880 resultados para thermoplastic extrusion


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A set of 12 samples of acid rock types Palmas (ATP) and Chapecó (ATC) was used to determine the chemical composition of plagioclase and pyroxene by electron microprobe, with the purpose to get information about the pressure and temperature of crystallization of these rocks. The results show that the pyroxene of ATP rocks (3,2 ± 1,2 kbar, max = 5,1 kbar and 1028 ± 38°C) were formed under pressure conditions higher than those ATC (1,8 ± 0,9 kbar, max = 3,4 kbar and 995 ± 26oC). However, the pressures obtained from plagioclase showed higher pressures for ATC (3.2 ± 1 kbar, max = 6,4 kbar and 1033 ± 12°C) than ATP (1,9 ± 1 kbar, max = 4,8 kbar and 1043 ± 5°C), suggesting that the crystallization of rocktype ATP began with the formation of pyroxene and plagioclase almost simultaneously at a depth of around 17 km while the ATC, began with the crystallization of plagioclase at a depth of about 21 km (assuming a gradient of 3,3 kbar/km). The geothermometry of plagioclase allow us to calculate the concentration of water from about 1 ± 0,3% H2O for both acid rock types. Additional calculations allow us to get the depth of water exsolution of magmatic liquid at 30m below the surface. Although the data are still preliminary and insufficient to model the extrusion of these rocks, they point out to an effusion mechanism of a partially fluidized magma by volatile, which would spread to large areas with small friction with the surface that would increased with the increase of viscosity caused by the loss of volatile and decreasing of temperature, developing coherent structures as lava flows.


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This research work develops new methods to produce biodegradable starch-based trays for the purpose of replacing expanded polystyrene in the food packaging market. The starch based biopolymers present several drawbacks like poor mechanical properties and very high density. In order to overcome these drawbacks two research lines have been set up: blending thermoplastic starch with biobased reinforcements from agricultural wastes like barley straw and grape wastes, and testing the foamability of these materials with a Microwave-foaming method.


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This work evaluated the effects of high moisture silage, extrusion and corn and sorghum drying with and without tannin, on the chemical composition and ruminal digestion of dry matter. The experimental design was completely randomized in 3x3 factorial scheme (kinds of grains: processing), for the chemical composition and degradability and three blocks (animals) through in situ method. It was verified significant difference between kinds of grains and processing in relation to the chemical composition, except for crude protein and mineral matter. The contents of etherextract in the three types of grains, were reduced significantly with the high moisture silage, extrusion and drying in relation to the humid material. For the contents of phenols, total and condensed tannin there was effect of hybrid, processing and interaction, and the most elevated contents were found in sorghum with tannin. Although grain composition has been similar, the interaction in ruminal ambient associated to the tannin, promoted differences in the dry matter degradability. It was concluded that sorghum without tannin may be ensiled or extruded, while the sorghum with tannin, must be extruded to improve the degradability and availability of nutrients.


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Purpose: Bioactive glass and bioactive glass-ceramic cone implants were placed in the rabbit eviscerated socket to assess their biocompatibility. Methods: Fifty-one Norfolk albino rabbits underwent evisceration of the right eye followed by implantation of cones made from Bioglass® 45S5 (control group) and two types of bioactive glass-ceramic (Biosilicate®), a single- and a two-phase bioactive glass-ceramic implants into the scleral cavity. Postoperative reactions, animal behavior and socket conditions were monitored daily. Clinical exam, biochemical evaluations, and orbit computed tomographic scan were done at 7, 90, and 180 days post-procedure. After that, the animals were euthanized, and the orbital content was removed and prepared to light microscopy with morphometric evaluation and scanning electron microscopy examination. Statistical analysis was done by parametric and non-parametric analysis of variance, complemented by Dunn's and Tukey's tests (p<0.05). Results: All animals did not develop systemic toxicity throughout the experimental period and also did not have orbit infection, implant migration or extrusion. Morphological analysis demonstrated pseudocapsule around all implants. Bioglass® and single-phase Biosilicate® implants induced less inflammation and pseudocapsule formation than two-phase Biosilicate® cones. Seven days post-procedure, the inflammatory reaction was intense and gradually decreased throughout the experiment. Tissue reaction was least intense in animals receiving Bioglass® implants. Conclusions: We observe discrete differences among the studied materials, with best responses obtained with use of Bioglass® 45S5 and single-phase Biosilicate®. The authors agree these implants might be useful in the management of the anophthalmic socket. © 2012 Informa Healthcare USA, Inc.


