885 resultados para rural urban differences


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Scopo di questo lavoro è quello di analizzare le componenti tattiche, strategiche e sociali della guerriglia antiromana in Britannia e in Giudea, in un periodo che va dal I secolo a. C. al III secolo d. C., con l'obiettivo di mettere in luce la differente efficacia delle tattiche non ortodosse rispetto a quelle convenzionali; e di analizzare le risposte teoriche ed empiriche concepite dai Romani per affrontare questa forma di lotta. La tesi è stata articolata nel modo seguente: una prima parte analizza gli aspetti tattici, strategici e sociali della guerriglia e della controguerriglia, anche attraverso il metodo comparativo, mettendo cioè a confronto alcuni dei principali testi sulla guerra non convenzionale redatti in epoche e contesti diversi, dai quali si è cercato di delle costanti potenzialmente applicabili a qualsiasi periodo storico e a qualsiasi area geografica. Nella seconda parte si cerca di applicare tali costanti alla realtà storico – sociale dell'impero romano. Particolare attenzione è stata riservata al rapporto tra la mentalità romana, basata sul concetto di bellum iustum, e le tattiche non ortodosse. La terza e la quarta parte analizzano la resistenza antiromana in Britannia e in Giudea, mettendone in luce tutti gli aspetti, in particolare quelli legati alla guerriglia rurale, a quella urbana, al terrorismo, all'evoluzione della guerriglia da guerra per bande a guerra convenzionale e alla controguerriglia. La scelta di queste due province non è casuale. In province così lontane e diverse tra loro, Roma inviò spesso gli stessi generali esperti di controguerriglia. Questo particolare permette di notare la presenza, a Roma, di una grand strategy che, consapevole del fenomeno della guerriglia, ne affidò la repressione agli stessi generali, specialisti della controguerriglia, non esitando a spostarli, in caso di necessità, da un capo all'altro dell'impero.


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Water is the driving force in nature. We use water for washing cars, doing laundry, cooking, taking a shower, but also to generate energy and electricity. Therefore water is a necessary product in our daily lives (USGS. Howard Perlman, 2013). The model that we created is based on the urban water demand computer model from the Pacific Institute (California). With this model we will forecast the future urban water use of Emilia Romagna up to the year of 2030. We will analyze the urban water demand in Emilia Romagna that includes the 9 provinces: Bologna, Ferrara, Forli-Cesena, Modena, Parma, Piacenza, Ravenna, Reggio Emilia and Rimini. The term urban water refers to the water used in cities and suburbs and in homes in the rural areas. This will include the residential, commercial, institutional and the industrial use. In this research, we will cover the water saving technologies that can help to save water for daily use. We will project what influence these technologies have to the urban water demand, and what it can mean for future urban water demands. The ongoing climate change can reduce the snowpack, and extreme floods or droughts in Italy. The changing climate and development patterns are expected to have a significant impact on water demand in the future. We will do this by conducting different scenario analyses, by combining different population projections, climate influence and water saving technologies. In addition, we will also conduct a sensitivity analyses. The several analyses will show us how future urban water demand is likely respond to changes in water conservation technologies, population, climate, water price and consumption. I hope the research can contribute to the insight of the reader’s thoughts and opinion.


