893 resultados para roll over protective structure, frusta, impact, energy absorption, finite element technique


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Shearing is a fast and inexpensive method to cut sheet metal that has been used since the beginning of the industrialism. Consequently, published experimental studies of shearing can be found from over a century back in time. Recent studies, however, are due to the availability of low cost digital computation power, mostly based on finite element simulations that guarantees quick results. Still, for validation of models and simulations, accurate experimental data is a requisite. When applicable, 2D models are in general desirable over 3D models because of advantages like low computation time and easy model formulation. Shearing of sheet metal with parallel tools is successfully modelled in 2D with a plane strain approximation, but with angled tools the approximation is less obvious. Therefore, plane strain approximations for shearing with angled tools were evaluated by shear experiments of high accuracy. Tool angle, tool clearance, and clamping of the sheet were varied in the experiments. The results showed that the measured forces in shearing with angled tools can be approximately calculated using force measurements from shearing with parallel tools. Shearing energy was introduced as a quantifiable measure of suitable tool clearance range. The effects of the shearing parameters on forces were in agreement with previous studies. Based on the agreement between calculations and experiments, analysis based on a plane strain assumption is considered applicable for angled tools with a small (up to 2 degrees) rake angle.


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A three-dimensional finite volume, unstructured mesh (FV-UM) method for dynamic fluid–structure interaction (DFSI) is described. Fluid structure interaction, as applied to flexible structures, has wide application in diverse areas such as flutter in aircraft, wind response of buildings, flows in elastic pipes and blood vessels. It involves the coupling of fluid flow and structural mechanics, two fields that are conventionally modelled using two dissimilar methods, thus a single comprehensive computational model of both phenomena is a considerable challenge. Until recently work in this area focused on one phenomenon and represented the behaviour of the other more simply. More recently, strategies for solving the full coupling between the fluid and solid mechanics behaviour have been developed. A key contribution has been made by Farhat et al. [Int. J. Numer. Meth. Fluids 21 (1995) 807] employing FV-UM methods for solving the Euler flow equations and a conventional finite element method for the elastic solid mechanics and the spring based mesh procedure of Batina [AIAA paper 0115, 1989] for mesh movement. In this paper, we describe an approach which broadly exploits the three field strategy described by Farhat for fluid flow, structural dynamics and mesh movement but, in the context of DFSI, contains a number of novel features: a single mesh covering the entire domain, a Navier–Stokes flow, a single FV-UM discretisation approach for both the flow and solid mechanics procedures, an implicit predictor–corrector version of the Newmark algorithm, a single code embedding the whole strategy.


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Cette thèse s’inscrit dans le contexte d’une optimisation industrielle et économique des éléments de structure en BFUP permettant d’en garantir la ductilité au niveau structural, tout en ajustant la quantité de fibres et en optimisant le mode de fabrication. Le modèle développé décrit explicitement la participation du renfort fibré en traction au niveau local, en enchaînant une phase de comportement écrouissante suivie d’une phase adoucissante. La loi de comportement est fonction de la densité, de l’orientation des fibres vis-à-vis des directions principales de traction, de leur élancement et d’autres paramètres matériaux usuels liés aux fibres, à la matrice cimentaire et à leur interaction. L’orientation des fibres est prise en compte à partir d’une loi de probabilité normale à une ou deux variables permettant de reproduire n’importe quelle orientation obtenue à partir d’un calcul représentatif de la mise en oeuvre du BFUP frais ou renseignée par analyse expérimentale sur prototype. Enfin, le modèle reproduit la fissuration des BFUP sur le principe des modèles de fissures diffuses et tournantes. La loi de comportement est intégrée au sein d’un logiciel de calcul de structure par éléments finis, permettant de l’utiliser comme un outil prédictif de la fiabilité et de la ductilité globale d’éléments en BFUP. Deux campagnes expérimentales ont été effectuées, une à l’Université Laval de Québec et l’autre à l’Ifsttar, Marne-la-Vallée. La première permet de valider la capacité du modèle reproduire le comportement global sous des sollicitations typiques de traction et de flexion dans des éléments structurels simples pour lesquels l’orientation préférentielle des fibres a été renseignée par tomographie. La seconde campagne expérimentale démontre les capacités du modèle dans une démarche d’optimisation, pour la fabrication de plaques nervurées relativement complexes et présentant un intérêt industriel potentiel pour lesquels différentes modalités de fabrication et des BFUP plus ou moins fibrés ont été envisagés. Le contrôle de la répartition et de l’orientation des fibres a été réalisé à partir d’essais mécaniques sur prélèvements. Les prévisions du modèle ont été confrontées au comportement structurel global et à la ductilité mis en évidence expérimentalement. Le modèle a ainsi pu être qualifié vis-à-vis des méthodes analytiques usuelles de l’ingénierie, en prenant en compte la variabilité statistique. Des pistes d’amélioration et de complément de développement ont été identifiées.


