Organic and inorganic geochemistry and archaeal community composition of hypersaline sediments from Orca Basin, RV Atlantis Expedition AT18-02

Autoria(s): Zhuang, Guang-Chao; Elling, Felix J; Nigro, Lisa M; Samarkin, Vladimir A; Joye, Samantha B; Teske, Andreas P; Hinrichs, Kai-Uwe





Among the most extreme habitats on Earth, dark, deep, anoxic brines host unique microbial ecosystems that remain largely unexplored. As the terminal step of anaerobic degradation of organic matter, methanogenesis is a potentially significant but poorly constrained process in deep-sea hypersaline environments. We combined biogeochemical and phylogenetic analyses as well as incubation experiments to unravel the origin of methane in hypersaline sediments of Orca Basin in the northern Gulf of Mexico. Substantial concentrations of methane (up to 3.4 mM) coexisted with high concentrations of sulfate (16-43 mM) in two sediment cores retrieved from the northern and southern parts of Orca Basin. The strong depletion of 13C in methane (-77 to -89 per mill) pointed towards a biological source. While low concentrations of competitive substrates limited the significance of hydrogenotrophic and acetoclastic methanogenesis, the presence of non-competitive methylated substrates (methanol, trimethylamine, dimethyl sulfide, dimethylsulfoniopropionate) supported the potential for methane generation through methylotrophic methanogenesis. Thermodynamic calculations demonstrated that hydrogenotrophic and acetoclastic methanogenesis were unlikely to occur under in situ conditions, while methylotrophic methanogenesis from a variety of substrates was highly favorable. Likewise, carbon isotope relationships between methylated substrates and methane supported methylotrophic methanogenesis as the major source of methane. Stable isotope tracer and radiotracer experiments with 13C bicarbonate, acetate and methanol as well as 14C-labeled methylamine indicated that methylotrophic methanogenesis was the predominant methanogenic pathway. Based on 16S rRNA gene sequences, halophilic methylotrophic methanogens related to the genus Methanohalophilus dominated the benthic archaeal community in the northern basin but also occurred in the southern basin. High abundances of methanogen lipid biomarkers such as intact polar and polyunsaturated hydroxyarchaeols were detected in sediments from the northern basin, with lower abundances in the southern basin. Strong 13C-depletion of saturated and monounsaturated hydroxyarchaeol were consistent with methylotrophic methanogenesis as the major methanogenic pathway. Collectively, the availability of methylated substrates, thermodynamic calculations, experimentally determined methanogenic activity as well as lipid and gene biomarkers strongly suggested methylotrophic methanogenesis as predominant pathway of methane formation in the presence of sulfate in Orca Basin sediments.


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Supplement to: Zhuang, Guang-Chao; Elling, Felix J; Nigro, Lisa M; Samarkin, Vladimir A; Joye, Samantha B; Teske, Andreas P; Hinrichs, Kai-Uwe (2016): Multiple evidence for methylotrophic methanogenesis as the dominant methanogenic pathway in hypersaline sediments from the Orca Basin, Gulf of Mexico. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 187, 1-20, doi:10.1016/j.gca.2016.05.005

Palavras-Chave #[SO4]2-; 1G-AR; 1G-GDGTs; 1G-OH-GDGTs; 1-Hydroxyarchaeols, unsaturated sn2, d13C; 1-uns-AR d13C; 1-unsaturated-Archaeol, d13C; 1-uns-OH-AR sn2 d13C; 2G-AR; 2G-GDGTs; 2G-OH-GDGTs; Acetate + N2 #1; Acetate + N2 #2; Anaerobic methanotrophic archaea-1a, number of sequences; Anaerobic methanotrophic archaea-1b, number of sequences; Anaerobic methanotrophic archaea-2a, number of sequences; Anaerobic methanotrophic archaea-2c, number of sequences; ANME-1a seq; ANME-1b seq; ANME-2a seq; ANME-2c seq; AR; Archaeol; Archaeol, d13C; AR d13C; Base-extractable; Base-hydrolysable dimethylsulfoniopropionate; Biphytane-cren d13C; Biphytanes, acyclic, d13C; Biphytanes, acyclic, d13C, standard deviation; Biphytanes, bicyclic, d13C; Biphytanes, bicyclic, d13C, standard deviation; Biphytanes, crenarchaeol, d13C; Biphytanes, monocyclic, d13C; Biphytanes, monocyclic, d13C, standard deviation; BPs acyclic d13C; BPs acyclic d13C std dev; BPs bicyclic d13C; BPs bicyclic d13C std dev; BPs monocyclic d13C; BPs monocyclic d13C std dev; Carbon, inorganic, dissolved; Carbon, organic, total; Center for Marine Environmental Sciences; CH4; CH4O; Chloride; Cl-; Comment; d13C CH4; d13C Corg; d13C DIC; Deep-sea hydrothermal vent euryarchaeotal group 5, number of sequences; delta 13C, dissolved inorganic carbon; delta 13C, methane; delta 13C, organic carbon; Depth; Depth, bottom/max; DEPTH, sediment/rock; Depth, top/min; Depth bot; Depth top; DHVE-5 seq; DIC; Diglycosidic archaeol; Diglycosyl glycerol dialkyl glycerol tetraethers; Diglycosyl monohydroxylated glycerol dialkyl glycerol tetraethers; Dimethylsulfoniopropionate, d13C; Dimethylsulfoniopropionate, dissolved; DMSP d13C; DMSP diss; DMSPt; Event; GDDs; GDGTs; Glycerol dialkanol diethers; Glycerol dialkyl glycerol tetraethers; Glycosyl-phosphatidylglycerol-archaeol; G-PG-OH-AR; H2; Halobacteria, number of sequences; Halobacteria seq; HCO3- + H2/CO2 #1; HCO3- + H2/CO2 #2; HCO3- + N2/H2 #1; HCO3- + N2/H2 #2; Hexosephosphohexose glycerol dialkyl glycerol tetraethers; HPH-GDGTs; Hydrogen; Hydroxyarchaeols; Hydroxyarchaeols, unsaturated; Hydroxylated glycerol dialkyl glycerol tetraethers; Inc dur; Incubation duration; Intact polar lipids; IPLs; Marine group I, number of sequences; Marine group II, number of sequences; Marine group III, number of sequences; MARUM; MCG seq; Methane; Methanohalophilus, number of sequences; Methanohalophilus seq; Methanol; Methanol+ N2 #1; Methanol+ N2 #2; MG III seq; MG II seq; MG I seq; Miscellaneous crenarchaeotic group, number of sequences; Monoglycosidic archaeol; Monoglycosyl glycerol dialkyl glycerol tetraethers; Monoglycosyl monohydroxylated glycerol dialkyl glycerol tetraethers; No substrate + N2 #1; No substrate + N2 #2; OH-AR; OH-GDGTs; Phosphoinositol archaeol; Phosphoinositol hydroxyarchaeol; PI-AR; PI-OH-AR; Refractometer; relative to total archaeal core and intact polar lipids; relative to total archaeal core lipids; relative to total archaeal intact polar lipids; Sal; Salinity; salt-free weight; sn2-Hydroxyarchaeol, d13C; sn2-OH-AR d13C; sn3-Hydroxyarchaeol, d13C; sn3-OH-AR d13C; Standard deviation; Std dev; Sulfate; Sulfide, total; Thermo Scientific Flash 2000-Delta V Plus IRMS; TMA; TMA d13C; TOC; Trimethylamine; Trimethylamine, d13C; TS2-; uns-AR; Unsaturated archaeol; uns-OH-AR; vs. VPDB