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Seit Anbeginn der Menschheitsgeschichte beeinflussen die Menschen ihre Umwelt. Durch anthropogene Emissionen ändert sich die Zusammensetzung der Atmosphäre, was einen zunehmenden Einfluss unter anderem auf die Atmosphärenchemie, die Gesundheit von Mensch, Flora und Fauna und das Klima hat. Die steigende Anzahl riesiger, wachsender Metropolen geht einher mit einer räumlichen Konzentration der Emission von Luftschadstoffen, was vor allem einen Einfluss auf die Luftqualität der windabwärts gelegenen ruralen Regionen hat. In dieser Doktorarbeit wurde im Rahmen des MEGAPOLI-Projektes die Abluftfahne der Megastadt Paris unter Anwendung des mobilen Aerosolforschungslabors MoLa untersucht. Dieses ist mit modernen, zeitlich hochauflösenden Instrumenten zur Messung der chemischen Zusammensetzung und Größenverteilung der Aerosolpartikel sowie einiger Spurengase ausgestattet. Es wurden mobile Messstrategien entwickelt und angewendet, die besonders geeignet zur Charakterisierung urbaner Emissionen sind. Querschnittsmessfahrten durch die Abluftfahne und atmosphärische Hintergrundluftmassen erlaubten sowohl die Bestimmung der Struktur und Homogenität der Abluftfahne als auch die Berechnung des Beitrags der urbanen Emissionen zur Gesamtbelastung der Atmosphäre. Quasi-Lagrange’sche Radialmessfahrten dienten der Erkundung der räumlichen Erstreckung der Abluftfahne sowie auftretender Transformationsprozesse der advehierten Luftschadstoffe. In Kombination mit Modellierungen konnte die Struktur der Abluftfahne vertieft untersucht werden. Flexible stationäre Messungen ergänzten den Datensatz und ließen zudem Vergleichsmessungen mit anderen Messstationen zu. Die Daten einer ortsfesten Messstation wurden zusätzlich verwendet, um die Alterung des organischen Partikelanteils zu beschreiben. Die Analyse der mobilen Messdaten erforderte die Entwicklung einer neuen Methode zur Bereinigung des Datensatzes von lokalen Störeinflüssen. Des Weiteren wurden die Möglichkeiten, Grenzen und Fehler bei der Anwendung komplexer Analyseprogramme zur Berechnung des O/C-Verhältnisses der Partikel sowie der Klassifizierung der Aerosolorganik untersucht. Eine Validierung verschiedener Methoden zur Bestimmung der Luftmassenherkunft war für die Auswertung ebenfalls notwendig. Die detaillierte Untersuchung der Abluftfahne von Paris ergab, dass diese sich anhand der Erhöhung der Konzentrationen von Indikatoren für unprozessierte Luftverschmutzung im Vergleich zu Hintergrundwerten identifizieren lässt. Ihre eher homogene Struktur kann zumeist durch eine Gauß-Form im Querschnitt mit einem exponentiellen Abfall der unprozessierten Schadstoffkonzentrationen mit zunehmender Distanz zur Stadt beschrieben werden. Hierfür ist hauptsächlich die turbulente Vermischung mit Umgebungsluftmassen verantwortlich. Es konnte nachgewiesen werden, dass in der advehierten Abluftfahne eine deutliche Oxidation der Aerosolorganik im Sommer stattfindet; im Winter hingegen ließ sich dieser Prozess während der durchgeführten Messungen nicht beobachten. In beiden Jahreszeiten setzt sich die Abluftfahne hauptsächlich aus Ruß und organischen Partikelkomponenten im PM1-Größenbereich zusammen, wobei die Quellen Verkehr und Kochen sowie zusätzlich Heizen in der kalten Jahreszeit dominieren. Die PM1-Partikelmasse erhöhte sich durch die urbanen Emissionen im Vergleich zum Hintergrundwert im Sommer in der Abluftfahne im Mittel um 30% und im Winter um 10%. Besonders starke Erhöhungen ließen sich für Polyaromaten beobachten, wo im Sommer eine mittlere Zunahme von 194% und im Winter von 131% vorlag. Jahreszeitliche Unterschiede waren ebenso in der Größenverteilung der Partikel der Abluftfahne zu finden, wo im Winter im Gegensatz zum Sommer keine zusätzlichen nukleierten kleinen Partikel, sondern nur durch Kondensation und Koagulation angewachsene Partikel zwischen etwa 10nm und 200nm auftraten. Die Spurengaskonzentrationen unterschieden sich ebenfalls, da chemische Reaktionen temperatur- und mitunter strahlungsabhängig sind. Weitere Anwendungsmöglichkeiten des MoLa wurden bei einer Überführungsfahrt von Deutschland an die spanische Atlantikküste demonstriert, woraus eine Kartierung der Luftqualität entlang der Fahrtroute resultierte. Es zeigte sich, dass hauptsächlich urbane Ballungszentren von unprozessierten Luftschadstoffen betroffen sind, advehierte gealterte Substanzen jedoch jede Region beeinflussen können. Die Untersuchung der Luftqualität an Standorten mit unterschiedlicher Exposition bezüglich anthropogener Quellen erweiterte diese Aussage um einen Einblick in die Variation der Luftqualität, abhängig unter anderem von der Wetterlage und der Nähe zu Emissionsquellen. Damit konnte gezeigt werden, dass sich die entwickelten Messstrategien und Analysemethoden nicht nur zur Untersuchung der Abluftfahne einer Großstadt, sondern auch auf verschiedene andere wissenschaftliche und umweltmesstechnische Fragestellungen anwenden lassen.