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This dissertation focuses on design challenges caused by secondary impacts to printed wiring assemblies (PWAs) within hand-held electronics due to accidental drop or impact loading. The continuing increase of functionality, miniaturization and affordability has resulted in a decrease in the size and weight of handheld electronic products. As a result, PWAs have become thinner and the clearances between surrounding structures have decreased. The resulting increase in flexibility of the PWAs in combination with the reduced clearances requires new design rules to minimize and survive possible internal collisions impacts between PWAs and surrounding structures. Such collisions are being termed ‘secondary impact’ in this study. The effect of secondary impact on board-level drop reliability of printed wiring boards (PWBs) assembled with MEMS microphone components, is investigated using a combination of testing, response and stress analysis, and damage modeling. The response analysis is conducted using a combination of numerical finite element modeling and simplified analytic models for additional parametric sensitivity studies.


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We study the relations of shift equivalence and strong shift equivalence for matrices over a ring $\mathcal{R}$, and establish a connection between these relations and algebraic K-theory. We utilize this connection to obtain results in two areas where the shift and strong shift equivalence relations play an important role: the study of finite group extensions of shifts of finite type, and the Generalized Spectral Conjectures of Boyle and Handelman for nonnegative matrices over subrings of the real numbers. We show the refinement of the shift equivalence class of a matrix $A$ over a ring $\mathcal{R}$ by strong shift equivalence classes over the ring is classified by a quotient $NK_{1}(\mathcal{R}) / E(A,\mathcal{R})$ of the algebraic K-group $NK_{1}(\calR)$. We use the K-theory of non-commutative localizations to show that in certain cases the subgroup $E(A,\mathcal{R})$ must vanish, including the case $A$ is invertible over $\mathcal{R}$. We use the K-theory connection to clarify the structure of algebraic invariants for finite group extensions of shifts of finite type. In particular, we give a strong negative answer to a question of Parry, who asked whether the dynamical zeta function determines up to finitely many topological conjugacy classes the extensions by $G$ of a fixed mixing shift of finite type. We apply the K-theory connection to prove the equivalence of a strong and weak form of the Generalized Spectral Conjecture of Boyle and Handelman for primitive matrices over subrings of $\mathbb{R}$. We construct explicit matrices whose class in the algebraic K-group $NK_{1}(\mathcal{R})$ is non-zero for certain rings $\mathcal{R}$ motivated by applications. We study the possible dynamics of the restriction of a homeomorphism of a compact manifold to an isolated zero-dimensional set. We prove that for $n \ge 3$ every compact zero-dimensional system can arise as an isolated invariant set for a homeomorphism of a compact $n$-manifold. In dimension two, we provide obstructions and examples.