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The effects of exogenous enzymes supplementation on kibble diets for dogs formulated with soybean meal (SBM) as a substitute for poultry by-product meal (PM) was investigated on nutrient digestibility, fermentation products formation, post-prandial urea response and selected faecal bacteria counts. Two kibble diets with similar compositions were used in two trials: PM-based diet (28.9% of PM; soybean hulls as a fibre source) and SBM-based diet (29.9% of SBM). In experiment 1, the SBM diet was divided into three diets: SBM-0, without enzyme addition; SBM-1, covered after extrusion with 7500U protease/kg and 45U cellulase/kg; and SBM-2, covered with 15000U protease/kg and 90U cellulase/kg. In experiment 2, the SBM diet was divided into three diets: SBM-0; SBM-1, covered with 140U protease/kg; 8U cellulase/kg, 800U pectinase/kg, 60U phytase/kg, 40U betaglucanase/kg and 20U xylanase/kg; and SMB-2, covered with 700U protease/kg, 40U cellulase/kg, 4000U pectinase/kg, 300U phytase/kg, 200U betaglucanase/kg and 100U xylanase/kg. Each experiment followed a block design with six dogs per diet. Data were submitted to analysis of variance and means compared by orthogonal and polynomial contrasts (p<0.05). In both experiments, nutrients and energy digestibility did not differ between diets (p>0.05). SBM consumption resulted in increased faecal moisture and production (p<0.05), without effect on faecal score. Higher concentration of propionate, acetate and lactate, and lower ammonia and pH were found in the faeces of dogs fed SBM (p<0.05). Higher post-prandial urea was verified in dogs fed SBM (p<0.05). In experiment 2, the addition of enzymes increased faecal concentration of propionate, acetate and total short-chain fatty acid (p<0.05) and tended to reduce post-prandial urea concentration (p=0.06). Although with similar digestibility, SBM shows a worse utilization of absorbed amino acids than the PM. Soybean oligosaccharides can beneficially change gut fermentation product formation. Enzymes can increase the gut fermentation activity and improve the SBM proteic value. © 2013 Blackwell Verlag GmbH.


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Recently, there is an interest in technologies that favour the use of coproducts for animal nutrition. The effect of adding two enzyme mixtures in diets for dogs formulated with wheat bran (WB) was evaluated. Two foods with similar compositions were formulated: negative control (NC; without WB) and test diet (25% of WB). The test diet was divided into four treatments: without enzyme (positive control), enzyme mixture 1 (ENZ1; added before extrusion β-glucanase, xylanase, cellulase, glucoamylase, phytase); enzyme mixture 2 (ENZ2; added before extrusion the ENZ1 more α-amylase); enzyme mixture 2 added after the extrusion (ENZ2ex). ENZ1 and ENZ2 were used to evaluate the enzyme effect on extruder pre-conditioner (processing additive) and ENZ2ex to evaluate the effect of enzyme supplementation for the animal. Digestibility was measured through total collection of faeces and urine. The experiment followed a randomized block design with five treatments (diets) and six dogs per diet, totalling 30 dogs (7.0 ± 1.2 years old and 11.0 ± 2.2 kg of body weight). Data were submitted to analysis of variance and means compared by Tukey's test and orthogonal contrasts (p < 0.05). Reducing sugars showed an important reduction after extrusion, suggesting the formation of carbohydrate complexes. The apparent total tract digestibility (ATTD) of dry matter, organic matter, crude protein, acid-hydrolysed fat and energy was higher in NC than in diets with WB (p < 0.001), without effects of enzyme additions. WB diets resulted in higher faecal production and concentration of short-chain fatty acids (SCFA) and reduced pH and ammonia concentration (p < 0.01), with no effect of enzyme addition. The enzyme addition did not result in improved digestibility of a diet high in non-starch polysaccharides; however, only ATTD was measured and nutrient fermentation in the large intestine may have interfered with the results obtained. WB modified fermentation product formation in the colon of dogs. © 2013 Blackwell Verlag GmbH.