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Für alle fünf zentralasiatischen Teilrepubliken kam der Zusammenbruch der Sowjetunion im Jahr 1991 relativ plötzlich und eher unerwartet. Der Prozess der „Transformation“ beinhaltete für die neu entstandenen Staaten nun nicht nur die Umstellung politischer und wirtschaftlicher Systeme, sondern ebenso die Organisation von Erinnerung und die Konstruktion von Identität, bei der die staatliche Nationalisierungspolitik oft Paradebeispiele von invented traditions her-vorbrachte. rnIn Kasachstan, dem Land, das während der Sowjetzeit am stärksten russifiziert wurde und heute offiziell 120 Minderheiten zählt, stellt sich dabei die Frage, wie nationale Identitätsmus-ter konstruiert werden und wie Politik. Medien und Bevölkerung damit umgehen. Zwanzig Jahre nach der Unabhängigkeitserklärung des Landes und einer Phase, in der die Regierung mit einer Vielzahl von Maßnahmen versucht, den Identitätsfindungsprozess zu steuern, wurde im Rahmen dieser Arbeit erstmals eine empirische Studie zu der Frage durchgeführt, welche Bedeutungen bestimmte Identitätskonzepte für die lokale Bevölkerung haben. Während meh-rerer Forschungsaufenthalte von insgesamt vier Monaten in den Jahren 2010 und 2011 wurden in Hinblick auf die Fragestellung leitfadenorientierte Interviews und informelle Gespräche mit Teilen der kasachstanischen Bevölkerung geführt, teilnehmende Beobachtung, zwei Fragebo-genaktionen und eine Zeitungsanalyse durchgeführt sowie wissenschaftliche Studien und poli-tische Dokumente analysiert.rnDie Arbeit kommt zu dem Ergebnis, dass die Mehrheit der Befragten sich mehr oder weniger stark entweder über die Staatsbürgerschaft oder die ethnische Zugehörigkeit zur Titularnation mit dem Staat identifiziert. Auffällig ist die Bedeutung regionaler Identitäten für die Befrag-ten, die weder in der nationalen Identitätspolitik noch in der wissenschaftlichen Literatur von Wichtigkeit sind. Ethnische und religiöse Nivellierungen scheinen im Alltagsleben belanglos zu sein, aber in bestimmten anderen Kontexten eine entscheidende Rolle zu spielen. Starke Unterschiede in der Bedeutung verschiedener Identitätsmodelle lassen sich zwischen Stadt- und Landbevölkerung beziehungsweise zwischen sowjetisierten und nach der Wende repatri-ierten Kasachen ausmachen.rnEs ist anzunehmen, dass die Regierung der entscheidende Agent in der Identitätsfindung des Landes ist. Unter den Befragten zeigte sich, dass Identitätspolitik auf der pragmatischen Ebe-ne, beispielsweise in der Anerkennung von Russisch und Kasachisch als Staatssprachen, er-folgreicher ist als auf der emotionalen. rn