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Thin film adhesion often determines microelectronic device reliability and it is therefore essential to have experimental techniques that accurately and efficiently characterize it. Laser-induced delamination is a novel technique that uses laser-generated stress waves to load thin films at high strain rates and extract the fracture toughness of the film/substrate interface. The effectiveness of the technique in measuring the interface properties of metallic films has been documented in previous studies. The objective of the current effort is to model the effect of residual stresses on the dynamic delamination of thin films. Residual stresses can be high enough to affect the crack advance and the mode mixity of the delimitation event, and must therefore be adequately modeled to make accurate and repeatable predictions of fracture toughness. The equivalent axial force and bending moment generated by the residual stresses are included in a dynamic, nonlinear finite element model of the delaminating film, and the impact of residual stresses on the final extent of the interfacial crack, the relative contribution of shear failure, and the deformed shape of the delaminated film is studied in detail. Another objective of the study is to develop techniques to address issues related to the testing of polymeric films. These type of films adhere well to silicon and the resulting crack advance is often much smaller than for metallic films, making the extraction of the interface fracture toughness more difficult. The use of an inertial layer which enhances the amount of kinetic energy trapped in the film and thus the crack advance is examined. It is determined that the inertial layer does improve the crack advance, although in a relatively limited fashion. The high interface toughness of polymer films often causes the film to fail cohesively when the crack front leaves the weakly bonded region and enters the strong interface. The use of a tapered pre-crack region that provides a more gradual transition to the strong interface is examined. The tapered triangular pre-crack geometry is found to be effective in reducing the stresses induced thereby making it an attractive option. We conclude by studying the impact of modifying the pre-crack geometry to enable the testing of multiple polymer films.


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En el presente artículo se evalúan las propiedades mecánicas de los materiales compuestos basados en cenizas volantes de carbón de la central termoeléctrica de Termozipa combinadas con los película extensible (Stretch film), polietilenos de baja densidad lineal de pos-consumo y polímero termoplástico parcialmente cristalino pos- industrial. Se obtuvieron mezclas variando el contenido de cenizas volantes de 0 a 50 % en peso en cada uno de los tres materiales poliméricos, dentro de una máquina mezcladora tipo Brabender. Las propiedades mecánicas evaluadas fueron: resistencia a la tracción, dureza Shore D, y absorción de energía. Los resultados obtenidos indican que en todos los casos a medida que se agrega ceniza volante las propiedades mecánicas aumentan.


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Ultrasonic tomography is a powerful tool for identifying defects within an object or structure. This method can be applied on structures where x-ray tomography is impractical due to size, low contrast, or safety concerns. By taking many ultrasonic pulse velocity (UPV) readings through the object, an image of the internal velocity variations can be constructed. Air-coupled UPV can allow for more automated and rapid collection of data for tomography of concrete. This research aims to integrate recent developments in air-coupled ultrasonic measurements with advanced tomography technology and apply them to concrete structures. First, non-contact and semi-contact sensor systems are developed for making rapid and accurate UPV measurements through PVC and concrete test samples. A customized tomographic reconstruction program is developed to provide full control over the imaging process including full and reduced spectrum tomographs with percent error and ray density calculations. Finite element models are also used to determine optimal measurement configurations and analysis procedures for efficient data collection and processing. Non-contact UPV is then implemented to image various inclusions within 6 inch (152 mm) PVC and concrete cylinders. Although there is some difficulty in identifying high velocity inclusions, reconstruction error values were in the range of 1.1-1.7% for PVC and 3.6% for concrete. Based upon the success of those tests, further data are collected using non-contact, semi-contact, and full contact measurements to image 12 inch (305 mm) square concrete cross-sections with 1 inch (25 mm) reinforcing bars and 2 inch (51 mm) square embedded damage regions. Due to higher noise levels in collected signals, tomographs of these larger specimens show reconstruction error values in the range of 10-18%. Finally, issues related to the application of these techniques to full-scale concrete structures are discussed.


