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We report a measurement of the differential cross section for the gamman-->pi- p process from the CLAS detector at Jefferson Laboratory in Hall B for photon energies between 1.0 and 3.5 GeV and pion center-of-mass (c.m.) angles (thetac.m.) between 50 degrees and 115 degrees. We confirm a previous indication of a broad enhancement around a c.m. energy ([sqrt]s) of 2.1 GeV at thetac.m.=90 degrees in the scaled differential cross section s7dsigma/dt and a rapid falloff in a center-of-mass energy region of about 400 MeV following the enhancement. Our data show an angular dependence of this enhancement as the suggested scaling region is approached for thetac.m. from 70 degrees to 105 degrees.


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The ability to predict the existence and crystal type of ordered structures of materials from their components is a major challenge of current materials research. Empirical methods use experimental data to construct structure maps and make predictions based on clustering of simple physical parameters. Their usefulness depends on the availability of reliable data over the entire parameter space. Recent development of high-throughput methods opens the possibility to enhance these empirical structure maps by ab initio calculations in regions of the parameter space where the experimental evidence is lacking or not well characterized. In this paper we construct enhanced maps for the binary alloys of hcp metals, where the experimental data leaves large regions of poorly characterized systems believed to be phase separating. In these enhanced maps, the clusters of noncompound-forming systems are much smaller than indicated by the empirical results alone. © 2010 The American Physical Society.


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We obtain an upper bound on the time available for quantum computation for a given quantum computer and decohering environment with quantum error correction implemented. First, we derive an explicit quantum evolution operator for the logical qubits and show that it has the same form as that for the physical qubits but with a reduced coupling strength to the environment. Using this evolution operator, we find the trace distance between the real and ideal states of the logical qubits in two cases. For a super-Ohmic bath, the trace distance saturates, while for Ohmic or sub-Ohmic baths, there is a finite time before the trace distance exceeds a value set by the user. © 2010 The American Physical Society.


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We present a model as well as experimental results for a surface electrode radiofrequency Paul trap that has a circular electrode geometry well suited for trapping single ions and two-dimensional planar ion crystals. The trap design is compatible with microfabrication and offers a simple method by which the height of the trapped ions above the surface may be changed in situ. We demonstrate trapping of single Sr88+ ions over an ion height range of 200-1000 μm for several hours under Doppler laser cooling and use these to characterize the trap, finding good agreement with our model. © 2010 The American Physical Society.


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The concept of the "Kondo box" describes a single spin, antiferromagnetically coupled to a quantum dot with a finite level spacing. Here, a Kondo box is formed in a carbon nanotube interacting with a localized electron. We investigate the spins of its first few eigenstates and compare them to a recent theory. In an "open" Kondo-box, strongly coupled to the leads, we observe a nonmonotonic temperature dependence of the nanotube conductance, which results from a competition between the Kondo-box singlet and the "conventional" Kondo state that couples the nanotube to the leads. © 2010 The American Physical Society.


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The conductance of two Anderson impurity models, one with twofold and another with fourfold degeneracy, representing two types of quantum dots, is calculated using a world-line quantum Monte Carlo (QMC) method. Extrapolation of the imaginary time QMC data to zero frequency yields the linear conductance, which is then compared to numerical renormalization-group results in order to assess its accuracy. We find that the method gives excellent results at low temperature (T TK) throughout the mixed-valence and Kondo regimes but it is unreliable for higher temperature. © 2010 The American Physical Society.


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The first calculation of triangular flow ν3 in Au+Au collisions at √sNN = 200A GeV from an event-by-event (3 + 1) d transport+hydrodynamics hybrid approach is presented. As a response to the initial triangularity Ie{cyrillic, ukrainian}3 of the collision zone, ν3 is computed in a similar way to the standard event-plane analysis for elliptic flow ν2. It is found that the triangular flow exhibits weak centrality dependence and is roughly equal to elliptic flow in most central collisions. We also explore the transverse momentum and rapidity dependence of ν2 and ν3 for charged particles as well as identified particles. We conclude that an event-by-event treatment of the ideal hydrodynamic evolution startingwith realistic initial conditions generates the main features expected for triangular flow. © 2010 The American Physical Society.


