989 resultados para strong brand


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Cattle feed industry is a major segment of animal feed industry. This industry is gradually evolving into an organized sector and the feed manufactures are increasingly using modern and sophisticated methods that seek to incorporate best global practices. This industry has got high potential for growth in India, given the fact that the country is the world’s leading producer of milk and its production is expected to grow at a compounded annual growth rate of 4 per cent. Besides, the concept of branded cattle feed as a packaged commodity is fast gaining popularity in rural India. There can be a positive change in the demand for cattle feed because of factors like (i) shrinkage of open land for cattle grazing, urbanization and resultant shortage of conventionally used cattle feeds, and (ii) introduction of high yield cattle requires specialized feeds. Earlier research studies done by the present authors have revealed the significant growth prospects of the branded cattle feed industry, the feed consumption pattern and the relatively high share of branded feeds, feed consumption pattern based on product types (like, pellet and mash), composition of cattle feed market and the relatively large shares of Kerala Feeds Ltd. (KFL) and Kerala Solvent Extractions Ltd. (KSE) brands, the major factors influencing the purchasing decisions etc. As a continuation of the earlier studies, this study makes a closer look into the significance of product types in the buyer behavior, level of awareness about the brand and its implications on purchasing decisions, and the brandshifting behavior and its determinants


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Die Ionisation von H2 in intensiven Laserpulsen wird mit Hilfe der numerischen Integration der zeitabhängigen Schrödingergleichung für ein Einelektronenmodell untersucht, das die Vibrationsbewegung berücksichtigt. Die Spektren der kinetischen Elektronenenergie hängen stark von der Vibrationsquantenzahl des erzeugten H2+ Ions ab. Für bestimmte Vibrationszustände ist die Ausbeute der Elektronen in der Mitte des Plateaus stark erhöht. Der Effekt wird "channel closings" zugeschrieben, die in Atomen durch Variation der Laserintensität beobachtet wurden. The ionization of H2 in intense laser pulses is studied by numerical integration of the time-dependent Schrödinger equation for a single-active-electron model including the vibrational motion. The electron kinetic energy spectra in high-order above-threshold ionization are strongly dependent on the vibrational quantum number of the created H2+ ion. For certain vibrational states, the electron yield in the mid-plateau region is strongly enhanced. The effect is attributed to channel closings, which were previously observed in atoms by varying the laser intensity.


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Die Arbeit behandelt die numerische Untersuchung von Wasserstoff-Moleküldynamik in starken Laserfeldern. Im Speziellen wird die Struktur von Ionisationsspektren bei Einfach-Photoionisation betrachtet. Korrelationen zwischen Elektron- und Kernbewegung werden identifiziert und mit Effekten in den Energiespektren in Verbindung gebracht. Dabei wird stets auf die Integration der zeitabhängigen Schrödingergleichung zurückgegriffen.


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Die Arbeit befasst sich mit dem Zusammenhang zwischen einfachen Molekülen und deren Verhalten in starken, kurzen Laserfeldern. Einerseits wird versucht, strukturelle Daten des Moleküls in den Elektronen- und Photonenspektren wiederzuerkennen. Andererseits geht es darum, ein Bild der elektronischen Wellenfunktion aus den spektralen Daten abzuleiten.


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This short video show you how to download the template and use it with PowerPoint to create new presentations and apply it to existing presentations.


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This short video introduces the new teaching templates and provides advice about good slide design


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The templates plus a couple of videos showing how to use them


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These PowerPoint files (Office 2003 .ppt and Office 2010 .pptx) include brand-conformant colour swatches that can be applied to text and shapes in your own slides and posters. It also includes a scalable version of the University logo.


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Research Skills Presentation


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Research Proposal in SB.TV case study. New dimension to brand model for Web 2.0 success


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Advertising Design Management's Presentation - Burger King


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La personalidad ha sido un concepto estudiado desde diferentes teorías y expone la manera como un individuo se comporta, piensa y percibe el entorno en el cual está inmerso. Dicho conjunto de pensamientos, percepciones y comportamientos, se mantienen más o menos estables en el tiempo y en diferentes circunstancias, en este caso, específicamente, en la conducta de compra la cual se refiere a las preferencias y toma de decisiones del consumidor de acuerdo a su personalidad y otras variables que hacen que consuma ciertos productos y/ó servicios. En el contexto del marketing, también se ha aplicado el constructo de personalidad a las marcas, lo cual ha generado personificación y asignación de características humanas para que el consumidor la perciba como a una “persona”, se identifique y consecuentemente la consuma y genere un espacio importante y preferencial en su mente. Sin embargo, la noción de personalidad surgió para explicar y entender a los seres humanos, sus pensamientos, percepciones y comportamiento tal como se mencionó previamente, por lo tanto, al aplicar este concepto a algo intangible como una marca se modifica la inicial aplicación del constructo y en determinado momento podría perder validez si se intenta acoplar dicho concepto de personalidad de marca con un modelo explicativo de la personalidad como el Big Five. Finalmente se concluye que independientemente de su utilidad en mercadeo, este concepto surge enfocado a los seres humanos y por lo tanto, no se puede aplicar para humanizar a algo intangible como una marca la cual nace a partir de percepciones e imaginarios de quien la crea y quien la consume.


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