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Tutkielman aiheena on kissa ja sen representaatiot visuaalisessa taiteessa. Tutkielmassa tarkastellaan 12 eri tekniikoilla valmistettua taideteosta, jotka ovat valmistuneet vuosien 1974 ja 2015 välisenä aikana. Tutkielmaan valitut taiteilijat, teokset ja valmistusvuodet ovat seuraavat: Jan Harrison, Chuff and Roll Over 1997; Jan Harrison, Cat with Raw Nose 2006; Sampsa Indrén, Hello Kitty 2012; Nanna Susi, Maliblue 2013; Olli Lyytikäinen, Kolme pyramidia ja sfinksi 1974, Kari Soinio, Sankarin koti nr 9 2009; elokuvasta Yön ritarin paluu Kissanainen/Selena Kyle (Anne Hathaway) 2012; Stiina Saaristo, Turengin Tuhkimo 2012; sarjakuvasta Simpsonit Matt Groening (piirt.), Crazy Cat Lady/Eleanor Abernathy 1998; sarjakuvahahmo, Jim Davis (hahmotelma ja käsikirj.), Karvinen 1989; Carolee Schneemann, Infinity Kisses (1988) ja Katinka Simonse, alias Tinkebell, My dearest cat Pinkeltje. (2009). Tutkielman tarkoituksena on ollut selvittää, mikä tarkoitus kissan olemassaololla on valituissa teoksissa ja mitä sen avulla on haluttu kertoa. Tutkielman käsittelyaineisto on jaettu kolmeen pääryhmään, 1) kissa ihmisen sisäisen ja tiedostamattoman tulkkina, 2) kissa sukupuoliroolien ja stereotypioiden symbolina, 3) kissa lemmikkinä. Tarkastelussa on käytetty muun muassa psykoanalyyttistä, filosofista, sukupuolentutkinnallista ja fenomenologista lähestymistapaa. Tutkielman psykoanalyyttinen tarkastelutapa perustuu pääasiassa freudilaisiin ja filosofinen näkökulma deleuzelais-guattarilaisiin näkemyksiin. Tutkimuksella on pyritty tulkitsemaan ja kartoittamaan tapoja, joilla taiteilija on kissaa apunaan käyttäen lähestynyt ihmisen henkistä muutosta piilotajunnasta nousevien halujen ja yhteiskunnallisten stereotypioiden puristuksessa. Tuleminen joksikin, muodonmuutos sekä ihmisen ja eläimen yhteys ovat tutkielman tärkeimpiä tulkinnan kohteita.


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Dissertação (mestrado)—Universidade de Brasília, Faculdade de Tecnologia, Departamento de Engenharia Civil e Ambiental, 2016.


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Oil wells subjected to cyclic steam injection present important challenges for the development of well cementing systems, mainly due to tensile stresses caused by thermal gradients during its useful life. Cement sheath failures in wells using conventional high compressive strength systems lead to the use of cement systems that are more flexible and/or ductile, with emphasis on Portland cement systems with latex addition. Recent research efforts have presented geopolymeric systems as alternatives. These cementing systems are based on alkaline activation of amorphous aluminosilicates such as metakaolin or fly ash and display advantageous properties such as high compressive strength, fast setting and thermal stability. Basic geopolymeric formulations can be found in the literature, which meet basic oil industry specifications such as rheology, compressive strength and thickening time. In this work, new geopolymeric formulations were developed, based on metakaolin, potassium silicate, potassium hydroxide, silica fume and mineral fiber, using the state of the art in chemical composition, mixture modeling and additivation to optimize the most relevant properties for oil well cementing. Starting from molar ratios considered ideal in the literature (SiO2/Al2O3 = 3.8 e K2O/Al2O3 = 1.0), a study of dry mixtures was performed,based on the compressive packing model, resulting in an optimal volume of 6% for the added solid material. This material (silica fume and mineral fiber) works both as an additional silica source (in the case of silica fume) and as mechanical reinforcement, especially in the case of mineral fiber, which incremented the tensile strength. The first triaxial mechanical study of this class of materials was performed. For comparison, a mechanical study of conventional latex-based cementing systems was also carried out. Regardless of differences in the failure mode (brittle for geopolymers, ductile for latex-based systems), the superior uniaxial compressive strength (37 MPa for the geopolymeric slurry P5 versus 18 MPa for the conventional slurry P2), similar triaxial behavior (friction angle 21° for P5 and P2) and lower stifness (in the elastic region 5.1 GPa for P5 versus 6.8 GPa for P2) of the geopolymeric systems allowed them to withstand a similar amount of mechanical energy (155 kJ/m3 for P5 versus 208 kJ/m3 for P2), noting that geopolymers work in the elastic regime, without the microcracking present in the case of latex-based systems. Therefore, the geopolymers studied on this work must be designed for application in the elastic region to avoid brittle failure. Finally, the tensile strength of geopolymers is originally poor (1.3 MPa for the geopolymeric slurry P3) due to its brittle structure. However, after additivation with mineral fiber, the tensile strength became equivalent to that of latex-based systems (2.3 MPa for P5 and 2.1 MPa for P2). The technical viability of conventional and proposed formulations was evaluated for the whole well life, including stresses due to cyclic steam injection. This analysis was performed using finite element-based simulation software. It was verified that conventional slurries are viable up to 204ºF (400ºC) and geopolymeric slurries are viable above 500ºF (260ºC)