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We present a search for nonzero θ13 and deviations of sin2θ23 from 0.5 in the oscillations of atmospheric neutrino data from Super-Kamiokande I, II, and III. No distortions of the neutrino flux consistent with nonzero θ13 are found and both neutrino mass hierarchy hypotheses are in agreement with the data. The data are best fit at Δm2=2.1×10-3eV2, sin2θ13=0.0, and sin2θ23=0.5. In the normal (inverted) hierarchy θ13 and Δm2 are constrained at the one-dimensional 90% C.L. to sin2θ13<0.04(0.09) and 1.9(1.7)×10 -3<Δm2<2.6(2.7)×10-3eV2. The atmospheric mixing angle is within 0.407≤sin2θ23≤0.583 at 90% C.L. © 2010 The American Physical Society.


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In the presence of a chemical potential, the physics of level crossings leads to singularities at zero temperature, even when the spatial volume is finite. These singularities are smoothed out at a finite temperature but leave behind nontrivial finite size effects which must be understood in order to extract thermodynamic quantities using Monte Carlo methods, particularly close to critical points. We illustrate some of these issues using the classical nonlinear O(2) sigma model with a coupling β and chemical potential μ on a 2+1-dimensional Euclidean lattice. In the conventional formulation this model suffers from a sign problem at nonzero chemical potential and hence cannot be studied with the Wolff cluster algorithm. However, when formulated in terms of the worldline of particles, the sign problem is absent, and the model can be studied efficiently with the "worm algorithm." Using this method we study the finite size effects that arise due to the chemical potential and develop an effective quantum mechanical approach to capture the effects. As a side result we obtain energy levels of up to four particles as a function of the box size and uncover a part of the phase diagram in the (β,μ) plane. © 2010 The American Physical Society.


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We propose a new approach to the fermion sign problem in systems where there is a coupling U such that when it is infinite the fermions are paired into bosons, and there is no fermion permutation sign to worry about. We argue that as U becomes finite, fermions are liberated but are naturally confined to regions which we refer to as fermion bags. The fermion sign problem is then confined to these bags and may be solved using the determinantal trick. In the parameter regime where the fermion bags are small and their typical size does not grow with the system size, construction of Monte Carlo methods that are far more efficient than conventional algorithms should be possible. In the region where the fermion bags grow with system size, the fermion bag approach continues to provide an alternative approach to the problem but may lose its main advantage in terms of efficiency. The fermion bag approach also provides new insights and solutions to sign problems. A natural solution to the "silver blaze problem" also emerges. Using the three-dimensional massless lattice Thirring model as an example, we introduce the fermion bag approach and demonstrate some of these features. We compute the critical exponents at the quantum phase transition and find ν=0.87(2) and η=0.62(2). © 2010 The American Physical Society.


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We study the response of dry granular materials to external stress using experiment, simulation, and theory. We derive a Ginzburg-Landau functional that enforces mechanical stability and positivity of contact forces. In this framework, the elastic moduli depend only on the applied stress. A combination of this feature and the positivity constraint leads to stress correlations whose shape and magnitude are extremely sensitive to the nature of the applied stress. The predictions from the theory describe the stress correlations for both simulations and experiments semiquantitatively. © 2009 The American Physical Society.


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Electromagnetic metamaterials are artificially structured media typically composed of arrays of resonant electromagnetic circuits, the dimension and spacing of which are considerably smaller than the free-space wavelengths of operation. The constitutive parameters for metamaterials, which can be obtained using full-wave simulations in conjunction with numerical retrieval algorithms, exhibit artifacts related to the finite size of the metamaterial cell relative to the wavelength. Liu showed that the complicated, frequency-dependent forms of the constitutive parameters can be described by a set of relatively simple analytical expressions. These expressions provide useful insight and can serve as the basis for more intelligent interpolation or optimization schemes. Here, we show that the same analytical expressions can be obtained using a transfer-matrix formalism applied to a one-dimensional periodic array of thin, resonant, dielectric, or magnetic sheets. The transfer-matrix formalism breaks down, however, when both electric and magnetic responses are present in the same unit cell, as it neglects the magnetoelectric coupling between unit cells. We show that an alternative analytical approach based on the same physical model must be applied for such structures. Furthermore, in addition to the intercell coupling, electric and magnetic resonators within a unit cell may also exhibit magnetoelectric coupling. For such cells, we find an analytical expression for the effective index, which displays markedly characteristic dispersion features that depend on the strength of the coupling coefficient. We illustrate the applicability of the derived expressions by comparing to full-wave simulations on magnetoelectric unit cells. We conclude that the design of metamaterials with tailored simultaneous electric and magnetic response-such as negative index materials-will generally be complicated by potentially unwanted magnetoelectric coupling. © 2010 The American Physical Society.