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Für das Vermögen der Atmosphäre sich selbst zu reinigen spielen Stickstoffmonoxid (NO) und Stickstoffdioxid (NO2) eine bedeutende Rolle. Diese Spurengase bestimmen die photochemische Produktion von Ozon (O3) und beeinflussen das Vorkommen von Hydroxyl- (OH) und Nitrat-Radikalen (NO3). Wenn tagsüber ausreichend Solarstrahlung und Ozon vorherrschen, stehen NO und NO2 in einem schnellen photochemischen Gleichgewicht, dem „Photostationären Gleichgewichtszustand“ (engl.: photostationary state). Die Summe von NO und NO2 wird deshalb als NOx zusammengefasst. Vorhergehende Studien zum photostationären Gleichgewichtszustand von NOx umfassen Messungen an unterschiedlichsten Orten, angefangen bei Städten (geprägt von starken Luftverschmutzungen), bis hin zu abgeschiedenen Regionen (geprägt von geringeren Luftverschmutzungen). Während der photochemische Kreislauf von NO und NO2 unter Bedingungen erhöhter NOx-Konzentrationen grundlegend verstanden ist, gibt es in ländlicheren und entlegenen Regionen, welche geprägt sind von niedrigeren NOx-Konzetrationen, signifikante Lücken im Verständnis der zugrundeliegenden Zyklierungsprozesse. Diese Lücken könnten durch messtechnische NO2-Interferenzen bedingt sein - insbesondere bei indirekten Nachweismethoden, welche von Artefakten beeinflusst sein können. Bei sehr niedrigen NOx-Konzentrationen und wenn messtechnische NO2-Interferenzen ausgeschlossen werden können, wird häufig geschlussfolgert, dass diese Verständnislücken mit der Existenz eines „unbekannten Oxidationsmittels“ (engl.: unknown oxidant) verknüpft ist. Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit wird der photostationäre Gleichgewichtszustand von NOx analysiert, mit dem Ziel die potenzielle Existenz bislang unbekannter Prozesse zu untersuchen. Ein Gasanalysator für die direkte Messung von atmosphärischem NO¬2 mittels laserinduzierter Fluoreszenzmesstechnik (engl. LIF – laser induced fluorescence), GANDALF, wurde neu entwickelt und während der Messkampagne PARADE 2011 erstmals für Feldmessungen eingesetzt. Die Messungen im Rahmen von PARADE wurden im Sommer 2011 in einem ländlich geprägten Gebiet in Deutschland durchgeführt. Umfangreiche NO2-Messungen unter Verwendung unterschiedlicher Messtechniken (DOAS, CLD und CRD) ermöglichten einen ausführlichen und erfolgreichen Vergleich von GANDALF mit den übrigen NO2-Messtechniken. Weitere relevante Spurengase und meteorologische Parameter wurden gemessen, um den photostationären Zustand von NOx, basierend auf den NO2-Messungen mit GANDALF in dieser Umgebung zu untersuchen. Während PARADE wurden moderate NOx Mischungsverhältnisse an der Messstelle beobachtet (10^2 - 10^4 pptv). Mischungsverhältnisse biogener flüchtige Kohlenwasserstoffverbindungen (BVOC, engl.: biogenic volatile organic compounds) aus dem umgebenden Wald (hauptsächlich Nadelwald) lagen in der Größenordnung 10^2 pptv vor. Die Charakteristiken des photostationären Gleichgewichtszustandes von NOx bei niedrigen NOx-Mischungsverhältnissen (10 - 10^3 pptv) wurde für eine weitere Messstelle in einem borealen Waldgebiet während der Messkampagne HUMPPA-COPEC 2010 untersucht. HUMPPA–COPEC–2010 wurde im Sommer 2010 in der SMEARII-Station in Hyytiälä, Süd-Finnland, durchgeführt. Die charakteristischen Eigenschaften des photostationären Gleichgewichtszustandes von NOx in den beiden Waldgebieten werden in dieser Arbeit verglichen. Des Weiteren ermöglicht der umfangreiche Datensatz - dieser beinhaltet Messungen von relevanten Spurengasen für die Radikalchemie (OH, HO2), sowie der totalen OH-Reaktivität – das aktuelle Verständnis bezüglich der NOx-Photochemie unter Verwendung von einem Boxmodell, in welches die gemessenen Daten als Randbedingungen eingehen, zu überprüfen und zu verbessern. Während NOx-Konzentrationen in HUMPPA-COPEC 2010 niedriger sind, im Vergleich zu PARADE 2011 und BVOC-Konzentrationen höher, sind die Zyklierungsprozesse von NO und NO2 in beiden Fällen grundlegend verstanden. Die Analyse des photostationären Gleichgewichtszustandes von NOx für die beiden stark unterschiedlichen Messstandorte zeigt auf, dass potenziell unbekannte Prozesse in keinem der beiden Fälle vorhanden sind. Die aktuelle Darstellung der NOx-Chemie wurde für HUMPPA-COPEC 2010 unter Verwendung des chemischen Mechanismus MIM3* simuliert. Die Ergebnisse der Simulation sind konsistent mit den Berechnungen basierend auf dem photostationären Gleichgewichtszustand von NOx.