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A Repartição de Operações do Estado-Maior do Corpo Expedicionário Português foi responsável pela coordenação das tropas portuguesas na frente ocidental e pela integração da força no dispositivo britânico. Elaborou o plano de defesa do setor atribuído e emitiu uma série de ordens para gerir as operações correntes. Com este trabalho pretendeu-se compreender a atividade desta repartição e o respetivo impacto no desempenho operacional do Corpo. Foram identificados os fatores que marcaram a beligerância portuguesa, que mais influência tiveram na repartição e no desempenho do Corpo, avaliado o impacto da estrutura da força e do seu Estado-Maior, identificados os fatores mais relevantes do setor atribuído e do seu dispositivo com impacto no desempenho e ainda determinado o papel da repartição durante a condução das operações. Com o intuito de atingir os objetivos propostos, foi analisado um conjunto de fontes, fundamentalmente do Arquivo Histórico Militar e da Biblioteca do Exército, para recolha de informação, e bibliografia nacional e estrangeira acerca do tema. Concluímos que a repartição contribuiu para o normal desempenho do CEP, não tendo sido identificados erros cometidos pela mesma com impacto negativo na prestação da força. Abstract: The Operations Division of the General Staff of the Portuguese Expeditionary Corps was responsible for coordinating the Portuguese troops on the western front and for the integration of the force in British defense system. It prepared the defense plan for the assigned sector, and issued several orders to manage current operations. This work was intended to understand the activity of this division and its impact on the operational performance of CEP. Were identified the factors that marked the Portuguese belligerence which more influence had in the Operations Division and CEP's performance, assessed the impact of the force structure and its staff, identified the most important factors of the assigned sector and its force structure with impact on performance and also determined the role of the operations division during the operations. In order to achieve the proposed goals, we studied a number of sources, mainly from the Military Historical Archives and the Library of the Army for information collection, and also from national and foreign literature on the subject. We conclude that the operations division contributed to the normal performance of the CEP, and didn’t identify errors committed by it with negative impact on the force performance.


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Non-intrusive monitoring of health state of induction machines within industrial process and harsh environments poses a technical challenge. In the field, winding failures are a major fault accounting for over 45% of total machine failures. In the literature, many condition monitoring techniques based on different failure mechanisms and fault indicators have been developed where the machine current signature analysis (MCSA) is a very popular and effective method at this stage. However, it is extremely difficult to distinguish different types of failures and hard to obtain local information if a non-intrusive method is adopted. Typically, some sensors need to be installed inside the machines for collecting key information, which leads to disruption to the machine operation and additional costs. This paper presents a new non-invasive monitoring method based on GMRs to measure stray flux leaked from the machines. It is focused on the influence of potential winding failures on the stray magnetic flux in induction machines. Finite element analysis and experimental tests on a 1.5-kW machine are presented to validate the proposed method. With time-frequency spectrogram analysis, it is proven to be effective to detect several winding faults by referencing stray flux information. The novelty lies in the implement of GMR sensing and analysis of machine faults.


