983 resultados para semi-parabolic quantum well


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The tunable ridge waveguide distributed Bragg reflector (DBR) lasers designed for wavelength-division-multiplex (WDM) communication systems at 1.55 um by using selective area growth (SAG) is reported. The threshold current of the DBR laser is 62mA and the output power is more than 8mW. The isolation resistance between the active region and the Bragg region is 30K Ohm. The total tuning range is 6.5nm and this DBR laser can provide 6 continuous standard WDM channels with 100GHz channel spacing; in the tuning range, the single mode suppression ratio (SMSR) is maintained more than 32dB and the maximum output power variation is less than 3dB.


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980nm InGaAs/InGaAsP/AlGaAs strained quantum well lasers,vitta novel large optical cavity and asymmetrical claddings was fabricated bg MOCVD. Very high differential quantum efficiency elf 90% (1.15W/A) and low vertical divergence angle of 24 degrees at long cavity length were obtained for 100 mu m stripe lasers. The differential quantum efficiency is up to 94% (1.20) at cavity length of 500 mu m.


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The deposition rate and refractive index for a-Si(amorphous silicon) and SiO2 grown by PECVD were studied under different pressure, power and proportion of reactant source gases. a-Si/SiO2 MQW(multi-quantum well) with high quality was deposited under suitable conditions, in which the thickness of the a-Si layers is several nanometers. The sample of a-Si/SiO2 MQW was crystallized by laser annealing. Because of the confinement of the SiO2 layers, crystalline grains were formed during the a-Si layers were being crystallized. The size of the crystalline grains were not more than the thickness of the a-Si layers. The a-Si layers were crystallized to be nanometer crystalline silicon(nc-Si), therefore, nc-Si/SiO2 MQW was formed. For the a-Si/SiO2 MQW with 4.0nm a-Si wells separated by 5nm SiO2 barries, most of the a-Si were crystallized to silicon grains after laser annealing,and the size of the grains is 3.8nm. Strong photoluminescence with three peaks from the nc-Si/SiO2 MQW was detected at 10K. The wavelength of the peaks were 810nm, 825nm and 845nm, respectively.


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Using the multiband quantum transmitting boundary method (MQTBM), hole resonant tunneling through AlGaAs/GaMnAs junctions is investigated theoretically. Because of band-edge splitting in the DMS layer, the current for holes with different spins are tuned in resonance at different biases. The bound levels of the "light" hole in the quantum well region turned out to be dominant in the tunneling channel for both "heavy" and "light" holes. The resonant tunneling structure can be used as a spin filter for holes for adjusting the Fermi energy and the thickness of the junctions.


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The present status and future prospects of functional information materials, mainly focusing on semiconductor microstructural materials, are introduced first in this paper. Then a brief discussion how to enhance the academic level and innovation capability of research and development of functional information materials in China are made. Finally the main problems concerning the studies of materials science and technology are analyzed, and possible measures for promoting its development are proposed.


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Resonant-cavity-enhanced (RCE) photodetectors have been demonstrated to be able to improve the bandwidth-efficiency product. We report one top-illumination and one bottom-illumination SiGe/Si multiple quantum-well (MQW) RCE photodetectors fabricated on a separation-by-implanted-oxygen (SIMOX) wafer operating near 1300nm, The buried oxide layer in SIMOX is used as a mirror to form a vertical cavity with the silicon dioxide/silicon Bragg reflector deposited on the top surface. A peak responsivity with a reverse bias of 5V is measured 10.2mA/W at 1285nm, and a full-width at half maximum of 25nm for the top-illumination RCE photodetector, and 19mA/W at 1305nm, and a full-width at half maximum of 14nm for the bottom-illumination one. The external quantum efficiency of the bottom-illumination RCE photodetector is up to 2.9% at 1305nm with a reverse bias of 25V. The responsivity of the bottom-illumination RCE photodetector is improved by two-fold compared with that of the top-illumination one.