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Nowadays the environmental issues and the climatic change play fundamental roles in the design of urban spaces. Our cities are growing in size, many times only following immediate needs without a long-term vision. Consequently, the sustainable development has become not only an ethical but also a strategic need: we can no longer afford an uncontrolled urban expansion. One serious effect of the territory industrialisation process is the increase of urban air and surfaces temperatures compared to the outlying rural surroundings. This difference in temperature is what constitutes an urban heat island (UHI). The purpose of this study is to provide a clarification on the role of urban surfacing materials in the thermal dynamics of an urban space, resulting in useful indications and advices in mitigating UHI. With this aim, 4 coloured concrete bricks were tested, measuring their emissivity and building up their heat release curves using infrared thermography. Two emissivity evaluation procedures were carried out and subsequently put in comparison. Samples performances were assessed, and the influence of the colour on the thermal behaviour was investigated. In addition, some external pavements were analysed. Albedo and emissivity parameters were evaluated in order to understand their thermal behaviour in different conditions. Surfaces temperatures were recorded in a one-day measurements campaign. ENVI-met software was used to simulate how the tested materials would behave in two typical urban scenarios: a urban canyon and a urban heat basin. Improvements they can carry to the urban microclimate were investigated. Emissivities obtained for the bricks ranged between 0.92 and 0.97, suggesting a limited influence of the colour on this parameter. Nonetheless, white concrete brick showed the best thermal performance, whilst the black one the worst; red and yellow ones performed pretty identical intermediate trends. De facto, colours affected the overall thermal behaviour. Emissivity parameter was measured in the outdoor work, getting (as expected) high values for the asphalts. Albedo measurements, conducted with a sunshine pyranometer, proved the improving effect given by the yellow paint in terms of solar reflection, and the bad influence of haze on the measurement accuracy. ENVI-met simulations gave a demonstration on the effectiveness in thermal improving of some tested materials. In particular, results showed good performances for white bricks and granite in the heat basin scenario, and painted concrete and macadam in the urban canyon scenario. These materials can be considered valuable solutions in UHI mitigation.


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We present results from the international field campaign DAURE (Detn. of the sources of atm. Aerosols in Urban and Rural Environments in the Western Mediterranean), with the objective of apportioning the sources of fine carbonaceous aerosols. Submicron fine particulate matter (PM1) samples were collected during Feb.-March 2009 and July 2009 at an urban background site in Barcelona (BCN) and at a forested regional background site in Montseny (MSY). We present radiocarbon (14C) anal. for elemental and org. carbon (EC and OC) and source apportionment for these data. We combine the results with those from component anal. of aerosol mass spectrometer (AMS) measurements, and compare to levoglucosan-based ests. of biomass burning OC, source apportionment of filter data with inorg. compn. + EC + OC, submicron bulk potassium (K) concns., and gaseous acetonitrile concns. At BCN, 87 % and 91 % of the EC on av., in winter and summer, resp., had a fossil origin, whereas at MSY these fractions were 66 % and 79 %. The contribution of fossil sources to org. carbon (OC) at BCN was 40 % and 48 %, in winter and summer, resp., and 31 % and 25 % at MSY. The combination of results obtained using the 14C technique, AMS data, and the correlations between fossil OC and fossil EC imply that the fossil OC at Barcelona is ∼47 % primary whereas at MSY the fossil OC is mainly secondary (∼85 %). Day-to-day variation in total carbonaceous aerosol loading and the relative contributions of different sources predominantly depended on the meteorol. transport conditions. The estd. biogenic secondary OC at MSY only increased by ∼40 % compared to the order-of-magnitude increase obsd. for biogenic volatile org. compds. (VOCs) between winter and summer, which highlights the uncertainties in the estn. of that component. Biomass burning contributions estd. using the 14C technique ranged from similar to slightly higher than when estd. using other techniques, and the different estns. were highly or moderately correlated. Differences can be explained by the contribution of secondary org. matter (not included in the primary biomass burning source ests.), and/or by an over-estn. of the biomass burning OC contribution by the 14C technique if the estd. biomass burning EC/OC ratio used for the calcns. is too high for this region. Acetonitrile concns. correlate well with the biomass burning EC detd. by 14C. K is a noisy tracer for biomass burning. [on SciFinder(R)]


