fell into one of five lineages of the clostridia. Clone group 1 (most closely related to Clostridium stercorarium), clone group 2 (most closely related to Clostridium thermocellum), and clone group 5 (most closely related to Bacteroides cellulosolvens) comprised sequences in Clostridium group III. Clone group 3 sequences were in Clostridium group XIVa (most closely related to Clostridium sp. strain XB90). Clone group 4 sequences were affiliated with a deeply branching clostridial lineage peripherally associated with Clostridium group VI. This monophyletic group comprises a new Clostridium cluster, designated cluster VIa. Specific fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) probes for the five groups were designed and synthesized, and it was demonstrated in FISH experiments that bacteria targeted by the probes for clone groups 1, 2, 4, and 5 were very abundant on the surfaces of the cellulose particles and likely the key cellulolytic microorganisms in the landfill bioreactor. The FISH probe for clone group 3 targeted cells in the planktonic phase, and these organisms were hypothesized to be glucose fermenters.