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The single delta -doped InGaAs/AlGaAs pseudomorphic HEMT structure materials were grown by molecular beam epitaxy. The photoluminescence spectra of the materials were studied. There are two peaks in the photoluminescence spectra of the materials, corresponding to two sub energy levels of InGaAs quantum well. The ratio of the two peak's intensity was used as criterion to optimize the layer structures of the materials. The material with optimized layer ;tructures exhibits the 77 It mobility and two-dimensional electron gas density of 16 500 cm(2)/Vs and 2.58 x 10(12) cm(-2) respectively, and the 300 K mobility and two-dimensional electron gas density of 6800 cm(2)/Vs and 2.55 x 10(12) cm(-2) respectively. The pseudomorphic HEMT devices with gate length of 0.2 mum were fabricated using this material. The maximum transconductance of 650 mS/mm and the cut-off frequency of 81 GHz were achieved. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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We have studied the growth of GaInNAs/GaAs quantum well (QW) by molecular beam epitaxy using a DC plasma as the N sourer. The N concentration was independent of the As pressure and the In concentration, but inversely proportional to the growth rate. It was almost independent of T, over the range of 400-500 degreesC, but dropped rapidly when T-g exceeded 500 degreesC. Thermally-activated N surface segregation is considered to account for the strong falloff of the N concentration. As increasing N concentration, the steep absorption edge of the photovoltage spectra of GaInNAs/GaAs QW became gentle, the full-width at half-maximum of the photoluminescence (PL) peal; increased rapidly, and a so-called S-shaped temperature dependence of PL peak energy showed up. All these were attributed to the increasing localized state as N concentration. Ion-induced damage was one of the origins of the localized state. A rapid thermal annealing procedure could effectively remote the localized state. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science D.V. All rights reserved.


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A series of systematic experiments on the growth of high quality GaNAs strained layers on GaAs (001) substrate have been carried out by using DC active Nz plasma, assisted molecular beam epitaxy. The samples of GaNAs between 3 and 200 nm thick were evaluated by double crystal X-ray diffraction (XRD) and photoluminescence (PL) measurements. PL and XRD measurements for these samples are in good agreement. Some material growth and structure parameters affecting the properties of GaNAs/GaAs heterostructure were studied; they were: (1) growth temperature of GaNAs epilayer; (2) electrical current of active N-2 plasma; (3) Nz flow rate; (4) GaNAs growth rate; (5) the thickness of GaNAs strained layer. XRD and PL measurements showed that superlattice with distinct satellite peaks up to two orders and quantum well structure with intensity at 22 meV Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FWHM) can be achieved in molecular beam epitaxy (MBE) system. (C) 2000 Published by Elsevier Science S.A. All rights reserved.


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Hybrid integration of GaAs/AlGaAs multiple quantum well self electro-optic effect device (SEED) arrays are demonstrated flip-chip bonded directly onto 1 mu m silicon CMOS circuits. The GaAs/AlGaAs MQW devices are designed for 850 nm operation. Some devices are used as input light detectors and others serve as output light modulators. The measurement results under applied biases show good optoelectronic characteristics of elements in SEED arrays. Nearly the same reflection spectrum is obtained for the different devices at an array and the contrast ratio is more than 1.2:1 after flip-chip bonding and packaging. The transimpedance receiver-transmitter circuit can be operated at a frequency of 300 MHz.


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We report all optical clock recovery based on a monolithic integrated four-section amplified feedback semiconductor laser (AFL), with the different sections integrated based on the quantum well intermixing (QWI) technique. The beat frequency of an AFL is continuously tunable in the range of 19.8-26.3 GHz with an extinction ratio above 8 dB, and the 3-dB linewidth is close to 3 MHz. All-optical clock recovery for 20 Gb/s was demonstrated experimentally using the AFL, with a time jitter of 123.9 fs. Degraded signal clock recovery was also successfully demonstrated using both the dispersion and polarization mode dispersion (PMD) degraded signals separately.


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Dilute bismide alloys, containing small fractions of bismuth (Bi), have recently attracted interest due to their potential for applications in a range of semiconductor devices. Experiments have revealed that dilute bismide alloys such as GaBixAs1−x, in which a small fraction x of the atoms in the III-V semiconductor GaAs are replaced by Bi, exhibit a number of unusual and unique properties. For example, the band gap energy (E g) decreases rapidly with increasing Bi composition x, by up to 90 meV per % Bi replacing As in the alloy. This band gap reduction is accompanied by a strong increase in the spin-orbit-splitting energy (ΔSO) with increasing x, and both E g and ΔSO are characterised by strong, composition-dependent bowing. The existence of a ΔSO > E g regime in the GaBixAs1−x alloy has been demonstrated for x ≳10%, a band structure condition which is promising for the development of highly efficient, temperature stable semiconductor lasers that could lead to large energy savings in future optical communication networks. In addition to their potential for specific applications, dilute bismide alloys have also attracted interest from a fundamental perspective due to their unique properties. In this thesis we develop the theory of the electronic and optical properties of dilute bismide alloys. By adopting a multi-scale approach encompassing atomistic calculations of the electronic structure using the semi-empirical tight-binding method, as well as continuum calculations based on the k•p method, we develop a fundamental understanding of this unusual class of semiconductor alloys and identify general material properties which are promising for applications in semiconductor optoelectronic and photovoltaic devices. By performing detailed supercell calculations on both ordered and disordered alloys we explicitly demonstrate that Bi atoms act as isovalent impurities when incorporated in dilute quantities in III-V (In)GaAs(P) materials, strongly perturbing the electronic structure of the valence band. We identify and quantify the causes and consequences of the unusual electronic properties of GaBixAs1−x and related alloys, and our analysis is reinforced throughout by a series of detailed comparisons to the results of experimental measurements. Our k•p models of the band structure of GaBixAs1−x and related alloys, which we derive directly from detailed atomistic calculations, are ideally suited to the study of dilute bismide-based devices. We focus in the latter part of the thesis on calculations of the electronic and optical properties of dilute bismide quantum well lasers. In addition to developing an understanding of the effects of Bi incorporation on the operational characteristics of semiconductor lasers, we also present calculations which have been used explicitly in designing and optimising the first generation of GaBixAs1−x-based devices.