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Low mol. wt. (LMW) org. acids are important and ubiquitous chem. constituents in the atm. A comprehensive study of the chem. compn. of pptn. was carried out from June 2007 to June 2008 at a rural site in Anshun, in the west of Guizhou Province, China. During this period, 118 rainwater samples were collected and the main LMW carboxylic acids were detd. using ion chromatog. The av. pH of rainwater was 4.89 which is a typical acidic value. The most abundant carboxylic acids were formic acid (vol. wt. mean concn.: 8.77 μmol L-1) and acetic acid (6.90 μmol L-1), followed by oxalic acid (2.05 μmol L-1). The seasonal variation of concns. and wet deposition fluxes of org. acids indicated that direct vegetation emissions were the main sources of the org. acids. Highest concns. were obsd. in winter and were ascribed to the low winter rainfall and the contribution of other air pollution sources northeast of the study area. The ratio of formic and acetic acids in the pptn. ([F/A]T) was proposed as an indicator of pollution source. This suggested that the pollution resulted from direct emissions from natural or anthropogenic sources. Comparison with acid pptn. in other urban and rural areas in Guizhou showed that there was a decreasing contribution of LMW org. acids to free acidity and all anions in rainwater from urban to remote rural areas. Consequently, it is necessary to control emissions of org. acids to reduce the frequency of acid rain, esp. in rural and remote areas. [on SciFinder(R)]


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Rheumatic heart disease (RHD) remains a major contributor to morbidity and mortality in developing countries. The reported prevalence rates of RHD are highly variable and mainly attributable to differences in the sensitivity of either clinical screening to detect advanced heart disease or echocardiographic evaluation where disease is diagnosed earlier across a continuous spectrum. The clinical significance of diagnosis of subclinical RHD by echocardiographic screening and early implementation of secondary prevention has not been clearly established. METHODS AND ANALYSIS: The authors designed a cross-sectional survey to determine the prevalence of RHD in children from private and public schools between the age of 5 and 15 years in urban and rural areas of Eastern Nepal using both cardiac auscultation and echocardiographic evaluation. Children with RHD will be treated with secondary prevention and enrolled in a prospective cohort study. The authors will compare the prevalence rates by cardiac auscultation and echocardiography, determine risk factors associated with diagnosis and progression of RHD, investigate social and economic barriers for receiving adequate cardiac care and assess clinical outcomes with regular medical surveillance as a function of stage of disease at the time of diagnosis. Prospective clinical studies investigating the impact of secondary prevention for subclinical RHD on long-term clinical outcome will be of central relevance for future health resource utilisation in developing countries. ETHICS AND DISSEMINATION: The study was considered ethically uncritical and was given an exempt status by the ethics committee at University of Bern, Switzerland. The study has been submitted to the National Nepal Health Research Council and was registered with http://www.ClinicalTrials.gov (NCT01550068). The study findings will be reported in peer-reviewed publications. CLINICALTRIALS.GOV IDENTIFIER: NCT01550068.


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To compare the use of guideline-recommended medical and interventional therapies in older and younger patients with acute coronary syndromes (ACSs).


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Worldwide, rural populations are far less likely to have access to clean drinking water than are urban ones. In many developing countries, the current approach to rural water supply uses a model of demand-driven, community-managed water systems. In Suriname, South America rural populations have limited access to improved water supplies; community-managed water supply systems have been installed in several rural communities by nongovernmental organizations as part of the solution. To date, there has been no review of the performance of these water supply systems. This report presents the results of an investigation of three rural water supply systems constructed in Saramaka villages in the interior of Suriname. The investigation used a combination of qualitative and quantitative methods, coupled with ethnographic information, to construct a comprehensive overview of these water systems. This overview includes the water use of the communities, the current status of the water supply systems, histories and sustainability of the water supply projects, technical reviews, and community perceptions. From this overview, factors important to the sustainability of these water systems were identified. Community water supply systems are engineered solutions that operate through social cooperation. The results from this investigation show that technical adequacy is the first and most critical factor for long-term sustainability of a water system. It also shows that technical adequacy is dependent on the appropriateness of the engineering design for the social, cultural, and natural setting in which it takes place. The complex relationships between technical adequacy, community support, and the involvement of women play important roles in the success of water supply projects. Addressing these factors during the project process and taking advantage of alternative water resources may increase the supply of improved drinking water to rural communities.