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In order to investigate how environmental degradation affects the mechanical and thermal performance of polyetherimide/carbon fiber laminates, in this work different weathering were conducted. Additionally, dynamic mechanical analysis, interlaminar shear strength tests and non-destructive inspections were performed on this composite before and after being submitted to hygrothermal, UV radiation and thermal shock weathering. According to our results, hygrothermally aged samples had their glass transition temperature and elastic and storage moduli reduced by plasticization effect. Photooxidation, due to UV radiation exposure, occurred only on the surface of the laminates. Thermal shock induced a reversible stress on the composite's interface region. The results revealed that the mechanical behavior can vary during weather exposure but since this variation is only subtle, this thermoplastic laminate can be considered for high-performance applications, such as aerospace. © The Author(s) 2013.


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Compared with the traditional composites, the incorporation of carbon nanotubes into polymeric matrices can generate materials with superior properties, especially thermal, electrical and tribological properties. The aim of this study was to study the polyamide 6.6/carbon nanotubes (PA 6.6/CNT) nanostructured composites crystallization kinetics. The solution mixing technique was used to obtain the nanostructured composites studied in this work. PA 6.6 films were produced with amounts of 0.1, 0.5, and 1.0 wt% (weight/weight) CNT. X-ray diffraction analyses were performed in order to determine the crystallographic properties of nanostructured composite. The nanostructured composites crystallization kinetic study was performed using the differential scanning calorimetry under isothermal and nonisothermal (dynamic) conditions. The results have shown addition of CNTs in the PA 6.6 reduces the Avrami exponent, affecting the crystallization process of the composite. © The Author(s) 2012.


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PURPOSE: To investigate and compare the biocompatibility of two types of Ferrara intracorneal ring segment: with and without chondroitin sulfate coating by clinical and histopathological evaluation. METHODS: A randomized experimental study was carried out on thirty right-eye corneas from 30 Norfolk albino rabbits allocated into two experimental groups: Group G1 - implanted with Ferrara intracorneal ring segment without coating (FICRS) and Group G2 - implanted with Ferrara intracorneal ring segment with chondroitin sulfate coating (FICRS-CS). Left eyes formed the control group. Clinical parameters analyzed were: presence of edema, vascularization, infection and ring extrusion one, 30, and 60 days after surgery. Histopathological parameters analyzed were: number of corneal epithelial layers over and adjacent to the ring, presence of spongiosis, hydropic degeneration, basement membrane thinning, inflammatory cells, neovascularization and pseudocapsule formation. RESULTS: At clinical examination 60 days after implant, edema, vascularization and extrusion were observed respectively in 20%, 26.7%, 6.7% of FICRS corneas and in 6.7%, 6.7%, and 0% of FICRS-CS corneas. Histopathological evaluation showed epithelial-layer reduction from 5 (5;6) to 3 (3;3) with FICRS and from 5 (5;5) to 4 (3;5) with FICRS-CS in the region over the ring. Epithelial spongiosis, hydropic degeneration, and basement membrane thinning were present in 69.2%, 53.8%, and 69.2% of FICRS and in 73.3%, 73.3%, and 46.7% with FICRS-CS, respectively. Vascularization was present in 38.5% of FICRS and 13.3% with FICRS-CS, inflammatory cells in 75% of FICRS and 33.3% with FICRS-CS, and pseudocapsule in 66.7% of FICRS and 93.3% with FICRS-CS. Giant cells occurred only in the FICRS-CS group (20%). CONCLUSION: Ferrara intracorneal rings coated with chondroitin sulfate (FICRS-CS) caused lower frequency of clinical and histopathological alterations than Ferrara intracorneal rings without the coating (FICRS), demonstrating higher biocompatibility of the FICRS-CS.