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As estruturas quânticas de semicondutores, nomeadamente baseadas em GaAs, têm tido nos últimos vinte anos um claro desenvolvimento. Este desenvolvimento deve-se principalmente ao potencial tecnológico que estas estruturas apresentam. As aplicações espaciais, em ambientes agressivos do ponto de vista do nível de radiação a que os dispositivos estão sujeitos, motivaram todo o desenrolar de estudos na área dos defeitos induzidos pela radiação. As propriedades dos semicondutores e dos dispositivos de semicondutores são altamente influenciadas pela presença de defeitos estruturais, em particular os induzidos pela radiação. As propriedades dos defeitos, os processos de criação e transformação de defeitos devem ser fortemente alterados quando se efectua a transição entre o semicondutor volúmico e as heteroestruturas de baixa dimensão. Este trabalho teve como principal objectivo o estudo de defeitos induzidos pela radiação em estruturas quânticas baseadas em GaAs e InAs. Foram avaliadas as alterações introduzidas pelos defeitos em estruturas de poços quânticos e de pontos quânticos irradiadas com electrões e com protões. A utilização de várias técnicas de espectroscopia óptica, fotoluminescência, excitação de fotoluminescência e fotoluminescência resolvida no tempo, permitiu caracterizar as diferentes estruturas antes e após a irradiação. Foi inequivocamente constatada uma maior resistência à radiação dos pontos quânticos quando comparados com os poços quânticos e os materiais volúmicos. Esta resistência deve-se principalmente a uma maior localização da função de onda dos portadores com o aumento do confinamento dos mesmos. Outra razão provável é a expulsão dos defeitos dos pontos quânticos para a matriz. No entanto, a existência de defeitos na vizinhança dos pontos quânticos promove a fuga dos portadores dos níveis excitados, cujas funções de onda são menos localizadas, provocando um aumento da recombinação nãoradiativa e, consequentemente, uma diminuição da intensidade de luminescência dos dispositivos. O desenvolvimento de um modelo bastante simples para a estatística de portadores fora de equilíbrio permitiu reproduzir os resultados de luminescência em função da temperatura. Os resultados demonstraram que a extinção da luminescência com o aumento da temperatura é determinada por dois factores: a redistribuição dos portadores minoritários entre os pontos quânticos, o poço quântico e as barreiras de GaAs e a diminuição na taxa de recombinação radiativa relacionada com a dependência, na temperatura, do nível de Fermi dos portadores maioritários.


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The interplay between Rashba, Dresselhaus, and Zeeman interactions in a quantum well submitted to an external magnetic field is studied by means of an accurate analytical solution of the Hamiltonian, including electron-electron interactions in a sum-rule approach. This solution allows us to discuss the influence of the spin-orbit coupling on some relevant quantities that have been measured in inelastic light scattering and electron-spin resonance experiments on quantum wells. In particular, we have evaluated the spin-orbit contribution to the spin splitting of the Landau levels and to the splitting of charge- and spin-density excitations. We also discuss how the spin-orbit effects change if the applied magnetic field is tilted with respect to the direction perpendicular to the quantum well.


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The interplay between Rashba, Dresselhaus, and Zeeman interactions in a quantum well submitted to an external magnetic field is studied by means of an accurate analytical solution of the Hamiltonian, including electron-electron interactions in a sum-rule approach. This solution allows us to discuss the influence of the spin-orbit coupling on some relevant quantities that have been measured in inelastic light scattering and electron-spin resonance experiments on quantum wells. In particular, we have evaluated the spin-orbit contribution to the spin splitting of the Landau levels and to the splitting of charge- and spin-density excitations. We also discuss how the spin-orbit effects change if the applied magnetic field is tilted with respect to the direction perpendicular to the quantum well.