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The Zagros oak forests in Western Iran are critically important to the sustainability of the region. These forests have undergone dramatic declines in recent decades. We evaluated the utility of the non-parametric Random Forest classification algorithm for land cover classification of Zagros landscapes, and selected the best spatial and spectral predictive variables. The algorithm resulted in high overall classification accuracies (>85%) and also equivalent classification accuracies for the datasets from the three different sensors. We evaluated the associations between trends in forest area and structure with trends in socioeconomic and climatic conditions, to identify the most likely driving forces creating deforestation and landscape structure change. We used available socioeconomic (urban and rural population, and rural income), and climatic (mean annual rainfall and mean annual temperature) data for two provinces in northern Zagros. The most correlated driving force of forest area loss was urban population, and climatic variables to a lesser extent. Landscape structure changes were more closely associated with rural population. We examined the effects of scale changes on the results from spatial pattern analysis. We assessed the impacts of eight years of protection in a protected area in northern Zagros at two different scales (both grain and extent). The effects of protection on the amount and structure of forests was scale dependent. We evaluated the nature and magnitude of changes in forest area and structure over the entire Zagros region from 1972 to 2009. We divided the Zagros region in 167 Landscape Units and developed two measures— Deforestation Sensitivity (DS) and Connectivity Sensitivity (CS) — for each landscape unit as the percent of the time steps that forest area and ECA experienced a decrease of greater than 10% in either measure. A considerable loss in forest area and connectivity was detected, but no sudden (nonlinear) changes were detected at the spatial and temporal scale of the study. Connectivity loss occurred more rapidly than forest loss due to the loss of connecting patches. More connectivity was lost in southern Zagros due to climatic differences and different forms of traditional land use.


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Background HIV-prevalence, as well as incidence of zoonotic parasitic diseases like cystic echinococcosis, has increased in the Kyrgyz Republic due to fundamental socio-economic changes after the breakdown of the Soviet Union. The possible impact on morbidity and mortality caused by Toxoplasma gondii infection in congenital toxoplasmosis or as an opportunistic infection in the emerging AIDS pandemic has not been reported from Kyrgyzstan. Methodology/Principal Findings We screened 1,061 rural and 899 urban people to determine the seroprevalence of T. gondii infection in 2 representative but epidemiologically distinct populations in Kyrgyzstan. The rural population was from a typical agricultural district where sheep husbandry is a major occupation. The urban population was selected in collaboration with several diagnostic laboratories in Bishkek, the largest city in Kyrgyzstan. We designed a questionnaire that was used on all rural subjects so a risk-factor analysis could be undertaken. The samples from the urban population were anonymous and only data with regard to age and gender was available. Estimates of putative cases of congenital and AIDS-related toxoplasmosis in the whole country were made from the results of the serology. Specific antibodies (IgG) against Triton X-100 extracted antigens of T. gondii tachyzoites from in vitro cultures were determined by ELISA. Overall seroprevalence of infection with T. gondii in people living in rural vs. urban areas was 6.2% (95%CI: 4.8–7.8) (adjusted seroprevalence based on census figures 5.1%, 95% CI 3.9–6.5), and 19.0% (95%CI: 16.5–21.7) (adjusted 16.4%, 95% CI 14.1–19.3), respectively, without significant gender-specific differences. The seroprevalence increased with age. Independently low social status increased the risk of Toxoplasma seropositivity while increasing numbers of sheep owned decreased the risk of seropositivity. Water supply, consumption of unpasteurized milk products or undercooked meat, as well as cat ownership, had no significant influence on the risk for seropositivity. Conclusions We present a first seroprevalence analysis for human T. gondii infection in the Kyrgyz Republic. Based on these data we estimate that 173 (95% CI 136–216) Kyrgyz children will be born annually to mothers who seroconverted to toxoplasmosis during pregnancy. In addition, between 350 and 1,000 HIV-infected persons are currently estimated to be seropositive for toxoplasmosis. Taken together, this suggests a substantial impact of congenital and AIDS-related symptomatic toxoplasmosis on morbidity and mortality in Kyrgyzstan.