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Probiotics are generally considered as live microorganisms which, when administered in adequate amounts, confer a health benefit to the host. The processing method of diet and the form of inclusion of probiotic can interfere in hematological, immunological and microbiological parameters in fish. The aim was to estimate the hematological, immunological and microbiological parameters in juveniles of Nile tilapia, fed probiotic, included before and after the process of pelletization and extrusion. The experimental design was completely randomized, with five treatments: pelleted diet without probiotic, pelleted diet with inclusion of probiotic before and after processing, extruded feed without probiotic and extruded feed with inclusion of probiotic after processing and five replications. Two hundred and fifty fish were distributed in 25 aquaria (20 L) and fed for 63 days. The blood composition (red and white) showed no significant differences except mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration of control when compared to other treatments. The phagocytic capacity of the animals that had received the extruded diet supplemented with probiotic was significantly higher when compared to the other treatments. However, there were no differences between the treatments regarding to the phagocytic index. Fish fed the extruded diet exhibited significant improvement in the nonspecific immunity. The probiotic bacteria colonized the intestine, since it was possible to recover them. We can affirm that these fishes remained healthy, because the hematological parameters were not altered during the experimental. The study shows that any form type of inclusion in the feed tested (before or after and after pelletizing extrusion) may be easily used by the fish farmer.


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In this work, thermoplastic starch (TPS)-clay bionanocomposites were obtained by an innovative methodology using a combination of methodologies commonly used in the composites and nanocomposites preparations. The main objectives or novelties were to confirm efficiency of the processing methodology by field emission gun scanning electron microscopy and investigate the effect of clay content on the spectroscopic, bulk and surface hydrophilic/hydrophobic properties of these bionanocomposites. Raman and FTIR spectroscopies confirmed the changes in the spectroscopic properties of the TPS bionanocomposites with the addition of the clay materials. Water absorption and contact angle measurements were also used to analyze the effect of the clay content on the hydrophilic properties of the TPS bionanocomposites. The results also showed that the addition of the cloisite-Na+ clay increased the bulk and surface hydrophobicities of the TPS matrix, which may increase its industrial application, particularly in manufacturing of food containers. © 2013 Elsevier B.V.


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The Pterogyne nitens (Fabaceae) tree, native to South America, has been found to produce guanidine alkaloids as well as bioactive flavonols such as kaempferol, quercetin, and rutin. In the present study, we examined the possibility of interaction between human ATP-binding cassette (ABC) transporter ABCB1 and four guanidine alkaloids isolated from P. nitens (i.e., galegine, nitensidine A, pterogynidine, and pterogynine) using human T cell lymphoblast-like leukemia cell line CCRF-CEM and its multi-drug resistant (MDR) counterpart CEM/ADR5000. In XTT assays, CEM/ADR5000 cells were resistant to the four guanidine alkaloids compared to CCRF-CEM cells, although the four guanidine alkaloids exhibited some level of cytotoxicity against both CCRF-CEM and CEM/ADR5000 cells. In ATPase assays, three of the four guanidine alkaloids were found to stimulate the ATPase activity of ABCB1. Notably, nitensidine A was clearly found to stimulate the ATPase activity of ABCB1 as strongly as the control drug, verapamil. Furthermore, the cytotoxic effect of nitensidine A on CEM/ADR5000 cells was synergistically enhanced by verapamil. Nitensidine A inhibited the extrusion of calcein by ABCB1. In the present study, the possibility of interaction between ABCB1 and two synthetic nitensidine A analogs (nitensidine AT and AU) were examined to gain insight into the mechanism by which nitensidine A stimulates the ATPase activity of ABCB1. The ABCB1-dependent ATPase activity stimulated by nitensidine A was greatly reduced by substituting sulfur (S) or oxygen (O) for the imino nitrogen atom (N) in nitensidine A. Molecular docking studies on human ABCB1 showed that, guanidine alkaloids from P. nitens dock to the same binding pocket as verapamil. Nitensidine A and its analogs exhibit similar binding energies to verapamil. Taken together, this research clearly indicates that nitensidine A is a novel substrate for ABCB1. The present results also suggest that the number, binding site, and polymerization degree of the isoprenyl moiety in the guanidine alkaloids and the imino nitrogen atom cooperatively contribute to their stimulation of ABCB1's ATPase activity. © 2013 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)