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Ambient mechanical vibrations offer an attractive solution for powering the wireless sensor nodes of the emerging "Internet-of-Things". However, the wide-ranging variability of the ambient vibration frequencies pose a significant challenge to the efficient transduction of vibration into usable electrical energy. This work reports the development of a MEMS electromagnetic vibration energy harvester where the resonance frequency of the oscillator can be adjusted or tuned to adapt to the ambient vibrational frequency. Micro-fabricated silicon spring and double layer planar micro-coils along with sintered NdFeB micro-magnets are used to construct the electromagnetic transduction mechanism. Furthermore, another NdFeB magnet is adjustably assembled to induce variable magnetic interaction with the transducing magnet, leading to significant change in the spring stiffness and resonance frequency. Finite element analysis and numerical simulations exhibit substantial frequency tuning range (25% of natural resonance frequency) by appropriate adjustment of the repulsive magnetic interaction between the tuning and transducing magnet pair. This demonstrated method of frequency adjustment or tuning have potential applications in other MEMS vibration energy harvesters and micromechanical oscillators.


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Es ist ein lang gehegter Traum in der Chemie, den Ablauf einer chemischen Reaktion zu kontrollieren und das Aufbrechen und Bilden chemischer Bindungen zu steuern. Diesem Ziel verschreibt sich auch das Forschungsgebiet der Femtochemie. Hier werden Femtosekunden Laserpulse eingesetzt um auf dem Quantenlevel molekulare Dynamiken auf ihren intrinsischen Zeitskalen zu kontrollieren und das System selektiv und effizient von einem Anfangs- in einen Zielzustand zu überführen. Der Wunsch, mit geformten Femtosekunden Laserpulsen Kontrolle über transiente Dynamiken und finale Populationen auszuüben, zu beobachten und zu verstehen, bildet auch die Motivation für diese Arbeit. Hierzu wurden mit Hilfe der Photoelektronenspektroskopie Untersuchungen zur Wechselwirkung atomarer und molekularer Prototypsysteme mit intensiven, geformten Femtosekunden Laserpulsen durchgeführt. Die Verwendung von Modelsystemen ermöglicht es, grundlegende Mechanismen der kohärenten Kontrolle in intensiven Laserfeldern zu analysieren, ohne dass sie durch komplexe Wechselwirkungen verschleiert werden. Zunächst wurde die Wechselwirkung von Kaliumatomen mit gechirpten Femtosekunden Laserpulsen untersucht. In den Experimenten wurden sowohl transiente Dynamiken als auch die Endbesetzungen der elektronischen Zustände abgebildet. In den folgenden Experimenten wurde das Quantenkontrollszenario SPODS auf die gekoppelte Elektronen-Kern-Dynamik in Molekülen übertragen. Die Kontrolle basiert auf der Erzeugung und Manipulation von Ladungsoszillationen durch Pulssequenzen. Der letzte Teil widmet sich der Entwicklung adiabatischer Kontrollmechanismen in Molekülen. Bei den Experimenten wurden gechirpte Airypulse eingesetzt um robuste Starkfeldanregung in molekularen Systemen zu induzieren. In Zukunft wird die Erforschung immer komplexerer Moleküle im Rahmen der transienten Kontrolle im Fokus stehen. Dabei werden nicht nur die effiziente Besetzung gebundener Zustände von Interesse sein, sondern auch die gezielte Dissoziation in spezifische Fragmente, photoinduzierte Isomerisierungsreaktionen oder die Kontrolle über transiente Dynamiken, die Einfluss auf andere molekulare Eigenschaften haben. Vor dem Hintergrund dieses übergeordneten Wunsches, photochemische Reaktionen immer komplexerer Moleküle, bis hin zu großen, biologisch relevanten Molekülen, zu kontrollieren, ist es umso wichtiger, die zugrundeliegenden Anregungsmechanismen in einfachen Systemen nachzuvollziehen. In den hier präsentierten Experimenten wurde gezeigt, wie die simultane Beobachtung der bekleideten und der stationären Zustände in atomaren Systemen zu einem umfassenden Bild der lichtinduzierte Dynamiken führen kann. Die gewonnenen Erkenntnisse können auf die Steuerung gekoppelter Dynamiken übertragen werden, durch die Kontrolle auch in molekularen Systemen möglich wird.