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The purpose of this research is to examine the relative profitability of the firm within the nursing facility industry in Texas. An examination is made of the variables expected to affect profitability and of importance to the design and implementation of regulatory policy. To facilitate this inquiry, specific questions addressed are: (1) Do differences in ownership form affect profitability (defined as operating income before fixed costs)? (2) What impact does regional location have on profitability? (3) Do patient case-mix and access to care by Medicaid patients differ between proprietary and non-profit firms and facilities located in urban versus rural regions, and what association exists between these variables and profitability? (4) Are economies of scale present in the nursing home industry? (5) Do nursing facilities operate in a competitive output market characterized by the inability of a single firm to exhibit influence over market price?^ Prior studies have principally employed a cost function to assess efficiency differences between classifications of nursing facilities. The inherent weakness in this approach is that it only considers technical efficiency. Not both technical and price efficiency which are the two components of overall economic efficiency. One firm is more technically efficient compared to another if it is able to produce a given quantity of output at the least possible costs. Price efficiency means that scarce resources are being directed towards their most valued use. Assuming similar prices in both input and output markets, differences in overall economic efficiency between firm classes are assessed through profitability, hence a profit function.^ Using the framework of the profit function, data from 1990 Medicaid Costs Reports for Texas, and the analytic technique of Ordinary Least Squares Regression, the findings of the study indicated (1) similar profitability between nursing facilities organized as for-profit versus non-profit and located in urban versus rural regions, (2) an inverse association between both payor-mix and patient case-mix with profitability, (3) strong evidence for the presence of scale economies, and (4) existence of a competitive market structure. The paper concludes with implications regarding reimbursement methodology and construction moratorium policies in Texas. ^


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This study examined the level of patient satisfaction and nursing staff work satisfaction at an urban public hospital in the Southwestern United States. The primary objectives of this study were to determine: (1) the level of overall patient satisfaction and satisfaction with specific dimensions of hospital care; (2) the differences in patient satisfaction according to demographic characteristics (age, gender, ethnicity, and education completed) and predispositional factors (perceived health status, perceived level of pain, prior contact with the hospital, and hospital image) and the relative importance of each variable on patient satisfaction; (3) the level of overall work satisfaction and satisfaction with specific dimensions of work experienced by the medical/surgical nursing staff; (4) the differences in work satisfaction experienced by the nursing staff based on demographic variables (age, gender, ethnicity, and marital status) and professional factors (education completed, staff position, the number of years employed with the hospital, and number of years employed in nursing) and the relative importance of each variable on work satisfaction; and (5) to determine the effect of the nursing work milieu on patient and staff satisfaction.^ The study findings showed that patients experienced a moderate to low level of satisfaction with the dimensions of hospital care (admission process, daily care, information, nursing care, physician care, other hospital staff, living arrangements, and overall care). Of the eight dimensions of care, patients reported a relatively positive level of satisfaction (75 percent or better) with only one dimension: physician care. Ethnicity, perceived health status, and hospital image were significantly related to patient satisfaction. Hispanic patients, those who were in good health, and those who felt the hospital had a good image in their community were most satisfied with hospital care. Patients also reported areas of hospital care that needed the most improvement. Responses included: rude staff, better nursing care, and better communication.^ Findings from the nursing satisfaction survey indicated a low level of satisfaction with the dimensions of work (autonomy, pay, professional status, interaction, task requirements, and organizational policies). Only one dimension of work, professional status, received a mean satisfaction score in the positive range. Additionally, staff members were unanimously dissatisfied with their salaries. Frequently mentioned work-related problems reported by the staff included: staffing shortages, heavy patient loads. and excessive paperwork.^ The nursing milieu appeared to have had a significant effect on the satisfaction levels of patients nursing staff employees. The nursing staff were often short staffed, which increased the patient-to-nurse ratio. Consequently, patients did not receive the amount of attention and care they expected from the nursing staff. Crowded patient rooms allowed for little personal space and privacy. Dissatisfaction with living conditions served to influence patients' attitudes and satisfaction levels. These frustrations were often directed toward their primary caregivers, the nursing staff. Consequently, the nursing milieu appeared to directly affect and influence the satisfaction levels of both patients and staff. (Abstract shortened by UMI). ^